


01-21-2014, 01:22 PM

Thick swathes of ash blanketed the land here, which was both annoying as hell and dangerous. Her travelling partner was at her side, as far as she could tell. The ash was thicker up higher, and being the immense wolf she was, she was getting a lot of it in her lungs. Coughing fits overwhelmed her, and she struggled to rid the soot from her insides. Laying herself down gently, slowly, she let the shuddering of her rosy flanks overwhelm her. Tears welled up in her garnet pools, her muscles quivering with the force of her convulsions. As it passed, the champagne gladatrix took slow, deep breaths and let the oxygen flood her system. Ruby optics flicked up to Ubivat, and she would give a shake of her silken ruff. Ash fell from her head like snowflakes, and shakily she stood again. "Lets see if we can find somewhere to hole up for now..." Wintry lyrics would wheeze as she returned to her previous trotting gait.
She was struggling with this, walking through the thick cloud of soot. Her large frame required more oxygen, so in turn she breathed in more ash. Never a good thing to do. She began to feel dizzy, every now and again her footing would falter, something nearly unheard of from the wintry goddess. Soon Skadi was becoming lightheaded, and hoped Ubivat wouldn't notice. They just needed to get to the thicker part of the woods, and then the ash wouldn't be as heavy, and they could rest, somewhat. Black spots filled her vision, which worried her deeply. "Ubivat, I-" The rosen femme began, but was cut off as her massive form crashed to the ground. Everything went black just before her crown connected with the hard, semi frozen terra.

image by Luisiana