
Tragic Magic



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-10-2014, 06:23 AM
Sin Armada

Snow fell all around him in a light fall. Although it was spring, it still seemed to snow in the frigid north lands. Sin found himself meandering around the territory for the uncounted time. Nothing of interest happened at the borders, nor within the territory itself. Save for the time not too long ago when he saved one of his half siblings from a raging bear. He was no fool to stick around and try to fight it, to do so was a death wish of which he did not have. And so with the past thoughts of old, he scraped them from his mind and focused on something new to achieve. His future plans were many, and he would not fail in them.

Sin neared a small creek, nearly frozen over as it bubbled weakly beneath the ice that tried to silence it. Spring it seemed, would save it from completely freezing over. He leaped to the other side, landing on his mark perfectly and flawlessly. He was a creature like no other, tainted by nothing but the blood on his pelt, but it served its intended purpose. To strike fear and unease in the hearts and minds of those he came across, and it worked. Thinking back to the weak fool whom he met at the hot springs, that male had decided to leave instead of play his game. And oh how Sin wanted to play...the world was weak. And Sin wasted no time with them.

The cool evening air would soon fall colder as the light of the moon began to rise up into the sky, bringing with it the stars that dotted the night sky. On the horizon, the sun melded its colors of purples and oranges with pinks and blues...a sight that Sin rarely enjoyed.


01-10-2014, 06:48 AM

Boredom. That was the only word to describe the irritation that she felt just laying there beneath the tree in the snow. The budding branches didn't offer much protection from the falling snow, but the tuxedo dame gave no mind to it. Of course Glaciem's fun had died down since the war, in which it was a magnificent victory all in itself, she was happy she had pulled herself to the cause able to defeat two enemies in her kings liege. However she was not a fool, not foolish enough to bask in the glory of her winnings. Because even then if you got too accomplished with yourself, it would only lead to your downfall if you were a woman who knew of power itself. Even when these thoughts crossed her mind, it was only she itching for some sort of excitement into the cold world that she had been born in.
The lady's tail gave an irritated flick in the snow, every time it scattered the white matter all over the place. Of course the cool night air offered some sense of sustenance to the woman, as she had been born in these cold times her magnificent coat was more adapted and fluffy. The whites and grays glossy with the fluffy thick fur that insulated her to keep the body warm. Her cyan eyes shining brightly, until she scanned over the creek, to spot a man white, with red marking the fur like blood splattering to pieces in a shattered pattern. Not only did his coat catch her attention, it was a male she had not seen before. Though debating weather or not to approach him was a fair decision all in itself. She did not wish to bother him on trivial matters, for it was rude to do so.
Raising her body, she shook it free of snow, fur only following in a slow motion pattern. Until of course she kept her head slightly low to her shoulders on relative side as she approached. Keeping the distance between a few feet away, from herself, and this blood stained brute. Her breathe came out in a thin veil of mist, able to see every time she took in a deep breath and let it out. Which was the same with him, strong heaving breaths of a healthy man of Glaciem. In which was always a pleasure to meet, as it was with any wolf. Wolves, and their personalities, she loved them, she loved them all.
"It's not often that wolves wander the territory with night looming over." She said, in soothing tones. They were backed up by the light accent of Russian underneath it. Though it was still prominent to hear, it wasn't a total mystery to see of her heritage. The thick fur, muscles prominent not in usual females more over of the warriors of the north in the men. The finely defined coat of white and gray. Blending in, not so naturally, but uniquely the same. As for her black tail that was far darker than the rest of her. Along with the cyan eyes that shined brightly, nearly glowing with the neon color that they radiated. Much less to say for the rest of her.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-17-2014, 11:45 PM

The night was young, the moon rising slowly as its rays cast themselves upon his ghostly white form. The blood stains on his pelt were the only marks breaking his otherwise ghostly appearance. He adored the night life, it held mystery within its shadows...just as he held mystery within his own soul. None could compare, for he never showed what he thought. Many tried to decipher the code that was his heart and mind...but only ended up failing to succeed. Not even the supposed greatest minds of the lands could crack him, and nothing could make him spill secrets or things he kept hidden within the depths of his mind.

It was then that his cold attention would be brought down to stare at a stranger. A woman he had not met, a commoner all the same if he had not gone to seek her out. Amber gaze bore into her, his thoughts hidden behind the hard stare that resembled the cold glare of a rattlesnake. His form would turn slightly towards her, tail held high above himself as was his usual stance. He bowed to no one, and none would force him to do so. "Perhaps it is because they are afraid of what looms in the dark..." he replied coldly, teeth flashing briefly in the light of the moon. Who did she claim to be to intrude upon him? Her coat smelled of Glaciem, and yet he had not sought her company.

He put some attention on her, wondering what on earth she wanted of him. If his time was wasted, then she would learn not to do it again. He did not associate with those undeserving, so this woman had best have a good reason for disturbing his piece. Amber gaze flicked briefly to her coat, though it held no significance to him. He had his own rules as to what he deemed attractive, and that in itself was fear. Fear always pulled him towards a woman, it was something he enjoyed inflicting into the soul of one. It gave him pleasure knowing they were afraid, and in that sense he did to them as he pleased.

"What are you doing out here all alone anyway? There is probably good reason why others don't wander about at this hour...all manner of dangerous things lurk about y'know..."



01-30-2014, 03:20 PM

Was he....annoyed with her? It rather intrigued her, it made her smile turn slightly devious. She wanted nothing from him but information about himself. No secret, nothing important. She only was curious about him nothing more nothing less. Selfish really, but strange, and the way she was to the ends of the earth. Lova turned her head, would he take advantage of her and rip her flesh from an exposed neck? Or would she end up following him about? Well, it wasn't like she would fall for him, love simply did not exist in her world.
Afraid of what loomed in the dark. Lova was no aware of the feeling of fear. She had only seen the idiots of the world fall to their own pathetic needlessness. Her cyan eyes changed softly, he was strong, his stance was obvious. A armada no doubt. Making her shut her eyes for a moment and stood up, but kept herself lower than him. It seemed like he would enjoy that. Though sadly should would not be able to give him the sense of fear. An emotion she felt unneeded, and would simply trap her.
"And you, are you what looms in the dark?" She asked curiously with a smile. Then she was asked a direct question. "I don't feel fear, I am foolish on my own standards. In fact the more fear, the more thrill there is. And it will kill me someday." Lova said with a sigh. So it would be layed judgment on her obviously. It brought odd thoughts into her head.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
02-04-2014, 07:28 AM

I'm insane, I am smart

All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions

And do what I do best to your heart
That irritated him to no end that she kept a smile on her plain face. No matter, he would show no manner of irritation nor anything else. He was not a being to show open emotion, for it was only for his knowledge to know. He could almost laugh at her foolish attempt, her pathetic displays. If she thought she could get anything from him...guess again. His hard stare left her foolish form, not wasting even the time to stare at her as he shifted his gaze towards the shadows. Stance unchanging as he aired the dominance he so possessed. Fear? Was he the fear? Of course he was. He was everything and anything one could be afraid of, and he had proven it time and time again. Countless times.

"What do you think." He did not ask in question, more so as a statement plain and simple. He was a puzzle, a mystery not so easily solved. Emotions remained out of his voice, out of his glare, a blank slate. He would never deign to show an unworthy anything he had upon the dark confines of his mind nor what lied beneath his silver tongue. He was a creature that didn't waste his time in such acts, and not even she would be able to pry him open.

Don't be fooled, I was raised by the wolves

Now the moon hangs in full, so you know I won't

Play by the rules


02-04-2014, 04:27 PM

Get whatever she wanted? That was in no means what she was doing or thinking. Lova did not give a crap about power, or otherwise the thoughts of others on her. She only looked out for herself, and those she took interest in, simply was because of her love for personalities in the world. It was clear her company was unwanted by the looks of it. And for what, a smile? What a stupid reason, it made her face change to something more annoyed. But once a sigh left her lips she shrugged, there was no pleasing everyone after all. It wasn't her job to run around shaking her ass for males of the armada that was for sure. The russian rolled her shoulders back, there wasn't going to be a way to crack him, so she would simply act normal, and leave him to decide what to do with her. After all, she was in full belief that women were under men.
"Probably, you are completely annoyed with the she-wolf who has presented herself in front of you. That she is a waste of your time, and you a devil in the dark, will gain nothing from this meeting." Her tail twitched. "You'll find your attitude to be your demise one day, but, a strong one such as yourself can't help that." Lova turned herself around. She knew when she wasn't wanted, and she was sick and tired of being instantly judged that she wanted something out of her little meetings. She didn't want anything, nothing at all. It was how she was, and it pissed her off. She stopped though looked at him. "Be strong, devil in the dark, I have no doubt that you will create hell if you were to lead." her paws would skip into the snow as she left, unless stopped.
