
Lovely Little Laddie ((For Kiara))


01-17-2014, 04:03 PM

Wraithe Slae

Wraithe hid in the forest like an unknown shadow. His fur blended in with the darkness around him and he was very happy with that. The silent guardian gave a grimace as he watched; he was a guardian, yes, however he was almost terrified of social interactions and he was awkward in social situations. A small frown as he started the other way. He found shelter near the roots of a tree and he laid there. His eyes zoning in on the surroundings. He could not sleep and this kept him awake and alert. Him not being able to sleep was good because then he could never be snuck up on.

((Short starter for thread with Eo/Kiara))


Pretty Little Cadillac



01-17-2014, 04:06 PM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

?owyn was calm because she had no reason to be startled. She was on a recruitment trip to find wolves for her pack. The pack that she wanted to form would be perfect if only she could get supporters. She'd try anything and everything to convince good natured loners to join. Perhaps she might offer a higher rank or two if it came to it. ?o saw the jet black warrior in enough time to stop. She had almost walked right into him and she quickly backed up. She did not wish to start a fight or anything so she let out a gentle coo to the man. "Hello." She whispered shyly. She did not know the intimidating man and part of her wished her mate were here.

?o grinned slightly recalling Birch and what she had told him was her plans for the pack. "Next would be the Mirithi, or the heir to the throne. Then there would be the inner guard and captains; the most trusted out of all the wolves. These wolves would have been around for a long time or they would have done something to earn their rank. I could see a good natured knight in this area. Or higher. Under the Inner Guard and Captains would be the Alpheta, Followers and Subordinates. Alpheta are children of the alphas that extend all ages until promoted. Followers are the common pack members who hold no real power. Subordinates have proven themselves worth a few times and they are in charge of making everyone lower in rank than them pulls on their end of the deal. Then there are children and omegas. Children are pups who are taken in at a young age or pups that are not the alphas. The alpha pups have a slightly higher rank than the children, but this is because they are potential heirs. Lastly are the Mfungwas and Sfungwas. These are prisoners who have trespassed or have harmed a member of the pack."

?o was stuck though. She had no idea what her laws would be as she had nothing to reference. All of her parent's laws were sexist or offending to others and it made her sick to her stomach. She couldn't, she wouldn't be like that. She refused to and that was one of the things that she would stick to. So what to think about? What laws? Loyalty. Fealty perhaps? Maybe a law that asks you inform the lead pair before you breed. Should there be a law that states that your mate must be in the pack if you have pups? She would have to ponder these questions.


01-17-2014, 04:12 PM

Wraithe Slae

Wraithe was startled when he heard the voice. He immediately jumped to his paws with his fur bristling along the spine. A small hiss from his muzzle until she realized she seemed to pose no threat to him. He took a large breathe and calmed himself down. It took quite a while and he mumbled an apology in the process. "Hello, I'm Wraithe. Who are you and why are you... lurking.... about here?"
Wraithe was a suspicious fellow and so he needed answers from the female. His eyes were narrowed to a slight amount as he waited impatiently for a response.

He wondered who she was and what she was about. She appeared to have a lot on her mind and this made the black brute more curious as to what she was doing alone and in the woods at night. He held the grimace on his face and his head tilted slightly to the left. His ears were perked up as he waited.

Pretty Little Cadillac



01-17-2014, 08:58 PM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

?owyn listened to the man as he asked why she was lurking about the dark forest in the night. She gave only a small chuckle in reply as she shook her head. "No sir, I am not lurking, I am recruiting for a mission my mate and I have set forth on. All the packs we've ever met had one messed up law or another. My own birth pack stated that only men could lead. We're recruiting wolves... wolves to help us form a pack of our own with a lack of fancy laws. Of course there would still be laws; however these laws would be fair and well thought out. You smell like a loner. Perhaps... you might have something this ideal could put to use?" She asked him with a small smile on her muzzle.


01-17-2014, 09:23 PM

Wraithe Slae

Wraithe eyed the woman suspiciously as she spoke of trying to gather support for a pack. Wra was hesitant because he knew that most packs were started with good intentions but they ended as nightmares. He protected those whom he found to be loyal and strong. This mate she spoke of could surely point out that she was loyal but strength had to be worked out with himself. He heard her former packs messed up ways and he gave a shudder. He understood her but she had to prove herself to him. "What is your name?"
He asked her in an emotionless voice. He would remain a calm block of steel and he would then test her with her permission. He did not want another mistake on his hands.


Pretty Little Cadillac



01-17-2014, 09:27 PM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

?owyn waited and the man finally asked her for a name to call her by. She offered only a small smile and she responded calmly. She tried to mock his emotionless but ended up failing at it. "?owyn Dominique." She whispered as she eyed him suspiciously. He appeared to be observing her and he had not answered her question as to what it was he might be interested in joining. She closed her eyes and she took one long and deep breathe. A smile held on her muzzle. "So, would you be interested in something like this? You appear to hold a Guardian's build. Please, correct me if I'm wrong." She told him with a cautious look.


01-17-2014, 09:31 PM

Wraithe Slae

Wraithe gave a nod and he spoke to the female his skills. He focused more on fighting than anything else but he was a fairly decent hunter. "You are correct; I was a guardian in my birth pack before it fell apart. I do not give my allegiance to those whom I just met. You must prove to me your strength. Should you take this challenge; we will spar. If you win I shall pledge fealty to you right now. I am intrigued and if you lose you will allow me to follow you back to your mate and you will prove yourself as a strong and capable leader with time."
He offered his peace and then he sat down. He waited with a calm amber gaze and a small smile stretching on his muzzle.

((I'm thinking a 2 round spar?))

Pretty Little Cadillac



01-17-2014, 09:37 PM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

?owyn listened to his proposal and she understood where he was coming from. She herself might refuse the offer that she had given the man had the roles been switched. She just wanted to make sure she held the support to do such things and therefore it led her to agree to the man's terms. "Very well. I shall give you the honor of the first move." She said as she tensed up. She squared her shoulders and lowered her head. She hoped this would block a blow to grab the neck but she could not be positive until the attack hit or missed. She raised her haunches and narrowed her eyes in wait of the man to attack.

Round 0 or 2 for ALLEGIANCE

Defenses: Shoulders squared, center of gravity lowered, tensed, narrowed eyes, head lowered to protect her neck, haunches raised.


01-17-2014, 09:42 PM

Wraithe Slae

Wraithe gave only a nod to acknowledge the female as he plotted out his course. In a matter of seconds after she had prepared her defenses did he launch an attack. He was attempting to hit the middle of her chest with his front paws. He would then try to clamp onto her shoulder with his jaws and force her down to the ground. With this attack he ducked his head to the side slightly to protect it and he narrowed his eyes. He was tense and his jaw was curled up in a small snarl. His eyes widened slightly as he was about to reach the moment of truth. Would he hit or would he miss?

Round 1 of 2 for ALLEGIANCE

Attempting to hit her in the chest with his front paws, attempting to grab onto her shoulder and force her onto the ground.

Adjusting his neck to protect it.

Pretty Little Cadillac



01-17-2014, 09:47 PM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

?owyn was fast on her paws and so as soon as he leapt towards her she darted swiftly to the right and missed his attack completely. She launched herself towards the man's left shoulder in hopes of an attempt to grasp it and knocking him off balance. If this happened than she would attempt to push her front left paw down on his stomach and give a loose grip to his neck. If this was successful than ?o could attempt to force the man to submit. She kept her shoulders squared and her head down. Her eyes were narrowed as she had launched for the attack. She wanted a hit. However anything is possible.

Round 1 of 2

Attacks: She launched herself towards the man's left shoulder in hopes of an attempt to grasp it and knocking him off balance. If this happened than she would attempt to push her front left paw down on his stomach and give a loose grip to his neck.

Defenses: She kept her shoulders squared and her head down. Her eyes were narrowed as she had launched for the attack.


01-17-2014, 09:58 PM

Wraithe Slae

Wraithe felt the miss as he stumbled to the ground. He had regained his balance and evened out his defenses to squaring his shoulders and tensing up just in time when Eowyn had launched herself at him. He moved to the right, however it was not in time. She grasped onto his left shoulder and forced him to the ground. Her front left paw hit his stomach and he was stuck. He tried to roll out of this and he managed to squirm free of the hold. A small smile overtook him when he realized her strength. He launched himself at her as he tried to do the attack he had last time. He was attempting to hit her in the chest with his front paws, attempting to grab onto her shoulder and force her onto the ground.

Round 2 of 2 for ALLEGIANCE

Attempting to hit her in the chest with his front paws, attempting to grab onto her shoulder and force her onto the ground.

Pretty Little Cadillac



01-17-2014, 10:03 PM
[[Good fight Lana!!! <3]]
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

?owyn felt the paws hit her chest with an overwhelming force. A shudder went through her as she became winded. The breathe had been taken for her and her forced reflexes of rolling onto her right side managed to get her out of the way of the bite to the left shoulder. She gave a small and forced hiss as she regained her breathe. She stared at him with her shoulders squared, center of gravity lowered and her body tensed. She had narrowed her eyes and lowered her head to protect her neck. She let her haunches raise as she watched him. He could decide if she was good enough to follow now.

Round 2 of 2 for ALLEGIANCE

Defense: She stared at him with her shoulders squared, center of gravity lowered and her body tensed. She had narrowed her eyes and lowered her head to protect her neck. She let her haunches raise as she watched him.

The Judge


01-24-2014, 11:43 PM


Round 1


clarity ? 0 out of 10 ; ?He was attempting to hit the middle of her chest with his front paws.? it should be explained how he would manage to do this ? most likely by rearing back, but it needs to be clarified within the post (-2). failure to specify the angle at which wrai is attempting to attack, i.e. head-on (-2). failure to specify where on eo?s chest wrai wished to strike (-2). failure to specify what wrai wished to achieve by striking eo on the chest (-2). failure to specify which shoulder wrai was aiming to bite (-2). failure to specify what wrai wished to achieve with a bite to eo?s shoulder (-2). failure to specify how wrai would force eo to the ground, i.e. by utilizing his weight (-2). failure to mention what side wrai ducks to (-2).

powerplay ? 8 out of 10 ; there was no clear attempt at closing the distance between wraithe and eo before wraithe begins his actual attack (-2).

attack ? 2 out of 10 ; attempt to hit eo?s chest with his forepaws (+1, points not awarded in full, refer to clarity section). attempted bite at eo?s shoulder (+1, points not awarded in full, refer to clarity section).

defense ? 0 out of 10 ; eyes narrowed, teeth bared. no points awarded for ducking his skull to the side because that would only expose his neck. two points subtracted from original score for the failure to readjust wrai?s balance as he stands upon his hinds [one point taken per foot that has left the ground].

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round.

round one wraithe total ? 20 out of 50


clarity ? 0 out of 10 ; failure to mention details on the launch attack?was she attempting to hit his shoulder with some part of her body? (-2) ??the man's left shoulder in hopes of an attempt to grasp it?? vague statement; it should be specified how eo would grasp it (-2). failure to specify how eo would knock wrai off balance (-2). failure to specify what eo wished to achieve by attacking wrai?s left shoulder (-2). ??give a loose grip to his neck.? how would eo grip wrai?s neck and where exactly would she grip it? (-4). failure to specify what eo wished to achieve by pressing her forepaw into wrai?s stomach and attacking his neck (-3). failure to specify where upon the stomach eo wished to press her paw against (-1).

powerplay ? 2 out of 10 ; this post contains conditionals [if this happens, then this will happen], and are considered powerplay because it gives you the unfair opportunity to throw in extra attacks at the other character without waiting for their reaction (-5). ??she would attempt to push her front left paw down on his stomach?? this is an assumption of position because you assume wrai would fall onto his back if eo was successful in knocking him off balance (-3).

attack ? 1 out of 10 ; attempted grip to wrai?s shoulder (+1, points not awarded in full, refer to clarity section). did not count the other attacks for reasons stated in the powerplay section.

defense ? 3 out of 10 ; stance squared, neck lowered, eyes narrowed.

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round; full dodge used.

round one eowyn total ? 16 out of 50

Round 2


clarity ? 0 out of 10 ; failure to specify the damage eo dealt upon wrai?s shoulder, i.e. moderate puncture wounds, approximate depth of puncture wounds, etc (-3). failure to specify how wrai fell, i.e. upon his left side, stomach, etc (-2). failure to specify where upon wrai?s stomach eo presses her paw against (-1). failure to specify what side wrai rolls to (-2). failure to specify where wrai is launching himself to (-2). as with the previous round, there is a failure to mention where upon eo?s chest wrai wished to strike, what he wanted to achieve by doing it, and how he would manage to do it (-6). again, there is a failure to specify which shoulder wrai is attacking, how he is attacking it [just stating that he wished to ?grip? her shoulder is vague], what he wished to achieve by attacking the shoulder, and how he would force her to the ground (-8). there was no mention of wrai regaining his footing after he rolled out from eo?s grip (-2).

powerplay ? 3 out of 10 ; in regard to wrai rolling out from beneath eo, this should have been made an attempt. otherwise, it is quite unfair since eo had tried to pin him by placing her paw upon his stomach (-3). also, eo?s grip to wrai?s shoulder wasn?t fully acknowledged through the post. realistically, if eo had grasped his shoulder, this would hinder wrai?s ability to roll free from her grasp and continue to launch attacks upon her by rearing back (-4).

attack ? 2 out of 10 ; attempted strike to eo?s chest with forepaws (+1, points not awarded in full, refer to clarity section). attempted attack to eo?s shoulder (+1, points not awarded in full, refer to clarity section).

defense ? 0 out of 10 ; squared stance. no points awarded for being ?tense? because I don?t believe anyone would really be relaxed while fighting. two points subtracted from original score for the failure to readjust wrai?s balance as he stands upon his hinds.

injuries ? 7 out of 10 ; unspecified damage to left shoulder (-3, judge?s reduction for moderate puncture wounds).

round two wraithe total ? 12 out of 50


clarity ? 2 out of 10 ; failure to specify where upon eo?s chest wrai strikes (-2). failure to mention that wrai?s attack knocked eo over [you went straight from eo being hit to rolling onto her right side] (-2). failure to mention eo regaining her footing (-2). failure to specify where eo stands in relation to wrai (-2).

powerplay ? 1 out of 10 ; an overuse of dodges is looked upon as unfair, and eo managed to avoid the worst of wrai?s attacks twice in a row (-2). falling down and rolling on her side to avoid wrai?s attack to the shoulder seems unrealistic and unfair given the fact that it takes quite some time to perform these actions?much longer than it would take for wrai to try and attack her shoulder (-4). there is also too much movement in this post with eo falling and regaining her footing so quickly without time for wrai to respond; regaining eo?s footing could have been made as an attempt to avoid this (-3).

attack ? 0 out of 10 ; no attacks made.

defense ? 4 out of 10 ; squared stance, center of gravity lowered, narrowed eyes, skull lowered.

injuries ? 8 out of 10 ; temporarily winded (-2), dodge of the attack to shoulder.

round two eowyn total ? 15 out of 50


wraithe ? 32 out of 100

eowyn ? 31 out of 100

And the winner is...

wraithe! eowyn must give up by either fleeing, passing out, or submitting.


wraithe ? moderate puncture wounds to left shoulder, will fully heal in three ooc days.

eowyn ? no injuries sustained.


there was a lack of detail throughout the fight on both parts which caused the overall scores to be low. there is no such thing as being too detailed with your fights; everything can be specified to paint a clear visual within the minds of the readers of the message you are attempting to convey. how an attack is performed, where it is aimed to hit upon the opponent, and what a character wishes to achieve by performing the attack can help increase the clarity score, while including multiple defenses can increase the defense score. be wary of conditionals and avoiding too many attacks to increase your powerplay scores, as these are both looked upon as unfair to the other player.

[ judging by aly ]


01-29-2014, 06:47 PM
[[Thank you Aly!]]

Wraithe liked her guts. He towered over her in victory and with a smile as began to speak. His shoulder held a slight ache and he hoped that the injury she had given him would heal soon. "?owyn, I like your guts. You never gave up throughout the fight. That is what I looked for in a leader." He offered with a smile as he tilted his head to the side. "So where too?" He asked as he bowed his head to the lady whom has proven herself to him. A smile grew more and more across his muzzle. Though he had won the fight; she had won the war.




01-29-2014, 06:52 PM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

?owyn tucked her tail in conceit as she stood up unharmed. It was simple; he had won the fight and so she would have to look onward to find what she wanted. More wolves to follow her. But his words surprised her and a small and appreciative smile grew across her face. She had not expected that from him but she was elated that he did decide that. He asked where too and she thought about it. "You need to meet my mate. We're heading to Lifeless Caverns where my mate and I have been residing. He would like to meet you I am sure. Once we get there though, I'm afraid I must head off to look some more." She explained the the man who had so blindly pledged his allegiance to her.

?owyn started off, expecting the bowing man to follow her. Her business was done there and apparently so was his now that he had decided to stay with her after all. One down and three to go.

--Fade? We can start another thread in the caverns if ya want?--