
Worlds can't part us



2 Years
04-07-2014, 05:56 PM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2014, 11:11 PM by Crucifix.)

The scene was set in darkness, despite the breaking of the sun as it graced the sky with the faintest brush of its touch, casting the world into shadows. Its golden glow was yet to break the through the dense forage of the earth and the steps of this brute where soundless as well as deep within the shadows. He preferred it here, within the grasp of darkness where the silvers of his coat leaned more to grey and the dark mf his coat was set in midnight. It was the eyes that took on a sheen of light, a glow as bright as crystal that appeared and vanished with each brush of lashes against cheek.

It would be with grace that his paws first touched lands of Alacritis and with curiosity every bit as with caution that he took his breath of its scents. He knew he was brushing past the territory of pack lands, with the sharp assault of perfume that burned against his nose. He could barely make out a single wolf against its onslaught and did not bother to pick apart their individuality, after all, there was not such a thing left to a pack wolf. They became one part of a whole, within the aspects of pack life. He brushed against his borders and found himself continuing on, utterly unaware of his proximity to family, their scents where lost to him against all that roamed Valhalla, he was so close to the sister he loved, and yet with a lack of enlightenment to her presence, he might as well have been a world apart. He found himself by the side of a lack when the first rays of sunlight broke through the shroud of darkness and as they touched the surface of the water and sprang into golden glows of light he would raise his head and howl.

Twig I


04-07-2014, 09:56 PM
The cross marked girl would sit silently beneath the leaves of a changing tree. The autumn weather would bring about the different colors of the forests. Her orchid gaze was closed to the world though, her thoughts brought to Fern one again. She could tell already that life was getting easier live, she had a good feeling it was Alpine's doing. Even though he had inadvertently brought it about, his sickness had very much jump started her being once more. She'd greeted many early mornings recently, finding it hard to keep herself away from the morning sun. However as the sun would just barely find its way over the horizon she would hear a howl of almost ghostly measures. It was as though she had stepped back in time. The voice sounded older, he would be a year and a half old now, almost a man. She wondered if the call had been real, she didn't know if she could hope that it was. Too much disappointment would cause her heart to break again and she wouldn't be able to stand that.?

Still she had to investigate, the possibility was too great. Her slate covered paws would give rise to the girl, propelling her forward towards where se had heard the faint call. There was hope that her search would be fruitful, but she felt like she couldn't get her hopes too high. The travel wasn't so bad, her heartbeat would increase as she kept going. The scent she would come across, it was more welcome than she could have imagined. Her pace would quicken as she would finally bring herself before her brother's form. She would stop suddenly, still unsure if she was seeing him. He might have been her inverted twin had they been born in the same litter, his black and white markings shining through the clearing to her. "Cr..Cru?" not that she could admit but of her younger siblings she had always found a special place in his heart for him. Rushing forward suddenly she would move to embrace him, having to touch him before she would accept his presence.?



2 Years
04-07-2014, 11:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2014, 11:30 PM by Crucifix.)

His call would break the silence of the still and early morning and would echo against the earth with its cry. He would remain with his hunches against the earth and his tail would lash out once behind him with a frustration that left no trace its being against his features. It had been a long time now since he had last walked among friends and family, and the further his steps toook him the further into lands unknown he would trend, and the scents would only get more alien around him. He was truly lost to the world that he had once known, he destined to never... to... his thoughts would die before they could ever finish forming as the wolf of pale coat and crisp eyes would break the half-darkness and for the longest moment he thought he looked upon a ghost. In that second his heart would break and mend itself, with a wrenching pain he thought he looked upon the walking soul of his sibling, and in the next instant would see her in reality and his heart would be whole once more. More then whole, it would be full and bursting with hope and love as his eyes would take her in, shinning with amazement and more emotion that he normally would have ever allowed his face to show.

She would stop before him and he would look down at her with gentle eyes. When had she gotten so small! He use to be her shadow, darting beneath her paws and wanting nothing more then to grow up and be like her, his strong, beloved sister. They would stand apart for a moment, appraising and disbelieving as their eyes greedily took in their forms. Then, she would break the silence with his name and move forward to embrace him. He would let out a gasp and move a paw to fit around her body and bury his face within the crook of her neck, again he marvelled at her slight form and the frailty of her body. ?Twig, have you been eating?? Would be his first words to her, said in stern tones then he intended. Then in the next instance he would cry out her name again. ?Twig! I had thought I had lost you all? and would pull her closer to him, enveloping his senses in her touch and the taste of her in his nostrils.

"My sounds""My Soul"

Twig I


04-08-2014, 10:08 PM

So in a rush was she to be at his side that she would not see the doubt that would reside in his eyes as well. She would propel forward, unsure of she would come in contact with flesh or specter. She would hear his breath and feel his warmth as their bodies would collide. Her front would rear up to take hold of his shoulder as he grabbed her frail frame. She would push herself into him, finally believing that he had made his way to Alacritia. She would breathe in his scent and let her heart grow lighter as he pulled her close. A relieved sigh would fall from her lips as he would greet her, worrying over her slight figure but becoming relieved at her presence. "I'm here. I'm here. I'm here. In here." she would mutter into his pelt as she held onto him tight. Alpine had been right, there would be more to live for. She had to keep going for Cru, for her family, and her friends. She would close her eyes blissfully as she let herself enjoy his presence. "I.. I don't even know what to say. I've missed you so much, I can't believe you're here right now." she would push her self in and grip him tighter, unsure if he would disappear with the slightest of weakness given on her part.?



2 Years
04-08-2014, 11:21 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2014, 11:38 PM by Crucifix.)

The golden glow of daylight was creeping ever forward and the rays of colour would find the picture of a family in their moment of reuniting. The darker brute would hold her close to him and breathe in the sweet scent of her as he buried his nose into her coat and took in the memories that every inhale unlocked. ?i'm here, i'm here? she would repeatedly soothe and he would gasp out a light laugh, husky and deep but short of breath from his own delight. ?That you are my Twig, that you are? He would murmur back, losing his voice as he buried it ever further in the bulk of her fur. The feel of her frailty as he held her shocked him. He always remembered as being so big, and strong and independent. To see her this way, cutting a small stature beside him almost left him without breath as he wondered at all the fates that might had befallen her.

They both seemed to cling to each other in disbelief, holding on like they intended to never again let go. Cru certainly was of this mind, where once he had found himself in the shadow of Twig, lovingly copying her and always getting it as backwards as their mismatched coats, and thinking how so long as she was there everything would be ok. Now, as he stood that tiniest bit taller then her and looked down against her warm, frail body he decided he never wanted to let her go again.; Perhaps it was his turn to look out for his older sister, and find out about the life she had lived without him. ?And I, to you, with the disbelief? he would chuckle, the vibration of his throat tickling against her coat. ?If you are here Twig, did any other of the Black family also find their way here??

Twig I


04-10-2014, 07:39 AM
So completely focused on the blessing of her brother the cross marked she wolf would not take notice of the creeping day. Her eyes were shut blissfully as she let herself forget all that had plagued her, she would let herself enjoy the presence of her not so kid brother. His gentle laugh would soothe her ears as he would playfully agree with her murmurings. She would deeply inhale as she took in his list scent, a reminder of the days they had spent as mere children. Now, both were adults, with Twig having to experience some awful encounters to get to such a place. She wouldn't want to think of her hardships, but she knew eventually she would need to make him aware of his lost niece. Of her beauty and of her name so she might not be forgotten. What if he thought her a failure? Unable to even successfully bring her own offspring into the world safely. What if she failed him like that? Still she would cling to him though, if he rejected her she would at least treasure such moments. As they held each other she would feel the familiar drip of tears running down her features. From joy or sorrow she could not tell which one. He would go on though, asking of their siblings. He would wonder if she was alone, or if more of their family now would reside with her. (this is after Deviant comes in though she still technically hasn't seen him) "So many have already resurfaced, but the same amount and more are still missing. Our father has returned, along with Jinxx, Paradox, and Angel. I haven't seen Paradox recently, she's searching for Concord. We have a lost older brother named Pulsus who was thought to be the dead brother of Lunatik. I found him with Madieke but I haven't seen her since before I was pregnant." her eyes would widen as she let slip the terror that had befallen her. She would slump into his embrace as her tears fell more freely. "So much has happened, brother." she would weep, as thoughts of Fern would flood her mind and her wounds would open once again fresh as ever. "I was attacked last spring. He took my innocence and instilled within me a child. I.. I loved her, more than I ever thought possible." her weeping would increase as she spoke, her words growing quieter and less intelligible as she went on, "She didn't.. Fern didn't make it." the all too familiar feeling of her missing heart would threaten to overtake her, she would cling to crucifix like a life raft. "I came to find Jinxx in a pack called Valhalla, half way through my pregnancy. I wanted to protect my children, but it turned out I was the one they needed protection from." she would sob into his inverted coat, her tears seeping into his plush fur. Her broken being finding solace in his presence, but not enough to ease the familiar pain.?



2 Years
04-10-2014, 02:59 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2014, 03:00 PM by Crucifix.)

In the blink of a moment Crucifix?s entire future had changed. Whatever plans he might have held onto he released and every thought was an iron link to the wolf beside him. He wanted only to go where she went, to be where she was. He held no reservations to the changes only a swelling pride that started in the pit of his stomach and spread in warmth across his body and sparkled in deep lavender against his eyes. So closely where they entwined that he felt each breath she took and the drop of liquid that touched ever so gently against his coat. He wondered at her tears, if they were delight or reliving a horror that perhaps she might have to tell him. His heart clenched for a moment in fear to his lost siblings.

As so would begin the tale as she would tell him all, and his heart was released at the list of the livings, their own father! And so many more had found their way here. It was nearly an impossibility to believe, when moments before the appearance of even one, of his dear Twig had been a miracle. She had so much to tell him he almost missed the significance of her words ?before I was pregnant? and his heart almost burst with pure pride for this woman, for his sister. She had children! A mate, a life! The sorrow of not having been a part of her life was minor beside the happiness he felt for her in that moment, so immense it almost swallowed him.

Then she would weep; fall ever further into his arms and weep as through in sorrow, as through her heart would break. Admitting that so much had happened, so much had swept wildfire through her life. He stood for a moment, frozen in uncertainty and a pinching fear as she spoke again, this time of something that should have filled her with joy, and she wept as through her heart was broken. His eyes would darken in horror, and the fear that hammered in his chest this time would be for her own personal little family he had not even known existed. He would hold her ever closer, would breathe his warmth above her ear, he would hold her and he would listen as through the world would break if he did not.

He stilled the roar that would have otherwise burst free of his vocals. She spoke of being hurt, of being violated so cruelly as to mean death for the doer. He felt so lost, so angry that his heart might break from his sadness. His emotions where thrown from the point of ecstasy and relief, to the feeling of finding what was lost and the reuniting of family, to horror and sadness at her fate. She had been forced into pregnancy, and then that very child ripped from her just when she had learned to love it. His breathing would be harsh and irregular, his grip on her agonizingly soft in comparison. He moved his muzzle against his coat, murmuring her name with each movement ?Twig, Twig, Twig, Twig? her name was like a heartbeat, its very sound kept him alive. ?Oh Twig, you did them no wrong. Wrong was done to you. Tell me? here he would lose his grip on his calm and his teeth would clench together as he fought for its control ?Tell me who did this to you Twig, so I might tear them limb from limb? He had gained a harsh reality into his soul that had not been there as a child, a harshness that would allow him to kill where he would not have before. By the gods, whoever had dared hurt his sweet sister, he longed to taste their blood.

"My sounds""My Soul"

Twig I


04-10-2014, 08:05 PM

She would not know his thoughts before her dose of reality was given to him, if only his first premonitions had been the real story. He would freeze, and for a moment she would be afraid he might withdraw from her, but he would hold her closer still. A breath of slight relief would leave her jaws as the realization that she would not be abandoned, his warmth and sweet breath would caress her abused body. She would revel in his gentle touch as she wept upon his shoulder, she had thought she cried all of her tears for Fern already but still they would fall like new. He would murmur her name as she cried, a lighthouse of hope shining rays of light over her ocean of sadness. Relief would flood through her again as he would simply state her innocence. Finally he would lose a tad bit of his control, she could feel him shaking with rage as he gritted his teeth and asked of her assailant. "Erani, the alpha, has him held as a prisoner. They're waiting for me to recover before trying him," she would whimper into his shoulder.
Crucifix was so grown up now, almost fully a man and seeming ready to kill like one as well. She would not begrudge him the feeling, she had held it once too. Now that he was within her grasp, that vile piece of flesh, she couldn't bare to see him. She didn't know that she would be able to look at him at all, but with her brother having offered her the killing blow... She didn't know that she could do it. "He doesn't deserve to live. I don't want him to hurt anyone like he did to me ever again." her voice was quiet as she would lean into him after her revelation. A tired sigh leaving her lips harshly, "It's all been so exhausting.." she would lean further, laying her head upon his shoulder and closing her eyes. Even though the day had just begun, her confession would take a lot out of her.

Talk like this



2 Years
04-10-2014, 08:18 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2014, 08:19 PM by Crucifix.)

Every tear she cried against his coat was a blow, a reminder of all her pain and his inability to protect her from it. Where had he been? Her world had fallen apart and he had not been there for her, to stop it, to comfort her from it, or to make someone pay. All these things a brother should do for their blood from the moment they were born. And he to Twig especially, where connected; it was more than their apposing coats and it did not matter that they were not of the same litter, they were born somehow entwined, he was certain of it.

He pulled her close and threw all his ?what ifs? out the window, he was here right now, and her pain was laid out before him. He would do all in his power to make her world right. She spoke next and he felt the force of his emotions roll through him, a damn threatening to burst. The alpha of this pack held him prisoner, she was awaiting Twig?s health for his sentence. ?Then I will go to your Alpha and ask her for my right to his blood? He said and those words where a pledge, world be damned he would get his blood. Her words when spoken only strengthen his resolve, she was the one who was wronged and she did not want him in this world. Hell, if the Alpha would not let him die then he would kill him regardless, if he was let go he would hunt him down like the dog he was. If she for some insane reason kept him within the safety of her pack then he would turn that pack upside down, gods he would have, he needed that blood.

He would force himself to calm, push aside his bloodlust for another time, revenge was after all not necessarily a dish served hot. He would rash his tongue against her coat and murmuring soothingly into her ears. His vocals pushed raw from suppressed emotion was every bit as gentle as his hold on her. ?You need not worry any more my Twig, I will take your stead in all that regards this scum, or as much so as you?re willing to give up.? He would whisper to her. He could feel himself trembling, and the force of stilling himself was immense. She would never be touched unwillingly again, it would be his death first.

"My sounds""My Soul"

Twig I


04-13-2014, 05:07 PM
She could feel herself lean into his touch as he pulled her in an held her tight. She would feel his rough breathing as the emotions overflowed within him. Her orchid eyes would close to the world as she let herself be enveloped in the protection and love her brother offered her. He would pledge to her that his next quest would be to seek the right to her attacker's blood. He wanted to go to Erani? She would pull her features away from his neck to be able to look into his furious purple orbs. He had appeared once more into her life, from the ashes of their old life it was like their family was being rebuilt. He would swoop in and take her pain, claiming her worry and stake on her assailant's blood. She would nod, sniffling as she cleared her tears away. She could feel herself pulled to him even as she would part herself from his warm side. "Then I will take you. Erani... Seems to have a very firm grip on justice. She might need a bit of convincing." she would feel the connection between them return, the safety she found within his presence. She would pull father, her legs taking her to the border. Her delicate features would swivel to take in his form before continuing, knowing he would follow.?