
Brightly Wound



01-09-2014, 07:42 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2014, 08:06 PM by Chrysanthe.)
ooc: this meeting is an activity check! Because of the new rules on how many members can be in a pack, i would like Valhalla to be a little more active - me included. a post a week will be required from members here, but it won't be a rule I enforce until after this meeting is over. If you don't post here, I will assume that your wolf has left the pack and they will be set as rogues. This will also be a rank shuffle! (:

Valhalla was settling well - and of that Chrysanthe was thankful. The moment of peace was much appreciated, but the last thing that the woman wanted was for things to get stale. The pack was not one for war, but she wanted the wolves here to have a bit of fun as well. Because of their new location, this put them closer to their sister pack, Seracia, and she already had a trip planned to go and visit, it had been a while since she had checked in. It seemed the alpha would never run out of trips to make and things to do - but Chrysanthe was glad for it, it kept things interesting and her on her toes.

Hopefully she could do the same for her members.

There were changes that the alpha was set on implementing, and she hoped that the wolves of Valhalla would enjoy them. Quietly the woman would make her way toward the meeting place, the midday sun was bright and warm, but the weather wasn't too hot with it being the beginnings of spring. The jungle stood tall behind her, but there was more than enough space for the many wolves of Valhalla to gather on the soft grass that grew underfoot. They would meet beneath a particularly tall cluster of trees, the only ones that grew in the area - a landmark that would be hard to miss for nearly a couple of miles.

Hoping that Gideon would be close behind, or perhaps he had followed her from their shared den after she nudged him and told him it was time for a meeting - she would wait a couple of moments before lifting her head and howling for the pack. It was a gentle call, there was no bad news or particular urgency - but it was absolute. Any who wished to keep their place in this pack without seeking her out immediately afterward would not be considered Valhallan without some sort of re-acceptance.

After the call was made she would sit and wait for the rest of the pack to arrive. She had plenty to tell them - and hopefully they would like it because none of the news was really all that bad. It felt good to be able to have a positive meeting.

first round ends January 13~


01-09-2014, 08:02 PM

Sephiroth had been sitting nearby, always close to the heart of the pack since the end of war. He had found a new thing to be protective of, and that was his Valhallan family. Granted, he still didn't know most of them personally, but that would not keep him from his duties of protecting each and every one of them. His Alphess, especially. They had fought together side by side against a Glaciem enemy and the opponent had eventually fallen. And though Sephiroth hadn't won his match against the other Glaciem, he had still given it his all in that battle and held no regrets since that last talk with his beloved Alphess. He always strived to do his best for the pack, the wolves in it, and the close knit community that they all shared together. Valhalla was truly something he loved being a part of, and although his skills were advanced in more military and war standards, he would use his skills to teach his pack to better protect themselves in the future.

Dual toned figure stepped out of his chosen den. It was fairly close to where Chrysanthe held her meeting, on the other side of one of the large trees in fact. He came around the other side of the large trunk and aquamarine eyes stared at the Alphess as he approached, a dip of his head and a greeting to follow. "Good afternoon, Chrysanthe. How have you been?" He inquired politely as he took a seat some feet in front of her. He settled his haunches on the soft ground, tail curled around his paws as he sat erect and at attention.


01-09-2014, 08:10 PM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2014, 09:00 AM by Flamesong.)

here to relive your darkest moments

Flamesong had been on the island for a few weeks now, and was settling in nicely. The man was well rested and completely prepared to take on whatever duties his alpha assigned to him. He had just been foraging the grounds for wild herbs when his alphess sounded a call for a meeting. With a bundle of berry branches hanging from his maw, he took off in the direction of the sound.
His leader was standing pridefully in the center of a small clearing just large enough to seat the pack. It appeared that one other wolf had arrived before him, and he smiled in friendly greeting. Flamesong approached Chrysanthe with a dip of his head and dropped the berries in front of his paws.
"Afternoon milady."
After his greeting he picked up his bundle of herbs and sat a good number of feet away, allowing the other wolf some space but staying well near enough to hear his alphess.

it's always darkest before the dawn[FLAMESONG ETHEREO]


01-09-2014, 08:13 PM

The call would spread over the new lands, summoning the members of Valhalla together. For a brief moment the girl thought about not going, found no reason to show up when her existence meant nothing. Seraphine was part of a pack though, she had joined with her father, and so she had to give them her loyalty. The yearling would give a growl of annoyance before moving away from the path she had been strolling down. In no time she would arrive a where Chrysanthe had howled, seeing two other figures already there, Sephiroth and an unknown male. She would move forward, head held low, taking a seat behind the two males but to the right of where Chrysanthe sat, away from the rest of the crowd that would surely show up. No emotion would be upon her face, blank as a statue as she watched her Alphess, waiting to find out what she had to tell them.


Awesome image by Trynx <3



8 Years
01-09-2014, 08:15 PM

Sarak padded silently through the jungle, as easily as any jaguar. He was refreshed after finding Azalea again, and much happier than he had been in a while. He had a future set firmly in mind. Her children would be his, he would be a father to them, despite their lineage. This must be what love truly was. The ability to look past what had been done, and look to the future.

Dark ears perked as a gentle song rolled through the jungle, unique among the calls of monkeys and other creatures of the jungle. Familiar. Chrysanthe. Ah, he needed to check in with her, to let her know about Cormalin, of Bronze and Themisto. He was confused, however. He hadn?t smelled Erani yet? Nor had he seen Surreal, or Alsander. Or the horse, for that matter. His tail flicked slightly, before he slid through the jungle toward Chrysanthe?s call. It was a meeting that she called.

He came to a stop before the Alpha, settling upon his haunches. Collision would be here soon. He wanted Azalea?s father to accept him? Wanted the male to know that he held Azalea?s safety and future to the utmost importance. Deep green eyes rested on Chrysanthe. Have you seen Erani? I could use this scruff wound checked?? Chrysanthe would know where the kind, terrifying female was, wouldn?t she? Another member arrived shortly after the words left his muzzle. He nodded to the male. And the female that came after.


01-09-2014, 09:39 PM

The suffrage that she had spent for days would never end it seemed. Nightmares that plagued her head of the northern alley's and caves that had been condemned to her home. The sheer horror, and no explanation towards the fact of fear she had felt towards being imprisoned. And the one thing she didn't dream about was the tree that smashed her mother when they first moved to these lands. Giving her no gateway to her home in Valhalla. The face of her mother was smeared in paint across the chalk lines embedded into the stone that she stood on. But it soon filled itself up with a blizzard, her red eyes looking at the wolves she had left behind, her children as well. It made her heart sink, but once she heard the call, her head broke free of the dream. And the spring air filled her nostrils as well as salt water from the ocean. Vahva groaned slightly, the woman standing she stretched herself, and shook her blue mane free of any sand or dirt from the cave she had taken on as home within the Valhallan territory.
Her paws carried her across the land to meet with the alphess. Her strong frame easily becoming apparent under the layers of sleek black and white fur. And the blue mane on the top of her head near to her shoulder blades giving off a radiant glow nearly as much matching the deep crimson eyes inside of her head. Her tail curled as it flopped around keeping her balance on her rear end. Soon she could already see members gathered, the seemingly emotionless girl gave a short smile before finding her seat closer to the alphess where she was more comfortable being. To listen to what she had to say as well.




7 Years
01-09-2014, 10:36 PM

Surreal ran hard, still dripping from the sea, the shadow of her companion ghosting along before her as the hawk flew above. Her mother had been horribly ill as of late. Thankfully, Erani was strong of will, and had fought off the worst of the illness. Surreal and Alsander had been doing their best to take care of Erani, hunting down food for her. Erani would be making the trip home soon enough, once she felt the illness was far enough away to not risk spreading to the rest of the pack. Alsander was staying behind with Erani to protect her from any attacks, now that the old territory was no longer Valhallan land.

She hadn?t seen Obsidian in about, though by scent, she knew the horse had been around. Battlesong screeched from above, at the same time as Chrysanthe?s voice rolled through the jungle. Surreal gravitated toward the song, working her way through the jungle until she found Chrysanthe. She padded to her place as Beta, settling upon her haunches, before leaning to speak to Chrysanthe. ?Mother is ill, back in the old Territory. She was pretty bad for a while.. Alsander and I have been taking care of her, but I was afraid that she would get worse if I came to tell you. Alsander?s staying with her until she?s able to travel. She?s much better now.? Her explanation was given in a rush, between pants from her long run.

Battlesong stooped, opal and gold pendant glinting at her feathery breast, coming to land on a branch just above. Sharp hawk eyes rested upon the wolves gathered, before turning to her friend. The silver wolf had helped her, after she had managed to get herself into a tight spot, and in turn, Battlesong had decided to stay as a companion with the young wolf.

Surreal glanced up at the Ferruginous Hawk, then turned her gaze back to Chrysanthe. ?By the way, this is my companion, Battlesong. Battlesong, meet my sister and Alpha, Chrysanthe Adravendi. She?s the best sister you could ever ask for.? The hawk dipped her head to the sister of her companion. ?Greetings, long-runner.? It was the name her kind had for wolves. Surreal meanwhile, gazed around at the wolves that had gathered thus far. There was an unfamiliar face, though the rest she knew. There was Sarak. From what she?d seen, he?d fared well in his fights in the battle. He only had one main injury that she could see. She nodded to the male, while she waited for Chrysanthe?s reaction to her news.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



13+ Years
Extra large
01-09-2014, 10:54 PM

Inky nostrils flared as Obsidian?s dark blue eyes observed the jungle. She stood upon the shore, having just arrived to the new territory. Surreal?s scent lay thick around her, saying the young beta had passed through only moments ago, and if she strained her ears hard enough, Obsidian could hear the wolf moving. The jungle? It wasn?t exactly horse habitat? Her ears flattened slightly, but she started off into the verdant green.

Chrysanthe?s howl ushered the mare on, until she finally arrived at the meeting being called. The small male, Sarak, was there, and Surreal was in her spot beside Chrysanthe as Beta. Others had arrived, and perked ears took in the sounds.

Obsidian?s fur was shedding heavily, leaving behind sleek fur and hide. Her mane and hail had grown out again after old mats full of twigs and burs had fallen out or been pulled out by branches in passing. The mare moved to a place at the back of the growing crowd, watching quietly.


01-10-2014, 01:09 AM

The war was over, his pack was safe, his family was safe. Everyone that he cared about was safe and sound in their new home on the island. There was no longer a threat from glaciem or any other packs looking to bring Valhalla harm. They were secluded on their island, well protected from any outside threats. For future wars, the pack would be better prepared to defend themselves with their new advantage. But now was not the time to think of wars to come. His aunt Chrysanthe had called a meeting and as the current Heir, he had to be prompt.

Nimble paws would pull the young Adravendi through the island forestry, having already acclimated himself to his new surroundings in the few weeks they had been here. He was careful to avoid the vines that seemed to be hanging around in certain places, auds pulled against his skull to avoid snagging overhanging vines and branches. It was only a few minutes before he would arrive the cluster of trees his aunt had decided to call the pack beneath, ceruleans easily spotting her figure and those of several wolves already gathered. He would come up from her to her left, careful to be considerate of her new disability in her right eye, nudging her shoulder gently before settling down quietly. A smile would be directed at her before he would turn to the rest of the wolves, hoping to see that Meili had followed closely behind.

Talk like this


01-10-2014, 01:21 AM

He hadn't been socializing as much with the pack as he should've and for that he felt guilty as he slowly made his way towards the sound of his best friend's call. He hadn't seen Chrysanthe since the move to the island, or anyone for that matter. He had been keeping himself secluded around the island, trying to avoid others, even his own daughter, as he tried to repress the depression that had sunken in lately. It had taken a strangle hold on him and the aging white knight just couldn't find the strength to completely fight it off. It was easier to just let it take him than to fend it off.

Half blind bi-colored gaze of ruby and azure would fall across the gathered figures of his fellow packmates. He would first spot Chrysanthe, avoiding making eye contact with her as he situated himself towards the back of the group. As he continued looking around, he would spot Seraphine's figure, reading the annoyance across her shoulders. Did she hate him? He wouldn't know until he talked to her and at this point, he wasn't sure she would ever talk to him again.

Talk like this



10 Years
01-10-2014, 03:07 AM

The young Gargoyle mini-me was out and about on the island, enjoying the way the sun felt across her form. She was nine months old, a spitting image of her father with the lovely frame her mother had bestowed her through genes. Odette was the perfect combination of her parents and she couldn't be more proud of that. The pride was evident in how she walked along the beach: her head was held high and her tail stood on end to promote her feelings of her lineage. Bi-colored eyes scanned the vast ocean as she stopped to admire the beauty of it all. What could make today any better?
Her answer was given by the calling of her sweet mother. Chrysanthe was summoning the island's permanent guests for a meeting. Odette didn't hesitate to reply and she dashed away from the beach, leaving sand rising and falling in her wake. Her lean legs were more curvy thanks to the muscles that were worked on by the numerous trips to the mainland and back, as well as maintaining a strict diet of the lean meat prey that resided in various spots of the island. She raced with her tongue lolling out of her mouth, avoiding obstacles while thinking about a delicious deer that was roaming stag nearby. Plans to try and win its life for later formed in her brain and she proceeded to zigzag through the jungle to her destination.
By the time she had reached the location Chrysanthe had chosen, a good number of wolves had already appeared. She walked towards them without any fear, tail now limply swaying behind her frame as she got closer to the Alphess. Her eyes looked around at the nearby wolves -- Demonio, Seraphine, Sephiroth, and Sarak -- before landing on the form of the horse. Her eyebrows rose in surprise from the mere image of Obsidian's presence and she wondered how a beautiful animal came to stay with Valhalla. Perhaps her curiosity would be taken care of in the future.
Odette didn't hide the fact she was Chrysanthe's daughter when she approached the russet-faced female and openly nuzzled her. "Mother," she gently cooed, bi-colored eyes looking up to the face that she had grown accustomed to looking at each morning she slept in. "Did I make it in time?" she asked, hoping that her sprint wasn't all for nothing. As she waited for Chrysanthe's response, she stole a glance to Surreal and her eyes twinkled even more. After her mother answered her, Odette walked over to the younger female and gave her a nudge on her shoulder and neck. "I've missed you, Aunt Surreal," she said, giving the girl a wink before licking her cheek. "Sooo much has happened -- I want to tell you all of it!" Odette knew she would have to wait, and patience was such a virtue already.
The black, gray, and tan female then turned to walk to Chrysanthe's other side and plopped her haunches lady-like upon the warm grass. She caught a glance from Vahva, who sat near the front of the gathering, and silently raised an eyebrow. The gesture was hard to see in front of others, but she was sure the female could notice it. After hardly two seconds, Odette turned her gaze to Chrysanthe (for she was on her right side) and gently gave a whine of appreciation for her adopted mother. Her tail thumped the ground lightly next to her left haunch and she waited for a tender nudge from the Alphess before looking out to the rest of the Valhalla family. She wondered what would be going on in this meeting. The excitement was slowly building up.

Talk like this


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


01-10-2014, 05:03 AM

When she heard her leader's call she sped into a trot in the direction of the call. Paws kissed the earth, as she padded up towards her. When she reached Chrysanthe. A collection of people were already there. She recognised only two, chrysanthe and Vahva. She walked over to her, Hello miss Chrysanthewith a curt bow to her, she walked over to the main group. She sat down in a rather desolate spot. She wondered what the purpose of the meeting was. She waited patiently for her to begin the meeting. Purple orbs surveyed the area. She saw quite a lot of other Vallhallans there, she had known that Valhalla was a big pack. But not just quite how big.




6 Years
01-10-2014, 07:42 PM

Azalea lapped at the cool waters of small pool, recessed in dip in the land. It was a puddle, really; built up from the rain and no a sustained water source. Regardless the water was pure (for now at least) and so she let it hydrate her body.

The sound of Chrysanthe calling the pack was a welcome sound. Moving had done her much more good than she had ever anticipated and once more she felt alive. Her miscreant children were raining terror on all of Valhalla and she was proud to know that her sons would grow up training in terrain as difficult as the jungle.

Sarak's return had also brought her joy and Azalea moved with a pep in her step toward the meeting. She was curious to know how the pack was settling, how her family was settling. Many wolves had already arrived, Sarak and her brother among them. Her head would turn one way and then the other surveying Soren and Kismet and also for her parents. None of them were there yet.

An obvious frown fixed her face as she swayed through the crowd though as her eyes would try to catch Chrysanthe's she would smile brightly, an act that took over her face. Azalea watched Sarak, standing before Chrysanthe and settled down in the mix of wolves. She hoped he would notice her and come to sit by her side. She also hoped that her children would show up soon, she didn't want to have to go hunt them down and drag them by their scruffs. Tough love, it was all they would get if they thought they could just not come when their great aunt called.

Odette hung close to Chrysanthe, making Azalea wonder if she had been making friends or not. It was important that she integrated herself with the pack. Gale was looking around and she pulled a single ear back, stopping herself from calling out merrily to him. Besides, he wasn't looking for her but for Meili. The two had taken to each other from the start and honestly Aza was unsure why it had taken them so long to get together.

Azalea then noticed Vahva, but how she had missed her she didn't know. Now she did call out, "Vahva!" She hadn't realized that the she-wolf had decided to stay with Valhalla past her brief visit before. Of course, the auburn headed lass had been quite consumed.




4 Years
01-10-2014, 10:41 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2014, 10:55 PM by Soren.)

The call summoned Soren from his den, a voice rather unfamiliar to the boy though he understood it?s meaning well enough. With a sigh he heaved himself from the den and shook the dirt from his fur. He was about to head out when he paused, turning back to gaze at what he considered being a nearly completed den. Soon enough it would be perfect, till now though? Heaving a sigh he headed out in the way of the call.

He was still small, and his strides not very long so even though he had started off at a run he would soon grow tired long before even arriving at the meeting area. He slowed to a trot and finally to walking as he finally drew into the meeting place. Hazel eyes roved over the gathered wolves recognizing none of them; that was except for the Ivory and Russet she-wolf was his mother. He picked up his pace as he approached her. The boy glanced up at his mother as he drew up beside her and then settled himself upon his haunches.


[Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]



3 Years
Extra large
01-11-2014, 05:06 AM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2014, 12:16 PM by Kismet.)

Honestly Kismet didn't understand his brother's obsession with that den. He constantly messed around, moving the tiniest amounts of dirt that all seemed incredibly pointless to the caramel and white boy. Their mother had wandered off, and Kismet had sought to perhaps join her, deciding as much as he loved his brother he didn't feel like sitting around watching Soren fuss over all these supposedly big problems within the den. He himself hadn't actually seen even a single problem with it upon their arrival and he assumed his mother had thought the same upon selecting it.

The call of his great aunt disrupted him in his walk however. He hadn't been to a meeting before, in fact the only time they had all been called together as a pack that he could recall it had been for them to leave those old pack lands. Were they moving again? Was this something that packs did regularly? Not bothering to think too much upon the topic, he made his way towards the sound of the call, pausing briefly back at the den to ensure that Soren had realised this time he had to leave it alone and go see their great aunt and to his surprise, there was no sign of him there at all. Maybe he'd have to get his great aunt to call more meetings, just to drag Soren away from his odd and never finished project.

So onwards he continued alone, only stopping now as he reached the meeting area where he could see many members of the pack had already begun to gather including his mother and his brother. Heading over to them, Kismet took a seat upon his mother's other side. "What's happening?" He questioned Azalea, glancing up at her.


5 Years
Athena I
01-11-2014, 10:36 PM

The hunter would hear her alpha's call and immediately stopped what she was doing and turned to run toward the meeting. She had been working on her hunting, acclimating herself to the new kinds of prey that were on the island and just sharpening her skills in general. Since arriving here on the island it felt like a fresh start, a new beginning. She felt inspired to work on her skills and improve her life, including her hunting. It was her way to give back to the pack so she wanted to make sure she could be as helpful as she could be. Not only that, but she wanted to make Gael proud.

She raced through the trees, moving with ease on light paws. By the time she finally arrived there was a good sized group of wolves there already, along with the horse that called Valhalla home. She hesitated at the edge of the group, scanning them and letting her eyes settle on Gael who had taken his place at the front of the group. She usually sat at the back of the group since she still knew so few of them and was generally uncomfortable, but something just made her feel more bold than usual. After taking a deep breath to steady herself, she walked around the group till she at the end of the front row. She was not sitting up front with Gael, of course, but much closer to him than she usually
was. She sat back on her haunches and gave him a small smile before looking to Chrys and dipping her head politely.




10 Years
Athena I
01-11-2014, 11:18 PM

The sun was shining down on the ivory druid, warming his fur and only fueling the sense of content that he had been feeling lately. Everything was perfect. He was settled in the den with his mate and companion on this beautiful island, getting to do what he loved and getting to be with the one he loved. Suddenly Chrysanthe's howl cut through the silence and his ears perked up curiously. His two-toned gaze blinked open and he stood, stretching with a wide yawn. He turned his head to nose Elva awake and onto her paws before trotting of toward the meeting with a light spring in his step.

When he arrived there was a fairly large group of his pack mates there, but he didn't see Imena or any of his family around, besides Surreal of course. He knew his Aunt was still back in the old territory sick and he remembered Alsander was staying with her. He hadn't seen Claire for quite some time, and the thought brought down his mood a bit, along with thinking of his father who was still captive in Glaciem as far as he knew. That only left his other brother, Caerul, who he also hadn't laid eyes on in quite some time. With his good mood ruined, he found a place among the group and settled back onto his haunches with a small smile directed to Chrysanthe. Elva took her place sitting between his forepaws, her big eyes looking around at all of them curiously. Cael hopped Imena showed up soon and waited curiously to see what this meeting would be about.


Leon I


11 Years
01-12-2014, 01:18 AM

The call rang out, and Leon was close. Gently, he nudged his beloved Ash awake and whispered in her ear. "Sweetheart, a meeting is being called." He murmured, stretching some before pulling himself away from the warmth of her fur. He was reluctant to move away for the breeze on the island was far cooler then it was on the mainland, but with her by his side he didn't care. As long as she was close, he was okay. Swiftly he made his way to the gathering, the scents of many wolves mingling in his nostrils. Plume held high as he moved easily trough the terrain. He wondered what Chrysanthe was up to now, it had been a while since he had been able to spend time with her and talk to her. And soon, he would change that. It was not like him to abandon others when the time of need was great, or anytime at all.

Stepping into the meeting, Leon moved forward to the head of the pack. Giving his cousin a heartfelt nuzzle, a glint of light in his eyes. He had news he wanted to share, and it involved Ashtoreth. He had not had a chance to tell anyone during the last meeting, and wanted everyone to know this time. "Chrysanthe, I apologize for being scarce as of late...I promise, that will change. I would also like a chance sometime during this meeting to announce something, if there is time that is." He told her before moving to sit a little ways in front of her, his tail curled around his paws as he leaned into Ash.



6 Years
01-12-2014, 03:24 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 09:05 PM by Alamea.)

A call reached her within the fog of dream. The ivory girl was napping, as was becoming much more common now as she continued to grow. Groaning her slowly blinked her eyes open, stretching and letting loose a yawn before exiting her den. She shook the dirt from her pristine pelt, lifting rose gaze to scan the horizon. She wondered at where Rune could be? but she would not worry too much. He was never too far from her these days, both of them giving a lot of their energy to the unborn babes within her womb. It was getting rather stressful for the poor girl, her already small frame becoming dwarfed by her growing belly, and putting such strain on her tiny body.

Still she could manage to walk, though not nearly as elegantly as she once could, it was really more of a waddle; and waddle she did. Heading off to answer the alphess' summons. It wouldn't take her too long to arrive at the meeting area; she had chosen to keep her den within the surrounding jungle. She approached the gathered wolves, gaze flying around to see if she could spot her mate. It seemed he had not arrived yet, heaving a disappointed sigh she made her way through the throng till she was seated in the midst of the group pink gaze lifting to watch her leader.




01-12-2014, 01:04 PM

She had woken early that morning to explore more of the island, to study what plants grew there and what prey there was. She had been learning a lot from watching the land, the tides rolling in and out and the food left in the shallows. She learned much of the plants grew in the jungle where it was moist and warm. So engrossed in the beauty this island offered the pack, Chrysanthe's call startled her. Sky blue gaze looked back the way she came before spinning and sprinting off. She wondered what Chrysanthe had to say today. It had been some time since they movedto the island, so she guessed it would only be forth coming for a meeting.
By the time she reach the meeting she was panting from her run. Already a large amount of members were there. Ears laid back slightly as she spotted her mate and shyly walked by others to his side. She brushed his side with her's before nuzzling and licking his cheek. Turning to Chrysanthe she smiled warmly at the woman, giving her attention to the alpha.
