
Gather the beasts of Hell


01-14-2014, 12:13 PM

The sound of a dying animal was sure to attract predators, and perhaps one of the most dangerous fiends prowled toward it. Her paws swiftly carried her toward the sounds as she carefully weaved through the numerous death pits. The stench of the tar overwhelmed the senses and masked nearly every other scent, but Ravage's ears would lead her to this prize, not her nose. The landscape was divided at the horizon into black and white; the black of the tar pits and the white of the cloud-choked sky above. The cries were growing louder, and in the distance Ravage could make out a shape struggling madly against the merciless pull of the tar.

Finally she came upon the poor soul, a dull colored animal with hooves and horns. It was a decently sized male, young and strong. Though try as it might it could not escape the grasp of the tar which was determined to swallow it whole. It must have recently fallen victim to the black void; it fought savagely for its survival. Ravage knew its fighting would be in vain, she had seen it happen here before. The buck snorted and met the wolf's eyes. It threw its head back in a challenge, as if it could threaten Ravage from its current position. This amused the demented bitch and she sat down to watch the show.

"I bet you want me to end your suffering, don't you?" She mocked the beast with false sympathy. Ravage had no intention of making this animal's death quick.



6 Years
01-20-2014, 07:18 PM
Esperanza could sense the death that filled this place with it's intoxicating stench of death and tar. Everything around her was with skulls, bones, and other things from animals and she whimpered at the death that filled this self around this place. She could hear the distant sounds of the animals that had once fallen victim to this place, and she could even sense one had fallen victim to the tar right this very second.

She could hear the snorting and anguish of the buck that was stuck inside the tar. She had felt sorry for the buck, but, one thing caught her attention. A wolf that appeared to be enjoying the slow death of the animal and she snorted in disgust.

She approached the buck and watched the tar carefully and snapped onto it's neck, as her paws had landed a few inches away from the tar, and she appeared to not be stuck. She said a prayer from the deceased animal as her maw was stained with crimson.


01-20-2014, 10:22 PM

Ravage remained still, her eyes watchfully following the interloper's movements. If Esperanza intended on watching the show, Ravage would have made room for her in the audience. But as it turned out the black female did not have the same taste for suffering. The smoke colored demoness rose to her feet swiftly when the fresh scent of blood reached her. Golden eyes narrowed in anger and her ears sank against her skull.

"That animal was mine..." She growled, lowering her chin and flashing her fangs. Its soul had been claimed as hers, and now this stranger presumed to steal it. Esperanza had interrupted one of her most sacred rituals; such blasphemy could never be forgiven. Ravage moved forward on long ink colored legs, shrinking the distance between the two of them. "What do you plan on giving me in exchange?" An eye for an eye, as they say.




6 Years
01-20-2014, 11:28 PM
Esperanza could sense the anger inside the dark females voice as she could sense the hatred inside the female's voice. The woman looked at the female wolf, glaring angrily when she said that the soul was hers. "I do not intend on giving you anything, I am one who believes in a quick death and being thankful for those who have died...Unlike you who believes that death is just a sport and something to steal. I am not afraid of someone like you, for all life has purpose and value as what I say." Determination was etched inside her voice as she placed her paw on the deer's carcass.

"Rather than thinking of this as a damn sacrifice, why not think of this as a meal and thank the deer for it's death so you may live." Esperanza closed her eyes and said a quick prayer before looking back at the ebony colored she-wolf that still seemed to be angered by her actions. She didn't care if she were hurt, she cared about the life of others and would stick with that truth without fail.

The dark tar pits continued to smoke and stink as the smell began to intoxicate her nostrils with it's foul scent. Everything about it seemed to just be filled with death. And this wolf before her, seemed to be enjoying every second that the death of animals was painfully slow, and that angered the femme even more.


01-21-2014, 08:47 PM

Ravage listened to the other female speak and she slowly moved to position herself perpendicular to Esperanza. Salmon colored tongue washed over her exposed canines and she lowered her head toward the ground.

"Then I will take what I am owed. One of your eyes, I think.." The shadowy woman was light on her feet as she closed the distance between herself and Esperanza. She angled her bony shoulders forward and held her tail parallel to her spine. Her long black limbs were bent, giving her a lower center of gravity and keeping her weight evenly distributed. Her toes were splayed and her sharp talons gripped the dark earth beneath her as she moved. Harsh golden eyes were narrowed to slits and her ears pressed firmly against her skull. Ravenous jaws unhinged as her chin tucked toward her chest. The muscles of her abdomen were tight with tension and her striped hackles were raised.

Ravage lurched forward, seeking to drive her fangs into Esperanza's left hind leg. She aimed to bite the soft flesh and into where the limb connects. Simultaneously she attempted to wrap her right forepaw around the black she-wolf's left ankle with the intention of digging in her claws, pulling, and throwing her off balance. Ravage curled her body slightly toward her foe's left haunch, spreading her back legs for added balance.

Ravage vs Esperanza for maim (Esperanza's eye)
Round one of two
ATTACKS: Aiming to bite Esperanza's left hind leg where the limb connects. Attempting to pull forward on Esperanza's left ankle to imbalance.
DEFENSES: Shoulders forward, limbs bent, toes splayed, claws digging in to ground, eyes narrowed, ears back, jaws parted, chin tucked, abdomen tensed, hackles raised, back legs spread
INJURIES: none, yet




6 Years
01-21-2014, 08:54 PM
Esperanza moved a good distance away from the fae before her. Her emerald orbs shimmered slightly as her claws dug into the ground as she dashed and lunged toward the female wolf, snarling and bit down onto the female's right ear, tearing at the flesh and soon moving away from the female wolf, hoping to gain a good distance away before the female whom she attacked would get up and return the punishment. She looked down and saw blood dripping from her hind leg as she snarled at Ravage for the injury she also had received.

Attacks: Lunging forward, snapping onto Ravage's ear

Defenses: Form bended and in a good enough position where she could not be reached, moving a good distance away before she had time to react.


01-21-2014, 09:40 PM

Ravage snarled viciously as she felt Esperanza try to seize her ear. The ebony interloper's teeth would catch and scrape the area of Ravage's skull around her ear, creating minor cuts an inch or two long. Ravage had kept her ears held firmly against her head throughout the assault and managed to avoid any serious damage. Her ears would remain pinned to the sides of her skull. The smoke coated female growled low in her chest as Esperanza's haunch was wrenched from between her fangs and she immediately reared to face the black wolf. Thick streams of blood ran hot trails down her chin. She parted her shadowy jaws wide and lowered her red chin down to her chest. Her tightly narrowed eyes were cold and lethally focused on Esperanza's form. She kept her legs bent and her body close to the ground with her tail held out for balance. Her shoulders were raised to protect her neck and throat. Ravage's hackles were bristled, her toes were spread, and her claws were anchored to the ground.

Once more she would surge forward in a predatory lunge, this time her target was Esperanza's face. Ravage came at her foe head-on and attempted to wrap her front paws around the back of Esperanza's neck with the intention of steering the pure black wolf's head into her waiting jaws. Ravage snarled and attempted to bite into Esperanza's left eye, aiming to pull the eyeball from its socket. Her back legs would spread to accommodate for her stance, and she would lean forward into Esperanza.

Ravage vs Esperanza for maim (Esperanza's eye)
Round two of two
ATTACKS: Attempting to grab hold of Esperanza's neck with her forepaws and direct her head toward her mouth. Attempting to bite into Esperanza's left eye to maim.
DEFENSES: Ears pinned, jaws parted, chin tucked, eyes narrowed, legs bent, body lowered, tail held out for balance, shoulders raised, hackles raised, toes spread, claws anchored into ground, back legs spread
INJURIES: Several minor cuts on her head near her right ear around 1 or 2 inches long




6 Years
01-21-2014, 09:54 PM
Esperanza could sense what the smoke colored female was trying to do. She saw her form lunge toward her neck, but, with quick speed, shifted her body to the side and latched her teeth around the fae's neck, using her front paws to push onto Ravages side, knocking her off balance. Blood that had formed around the side of her leg trickled down, dark droplets of crimson landing onto the tar below.

"She sure is a fierce fighter," Esperanza mumbled to herself as her teeth had dug deep into the smoke colored wolf's neck as crimson could be seen, tricking down the fae's neck, but not enough damage to kill her, for she was never that heartless despite what Ravage had wanted to do to her. Her paws stayed pressed onto her side, while her back paws were a good enough distance away where Ravage could not knock her off balance.

Attacks: Wrapping teeth and jaw around Ravage's muzzle, keeping forepaws on stomach making sure she will not move and attack.

Defense: Moved paws back to keep from being knocked off guard. Moved to the side to keep Ravage away from her face.

Injuries: Small cut on the side of her leg about an inch long.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-21-2014, 09:57 PM
Sin Armada

The beast within him coiled as he stepped upon the lands of the tar pits. This was a devils playground, the stench of death and despair clung all around him...and he loved it. However, it was not the reason he had come here today. He had followed one of his own, a strange woman newly accepted into the pack and although Sin usually cared not for others, this woman looked like she would get herself into trouble with her demeanor. She was too nice, too kind for the likes of Glaciem, and the male did not understand why she had chosen to reside in the Northern kingdom but it mattered not. It was not a place for weakness, and he would clearly witness it as he came upon her. The view he had was of the Glaciem woman and a rogue, an argument ensuing when the pack wolf decided to interfere with the entertainment of the dark rogue. He shook his head with displeasure, anyone would know not to interfere in matters not their own. And as quickly as it had happened, a fight would break out, the dark woman attempting to take from his pack mate what did not belong to her all for the sake of forsaken prey. Well...not on his watch.

The blood stained beast coiled his haunches as he rushed forward, sharpened claws digging into the hard earth, ears plastering onto the base of his skull, jaws wide as be roared his entrance. Venomous amber orbs narrowed, tail aligning with his spine as his body rushed forward, head tilted low to offer coverage over his throat, shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunched, weight distributed as was evenly possible at this point as he made his charge. His body sought to slam into the hind end of the dark rogue from the left side, aiming to off balance her or knock her form to the ground whilst splayed jaws sought to grab hold of the middle of her spine. He would attempt to cause harm and damage to her column as mercilessly as she sought to harm his pack mate. Toes splayed for added traction, as he made his attempts at dragging her off and away from the all too gentle woman. "Not on my watch, wench!" He bellowed as he made his move.

Fight Stats

Round: 2/2 Sin & Esperanza Vs. Ravage

Defenses: Described in 2nd paragraph.

Attacks: attempts to slam into Ravages left hind end, then attempts to bite mercilessly into her spine in an effort to drag her away from Esperanza.


Out Of Character Notes: Depending on the outcome of this fight, Sin might go after Ravage in the future. Just a forewarning.

The Judge


03-19-2014, 08:41 AM


Round 1

10 for clarity- Very clear and concise, intentions well displayed, directions and sides well written.

10 for powerplaying. All moves attempted, nothing assumed. Attacks are logical and easy to understand.

10 for defenses. Shoulders angled, Tail level, Gravity adjusted, Splayed toes, Talons gripping, Eyes narrowed, Ears pinned, Teeth bared, Chin tucked, Abdomen tight, Hackles raised, Legs spread.

4 for attack. Bite attempt at flesh where leg hinges to hip (+3) Attempt to off balance (+1)

10 for injuries.First round

Round one RAVAGE Total: 44/50


5 for clarity- Lacking detail; Did not meet minimum post length requirement, being only three sentences long (-3)

2 for powerplaying. Assumed the attack on the ear had landed (-5) Assumed that she had knocked Ravage prone (?Before the female whom she had attacked would get up?) (-3)

1 for defenses. Positioning

0 for attack. Vague attack, lacking detail, while entire attack was powerplayed.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one ESPERANZA Total: 18/50

Round 2


10 for clarity- Directions and intentions well displayed. All attacks are attempted, wording is clear, no major grammatical errors.

10 for powerplaying. Attacks are all attempted and realistic.

10 for defenses. Ears pinned, Jaws open, Chin tucked, Eyes narrowed, Legs bent, Body lowered, Tail out for balance, Shoulders guarding, Hackles up, Toes splayed, Claws used as anchors, Legs spread.

7 for attack. Attempt to grab (+2) Attempt to maim eye (+5)< br>
3 for injuries. Moderate wounds to ear and scalp (-3)

Round two RAVAGE Total: 40/50


7 for clarity- Sparse in detail. Sides, angles, vantage points not noted (-3))

0 for powerplaying. ?Latched her teeth around the fae's neck? (-5) ?...Push into Ravage's side, knocking her off balance? (-3) ?Her teeth had dug deep into the smoke colored wolf's neck as crimson could be seen? (-2)

2 for defenses. Paws braced, Positioning

1 for attack. (+1) Given for attempt, yet all attacks were powerplayed< br>
7 for injuries. Moderate wound on her hind leg (-3)

Round two ESPERANZA Total: 17/50

Round 3

10 for clarity- Very clear, angles and sides well displayed, great details.

10 for powerplaying.All attacks attempted, none assumed. Attacks are logical and within bounds of reality.

9 for defenses. Ears pinned, Jaws wide, Eyes narrowed, Tail aligned, Chin tucked, Shoulders forward, Scruff bunched, Weight distributed, Toes splayed.

5 for attack. Charge for hindquarters (+2) Bite aimed for Spine (+3)< br>
10 for injuries. First round for Sin

Round three SIN Total:44/50


Ravage (Averaged): 42/50

Esperanza (Averaged): 18/50


And the the first to be eliminated is...

Esperanza! Esperanza has been knocked out! The fight will continue between Sin and Ravage!


Ravage- Moderate wounds to scalp

Esperanza- Moderate damage to hind leg


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
It is important to know where powerplaying comes into a fight, and what constitutes as such. To give but a few examples, any attack made that lands damage without the other player's consent, moves that are unreasonable, or any effort to unreasonably control the tide of the fight will receive point deductions.

- By [Fox]