
Let The Flames Begin


01-15-2014, 01:30 AM

The divinity would appease herself, winding through the vast ranges of the empire, restlessly wandering as her sallow bodice would meander through the shadows of the land. The sheer cliffs here blocked the warming sunlight of the spring, but she wasn't perturbed by it. She would walk simply, her body relaxed, though her senses would remain alert. Her tail was carried in the air, a banner of her pride, as she would move, showing her regal lineage with every step. She had accomplished much in her time in Glaciem, working hard to prove her worth to her father, and the pack. She was worth the position even if her stupidity had landed her in defiling situations recently. Ah, defiling. That was one conversation that she didn't look forward to having with her father, but at the same time. No one else would tell him about it, it was her loss. Her story alone, and it was time to come clean even if it meant risking his shame.

From where she would pausing in the gaping canyon, she would tilt her head into the sky, an adorning call summoning the albino king that was her father. Her alabaster jaws would kiss into the air, her song coming off in billows of frost, an enchanting note, seeking out the ears of one, and one only. Her note would end, her jaws closing at the end of her summons and her violet eyes would stare around her, contemplating her decision. She had called to him on impulse, and it seemed her paws had carried her to one of the more secluded areas of the territory where they could speak and not be over-heard. As she would wait for him, she felt as if she would regret this decision. Would he cast her away as a failure? She had disappointed him so quickly, had failed so easily. Surely it meant something that she had spent relentless hours since then sparring, training, growing faster and stronger, so when she faced the cretin that had stripped her of her dignity, she would take it back by force? Surely that counter for something?




01-16-2014, 01:16 AM

Ah, The Sound; the newly acquired land was satisfactory. It would weave salt waters in from the ocean, and was somewhat unique in its abilities to still grow salt-dwelling greenery and moss. Though Isardis was yet to cross paths with the dangers of Seal?s, the odd penguin or fish as a lunch-treat had never gone astray. Pines would begin to fade as the valley would drop out beneath him, sheer cliff faces growing against either side as he would yield so willingly to the call of his Overseer. Roman had herself nestled in amongst the huge surroundings, small and dainty in her distance, but only growing stronger as he approached. He would spare the woman no distance, waltzing so fondly to push his head against her shoulder, crown tipped forwards in an affectionate greeting as his tongue would then trace her left blade, haunches lowering as he would seat himself in her wake, ?What have you for me, silver splendour??


01-16-2014, 01:28 AM

In the echoing call of the cavern's she would take a few moments to observe the land they had so recently acquired. Though she was well aware of the dangers that lurked, she felt at ease, comfortable in her ability to fend for herself, a comfort she so often took advantage of. The approach of the king, brought her attention back to the present, and as he affectionately brushed against her, she leaned into him, her pink tongue, seeking out in an adorning kiss of her own. "Father." She'd coo, her soft voice coming out in a breath. A father, that was something she was still getting used too. At his words, she felt a twinge of worry at the disappointment that she feared he'd express in the pit of her belly, he expected so much of her. What if she was nothing but a fraud? Pushing her dim thoughts aside, the calm confident damsel would turn her violet pools onto her father's face, seeking the ruby gaze that he held.

"I'm afraid I only will bring you disappointing, and displeasure with what I must tell you, but I want to tell you before you hear the scorned lies of another." Yes, honesty in this case would be her best policy, a policy that was a rarity to the queen. The fire she felt in her chest, burned, and she would look away from him for a second, before her gaze would seek to claim his face once more, determination marking the frown on her porcelain jaws.




01-16-2014, 01:41 AM

She would lean to his touch, her tongue greeting the tenders of his nape in a returned embrace. He would allow her the contact of his gaze, pressing his shoulder against her own, momentarily breaking his audience to gaze proudly out across the green waterscape that would unfold before them. A ripple in the eerily still, guarded waters would almost cause his spine to shiver; what monsters lurked beneath? Could evil and death truly hold its palms in such a beautiful place? But the thought would free his mind as his daughter would shudder, almost seeming to splutter free words of dawning concern. He would shift to look at her, pleasured gaze becoming one of void and mild interest, his towers would hang loosely, rubies holding against her amethyst stare, ?You cannot disappoint me in honesty,? and it was true, in telling him all that bothered her she was remaining loyal. She could not betray now, no matter what words left her lips, for his knowledge of it was all that mattered.


01-16-2014, 01:48 AM

Her father was an intense being, a creature that any with the sense of a pup would aspire to be like. She adored him, her fealty to her father was as thick as the blood of his that pumped through her veins, but that didn't sway the dark voices in the corners of her mind. Honesty was the best policy in fealty. She couldn't be truly loyal to a king she couldn't be honest with. Something she reminded herself of as she looked into his ruby gaze was that he was her king, but also a father. Which response would take over? "I've been traveling, since I came here. Learning of the lands, and my travels took me to the south, where I came across a rouge. Words turned into a skirmish, I thought... I could handle him, but my confidence in myself turned out to be how he got the best of me." She would glance away, taking a breath before her eyes would harden slightly before again meeting her fathers face. "He defiled me... all because I was a fool." She would fall silent, waiting for some sort of reaction. Expecting anger, banishment, pretty much anything horrible that would befall her.




01-16-2014, 02:13 AM

The pain in her words would flow so easily from the brim of her lips, the displeasure in her eyes sending his heart into the pulling of sympathy; but it was not what he had thought. Her first sentence would draw to a close as her spirits sunk, and he was so ready to reassure that he would train her; that she would best the man she had once lost to with flying colours and an effortlessness branded by only the Armada?s. But she was not done, and the words that would fall from her broken lips were enough to shatter his core. And it all made sense now. He would rise to his feet, fuming with a growing rage, a vicious snarl snapping free of his pipes as his hackles would lift. Nobody did such felonies towards a daughter of his, and they most certainly didn?t breathe on the others ide of it. His muscles tremored with sickness, his tongue twisting with the fury that boiled within, ?Where?? his tone was far too sharp than what the wounded girl needed; Isardis had never been talented with the emotional side of things, his anger far too over-powering. ?Where was he? I will skin him to within an inch of his life and watch his jugular beat against the exposed air; I will destroy him and all he is, Roman- I must find the rotted deadman, where was he- who is he?? oh Isardis and his repetitive ways, not allowing the babe to answer him until he was truly done spitting rage.


01-16-2014, 02:26 AM

Her confession had been uttered, and the shame she had been carrying deepened at the reaction of her father. As he lunged to his feet, she fought not to flinch away from him. Forcing herself to maintain her composure she would listen to the rant that his jaws would spew in rage. Her violet eyes widening, as she fought for what to speak to him, to soothe him. Standing she would move towards him carefully, her eyes never leaving his face. She would have to look up to him, but she would stand firm when she would speak. "Isardis." She would not call him father, rather her tone grabbed for his attention. "Father," She began again softly, I think his name was something like... Fugly? Fuguen? Fugure? Fugue? I didn't really pay that much attention, another mistake apparently." Her tone would be dry. Staring at him for a moment, she would raise her tail slightly, determination lighting her gaze. "I don't want you to seek vengeance for me. I want to be the one to make him pay, Father.... Please." She wasn't one to beg, but she was worried that in the state the king was in, that he'd go on a murdering rampage. She wasn't a princess, as she had been called. She could get her own paws dirty, and she had to beat him on her own.
