
This War Is Ours



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-08-2014, 04:36 PM
Sin Armada

Sharpened claws touched upon the sandy beach. Sin's pelt clung to his slim body, causing the muscles underneath to ripple. Amber eyes cast about the scenery before him, with spring on its feet the waters were warmer then before. He had heard about the tales of old Tortuga, and wanted to see for himself the siblings that chose to "betray" the King. He scoffed slightly, oh how easily the albino king so chose to throw around the word "betray" so often. Sin began to form the thoughts that perhaps the albino was afraid. If one didn't follow then you became an enemy. And although Sin was similar, at least he had the sense to leave dead fish where they lied. "Such a cowardly fool."

Once he was upon dry grounds, he shook out his pelt and freed it from water. Tail whipped behind him to release the hold of excess water as well. Amber gaze was curious now, more so then usual as he gazed upon the land that was very different then the mainland he was used to. Then again, he had mostly spent his time in the North...and yet, nothing ever happened there. He had not seen tail nor hair of his father, and so he would not waste his time waiting for his presence and instead, went on his own to continue to fulfill his own purposes.


01-08-2014, 06:10 PM

Spring. It had arrived, bringing warmer temperatures to the island, a much welcomed changed. However, visitors were still scare. She had hardly mingled with anyone since the pack had been taken by Isardis. Taurig had all but vanished, Maija was busy with children, and Falk had vanished as well. It was becoming a lonely place, one in which she did not wish to stay. Restlessness kept her moving constantly, always walking the beaches, exploring further inland.

Today she found herself walking the beach, contemplating venturing to the mainland. Perhaps there would be something to do there, someone to meet. Thoughts were interrupted by the scent of a stranger. And not just any stranger. Glaciem. Emerald pool zeroed in on the pale brute, lips curling back over ivory daggers. She would approach, her defenses sliding into place. Her father had been satisfied. What was this man doing here? Undoubtedly a minion to her father. "Glaciem is not welcome here." She had stopped a safe distance from him, eyes narrowing minutely.

She took a moment to size up the man up, taking in the crimson markings on his fur. He was a sizable opponent, his pelt soaked to the skin. She would give him only a moment to state his case, to explain what had brought him here. While this was not pack lands, a band of rogues did reside her, to the best of her knowledge at least. And her family lived her, she would not see them harmed or even threatened by one of her packs men.

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