
Faintly Glowing Daffodils


02-10-2014, 04:37 PM

Dark night cloaked the pallid form of the petite lady, who strode quietly through the trees in search of something to pass time. She was not sleepy, she had slept through the heat of the day and was eager to explore. Tea cupped paws of a creamy ivory pattered lightly upon the terra as she wove through the ferns, twilight pools searching the darkness for something interesting. A faint glow in front of her piqued her interest, and the lass kicked up her heels and trotted into a clearing.
A broad smile lit up the features of the English lady, as the myriad of glowing insects lazily bobbed about through the spring air. They shied away from her at first, but she simply kept padding towards them, gold dipped plume swinging through the air with glee as she congregated around her form. A light giggle escaped her dark lips as she looked around. The world was lit with a dazzling light, the pinpoints of glowing yellowish luminescence landing on every available surface and twinkling with brightness. They started to alight upon her delicate frame and investigate her creamy silken fur, tickling her a bit. Her laughter continued as she wandered around, looking at the strange reflection she created, with a faintly glowing crown between her golden audits and a few of the little creatures fluttering by her face as they went about their night. Her broad grin did not cease as she looked around, and once more trotted through the lush grasses with the strange bugs lazily floating around her.
Strangely enough, she had only ever seen these creatures once in her life, when she had been out with her father. He had shown her a meadow near their old home when she could hardly walk, carrying her on his shoulders as the sun sank below the horizon so she could see the magical event. Sure enough, as the light petered out, the glowing insects blinked into life as they floated up from the tall grasses. She had laughed and wriggled with pure glee, and her father had joined in her mirth. They had been there until she fell asleep in the thick fur of her fathers ruff, and he took her home to bed. The next day started the torrential rains that did not end for days, and flooded their home, killing her siblings and sending them to the King in search of a home.
The memory faded from her mind with that, and the English lady settled down in the grass with a soft smile on her face and her head upon her paws. She was happy, because this reminded her of home, and she loved home so very much. Would she ever see her family again? Secretly, the femme hoped they would come, in a selfish way she wanted them all to be here with her and they would live happily ever after. But she knew they were better off at home without her, so they could make their living and stay within the known. A soft giggle escaped her lips as a firefly tickled her nose, and then flew off. She waited for whatever would come next, content in her place here.

image by Luisiana