
Dance in Blood and Fire; Claim Challange



2 Years
10-19-2014, 08:38 PM

Somehow, it did not surprise the brute that it had come to this - from the moment he had first met Cat and surmised who she was in relation to Sibelle, he knew. He had vowed to himself then that he would fight her if she posed a thread to his mate, he just never realised.. never dreamed that her pack would go this far to get their revenge upon her. In fact, he had expected a death-match more likely then this. This.. felt more like revenge upon Crucifix then it did upon Sibelle. He left the pack, his sister and his children when the first crack of lightning struck silver against the late evening sky. It had taken him the rest of yesterday and all of today to ensure things where settled within Solstice and to prepare himself to face the woman he wasn't certain he could beat. That was more then long enough, already he feared for Sibelle locked prisoner inside their lands and could not leave her a day longer. He had done his research before he left for this suicide mission, had found the spot of her battle and found the scent of Arcanium amongst the trampled earth and blood.

He shed his worries and responsibilities as he thought of his Sibelle, and allowed his fear to simmer to anger in his gut, he found the wolf he had been before the burdens of leadership and lives had weighed him down. He prowled across the lands between them with the sleek freedom of a panther, with the blood-lust that had brought him to Covari. He stepped cooly into place before their border line even as the first mist of fine rain began to fall from the angry clouds above, his eyes burning violet lamps as he raised his head and howled for her, howled for the woman whose blood he was likely to taste tonight.


10-19-2014, 08:58 PM

it was time. His voice rang out across her lands, bringing a sneer to her lips. She would lift her head, her gaze flickering to Kylar. Even in the darkness of the den, she could clearly see his acidic gaze. "Go get her." She would purr, words heavy with carnal lust. The battle was to commence, blood would be shed. Limbs would unfold beneath her, pushing her upwards, her side brushing against his as he moved. The sky was dark with the promise of rain, how fitting. Mist clung to her pelt, her silver figure disappearing in the heavy liquid. She would not rush, nor would she worry. Her movements were slow, calculated and every bit confident. Muscles coiled beneath her pelt, rippling with each step. Her crown lifted towards the sky, her tail curling around her hips. She radiated dominance and power. She oozed it.

Upon her arrival, a wicked sneer would lift her lips, eyes narrowing upon her opponent. "Well, I must say, it took you long enough. Though I do thank you for the fun you've supplied us with." Words poured from her lips like perfectly aged scotch, oh so smooth. As far as she knew, no one had laid a violent hand on the russet whore, if anything, they treated her as nothing more than a new toy to ogle at. Salvia rushed her mouth, her eyes glinting with a crazed hunger. She would taste his blood, revel in victory, and then fuck her husband. Today was going to be a good day.

Adrenaline already began to flood her system, her eyes narrowed upon her smaller opponent. His sickening scent assaulted her nose, beckoning her forth until about a foot stood between them, so long as he didn't move. Hackles bristled along her back, audits tipped back, not only preparing for war, but also listening for the approach of her prisoner. Lips peeled in back in the tantalizing mix of a snarl and grin. Anticipation made her impatient. She didn't want to talk, there was no point, there was nothing he could offer her in exchange for his beloved. Nothing at all. Or was there?




8 Years
Athena I
10-19-2014, 09:46 PM

He had gone back to Surreal like he said he would, had told his mate of what had happened and what he planned to do, but if she had given him any reasons to not go they had fallen on deaf ears. He had done his best to remain calm, bide his time, spent as much time as he could with Surreal and his children, but when Crucifix's howl cut through the air he raced forward to be there. Furious and blood-thirsty, Falk loped toward the pack's borders like a freight train. Nothing was going to stop him till his sister was safe and sound.

He loped to a halt just behind and to the right of Crucifix, his icy gaze immediately fixing on the silver woman that stood in front of his sister's mate, anger pulsing in his veins and seething out his pours. Where was she? His nose twitched as he picked up the woman's scent, quickly recognizing that this wasn't the one who had claimed his sister. His gaze quickly flicked away, instead searching for the one who had. That was the one he wanted, that was the one who really deserved to pay. His thickly muscled form tensed and his hackles bristled while he waited, a low growl rumbling in his throat. For once in his life he craved the feeling of his fangs sinking into flesh, but his craving was very singular. He only wanted the brute that had hurt his family.




2 Years
10-19-2014, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2014, 09:53 PM by Crucifix.)

He felt cold and numb beneath his skin, he could feel the power of the storm that began above them thrumming just below the surface of his skin, he felt alive in a way he had not since Covari, he felt like he had woken after a long slumber and all he wanted was to rumble his name across the plain, mark the earth and tell the world he was here once more, tell the world he was trouble. His eyes, still flashing with flecks of silver and deep hues of Amethyst, scanned the horizon for the woman he would start with, the woman who had woken him and the one that stood between him and what he wanted. Let them dance, he and Cat tonight, let them dance and bleed above the fire's of his birth.

She would be a white ghost haloed in shadows by the darkened skies as she stepped from the recess's of her pack to appear before him. Her eyes where a tone lighter then his own, but it did nothing to soften the harsness of her appearance or the cruel sneer that lit dark emotions across her face. Her voice was honey smooth, rich through with venom that bubbled hidden beneath the surface. His hooded eyes did not change nor react from the words she dropped him, but for a single corner of his lips curling in dissent. ?Yes? he mused, his lazy voice belayed the danger that ran silver against his pupils as he spoke. ?I heard you'd picked up something of mine. Silly of me to leave it lying around of course, but im here to correct that little mistake.? he kept his voice lazy, board, kept the two opposing forces well balanced about him, his velvet tones well underlining the danger burning against his latterns. Would it be terrible to admit that a part of him enjoyed the two-toned edge beneath the confersation, the challenge of the play and he found himself uncoling, his long legs moving to the side in a lazy motion as he watched, waiting to see what she would do next.

His ears would twitch in annoyance when another player inturupted their game. He had almost forgot the brother in the moment, and flicked his tail in response to Falk's presents but didn't move his eyes from the woman before him.


10-19-2014, 10:13 PM

He was beside her as always. Someone was watching the prisoners. Unfortunately now they had prisoners guarding prisoners but it seemed to be working out well enough. No one had escaped yet, that was the first and only rule really. Head would lift and ears would prick as the echoes of a howl would call towards them. Acidic gaze would turn slowly to regard his wife, hard and emotionless as he awaited instruction. He had brought this down on them, he would deal with it if she wished but instead she would instruct him to go get their little friend and he would nod without question. He would allow her to exit first, watching her svelte form slither from their home and disappear into the shadows towards the boarder. After a moment he would lift his own massive form and drift from their home, taking a different path as he moved towards where he had left his newest acquisition. She was asleep and he would kick her nose quite gruffly. "Your? Hubby is here." His head would lower as he sneered the words into her face, acidic gaze capturing her own eyes as soon she would open them. He straightened and took a step back to allow her to lift herself before he would turn and motion for her to follow him.

He would walk slowly, snapping at her face if she tried to rush or pass him. Hackles were raised and defences were set as he slithered through the woods. He would pause as soon as he came across the sight of his wife facing a pair of men across the boarder. For a moment he would allow them to speak, allowing them to sort things out before he would even allow SIbelle to move. Gaze would shift from the russet woman beside him to the group then back to the russet woman as a sneer began to form across her lips. 'If your husband wins, if he harms a hair on my wifes head, you will die knowing that I will rip your children from him. i will make sure he and your pack are homeless. Everything you ever loved will be mine." His words were eerily soft, a soft chuckle rolling up his throat as he stared darkly at Sibelle, a sneer rolling up the edges of his lips. "You'll never be rid of me. I promise?" He would purr, voice harsh and gruff before he would motion for her to follow once more and began to slither forward. He was ready to jump on her should she move past him, he would move to to stand behind Catelaya, paying no mind to the cross marked male Kylar had never seen before. Instead he looked directly into the eyes of the other male, the russet male that looked like he had bloodlust on mind, and sneer.



10-19-2014, 10:23 PM

There was something different about him. His eyes blazed with unspoken fury and threats. But his words sounded bored, detached. She would chuckle, the sound rich and throaty. Amusement danced across her features. "You can't reclaim abandoned toys." She would tsk, her amusement fading. The thundering sound of paws would soon fill her ears. Her gaze would flicker to behind the monochromatic man. A russet man would appear, rage leaking off him. His hackles bristled and a growl slipped from his throat. Lips would curl back in a sneer once more. "Careful now, baby, wouldn't want something to happen to her now do we?" She would openly mock him, her gaze piercing him like daggers. Each was saturated with venom. She had the upper hand here, she would making all the calls and they would obediently bow before her if they wanted their whore back.

The subtle signs of her husbands approach would catch her attention. He lingered behind her, probably quietly threatening their prisoner. She would not turn, knowing that Kylar had her under control. With both of them positioned behind her, she would look over her shoulder slightly, beckoning her prisoner a little closer. "Perhaps I'll steal her other eye as well. A little momento, what do you think?" She would murmur, words only loud enough for her growing crowd to hear. Her gaze would hungrily sweep over her prisoners features before flickering to her mate. She couldn't keep the wicked sneer off her face. She was giddy with excitement, but outwardly, she remained cool and collected. Her patient was fraying, she longed to launch herself at the man, but first they would chat, exchanging jests and dancing around the issue.



10-19-2014, 10:31 PM

She had to be dreaming. His voice tugged at her mind, caused her heart to ache. She longed to be wrapped in his embrace once more. And then pain. Pain would flare across her nose, startling her awake. Eye snapped open, her entire body rearing back. Her capture stood before her. She would glare at him, lips twitching in a faint snarl. But his words stilled her. She paid no mind to his sneer, Cru was here. He had finally come for her! She would rise, legs only a little wobbly. She was weak, fed the bare minimum to keep her alive, but unable to do much more than walk around. She would rush from her den, anxious to meet her husband. Dark jaws would snap at her face, forcing her to stay back. Ears fell back against her skull as she followed. His pace was agonizingly slow, something he was undoubtedly doing on purpose.

He would stop them before their reached the border, but figures were in sight. His words were soft, contradicting the threat he made. He would move away to stand behind the Queen, Cataleya, and she was forced to follow. She didn't dare move to greet her husband, and much to her surprise, her brother. She looked at them both, silently telling them that she was ok. It was then that she was ushered closer. With hesitant steps she would obey, having no other choice. Lips would peel back as the silver bitch threatened her. She stood silent, ears pinned and her hackles bristling. Defenses were locked in place, not that she was in any shape to fight. "You can try." Words were rough, a growl following them as she glared at her captors.




2 Years
10-19-2014, 11:06 PM

The creature before him was running high on the power she reaped from the card she held. They where all held by her, He could see it in the lust in her eyes, the stance of power and dominance she bore above them. Yet he was not afraid, he was still running on his own high, still enraptured by the being he was turning into as he fell into her game. The inconsequential words she purred to Falk where pushed aside in his mind, as his ears flicked in a motion that could have been taken as lazy, towards the approaching trio. His glance to her was quick, medical as he took in her state and saw that she was mostly as she had been before she had left, if a little more battered by her adventure. He turned his attention back to Cat's first words, giving away no weakens, no sign of his need to move to Sibelle as he kept himself still and drawled, lazily. ?Well it wasn't entirely mine to lose you see...? He trailed off, thoughtful, as he tried to envision where this meeting was going.

Cataleya would speak again, her tone a light threaten, spoken like a comment in passing, take an eye, leave an eye, it was as through it was all inconsequential to this tyrant. ?Kick her well she's down? Where's the challenge in that? You strike me as someone who would enjoy a better challenge, Cataleya a fresher fight, a new opponent. Fight me for her freedom, im sure my blood is far sweeter? he purred, already his stance was shifting, his feet widening for balance, his toes digging in for a better grip. He had known all along that a fight was unavoidable, and he was thrumming with anticipation now, it danced across his muscles warmed him to the bone, he was certain it wouldn't be long now, their long awaited dance.



8 Years
Athena I
10-20-2014, 01:01 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2014, 01:01 PM by Falk.)

His gaze flicked from Crucifix and the woman that he assumed ruled over this pack as they spoke, passing threats back and forth, only serving to irritate him more. She briefly addressed him in response to his growl and he stared her down defiantly, his lips curling in a snarl. It wasn't until he caught the scent of another, the scent that had been burned into his brain since the day they realized Sibelle had been taken, that he would look away. His gaze darted to search out the dark brute, his acidic seemingly glowing in the shadows as he approached. His ears flicked back when he spotted his sister behind the male, his forepaw taking one step toward her before halting in his tracks. It took every fiber in his being not to run toward her and separate her from the man that had taken her hostage.

His gaze only flicked toward Sibelle for a moment when she spoke, glad to see she was still in the fighting spirit though he wasn't positive it was going to help her situation any. She certainly didn't look like she was in any shape to be fighting either of these two. His gaze fixed back on her captor again, snarling again at the smirk on the bastard's face. He settled into his defenses, ears folding back, knees bending muscles tensing, hackles rising, prepared and even eager to rip the smirk off that face of his. He didn't care what Crucifix and that gray bitch did. They could fight if they want, but one way or another he was going to avenge his sister and she was going to walk out of this and go home to her children safely. He didn't care what happened to himself, right now all that mattered was Sibelle.



10-21-2014, 04:09 PM

He played her game well without a doubt. He talked a good game, attempting to sway her into a great challenge. But she would merely chuckle. She was no fool. He would snap the moment his beloveds blood was spilled. Her sickening laughter would fill the air once more. This was just far too much fun. "Kylar, baby." Her words were soft, tossed easily over her shoulder, her coral gaze clashing with her husbands only briefly before flickering to their prisoner. Spill her blood. Would he understand her silent message? She didn't doubt it. They had been together far to long not to understand what the other wanted. Her gaze would flicker back to Crucifix, amused at the man beside him and his fumbling control. She was going to break him. "Tell me, would you willing trade your follower, for your darling woman?" Her gaze would jump between the two of them, her crown tipping slightly to the left in question. Would he? Was he wiling to make the sacrifice for his love? What would his little minion think of her idea?

But he wanted a fight. His defenses slide into place, as though he thought she would attack him. Her eyes narrowed, ears pinning against her skull. Her lips twisted into a snarl, her head leveling with her spine while her chin tucked against her throat. Hackles bristled, her legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, her weight evenly distributed across all four limbs. Her tail was straight and level with her spine, toes splayed and claws dripped the earth. Broad shoulders rolled forward, and her neck scrunched, pushing extra fat around fur around her vitals. She would happily supply him with a fight. But he would have to come to her. Again. Adrenaline rushed her system. "I'll be the judge of who's blood is sweeter." She would murmur, her words were soft, as though she was speaking to a lover. Her eyes rested carefully on his features, peering down her nose at him.



10-21-2014, 07:28 PM

ooc;; permission to pp sib granted by Saf

There was anger here. It rolled of the timber male beside the man talking to his wife in waves and Kylar felt an instant attraction. He would grin, electric gaze glittering in the haze as he studied all present. Cataleya would speak of taking Sibelle's other eye and instantly he would focus on Sibelle like a snake ready to strike, made www building beneath the surface and grin turned sadistic. Ears flattened to his skull as he reached forward to trail a lick across the top of the russet woman's muzzle, all the while locking gaze would the grey male Kylar had decided was Sibelle's husband. A king... A giggle would rumble up his throat as tongue snapped into his mouth and jaws clicked closed just above her face. A threat. She was defensive and he was ready to break her. All Cat had to do was ask, all the two men had to do was make a move.

It seemed his wish would be granted, words flowed around him and then suddenly Catelaya was looking at him, a darkness in her eyes that he would understand instantly. There was a hardening in his eyes as his grin faded and he looked back to Sibelle. Something danced beside acidic gaze. They were positioned behind Catelaya, Kylar original plan had been to leave Sibelle here as a temptation. Let them cross the boarder to get her, give him a reason to fight them both. But now it worked in his favor. He had positioned her a short distance away from a tree, his gaze would flicker to the tree. It would do. The beasts movements were fast, muscles giving no hints as he slammed his shoulder suddenly into Sibelle's left side, looking to check her body heavily into the tree as skull came around to attempt to head butt Sibelle's skull into the tree as well. He wanted her unconscious, out of it and to not be a wild card in this fight. He wanted her to feel pain...



10-21-2014, 08:43 PM

Both her brother and Cru would meet her gaze. Though there was something different about her mate. He eyed her with cool detachment. Panic immediately flared in her chest, uncertainty making her waiver. Had something happened? Did he resent her now? Her gaze would flick to her brother, who looked about ready to kill someone. A snarl would rip free from her jaws as the brute who had dragged her ran his tongue across her face. She would flinch away form his touch, her stance remaining defensive. Then the Queen would summon him. Her attention would focus on the woman, forgetting about the massive male beside her. Until he struck. He collided with her with enough force to knock the breath from her lungs and send tumbling into a tree. Bruises would flare on both sides of her ribs were she had been hit. Her skull would knock against the trunk, bouncing forward, only to be knocked back as she was once again head butted by the man.

Her would fade in and out, everything spinning and her entire body aching. What on earth had she done to deserve such a punishment? It was her last thought before she faded into unconsciousness. She would crumble again, falling limp in a heap at the mans paws. Her existing concussion was only worsened by the impact. And little did she know, that when she woke, she would have no idea where she was, or who surrounded her.




2 Years
10-23-2014, 06:11 PM

He was playing her game and the stakes where the life of his mate, it brought energy to his veins to know it, a swiftness to his paws as through should it be required of him he was ready to fly into the terratory and grab Sibelle, take her from this madness. He showed nothing of this tension of course, keeping a sly smile on his maw and his tone soft, welcoming, as he spoke to this mad woman. She would change directions and suprise him as she asked if he would trade follower for mate. He pretended a regretful sigh as he looked at Falk and back to her. ?Ah, but he's not mine to give you see, he holds no alligances to me? he told her, leaving out the words that he would never trade one for another, that he would fight to get them all out of here to their freedom.

She would speak again, her words mock alluring, sweet enough to choke him as she told him she would be the judge. His own posture was still lazy, still following along to the game she played, until the moment Kylay went for Sibelle. He grabbed her and rammed her head into a tree even as he watched, stunned a moment until the deed was done. With an angered cry he would loose all will to follow along with her rules, to dance to her tune. He broke free of the facade he had placed about himself and let his rage break free as he charged at the crazed bitch before him. A mate for a mate, when he had Cataleya before him and his jaws to her throat, he would trade this womans worthless life for that of the one he loved. His eyes where narrowed, his ears pinned, chin tucked, his head level with his spine, his tail also aligned as such, his shoulders where rolled forward, his hackles raised, his neck scrunched, his legs evenly spaced, his weight distributed too, preparing him for the leap. His defenses set in motion with barely another thought, barely a moment passed before he was moving to leap towards the prepared woman. He would attempt to leap forward to close the distance, and when his feet touched the ground again his defenses would reset, his weight evening out once more to compensate to three paws as he attempted to jam his right paw over her left paw, attempting to dig his claws into the soft webs between her toes as he attempted to move his jaw to the right side of her and attempt to knash his teeth against her cheek, his motives would be to get a grip and rip flesh, all the boy wanted now was to taste blood, to see her bleed.


Round 1 of 2? For Sibelle's freedom

Judge, Seren?

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, chin tucked, head level with spine, tail aligned with spine, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, neck scrunched, legs evenly spaced, weight evenly distributed

Attacks: Stomping right paw over Cat's left paw, attempt to dig claws into webs between the toes on that foot. Moving his head to get at her right cheek, attempting to rip out a chunk of flesh.

Injuries: None yet.



10-25-2014, 09:47 PM

A smirk curled her lips cruelly, unable to help herself. Perhaps she should do this more often. Her gaze would turn to rest on Kylar, watching as he launched himself forward. His behemoth chest collided with the smaller prisoner, immediately knocking her to the ground. Brows would lift, it was not quite what she had in mind. But her mate didn't stop there. His crown would pull back, simultaneously head butting the woman into unconsciousness. Her eyes would narrow, brows furrowing. Jesus he needed to work on reading her nods better. A little over the top don't you think?" She would mutter under her breath, she would deal with him later. Her gaze would whip back to the monochromatic man just in time to watch him fall apart. Perfect. His cry would fill the air and immediately her defenses settled in.

Her eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised. Broad shoulders rolled forward, her neck scrunching as her crown fell level with her spine and her chin tucked. Her legs would spread equidistant, and bend at the joint. Her tail would straighten and align with her spine, ready to act as a rudder. Toes splayed, claws dug into the ground and her weight disrupted evenly across her legs.

He would launch himself forward, closing the distance between them, which she would allow briefly. Her haunches would drop briefly, before attempting to launch herself forward, aiming to meet him nearly head on. His right paw would come down on her left forepaw, a moderate bruise immediately flaring across the appendages, his claws would dig in, scraping uselessly at her flesh, not meeting their intended target, but still leaving behind light abrasions. Her left shoulder would attempt to thrust forward, aiming to put pressure on his windpipe, hoping that her height advantage would allow this. His fangs would flash in the corner of her eye, but her forward movement to meet him would cause his fangs to fall along the right side of her upper neck, just below her jawline. Pain would flare across her skin, eliciting a vicious growl, his fangs sank into fat and skin, thanks to her defenses, not yet shredding muscle, puncturing her skin, it would heal so long as he didn't do anything more then release her.

Immediately she would attack. Her crown would tip slightly to the right, jaws unhinging and aiming to sink her upper mandible into the back on his neck, below his skull, while her lower jaws blindly sought the artery the pumped beneath his skin on the left side of his neck. Simultaneously her right forepaw would lift and aim to slam down with force on his left forepaw, she hoped to use her weight to crush his precious toes. As soon as her paw left the ground, her weight would redistribute to her remaining three legs. She wanted his blood to flow freely, for the crimson liquid to stain the ground. She would see him bow before her.


DEFENSES: second paragraph

ATTACKS: thrusting her left shoulder forward, aiming to put pressure on his windpipe, slamming her left forepaw down on his right forepaw, bite to the back his neck and the left side of his neck

INJURIES: moderately bruised left forepaw toes, light abrasions on her left forward, bite to the upper right side of her neck, just behind her jawline.

ooc- I'm fine with whoever, so long as it can get done quick




2 Years
10-26-2014, 08:53 PM

His forwards momentum would be met half way with her bulk as she sprang to meet him, she was fierce in battle and as ready as ever. A tiny part of his mind wondered that this was all a set up, done to drive him to the point of insanity and battle, another part of him relished the battle and the blood and the chance to sink his fangs into the bitches throat. His right paw would meet her left, his blow landing on top of her paw and his claws digging in, abide uselessly into the tougher flesh opposed to the tender webs he had aimed for. His balance corrected for his movement, putting his weight into his other three paws to stabilise him and ensure his attack could not be used against him to throw his weight. His own forward thrust shoulders would hinder her attempts to put weight on his windpipe, instead her left shoulder would connect to the point where his shoulder meet his neck, landing a bruise against his flesh. As she moved forward in her own attacks his would misalign with their original targets and meet instead with her upper neck, sinking in there as he had intended to do with his original target.

Once his teeth sunk in he would attempt to worry his jaws into the flesh and tear jaggedly to the side, further towards her neck, his attempt would be to bring his teeth free with her flesh in his jaws, he had wanted to taste her blood and see her bleed, he would not lighten that vow with meagre love bites. As he did so he would attempt to move his right paw that still stood, claws out, on top of her left front paw. He would attempt to slide his own paw forward with force and shove his lower wrist into the point where her left front paw paw meets her leg, pushing at an angle that started inwards and pushed outwards to throw her off balance.

As he did this she would move her own attacks forward, moving her fangs forward. His own movements, attempting to slide his paw forwards and attempting to tear a chunk of her upper neck, both movements would bring him slightly closer to Cataleya and her attack aimed at the back of neck would misalign and land against his left inner shoulder blade, digging into the tougher skin there. Her right fore-paw would slam against his left paw, breaking the largest toe in the middle of his paw, which took the most of the weight and cushioned her blow against the other toes that became jarred and bruised. He howled when the pain hit him and bucked his upper body in an attempt to shake any of her upper body parts attached to him and loosen her hold on his injured left paw.

Throughout all of this his ears would stay pinned to his skull, his shoulders rolled forward, his tail aligned with spine, his head aligned with spine when possible, his neck scrunched, hackles raised, his legs evenly spaced to compensate for his moved front right paw, his eyes narrowed, his toes splayed and dug into the earth.

Crucifix Vs Cataleya for Sibelle's freedom

round 2 of 2

Defences: Weight copensating for original right paw attack, shoulders rolled forward, ears pinned, tail aligned, neck scrunched, hackles raised, legs evenly spaced, eyes narrowed, toes splayed, dug into earth, head aligned with spine


- Using his original attack on her cheek (that landed on her upper neck) he would attempt to sink his teeth in deep and rip to the right side, going further towards her neck and tear away with a chunk of her flesh.

- Shoving the right front paw forward thats still on her left front paw, where his lower ankle is shoved into the top of the paw where it meet the leg at an angle that starts from her inner leg and pushes to her outer to throw her off balance.


- Brusing along the point where his shoulders meet his neck from her attempt at hitting his windpipe with her left shoulder

- her teeth meeting his left shoulder blade, drawing blood

- the middle toe of his left paw, broken from the weight of her right paw slamming into his left paw


10-29-2014, 11:22 PM

The heat of battle, it was what she craved from this life. There was nothing better. But her shoulder would not meet its intended target, though the hard bone would strike his chest, leaving nothing more than a bruise. A bruise would also flare lightly across her left shoulder. Pain continued to flare across her neck as his fangs sunk deeper into her flesh, shredding through fat and threatening muscle. He would tug, trying to rip chunks of flesh from her body, but he didn't use enough force, skin would tear, his fangs leaving jagged tears that would undoubtedly scar. Blood spilled from the wound, soaking her pelt and dripping onto the ground. It fueled her desire to beat him into the ground. Pressure would being to grow on her left ankle, she would attempt to jerk her paw out from under his, hoping that the movement would not only free her limb, but throw off his balance.
Her defenses remained tightly intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, tail aligned with her spine, weight evenly distributed, head level with her spine and her chin was tucked against her throat.

Her fangs would miss their intended target, sinking into his left shoulder blade instead of the back of his neck. Her jaws aimed to slam shut on the flesh, sinking in as deep as possible. Her paw would land successfully on his paw, she would feel bone crunching beneath her weight. And then there was his cry of pain, a delectable sound. His upper body would buck, trying to get her to release him. She would hoped that first his flesh would tear from the action before she did release him. She would drop her hind end before attempting to shove her weight forward and into his chest, hoping to further the bruise on his chest, her head tipping to her right, parted jaws aimed to once again sink into the back of his neck. Her upper mandible aimed to pierce the base of his skull, while her lower mandible sought to pierce the left side of his neck where his jugular lay hidden. She was thirsty for his blood, and she wished to spill more of it.


ATTACKS: bite to the back his neck and the left side of his neck, shoving her weight against his chest

DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, tail aligned with her spine, weight evenly distributed, head level with her spine and her chin was tucked

INJURIES: tearing of the bite wound on her neck, bruised toes, bruise to her shoulder

The Judge


11-12-2014, 08:05 PM


Round 1

8 for clarity: ?...attempt to knash his teeth against her cheek..? Which cheek? -1 ?...attempted to jam his right paw over her left paw, attempting to dig his claws into the soft webs between her toes as he attempted to move his jaw to the right side of her and attempt to knash his teeth against her cheek, his motives would be to get a grip and rip flesh...? This is a bit of a run on, and the movement all happens quite fast. I feel like this gives Cat less time to react. -1

10 for powerplaying. None seen

10 for defences. eyes narrowed, ears pinned, chin tucked, head level with spine, tail aligned with spine, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, neck scrunched, legs spread evenly, weight distributed evenly.

4 for attack. +1 for cut to paw web, +3 for bite to cheek and grip attempt (points lost for clarity),

10 for injuries.First round

Round one CRUCIFIX Total: 42/50


8 for clarity: ?He would launch himself forward, closing the distance between them, which she would allow briefly. Her haunches would drop briefly, before attempting to launch herself forward, aiming to meet him nearly head on.? How close did Crucifix land to her? Did she have enough room to leap forward herself? -1 ?his fangs sank into fat and skin, thanks to her defenses, not yet shredding muscle, puncturing her skin? How deep is it? -1

10 for powerplaying. None seen

10 for defences. eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, neck tucked, legs spread, legs bent, tail aligned with spine, toes spread, claws dug into earth.

7 for attack. shoulder to the windpipe +3, bite to the neck +3, paw slam +1

10 for injuries. moderate bruising to left front paw -1, moderate puncture wounds on upper cheek (decided by judge) -2

Round one CATALEYA Total: 45/50

Round 2


7 for clarity: ?His own forward thrust shoulders would hinder her attempts to put weight on his windpipe...? When did he thrust his shoulder forward? -1 ?...landing a bruise against his flesh.? How severe? -1 ?...against his left inner shoulder blade, digging into the tougher skin there...? Again, how bad is it? -1

9 for powerplaying. ?He howled when the pain hit him and bucked his upper body in an attempt to shake any of her upper body parts attached to him and loosen her hold on his injured left paw.? This means that you are assuming that Crucifix was able to tear out a chunk of her flesh, otherwise he would still have been holding on. -1

10 for defences. weight made up for tripod stance, ears pinned to head, shoulders rolled, tail aligned with spine, head aligned with spine, neck folded, hackles raised, made up for reared up state, eyes narrowed, toes spread, claws dug in earth

4 for attack. tearing at the neck +3 sweeping paw out from under her +1

3 for injuries. Broken toe on left paw -3, moderate bruising on other toes on left paw -1, moderate bruise on chest (decided by judge) -1, moderate lacerations to left shoulder -2,

Round two CRUCIFIX Total: 33/50


8 for clarity: ?Pain continued to flare across her neck as his fangs sunk deeper into her flesh, shredding through fat and threatening muscle. He would tug, trying to rip chunks of flesh from her body, but he didn't use enough force, skin would tear, his fangs leaving jagged tears that would undoubtedly scar. ? How severe is this? Where is he biting deeper into? -2

10 for powerplaying. None seen

0 for defences. None listed

8 for attack. bite to left shoulder blade with hold attempt +4, attempt to bruise the chest +1, bite to the back of the neck +3

5 for injuries. moderate bruising to left front paw -1, severe puncture wounds on upper cheek (decided by judge) -3, slight bruising to left shoulder -1,

Round two CATALEYA Total: 31/50


CRUCIFIX: 75/100

CATALEYA: 76/100

And the winner is...

Cataleya! Crucifix must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. Sibelle is not freed from Arcanum ranks


Crucifix: Broken toe will take 3 OOC weeks to heal, bruised toes will take 1 OOC week to heal, bruise on chest will take 1 OOC week to heal, shoulder wound will take 2 OOC weeks to heal and will lightly scar. (These are all from Saffie's last post date, which was October 29th, so the only thing that has not healed is the broken toe. Sorry for taking so long.)

Cataleya: Bruising to left paw will take 1 OOC week to heal, tearing to upper cheek will take 4 OOC weeks to heal and will scar, bruise to shoulder will take 1 OOC week to heal. (Again, from October 29th so only the tear will not be healed)


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Sea: Careful with not saying how much damage you are taking from the hits, you are losing a lot of points there. Also, try some more complex attacks and don't forget that you can have up to three attacks per post! Good solid defences, but you lost most of your points from not saying how much damage you took.

For Saffie: Same with you for not saying how much damage you took, careful with that. You lost a lot with not having your defences listed in your last post, just make sure to look over before you post! Otherwise good attacks, nice and solid along with powerful. Great fight you two.

- By [Evelyn]


11-12-2014, 11:13 PM

ooc;; Bri says Falk is 39?, gonna take her word, not much here that effects height but let me know if that is incorrect! also pm me here or skype me for any questions!

His head would collide squarely with her skull, slamming it into the tree to the point where it even made him dizzy. Massive male would step back, unwedging the woman from between himself and the tree, letting her limp body slide to the ground gracelessly. That would never get old. Dancing eyes would follow her form to the ground before turning to his wife as she gaze him a bland look, asking him if that had really been necessary. Well. Yes it really had been. He would grin and shrug at her before stepping around the limp form at his paws and moving around his wife so he stood at her left, directly facing the brown and black male to offer him a sneer. Beside him battle would erupt, the cross marked male lunging at his wife with surprising speed and slowly Kylar would side step their battle as Crucifix brought the battle to Cataleya?s position. Well? He didn?t want to feel left out! ?You would make a lovely addition to my collection?? He would rumble, a chuckle rolling up his throat. If this man wanted to take the russet woman then he would find himself another russet woman.

Shoulders would roll languidly, one hind paw sliding back as he leaned his weight back before he would roll all his weight forward, throwing his body forward into a lunge. He would attempt to close the distance between himself and the black and brown male in as few strides as possible. He would aim to come at the male head on, looking to crane his head to his right (Falk?s left) as to not butt heads , attempting to slam his chest against the smaller male. He would look for shoulders to line up squarely and to use sheer force to knock the male off balance rather then do any major damage. At the same time nose would tip to his left while skull twisted right, looking to twist his skull as jaws parted and launched forward in an attempt to search for a hold on Falk?s left upper neck, directly behind his ear. He looked to latch upper jaw on the ridge of Falk?s spine and close lower jaw on the males main artery. Simultaneously left paw would attempt to lift, raising up before he would send it crashing down, looking to slam it down heavily on his opponents right toes in an attempt to break the delicate digits.

All the while defenses would remain impeccably placed, he would keep his stance widened to accommodate his tripod stance as joints loosened slightly to bring his balance closer to earth and bring him closer to Falk?s height. Toes would splay to help his balance as much as possible, claws digging into the dirt for added traction. Back would arch, stomach tucking to gather his core strength as shoulders rolled forward, gathering loose flesh around his massive neck. Chin was tucked due to his attack, keeping lower jaw close to his throat and jaw unhinged to further protect it. Lips would curl up into a snarl, forcing loose flesh up around already narrowed eyes to further protect his orbs. Ears would pin to the back of his neck, folding flat as hackles raised to distort his form and make himself look even bigger then he already was. Lastly tail would lash out straight behind him, aligning with his spine to act as a rudder.

Round 1 of ?? (forgot what we agreed on, you can choose!)

For force claim of Falk & Castration



11-16-2014, 04:05 PM

Her cheek bled, crimson liquid staining her silvery pelt. Adrenaline flooded her system, her heart pounded against her chest. He maintained a grip on her face, but she could feel him weakening. Her jaws would met their mark, fangs sinking into his neck, drawing blood. Her jaws would snap shut as her chest collided with his own. He would stumble, exhaustion beginning to claim him. Eyes danced with carnal thrill as she pressed on. She would throw herself relentlessly into him until he fell. He would crumple at her feet, releasing his hold on her face. Pleasure shot through her, sending shivers down her back.

Dark jaws would release him, her salvia tinged red with his blood. Lips remained peeled back to expose her bloodied fangs, but her lips contorted into a grin. "You fool. You can't beat me." Husky lyrics left her tongue as her crown lowered to put her face right in front of his. Her tail would lift and curl dominating above her hips as she towered over him. Hackles remained upright, and ears pinned. But arednaline began to fade away, allowing her to feel each and every injury.

Her coral gaze would leave his face in favor of his unconscious whore. Such a shame. "Take your whore and leave." Her posture would straighten, crown lifting high in a show of dominance. A low growl would vibrate in her larynx, daring him to linger. Pain radiated from her face as the injury continued to bleed. Her chest and shoulders throbbed with bruises. Her paw screamed in protest when she put her weight on it. Her gaze never left the monochromatic man again, even as the sounds of battle erupted beside her. It seemed she would get her wish after all.

"Burn Baby Burn"



2 Years
11-16-2014, 08:13 PM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2014, 08:29 PM by Crucifix.)

The boy's head spun and his breath came out in pants. He knew he was losing, and his strength was fading beneath him. Suddenly, he could see the future playing out before them, him and his beloved either killed her or trapped in these lands forever. A weak growl crossed his lips at the thought ? Cat would be better of killing them, they would never give up, never stop fighting otherwise. Not that fighting was an option now, his legs felt like jelly beneath him and he collapsed to the earth. He could see victory in Cat's face and refused to close his eyes ? if death was coming for him, he wanted to see it, he wanted to face it down. His defiance was weak, but unwavering until the moment Cat told him to take his whore and leave. His expression froze in shock for a long moment as he watched her wearily, waiting for the cruel punchline.

When it did not come he roze shakily to his paws and lurched over to Sibelle with the gait of a drunken sailor. He could feel Cat's eyes upon him and knew he could not go back for someone to help him drag her. Instead, he grabbed the nape of her neck gently in his jaws and tugged. His whole body shaking with the effort as he began to slow journey of dragging her limp form away from the chaos and into the arms of safety.
