
I Don't Want To Live That Destiny


01-13-2014, 03:21 AM

Destruction rose with the sun, stretching her body out as she ventured into the warm spring air. She could smell the clear the water of the lake, calling to her, and so thus the dark female would wander off in that direction. The lake was one of her favorite spots in Seracia. It wasn't exactly considered a secret spot, but most often times when Destruction went there she was alone... and that suited her fine. It was a place to think... to let her mind wander and worries wash away.

Crimson ringed orbs would look around the empty lake before padding close to the water's edge, lowering her head to the clear the water. For several moments Destruction would drink, her stomach rippling as the liquid filled her gut. Then Destruction would left her head against, looking around once more with a soft sigh. She was going to see Tahlia and the pups in a little while. They were all growing so fast and the woman was hoping to see what type of skills they had aquired so far in Seracia.They were her extended family in away.

Orbs would shift to the sky above the lake, tail curling around her paws. 'Time just keeps marching on... before I know it I'll be an elder... The female would think to herself. Though there were still things she wished to experience before those days.




7 Years
01-18-2014, 12:19 PM
Nako awoke with the mid-morning light and tightened himself further into the ball of warmth he spent the night sleeping curled up as. Spring had arrived more and more gradually the past few days and before Nako knew it, all of winters snow was gone. Unless he went far north or climbed the several snow capped mountains in the distance Nako wouldn't be seeing winter skyfall again for at least three more seasons. His element had left him. Though warmer times were upon Seracia along with more food and the ever strangely scented females, and as long as he lay here he knew nothing would get done. No purpose to just lay here, the pup sat up and stretched before checking the feathers on his head with sideways glances.

The six mementos from his banished father gave a slight ruffle and Nako left the family den. The enclosure was growing to small for the family of for, the juvenile making a mental note to ask Tahlia if he could carve out some more space when he got back from the lake. The almost-yearling was thirsty. A score of moments passed as Nako made his way through the trees and out onto the shore, the familiar pelt of a family friend also occupying the shore. The young wolf's thirst was forgotten and a bark left his muzzle. "Des!" Nako happily exclaimed, tail giving a furious wag as he wiggled up to the older wolf. "I heard you at the meeting about wanting to mentor some of us, and I wanna know if could you mentor me?"


02-05-2014, 12:12 AM

A happy bark would reach her ears, and the voice was one that she knew quite well. Destruction would turn her gaze to her godson. He was growing so big... a handsome little brute. She would flash a smile as he approached, a happy greeting leaving her mouth. "Hello there, Nako. Good to see you this morning." She had caught the sight of the feathers on his head, and honestly she thought they looked beautiful. Had he collected them himself? She wondered, or had someone given them to him? All the same he seemed to wear them proudly, so she supposed that was what mattered most. Her smile would widen even more as Nako spoke, and the femme would give a certain nod of her head.

"It would most certainly be my pleasure to have you as my apprentice, Nako. I'll discuss it with Queen Loccian later on today sometime." Her own tail was wagging a bit. "How are things going with you, kiddo? Keeping busy enough or are you a little on the bored side?" She wanted to make sure her godchildren, as well as Tahlia and Bane, were as happy as they could be. She couldn't be everywhere at once, but she would do what she could when they were in her presence.




7 Years
02-09-2014, 03:31 PM
Nako wagged his tail at the crimson chested female and dropped to his belly quickly as he remembered his manners. He had almost forgotten to say good morning to her in return. How rude of him. "Good to see ya too godmother. Good morning." The juvenile add sweetly with a bit of a stutter. His godmother stared at him and Nako turned his head to look behind at the trees. Was something there? A feather entered the corner of his vision and a smile was given at the birds version of fur. They tickled sometimes.

The young male stood to his paws and shook off his pelt, Destruction giving her approval to apprentice him. "Thank you Destruction." He looked down at his paws with a slow sweep of his tail. "I'm doing good. Kinda doing both those things. Being busy and being bored." Nako looked up at the female and pinned his ears with a whine. "I miss dad sometimes..."


02-20-2014, 04:17 PM

Destruction would allow a gentle smile to cross her muzzle as Nako remembered to greet her. He was a good lad. Young, reminding her quite a bit of Bane, but so long as he didn't do anything that would upset the laws of the pack or anger Loccian she was fine with allowing the male act exactly how he was. Even if she was his God Mother Destruction tried her best to leave most of the disciplinary things to Tahlia. The female would certainly aid if need be, and had watched over the pups for her at times when they were younger. Even as they grew Des would keep an eye of them, especially if Tahlia was away. She didn't want her friend to worry about them, and did these duties to assure herself that Tahlia had nothing at all to worry about. She almost chuckled as Nako looked around at the trees. He hadn't realized her attention had been drawn to the bundle of feathers, but that was alright. She would flick her tail a bit, eyes sparkling as she watched him. He was so young, so full of life. She was certain that he was going to grow into a fine adult. Independant and with a strong mind.

"Of course, Nako." Training for all apprentices were likely to get underway sometime soon, though Loccian wasn't quite well after the storm. But she was sure once the femme was feeling better orders would be passed down to the mentors to set up training routines for their apprentices. She would listen to Nako, kind of expecting such an answer. He was still young, so wandering too far from the pack wasn't yet an option. Not that a pack wolf should really venture too far from one's pack for too long. They were pack wolves after all and had duties to their pack. But the next thing Nako would say, his whine tugging at her very heart, would bring a soft sight from the dark female. "I do too, Nako." She would decide to tell the younger brute something, though she wouldn't give a ton of detail, or the full truth, as he was still young to learn of that, and she didn't want to cause any trouble between her and Tahlia by giving the boy such knowledge. She would turn her gaze out over the lake, lowering her ears.

"While I agree that he had broken and disregarded our laws, often doing his own thing and ignoring the pack, I know that deep down Bane is not as bad a wolf as many in this pack make him out to be. A long time ago, before your father and mother got together, I had a bond of sorts with your father. It was awkward at first, and he kept his distance, but... in the end we grew closer, patching the rift between us. I could see a side of Bane that I believe only you young ones and your mother can see. I go visit him sometimes... though I wish things could be different. That he could be within Seracia... with you all." Destruction would look to Nako, continuing to softly speak. "I know pack laws and life can be strange sometimes Nako, but they are in place to keep a balance here. But one thing I want you to never forget, should anything happen, is that, should anything ever happen, to stick to your heart. Never, ever betray what you feel is right." Destruction would give him a gentle lick on his forehead.

"We'll all do what we can to help your dad, and I'll help your family the best I can. That I can definitely promise you." She had wondered, partially, if finding Bane another pack might be necessary. Though she ended up dismissing the thought. Bane's family was in Seracia, and he wouldn't leave them. Which he shouldn't of course. So she would make visits to him when she could, bringing him as much meat as she could carry. Destruction would rise to her paws, nudging Nako gently with her nose. "If you're bored now, well, maybe you'd like to start a lesson of some sort. We can start at any time, really, so don't feel obligated to say yes if you're not up to it at the moment." The activity could also distract his mind for a little while. At some point, she decided, she would have to talk to Tahlia about taking Nako with her on one of her visits to Bane.




7 Years
02-25-2014, 09:00 PM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2014, 09:05 PM by Nako.)
Nako would beam at Des and give a back and forth swish of his tail upon hearing his godmother acknowledge his request to train him. By far the best thing to happen to him in a long while. His thoughts turned to his father again when Destruction affirmed that she also missed Bane. Nako crawled over and sat a little closer so their pelts were almost touching together, perhaps a slight wisping, following her gaze out towards the lake. She spoke words that had a certain poetic value to them, of a time lost when his family was whole and happy in their neck of the woods in the territory of Seracia. A rather blank look overcame Nako's face and he nudged his nose against her shoulder. "We all have a bond with Bane. I know my dad did a few wrong things to many times, but he only hurt himself. Not others. He never hurt others 'cept in the battles. My dad was just aloof in a home that was too un-accepting of his odd quirks and how he was brought up in his old pack."

Nako let his tongue flick against the she-wolfs pelt to get her direct attention. "My father may have wounded the packs pride a few times with what he's done but I still don't get why he was forced to leave. I'm am a offspring of Bane, a young wolf with Talutah blood in his veins. I may not be fully Seracian but I won't let them forget who my father was and what I will do in this world. I will be apart of this pack but I will not change who I am for them. Just like you said." Nako had slight scowl on his face as he looked up at Destruction. "My father may have not fit in because of where he came from and what his previous lifestyle was but he was a good wolf in his own way." Nako stood on all of his legs and swept his tail to free it of dirt and placed his back to the water, his head furthering its turn to look up at Des. "Promise to train me soon godmother, not today. Train me hard, for I am a son of Bane... I can handle it. I have to handle it." Nako looked off into the trees where he knew the border was. "And if I can't handle it, make me."

The juvenile nudged his godmother and departed through the trees, headed for the border to keep watch for his father that, although he wanted to be like, couldn't for the sake of his remaining family.

-exit Nako-