


01-10-2014, 02:26 PM

The sky was full of eyes where the stars should be - they watched a lantern move beneath them who sinuously meandered through the tall grasses, fleeting like a lost firefly. But she was anything but lost, she did not wander these lands aimlessly - no, she sought the presence of an acquaintance. The feline Kusugra; the King of cats, who stole her away for a night of simple indulgence and she had sealed the deal. He was to own her, to display her like a brassy trophy. Karmen, ideally, wanted to feel loved and adored, to be spoiled with pleasures of the flesh for the first time. She didn't mind being owned, she lusted for it.

But he had plenty of women to assuage his desires - and that is why Karmen wanted nothing to do with him permanently. She saw the woman by his side at the Glaciem war meeting, his little toffee-sweet who clung to his side, and he welcomed it. When she invaded his home she could smell the wafting perfume of his many wenches, and it coiled her insides like a rattlesnake in wait.

Karmen came second to no one.

The nymph put her back against the girth of a large tree, leaning her head into the bark, her pastel eyes searched the leaves for a familiar pair of feline eyes, but alas, she did not catch a glimpse of him. ?Kusugra,? she called for him softly, letting his name spill from his lips like honey, summoning him as if they had been lovers for thousands of years. But the truth was that he was genetically incapable to be hers, and he was almost everything she could ever want; spanish, dark and tall, whose elegance and class was superior to any other mutt who dared to attempt to leave his mark on Karmen. And he was sinister to the core, as was she.



5 Years
01-11-2014, 03:29 PM

An intoxicating perfume would cause the mans nostrils to flare suddenly, pale cerulean eyes opening in sync with his raising body as he rose to all fours. It was an aroma that only the finest delicacies could maintain, and when it wafted across his nose he knew instantly who had invaded his territory. It had been the notorious Karmen Roe, his golden princess and trophy woman who had sealed the alliance between Canttina and himself. She had finally returned to him. Ebony lips would crease into an amused smirk as his hungry gaze fell upon the top of her skull, salmon colored tongue gently caressing his lips as her emerald gaze met his own.

Words began bubbling to the surface but she would break the silence before he could attempt it. "kusugra" Honey dipped tones fell flawlessly from her sweet vocals, himself exhaling a loud huff before effortlessly gliding from his branch to the earth. Broad paws would kiss the soil with a deadly silence, ghostly gaze hungrily rolling over the defined curves of her sleek frame, as if this were the first time he had laid eyes on her. A thunderous purr would rumble within his chest, a sign that he was more than pleased that she had returned to him. Her loyalty would not go unnoticed. "Los dioses me han bendecido nuevamente."(The gods have blessed me yet again) Deep tones were almost masked beneath the deafening vibration within his chest, but he would continue, only this time in a language she could understand. "My golden empress... She has returned." He would almost whisper in awe, his piercing gaze aiming to align with hers.

OOC: a lil crappy in my mind, but next posts will get better! <3


01-14-2014, 12:45 PM

The thunderous purr of the feline King had aroused a warm satisfaction within Karmen's delicate body. Her gaze followed the svelte beast as he descended from his topical throne and graced the ground with his presence. His frost-coloured eyes eagerly drank in her skin, and she could feel the heat of his stare mingle with her hormones. The firefly fluttered her dark lashes, captivated by the fact that he was so immersed in her entirety. Which made this all the more difficult - for Karmen had no intentions of staying.

Karmen was a fickle fatale, fleeting like dying fire. And Kusugra had not yet learned of her temperamental ways. She adored their liaison, fervently fell in love with the idea of an affair with a man outside of her genetic complexion. But their taboo was what she returned for. His unmistakable cologne had her rising to her dainty feet, lusting to close the distance between them. ?Apollo, mi amore,? she cooed to him with obvious want, and as she ate a few paces, she traced the very faint perfume of his harem on his black skin, his brood of wenches that he wedded with. She smoothly changed directions as fluently as her attitude changed, pirouetting herself into a seat in front of him. Her willow eyes narrowed as an askew smirk curved her lips, ?King amongst peasants.?

The princess raised her chin, unimpressed with the idea of her sharing. Did he expect her to behave and cooperate with other females in the picture? Karmen did not share well with others, and the thought of it all made her very, very bitter.

Bitter to the core.



01-15-2014, 10:17 AM

The golden vixen would park herself a few feet from him, and he would feast upon her body with his eyes. His gaze would lift and he would look at her curiously, wondering why she hadn't fully embraced him the way he desired. Alluring speech would pull him toward her, masculine frame effortlessly gliding forth as he attempted to close the distance entirely. "Kusugra, madam, do not forget it." He would reach forward and coo in her left ear, correcting her yet again as he halted a few inches from the bronze princess. "Pheasants now, czars tomorrow." He would hastily respond, a sneer playing across ebony lips. Soon his brood would be strong, powerful, and they would prosper beneath his authoritative rule.

The longer he observed Karmen the more he noticed the flicker of jealously in those captivating eyes. The woman would raise her nose to the air, as if she was protesting her place among his other servants. She was dissatisfied, and the king wanted nothing more than to make his gals happy. But how could he tame a broad who wanted to be his only treasure among a brood of babes? "?Qu? puedo hacer para ti mi amor?" (What can I do for you my love?) A boisterous chuckle would follow foreign words as his tongue slipped forth and attempted to coil around her delicate left ear. He would breathe lightly into her ear, aspiring to tickle the sensitive areas and send feverish chills down her spine. "What do you need?" He would inquire, wondering what exactly had brought the vixen back to him. She had been gone an entire season, why come back now?


01-16-2014, 12:09 PM

Kusugra could not contain himself as he destroyed the gap between him and the little golden nymph. She remained seated, tingling with satisfaction of feeling wanted, being desired by someone she wanted so passionately. His lips traced the rim of her left ear as he cooed to her, reminding her of his name. A small smirk touched her lips, as she knew that his name would never flee her grasp. Karmen shut her eyes and slightly leaned into his touch, even though he bragged about his peasants becoming czars. She scoffed, opening those soft green eyes to peer up at him. How could he want anyone than her, and more than herself? The idea was impossible - she was perfect, as was he, and naturally superior genetics are attracted to each other, no? She felt an invisible hand grip her heart in a spiteful vice - did he address his other women with such fervent adore?

The feline King whispered again in her ear, but her gaze had drifted from his handsome face to the grass underneath her fear. She was numb to his affection, though given any other occasion his wooing would have her on her back in no time. As he licked the delicate skin of her left ear, she tilted her slender muzzle towards him, wishing to whisper into the soft skin of his collar. ?I see you in my dreams,? she taunted, her voice saturated in a familiar lust; ?I sought your company, Kusugra.? Karmen raised herself to her feet and attempted to bring herself even closer to the feline, trying to press her supple bosom against his broad chest. She tried to snake her muzzle towards his facade and trace her velvet lips along the sharp curve of his strong jawline and leave behind a trail of tiny, gingerly kisses. But she would not embrace his muzzle and kiss him on the mouth quite yet, for she would pull away like a tease, trying to put some space between them - if the King would allow such behavior that is. ?I just - I just didn't expect you to be so involved with your harem of hussies, I hope I am not interrupting your playtime,? she hissed and batted her eyes with mock innocence, trying to disguise the obvious spew of poisoned words that spilled from her lips, laced with evident jealousy.