
This Is Only Part Two


01-15-2014, 11:07 PM
Arietta had hardly gotten used to her new home... the place where her new master had demanded her to stay. Ardens Gl?cies. It was a strange place... with freezing water separating it from the main land. She shuddered. Her whole body had start to go numb from the swim over... and in her tired, frightened state it was a wonder the young woman simply hadn't given up and let herself drown. But no... she made it. There were no other wolves here, from what she could scent. She was alone... and that was likely why Sin chose the place.

The female had made herself a den near the large lake that made up much of the area. It was dug deep into the ground, lined with grasses and other dried plant life. Though it had not been commanded of her, Arietta purposely made sure the den was very large. Easily large enough to support herself, Sin, and then some. The brown female was sure, had Sin seen a smaller den, he would have told her to make it bigger anyway, so save herself that step she went ahead and did that herself.

Since her capture and rape the female moved more timidly than before. Her light blue eyes would dart around nervously every time she poked her head out of the den, constantly on the lookout for the man she viewed as the very devil himself. Arietta feared him... and she would not try and run again. She would not try and seek help. She feared heavily what he would do to her if she did.

Her body was still sore for the incident that happened only a couple days ago. No doubt in her heart it was only the start of that fate... and she shuddered to think of what would become of the whelps he forced her to bear. She knew he would... and that scared her all the more. To think of children coming from her being raised to act like demons.

Arietta would leave her den, crossing the short distance to the lake and lapping at the water. Her body was lowered to the ground, shivering a bit. It was spring, but the air here was colder. The female wasn't particularly fond of the cold... but she didn't have very many choices left in her life anymore.

After drinking her fill Arietta would lay down by the lakeside, head on her paws. Sin's scent, as well as the cursed scent of blood that accompanied his own, still stuck to her coat. Marking her even further as his. A soft sigh would leave the young woman, and she would close her eyes. If she thought she was lonely before... she didn't know loneliness... and now... now she just felt hollow.



01-16-2014, 12:41 AM

There were rumours of the pale boy?s disappearances, and although most members chose to come and go as they pleased, Sin?s trial would encourage Isardis out towards a dwindling scent trail. A trail that seemed to wander on for far longer than the albino was comfortable with. He would come to the Sandy Shores of the tropical South, coral toes light within the shallow waters. He would hesitate, unsure whether he wanted to make the swim, if it was worth it or not; but what would he find? Curiosity would get the best of him, and slowly, beneath the fading sun of the evening he would persuade his body into the calm salt waters.

Chilling, but welcoming, Isardis was no stranger of winter air; but this was different, strange, paddling over faded reefs with care, he would emerge upon the sands of the islands. The scents were stronger here, the man standing for a few moments, swaying forwards with pale nostrils close to the earth, before- ah. There, a woman had once stood by the strange and rippling waters of the hidden lade, but seemed to drop away only moments later. Shaking his pelt free of moisture, he would trot with haste up the rise of the earth, to be greeted by her fragile form; russet and earthly tones resting forlornly at the stilled mouth of the water-bowl. He would pause, curious, ears tipping backwards in near suspicion, ?What do you know of the pale boy, Sin?? his voice was a demand, but not a threat.

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01-16-2014, 01:46 AM

For a while she was alone. The brown female was sure that Sin would be along any time... he was looking after her. She wasn't used to his presence when he was near, being fearful of him still... but it was terribly lonely without him. At least with Sin around there was another wolf to see... to talk to. The female would let out a saddened sigh, looking up, ears lifting. Someone was with her. She would hear a voice, but it would not be that of Sin. The female would lift her head, turning it towards the male.

He was older... with a demanding voice asking about Sin. Arietta would lower her ears a bit. Who was this man? What did he know of Sin? The young woman would get to her paws, turning to face the brute. He was one of dominance, but she did not sense a threat from him as she had with Sin. Arietta would dip her head, answering in a soft voice. She was too afraid to tell him the truth.

"Sin saved me,sir." The lie came out of her mouth all too easily. She would continue to speak, unsure when Sin might appear. "In my thanks I... I... became his mate." Would this stranger read through her lies? Would he see her fear for what it truly was?

Speech, Thought



01-16-2014, 07:15 AM (This post was last modified: 01-16-2014, 07:16 AM by Isardis.)

The woman almost seemed afraid as she would stand, and yet she would not cower within his wake. Something was off, strange, awkward about her behaviour; and Isardis held a suspicion within the swirling rubies of his gaze. What secrets did she bare? She would speak, and the words seemed so unlikely it would send his skin to an unimpressed prickle. What little Isardis knew of Sin was certainly enough to suggest he was not the kind to save a damsel in distress. His features stiffened, body growing rigid as extended tail would lift against the structures of his spine. She was stuttering, tripping over herself, and yet the King had no idea as to why. His eyes narrowed, rosy gape shrinking with a scrutinizing dare, ?Why do I find it so hard to believe you?? a coral forepaw would reach forth, threatening to close the distance between them.

And it was then his mood would change; his mind brewing with cunning plans, ?A wife as respectable as yourself, would surely not be hidden away from families eyes; let alone one?s King. Sin treads dangerous boundaries, do you choose to protect him with your plastic features or will you save yourself the trauma?? Now, Isardis wasn?t sure what she was hiding, hell he wasn?t even sure if the foul rumours of his son were true. But he would test the waters regardless; no member of Glaciem would slip so easily beneath his nose. And one didn?t need to be a rocket scientist to notice the woman?s incessant stumbling? something stirred.

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6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-16-2014, 11:17 AM

Water clung to him like the hand of the devil as he returned to his haven. The place he sought for solitude and new comfort. He had taken a young girl as his own merely two days ago, and she was a beauty. Clamped in his jaws was a fairly fat rabbit, a gift for his trophy. He was sure she would be hungry, and although he was the darkest of demons he would not neglect the health and wellbeing of those he took under his wing. She was still afraid, fearful of him. But since that day he had not threatened her nor her life. He brought her here instead, to train her away from prying eyes. But it would seem that somehow, his trail would be followed. Good. He wanted someone to know, someone to discover that he would do as he pleased regardless of whether or not he was a pack wolf or a rogue. He was Sin...And there was nothing that would change that.

Sharpened claws sunk into the windswept sands, body pulled forward towards the lair he chose for the pair to reside. Arietta had been kind enough to make a den large enough for the pair to accommodate themselves within its pits. And for that he would reward her soon for her efforts. For she was not simply a toy nor trophy on display...she was his. And his alone. He claimed her, took her as his mate for the planned future, and yet even with such plans brewing in his mind, he would do well to take care of her and train her. She was younger then himself after all, and had much to learn.

The scent of the suspect would become stronger as soon as Sin left the beaches. His suspicions of the visitor apparent, and his maw would slide into a grin as the unmistakable figure came into view. The words that spewed from the pink toned jaws of his visitor made his chest heave with silent laughter, the words of interrogation reaching his ears. The blood stained male passed Isardis without so much as a glance until he stood at the side of his lovely prize. The rabbit placed on the floor in front of her as he stood on her left. He offered a slight sign of affection upon her ear, a nuzzle if one were watching. "I've brought you food, eat up my lovely." He would whisper in her ear before turning his reknowned gaze of venom on the albino. His gaze was always intense like that of a rattlesnake no matter the situation or whom it was. The boy stood tall as he looked at the somewhat sodden male.

"It is not nice to intrude and interrogate someone who holds no information for you nor anyone else." He purred, a half smile curling on blood stained lips. "I see you've managed to chase down my trail, which was expected. If I did not want you to find out I could have easily hidden the trail, but as it is, welcome to my chosen place. My lovely wife and I, have chosen this spot for training in solitude before she was presented. But it seems you've chosen to spoil the surprise. What brings you here? Surely there is a reason for you to have chased down my trail." Sin cared not what the other had to say. He cared not whether he remained within the ranks or out. His father seemed to not care about him anyway, for although he was the blood of the king, he had never been treated as such and for that, Sin didn't care to remain in the pack of unjust figures.

Attention was put to the test. The king had previously seemed to threaten his wife and yet he thought better of it. Sin would not take kindly to such acts, but he would not waste his time with a fight...he had much better things to occupy his time with.



01-16-2014, 02:48 PM

She could tell, just in the slight movements of his body, his ruby eyes, even before he spoke, that he didn't believe her words. Arietta's stumbling over her words brought further suspicion to the the male. Her ears would lower completely as he spoke. The single paw that moved forth was enough for the brown female to take a step back, fear of this male entering her eyes too. Was he going to hurt her too? The female's body would lower a bit, as if bracing itself to be viciously grabbed.

But the albino's words would suddenly change. She would raise, if only slightly. This man was Sin's king? He... was already part of a pack? His interrogation would continue... and her heartbeat would quicken. She didn't know what to say now. But, truly for the first time, the female was glad to see the crimson stained brute approaching. She had no doubt that he would handle this... she just had to play along and everything would be fine... right?

Since their initial meeting Sin hadn't threatened her... or her life. Instead he gave her company... trying to take care of her it seemed. Despite how she shied away from him and would cower. It was clear that the female had become his... and yes, it was by force, but there was a part of Arietta that wondered if things were not really quite as bad as they seemed to be. That part of her was what would grow to slowly trust Sin... and develop her loyalty to the devil of a brute.

The sign of affection was strange... but at the same time the female, in part, welcomed it. Sin was the first wolf to show her behaviors like this... and perhaps that too played with her wanting to accept him even though she was afraid. If she accepted him then things would be easier. Blue eyes would shift to Sin. Her mind would continue to question even as she softly spoke. "Thank you." She had been hungry, but she felt too unsettled to eat with the albino wolf there.

Sin would address the other male... she could tell, even though this man was supposed to be his king, that Sin showed no concern for the fate that might befall him if the male knew of his true actions... and how they had actually been formed as a pair. She didn't think it was the truth... Sin seemed to have other plans than simply training her to go back to wherever this king held his pack. The female would shift uneasily, finding herself speaking to aid in Sin's reasoning for them being here then the pack.

"It is my fault, good king..." The female would look down. 'Don't look at him. Don't stutter.' Arietta would let out a soft sigh. She wasn't sure what she was doing anymore. She was confused... but she felt this was the best route to take. "I was born to a single mother..." Sin would be learning this information for the first time too... and it was mostly the truth. "I was raised on an island alone. I never learned how to hunt, to interact with others, to fight. I was afraid of going to your kingdom. To be such a disgrace... to shame Sin." The female's blue gaze would shift back to the king, and she would purposely shift closer to Sin, though her body would shiver when the two had their sides touch.

Speech, Thought



01-20-2014, 08:29 PM

Unsuspecting and just as invited, Sin?s presence would become well known as the foul odour of his twisted stench would invade cherry naires, uncouth and galling. The woman was reluctant, unwilling to share the troubles that frolicked so half-mindedly about her wounded gaze; she was broken, a shell with crumbling innards, no more than a face stained by a void that lingered in darker places. His son ignore him, crawling by his side without so much as an acknowledgement, Isardis scowled; coral towers pulling against his skull as a false snap was directed towards the foolish boys quarters, ?You know nothing of superiority, your lack of respect is putrid,? and it was so true as the words would spit his lips. You did not turn your back on a King, and most certainly not your father. It was not an attack based on assumptions, but purely a directed lesson towards the boys actions within that moment.

It was then the woman and boy would both begin to share idiocy, filthy words dripping from tarnished lips. A short bark would mark the Kings frustration, hackles lifting as rubies would narrow upon the pair; he was no longer a vistor here, but stating his dominance, his heirachy. ?I have no interest in the stupidity you both plead. You?ll return to Glaciem at present; it is no right of yours to stake private claims upon women when you hold no title, you?re the body of an empire, boy, and until you prove yourself the crown you wear is no more than a plastic lie,? it was rare Isardis seemed so painfully serious, usually an unfurling creature of toy and pleasure. But something was off about the child who seemed so fond of himself and his brittle mind. One false move and the ground that wedged beneath his bloodied paws would splinter and cave towards the flaming core of disgrace.

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6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-22-2014, 12:52 AM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2014, 12:54 AM by Sin.)
OOC: please note that if it is a fight you are planning, I will inform you now that I do not have the time for one as i am on a road trip with friends and may not have stable access to the internet.

Sin Armada

Amber gaze watched the male before him. Was he always this easily frustrated? Always so easily pushed to the brink of feeling threatened? How disappointing. And here, the boy thought his father was so much more. It appeared the king claimed that Sin lacked respect, but oh how unwise it was to make such silly assumptions. "I did not find it polite to greet one of your status with my mouth full." He responded without a note of emotion. Either way, he supposed his father would have some sort of annoyance and yet the boy still didn't care. Optics fell to his trophy as she explained and apologized, when really she had no reason to. Though it was new information to him. And still, she should not have apologized to one prying secrets about him. Sin disliked those who attempted to do so, regardless of who they were. He himself didn't go threatening others to tell him everything about his father, why should he? It wouldn't have benefitted him to do so. He wasn't worth it as was most others.

Returning expressionless gaze to the cherry male, he showed nothing upon his face. His thoughts hidden from the coral visage. "Ah, but it would seem I do have a title. You, the king of glaciem bore me along with many others. Even if not by rank, we have title by name. But as it is, have it your way." He would not be taking Arietta with him, but he could not be forced to leave where he stood. He was not within pack lands, and was free to travel where he willed whether his father liked it or not. But for now, he would return...he had business with certain others back home, so perhaps it was good that his father had come along. It would only push Sin to keep on track much faster then previously thought. Enjoy it while you can...someday, someone else will take your crown. He would think with amusement, for it was not him that planned on taking Glaciem. No. The pack was much too weak, too full of the useless spawn and worthless so called warriors that lied around like floored sloths. Pitiful, really.

He would wait for his father to move first. If he claimed to be higher and above everyone else, then he could lead the way back home. He swiped his tail against the fae as he waited for another possible outburst from his father. Sin harbored by amusement at the thought that his father would dislike that he was so calm about the situation. Then again, his father had a reputation for losing his temper. As did Sin, and yet he was better able to contain it. Perhaps if the cherry king was better at being a father as well as a king, then perhaps Sin would actually listen and give him more respect....but he had yet to see it. And until then, Sin would continue to do as he so desired.



01-24-2014, 08:22 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2014, 08:24 PM by Isardis.)

He believed he was untouchable, that his body was greater than the next, that he wore razors for fangs and daggers for toes; but truly, the boy was nothing, fuelled by an unearned pride. Of all his battles, Isardis had only ever been bested once, and that one time would surely never come again. If he desired it so, he could have stolen the eyes and the ears, or hell? the testicles of the boy before him, and yet his maturity was all that stopped him. But perhaps not for long as the boy threw weak insults, coral jowls becoming bared against ivory pearls, flashing with the disapproval that bothered him so much, ?Would you like to be entertained?? but his rage was fizzled, rolling out into a crazed cackle of amusement. This was a joke, of all his children this youth was truly talented at pushing his buttons. He had mauled the face of Taurig, castrated him, blinded him; you would think that would deter others from messing with a superior. But alas the boy was stupid, and it soon became clear of his intentions, ?The girl comes.? It was not a request or a suggestion, it was a demand and if the child refused then perhaps he truly would catch a breath of entertainment.

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01-24-2014, 09:01 PM

Gaze would flick from the pinkish brute to Sin and then back again. Her unsettled feeling was growing as she listened to the two them talk to each other, watched their body language. The king was obviously less than pleased with Sin's actions, and, much to her shock, the male was his son. The feeling of complete helplessness washed over her. She could do nothing but stand by as these two brutes spoke to each other. Things were going quickly downhill... and Arietta expected the two to come to blows.

...and because of this fear in the femme would grow. She would take another step back, into the lake water, as Isardis bared his fangs. Her ears were lowered, as was her body, and a low, fearful whine escaped her. His next words, a demand, would make the young woman's eyes widen as large as saucers in alarm. Her body would quiver a bit. Some of what Isardis believed to be simple stupidity wasn't untrue. She was afraid of going to Glaciem now... though not because of the reasons she had said in her lie to him. The thought of being around other wolves... it made her incredibly scared. How would they treat her? Would it be like her first encounter with Sin?

Speech, Thought



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-24-2014, 11:50 PM
Sin Armada

Amber gaze remained fixated upon the albino father, rapid changes of his mood visible and yet he seemed to refrain. He waited for him to move, and yet he did not. It was apparent be was barely holding his composure, but why? Sin had no plans in fighting, it was clearly evident in the way he had agreed to return home. And it was the words that slipped from the king that led Sin to believe he misunderstood something. A chuckle suppressed itself within his chest as the boy gazed calmly at the coral beast before him. "Entertainment? It seems you misunderstood. I merely claimed you as the one who spawned me with many others of the title Armada. I've no wish to seek entertainment at this time, for my amusement has already been filled by other means." he responded, hiding the amusement in his voice.

A demand was made shortly after, and Sin expected as such. It was just like his father to do such a thing...for Sin would have done exactly the same. Ah, like father like son. The blood really did run deep. Sin glanced at the fae from the corner of his eyes, the fear she held was evident and yet there was nothing to fear. He would be there, and he would not allow harm to come to her from within the pack, nor out of it. "I will bring her, however, no harm is to come to her. Such reasons will be explained later if you wish...I have things I'd like to discuss with you back home, father." he cast a glance towards the girl, amber eyes falling on her frightened form. "You are to come with me, is that clear little fox?"


01-25-2014, 12:03 AM

Sin would not try and fight the cherry male, which was a good thing for the scared female. So much uncertainty filled her... and her light blue orbs would fix upon the crimson stained male. He was calm, and had no problem in returning to his pack with her. She had no choice but to go with him, as much as she just wanted to go back to the new den she had come to know as her home, curl up there, and never leave it again. Sin's words however made it clear that wasn't an option, and the female would dip her head, willing herself to speak, although the words were quiet. "Yes Sin..." She would glance at the albino again, trembling slightly.

Speech, Thought



01-25-2014, 01:01 AM

It seemed the boy was still unclear, even in his agreement and willingness to bring the woman, he showed a brittle attempt at authority. Isardis wouldn?t flinch, instead casting him a glance of void, his anger easing, ?You do not make the rules in Glaciem, I do,? and it was not as if the woman would be hurt- nobody was ever abused in Glaciem unless they begged for it, but it was not Sin?s place to state regulations and agreements; his rank was poor, low, and for good reason. The way he addressed the woman with orders and petty titles only further encouraged the albino top believe she was not in the pale boy?s presence by choice? never to fear, soon she would have little issues, unless she was foolish. Hell, Isardis didn?t particularly want her, the frail and meek kinds didn?t particularly appeal. He would head back the way he had come, pausing ankle deep in the ocean, ?After you,? not trusting the duo to loiter behind him.

--exit Isardis?

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