
Spring breeze



01-13-2014, 07:55 PM

Early morning lit the world as the white woman started her trek. She knew has days passed she was pregnant. Something in her body had changed, her scent, her mood, the queasiness that stole her mornings. And though this morning was rough to bring herself to her paws and to keep going, she swam from the island to the main land. She had told Gitan she needed to go on this trip alone, that she would be fine. She needed to visit her family. The trip would take it's toll, dragging on till far into the late afternoon sun. As she neared the mangroves her pace picked up. Now she stood at the borders of what used to be her home, her pack. There was a bittersweet feeling here. She missed her family, but if she had stayed she would not have been with Gitan and carrying his children. Though her belly would not show for sometime, a female just knew.

She lingered at the borders, staring into the dense mangrove forest till a hoot from Atlas jumped her out of her trance. Eyes lifted to look for her friend to spot him flying above. Silently he would dive down and land gracefully next to her. Sym, do it already. You've been here lingering for sometime. The barn owl said kindly to her before snuggling into her left leg. With a sigh she sat down and tilted her head back. She sang out softly, voice blending with the music of birds and the gentle breeze. She called forth her family, hoping they would answer to her call.




01-13-2014, 11:14 PM

Dhiren was currently running stag around the southern Ludicael borders. His stomach was growling and the growing boy needed food. The mangroves around these parts were more fruitful due to the riverbed and that attracted more bits of prey. Hunger continued to torture his insides, causing him to increase the speed of his pace. Finally, he stopped in the shady areas of the tree branches and watched them through the branches. He licked his lips hungrily and waited for a doe with lowered defenses to drink from the large riverbed. Without warning, he leaped from his hiding place.
Water splashed everywhere as he and the doe ran into the water. Even though it was shallow, the footing was still rocky and made the deer stumble on her thin legs. Dhiren spread out his toes and maintained his balance as he leaped up and grabbed at her neck. She struggled and tugged against him, making it harder for him to keep his grip. Anger coiled in his chest and with a low growl, Dhiren's nine-month-old form became dead weight. He bit down harder and was able to pull the doe down more, even though she was still struggling to kick him and leap away. His muscles remained tense as he jerked his head to the right, making the doe step backwards while she tried to stay on her hooves. Finally, Dhiren backed up as well in the water and made sure he had firm footing on the moist bank before clamping his teeth down on the windpipe of the doe.
It was hard, but he finally succeeded. The job was messy, for blood spilled everywhere as the doe's heart continued to rapidly beat. Dhiren sighed and finished the deed with a final clamp. Life ceased to exist after a few seconds and the doe stopped struggling. The soaked nine-month-old dropped her neck to the ground and staggered a few steps away. He panted and tried to regain some composure before turning back and applying a firm grip on the now lifeless meal. His tail started to wave, sending water droplets every which way. This would be enough to last him two days! With pride evident in his gaze, the inexperienced hunter trotted off with his bundle of meat along the pack lines.
When he reached the northern part of the borders, he heard a melodious howl across the sky. Dhiren stopped in mid-step and blinked, blood still gushing from where he had the neck gripped in his mouth. Who could that be? The call was familiar, but he wasn't sure who it was. Curiosity got the best of him, and even though it was an inconvenient time to have food in his mouth, he went anyway.
Dhiren's bi-colored gaze finally fell upon a white wolf with gold lines beneath her eyes. He stepped out of the woods with a burst of energy, sending leaves and stray branches everywhere as he carried the dead doe with him. Ears remained perked in her direction and he took in her full form and the bird next to her. It was one of his aunts, but he wasn't sure which one. That is, until he remembered the last pack meeting...she was the one that had left. "Aunt...Symphony?" he asked with a mouth full of fur and meat. Slowly, he regretfully lowered his catch in front of him and reclined to his haunches. Blood-stained teeth showed as he gave a toothy grin. "What are you doing here? I thought you left...for good." It probably didn't help Dhiren's case upon seeing his aunt after so long in his current state: drenched from the paws up and blood staining his upper body, chest, and teeth.


Howl 1


01-13-2014, 11:26 PM

The quiet male had been on patrol, ensuring their home was safe and free of trespassers. Recently, he had run off a few rogues who threatened to start trouble, but he would have none of it. Quietly he meandered through the strange lands of his territory, slipping through the brush and grasses as undetected as possible. A technique he adopted recently to catch rogues on the property. Today, something else would catch his attention. Just as he had decided to stalk a small rabbit for a snack, a familiar howl was heard, causing the rabbit to flee. But for Howl, it was no big deal. His sister had come to visit!

Eagerly he made his way to the location of the call, paws flying over the ground in a quick trot. It had been sometime since he'd seen his sister, and was most excited to find out what she had been up to lately. Within moments, he began to scent blood. Ears fell back as he tried to decipher if it was from his sister, or something else. Quicker he moved, hoping it wasn't from her...and to his relief, it wasn't. Symphony's clean white form came into view, and nearby stood his nephew, Dhiren. A doe lying on the ground next to him, blood spilling from its neck. A smile lifted a corner of his jaws, so the boy had gone hunting? He did well for a difficult sort of catch for one as young as him.

"Nice catch there!" He called out as he approached. He came up to them, attention turning to his sister as he moved forward to give her a lick on her muzzle. "And it's nice to see you, Symphony. How have you been?"




5 Years
01-14-2014, 06:01 AM

Novella was still no closer to figuring out quite what she wished to do in the pack, her only solace being that it seemed her cousin was also having some difficulty in the choice. Her days lately however had still been spent with some idea forming within her mind, planning upon visiting some of the other Destruction relatives that resided within Alacritis. It would certainly be a rather tricky trip, not even knowing where to find them all, though Novella remained hopeful, she'd found Song after all without even meaning to! That of course was the other part of her plan, letting her family here know, though any of them were of course welcome to join her.

She hadn't really been doing anything in particular when she heard a familiar howl ring through the lands. She rose instantly knowing who the voice belonged to though paused for a moment, hardly able to believe her ears. Knowing it couldn't be anyone else though she hurriedly began to rush over the lands to the source.

Sure enough as she neared there was the form of her sister. Already present Howl and even Dhiren had beaten her though for now her greeting was reserved for Symphony, so used to having her close, it had been far too long since they had seen her last. "Symphony!" She called happily, closing the remaining distance now, joining Howl at her side and nuzzling her in greeting.



01-22-2014, 11:19 PM

In no time a small form emerged from the mangroves. At once she knew it was Dhiren. But her brows would furrow down. What was he dragging along with him? Her eyes narrowed till he was near enough and they would widen with surprise. She wagged her tail happily to see her nephew had made quite a fine catch.My my, little Dhiren is growing big and strong. You should be very proud of the catch. I know im proud of you nephew. You'll make an excellent warrior one day, a exceptional hunter. I did leave Dhiren, but what doesn't mean I wont visit you all. You are all still my family, still part of my life. She replied to the young boy and nuzzled him. She could care less if he was dirty or not, she'd love him no matter what.

Next to join them was Howl, her eyes softened at the sight of her brother. So he had indeed stayed here to join Ludicael. She would nuzzle her brother back tenderly. She was glade he had overcome his and Song's differences. Funny how things were now, they had basically traded places in life.I'm doing wonderful, how's being in a pack again? She replied. And she was happy. She felt whole again, revived. She had new life growing in her as proof.

Novella would greet her in her normal, happy fashion. She grinned at her younger sister and nuzzled her between the ears. It would good to see them again. She couldn't wait to tell them all the news, to get caught up on everything. But where was the rest of the family? She frowned for a moment. Where was her little Novel? She had honestly been excited to see her niece again.I've missed you all so much. Where's everyone else?




6 Years
01-23-2014, 12:02 PM

Symphony had returned! Anthem would rouse from sleep, swaying groggily as he pulled himself to all fours. The sound of her voice was unmistakable, even for a man so simple minded as himself; and there was no chance of him ignoring it. A smile began to instantaneously paint his gentle features, a wag beginning in the base of his tail, until it began to wave dramatically behind him. He would slip form the safety of the his den, heading toward his sister quickly.

A few other family members were there already -- Howl and Novella and another one of Song's babies. "Sis!" he would shout dramatically, as he rushed forward to embrace her. He would unabashedly begin to lather her in kisses and nuzzles, as excited as a child would be to see its mother, holding back no excitement or joy.



01-30-2014, 03:49 PM

It had certainly not been long since she realized she had become with child. She had begged Cherokee for this litter, and now that it was a reality she couldn't have been more excited. Though pregnancy was hardly glamorous or even enjoyable in most aspects she couldn't have been more thrilled to be in that state. As another round of queasiness would over take her she would hear the gentle howl of a wolf oh so familiar. Symphony was certainly still a sore spot for the Oracle, the loss of her sister had effected her more than much of the rest of the family. Song felt such betrayal from the woman, much like what Symphony and Howl had felt when she had left Ahlon. It might have been a fitting punishment, but she still felt so hurt. She was surprised that Novel was actually taking the distance worse than she was. The young girl had been completely devastated at the loss of her mentor.
Song would feel herself begin to dry heave as she pulled herself away from the den. She needed to see her sister, but the morning sickness was hard to ignore. So she would take her time in approaching the little gathering of their family. Her alabaster form would push through the mangrove leaves as she set her eyes upon those already gathered. Symphony stood by their older two brothers and Novella, she force a smile on her approach. Song would note that Symphony's scent had changed much like her own, was she expecting as well? The curious alpha would bring herself closer, Hello, Symphony. It's good to see you home. Even though she could still feel the hole in her heart, she was glad to see her sister back in Ludicael.




10 Years
02-03-2014, 07:38 PM

She was napping quite peacefully, Elohim curled up by her side as he usually was. The two were completely inseparable, she never did anything with out her Elohim. The two of them had been learning everything they could from Bhaire, and it had almost made her forget about Symphony. She had not attended the meeting in which her old mentor had announced she was leaving, and had felt like she had been abandoned by the woman. There was a hurt in her heart that she and Elohim had discussed many nights. She had shed a few tears, she felt the hole in her heart would swallow her whole existence. She was confused to say the least when she was woken by a howl.
Her aunt had made her way back to Ludicael, something she had been sure was never going to happen. She had considered herself completely abandoned, never to have another lesson with Symphony again. However with her wakefulness increasing it seemed she would have at least one last chance with her aunt. She was certainly not in a hurry to get their, her emotions flying around aggressively inside of her head. Slowly she would make her way to the source of the call, her mismatched ears falling on her crown as she push through to the clearing. It was much like the one where she first met her aunt.
She would still feel the hurt within her, the lack of closure was devastating her insides. She didn't want to talk to her aunt, she almost wished she had never come back. How could she have left her with out even stopping to say goodbye? She with held a whine that threatened to escape her lips, she was not a small child anymore. She was going to be a year old soon, but standing there before her aunt she had never felt so child like. Elohim would squeeze tighter, a comfort to her in such hard times. She would hang back, slightly behind her pale mother, not wanting to speak. She would hide herself behind Song's form, unable to make eye contact with the she wolf.


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02-11-2014, 04:12 PM

It just seemed like heart beats had past after her last question that Anthem would come charging at her. She stood up to take a few steps to meet him, tail waving happily to see her brother. She whined and crooned her joy to him as she was blessed with kisses and nuzzles. She tried to match each one he gave with one in return. Seeing her brother Anthem lifted her spirits high. Life was good now. Her family was safe and together, she had a wonderful mate, and she was free to stretch her wings without the constraints of a pack. Sure she missed her family, but she had never felt right here in Ludi.

The approach of another pristine white form had her head turning away from Anthem to watch Song near them. Her joy seemed to melt away from her as she pulled a few steps away from Anthem. She stood there, solid and squared to the ground. She did not know what to expect from her sister. But the well noted change in her body had made her more cautious and wary, more defensive. She had life brewing within her, which meant making sure they lived to see the world for many years to come. So when Song joined the group she could not help having the sense to protect herself, to hold her ground. She stared at her sister silently with the same colored eyes as Song. Something in her sister had changed as well. Eyes narrowed slightly before her head dipped in a silent, respectful greeting. She was still mad at Song. For feeling abandoned, for the lack of support when she needed it the most, for feeling like she had been replaced, their whole family. She was about to turn away from Song, back to facing the rest of the family when the presence of her niece nearly broke her heart.

She watch Novel join them but hide behind Song, barely looking up at her. And may how the young girl had grown. Her face fell from once happy to despair at seeing her niece. It had torn her heart apart when she had left, knowing she was leaving the young girl behind. But Symphony couldn't even find those words to explain to Novel why she was leaving that day. Her own mind could only find on task, to get out and find Gitan. Her heart had felt sick without him, even her body had thinned out dramatically when she had left. She just had not been well over all back then. But now here she was back to full health, heart blossoming with love for her mate, her belly carrying their future. She hung her head with a soft sigh and laid her body down to look at Novel.Novel my dear, I forgive you if you hate me and never wish to speak with me again. You have every right to. But I would like to talk to you alone later. Just you and me, if you'll allow. She whispered softly.

She would look up to the rest of her family, shifting so she laid on her side but her tail curled around towards her belly.I was thinking a visit was overdue. Sorry it took so long. Gitan and I traveled down to Inu island where the scattered remains of old Tortuga reside at. So the traveling had to be based on good weather and calm seas. I havnt stopped looking for a cure for you Anthem. I'm actually wondering if the island might hold and answer for it. She turned to look at Howl, her strong, understanding and protective brother.Gitan treats me well, always making sure ive eaten well more than enough everyday. I think you two would get along great. He's a fine wolf. She looked at the others.>So tell me, what has my family been up to? She asked at she pated the ground with her paw, inviting them to lay there with her. Honestly she was alil tired from the trek all the way here. Probably due to the children she carried. But for now she would had that a secret to herself.




5 Years
02-14-2014, 03:44 AM

Slowly but surely other members of the family began to arrive. Anthem was next, eagerly greeting Symphony and Novella stepped back to let her brother have his moment, smiling upon the reunion. None of them had really taken their sister's leave all that well, though it probably had been the hardest on Anthem, he couldn't understand things quite so well and Symphony had been there looking out for him his entire life, now suddenly she was gone. Novella could only imagine how confusing it must have been for him, though there were certainly no hard feelings, not that she could ever imagine her loving brother bearing a grudge towards anybody.

Song was the next to arrive and certainly one of the calmest of the greetings that Symphony had received so far, rivalled only by the slightly sheepish one of the blood covered Dhiren and his catch. Of course both were shortly beaten by the arrival of Novel. It was an odd sight to see her niece seeming so timid and lost for words, even upon their first meeting Novel had been so confident and warmed up so swiftly to her new family. The sight of her now was certainly not one that Novella ever wished to have to get used to.

Symphony addressed Novel now and the guilt was rather evident as she lowered herself to the ground. A part of Novella wished to encourage her niece, certainly not wanting the family so divided, it was bad enough that Symphony had moved away it would be far worse for half of the family to hate her for it. Mismatched eyes simply quietly flicked back to Novel, silently hoping she would give Symphony another chance. Her siblings had of course once had to do the same for Song and Novella decided that grudge had been more than enough.

As Symphony then began to speak of her new life and invite her family to share their news, Novella found she really didn't have much to say. Quietly she had continued her life here in Ludicael, there had been no real important events to speak of, apart from perhaps finding Satu and their cousin now joining them in the pack. It would be nicer though she thought, for Symphony to discover that fact herself, Novella wouldn't mind seeing the surprise upon her sister's face when she saw that their cousin was also in Alacritis.