
the beast you've made of me


10-28-2014, 01:11 AM

[Image: mipief.png]

His world was spiralling quickly, crashing and falling around him. Confusion tottered the world beneath his paws, he felt sick to his stomach but more then anything he felt lost and utterly alone. He would not show it though. Even when Gwena had broken the news to him he had done well to keep his true feelings on the matter hidden behind a well practiced mask. He felt like an icy hand had tightened around his heart, like his stomach was continuously flipping within him. They had just made up, they had just become friends. Had Skah been stupid to think? What had he been thinking? Confusion arched through him, leaving a burning sensation as though someone had whipped him. Teeth would grit as he lay otherwise motionless outside the oracle's den. Shai had abandoned his duties for a night of pleasure. It seemed Skah would be returning to work sooner then her had intended. He had come to see Ojise last night only to find her asleep. So he had waited, slipping far too easily back into old routine. He had dozed lightly on and off, even more on alert now that a northerner had come so close to their home. He needed to speak to the Oracle.

But despite his overwhelming desire to storm into her den and demand answers and tell her everything he would remain dutiful, respectful. Haunches would coil beneath him even as his belly pressed to the earth. He was ready to stand as soon as needed. It still smelt slightly of blood out here, smelt like his blood. He had tried to kick dirt over the red spots that stained the earth but the scent was still there. He didn't wish to make her worry anymore then she already did. She had far too much on her plate to have to worry about him, plus Gwena had already attended to him. No need to worry about wounds other then the report that had to be given when she realized it. Some selfish part of him wanted to leave Ojise in the dark a bit longer. She was going to worry. He hated when she worried.

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3




11-03-2014, 11:23 PM

She had been pacing all day, worried sick over her older brother after seeing his wounds. How could something like that happen? Who did it to him? Her brother, of all wolves, wounded! She would have never imagined it. Skah had always seemed like an invincible hero in her eyes. No one could defeat him, no one could better him in anything! And yet she had seen it done. She frightened her right down to her very core. The end she knew of was changing, and she was not ready for it. She was untrained, a free youngster, able to do and go as she pleased. Trying to find her place within the tribe, trying to find herself. The fur along her nape bristled as lips curled back in a silent snarl. She was pathetic! No wonder her brothers didn't care for her much! She had done nothing to prove herself or to offer them! A growing knot of guilt and self hatred burned in her gut.

What made matters worse was that she had always felt like her older brothers were holding something back from her. The need to know was too great to ignore anymore. With a swift turn on her paws and a flourish of her tail she marched off to the Oracle's den. If anything one of her brothers was there. If anything she could seek comfort from the oracle herself. She wanted to know everything now! No more hiding secrets, no more acting like the world was perfect! It would be in this moment her innocence would slowly start to fade away from her. She knew the world was not prefect and peaceful. She knew her brothers could die. She knew she was useless to her tribe. The very thoughts nearly had her crumbling down in the earth in distress. What would they do? What could she do?!

Her paws hit the ground in a loud stomp, fearing if she didn't push on she would crumble to the ground and give up on everything. Her ears were pinned back, green and brown eyes wide with distress. Her fur fluffy out to twice its normal length in anger and fear. As the Oracle's den came into view, so did Skah. Pausing for a moment, jaws parted as if she had lost her voice. She stood there gathering her courage, swallowing down the vomit building up in the back of her throat."SKAH! Tell me everything!" her voice had never before raise to a yell, had never held any venom or heat. But she stood there before her older brother, who was much larger than her, in a demanding pose. Tail raised high, ears forwards and eyes locked on her brother with distress and fear. But she would hold her ground. She had never before spoken in such a manner to anyone, she had always been respectful, shy and soft. But not now, reality was kicking in.

"Burn Baby Burn"