
Does This Darkness Have A Name?


01-12-2014, 12:40 AM
Shadows stretched over the tall pines of the shadow valley as if to create a web of darkness. The trees echoed with the raw silence, other than the droplet of a single dewdrop from a red rose landing on a nearby pond. Near the pond, lay a black and white creature with eyes of violet rain. Staring at his reflection with a look of disgust and displeasure as if he were not pleased with something. The male stood, growling and mumbling to his reflection. The lofty pines needles underneath his paws made the earth cool and spongy beneath his weight. The wolf's vision never left the pond as it glistened in the moonlight, turning it a variety of sharp colors. Espada unsheathed his claws and seethed them again. His eyes left the point and now were directed to the glittering stars overhead. "This must end; we cannot go on like this any longer. This world has become boring..." The wolf whispered bitterly to himself, lowering his head he sighed heavily and thought long and hard about something. His breath caught in his chest when sudden pawsteps approached his position with a quickened pace. The odd creature was immediately turned his head over his shoulder. His eyes searched the darkness for the source of the sound which had startled him.

There was a sudden stirring in the shadows and the wolf felt his muscles tense underneath his silk fur. Stealthily a black figure moved from the darkness of the trees, obsidian eyes flashed like amber as the figure came into the spotlight of the crescent moon. The fox like wolf quickly realized the shadow figure was a wolf...a informant of his. black fur with white spots. He relaxed himself and gave the wolf a look. "Please dont do that..." He growled in annoyance, also wondering why he wasn't able to scent her before she arrived, he ignored the notion. Trying to settle the fur along his spine he awaited her answer. The wolf gave a respectful bow and Espada returned it halfheartedly. She didn't notice. The female moved on and he looked to the stars. Thinking...leaving it at that.

Blood...death...fear and hate. Thats all that this world was coming to now a days. The loss of so many lives had surly taken its tow on many. a strange way. Espada was pleased. Only reason he left his old pack was that so he could plan carefully on what he was doing to do next without some higher up barking in his ear. He was glad this whole event happened to his home. It was horrible yes but all of this brought every member of the pack together to solve a common problem. "Chaos...has some order to it." Espada whispered to himself as he smiled deviously. He always had conflicting thoughts and emotions. Almost as if it had something to do with his bi colored fur. His shoulders bounced up and down in a small chuckle as he looked up at the moon. A cold naked eye watching the world. "This is good. But it is not the end. This is only the spark that will soon become an open flame..." Espada said to himself. Laying down comfortably he stared back into the water. Looking at his reflection. As he remembered his past life he realized something...he had no friends. No real ones anyways. It was true he was very charismatic and a smooth talker but the thing was he was bullied for that. Apparently intelligence meant nothing to those who died in the fall. Even though at many points in his life wolves had practically saw him as their idols and few worshiped him as if he was some sort of messiah. He wondered how far he could go with his life if he actually tried to stand out from the everyday mundane. He supposed he would find out.


01-20-2014, 09:12 PM (This post was last modified: 01-20-2014, 09:14 PM by Liberty.)

The charcoal babe would remain frozen, cerulean gaze curiously observing the odd scene before her. She often enjoyed watching others before making herself present, because through her observations she discovered that she could tell a lot about them by their behavior. Right brow would raise inquisitively as the brute said odd things to himself whilst staring into his reflection. He would then close his eyes, and Liberty would anxiously lean on the edge of her seat, wondering what he would do next. Lilac gaze would snap open, and again he would voice bizarre sentences. Though she could barley understand his words she could sense the emotional strain he was feeling.

She would swiftly rise to a stance and gracefully stride toward him, her balletic and nimble movements matched by none so far. She had worked extensively on her posture since birth, and it seemed as if the nymph had finally perfected it. She wanted to investigate this brute, perhaps he knew something about Valhalla's whereabouts. She would halt a few dozen feet away from the stranger, her head dipping low as her nostrils flared, lungs filling as she inhaled his scent. He did not smell of any packs, perhaps he was a loner? She would ponder the thought for a moment before lifting her head back up, her nose lifting to the air as she batted long lashes in protest. Well? Was he going to introduce himself?
