
New Beginings, Love Flowers



01-07-2014, 12:11 AM

Everything was set, the weather was warm and bright, her fur glistened, and she had found white flowers to put in behind her left ear. She had left the den Cael and her resided in since moving to the in to a small glen. There she had prepared to the, their day. She and her mate would be officially married today. All that was left was to call in the family and Chrysanthe with the rest of the pack. Standing up she took a shaky breath. For some reason she was nervous and felt lonely. She wished her family could be here with her too. She missed her mother, her old mentor, the alphas. Sure her old life had been horrible but she still missed her family. She shook her head. By the end of today she would officially have a new family.

Walking to the shore where the pack had first arrived to the island, hr sky blue eyes looked around. She could not be anymore happier than she was now. She had a wonderful mate, and splendid pack, and there would the future of pups to come. Not that Cael and her had mated yet, but it was to come soon. She turned to face the island, the ocean behind her. Head lifted to call forth family, alphas and friends. Her howl was soft and sweet. There seemed to be a new side to her now, a perk to her steps, a light dazzling in her eyes. She was in bliss, every part of her leaked with it. She shifted nervously again, would everyone approve? She hoped Caerul got here first. She could really use his steady presence right now.

She could not wait to see Cael. While waiting she could not help but to keep picturing him in her head. The thought of him made her smile and feel warm and fuzzy. How lucky she had gotten when she had first met him. He was her blessed sun. Without him her life was cold and dark. She wondered if he would show up first or hang back some. Either way this was their day. It was also important for the pack. To show that they could move on and recover from the battle. To put some positive events back into their lives.




01-09-2014, 07:34 PM
ooc: sorry -short!

Imena's call would not go without response for long. Chrysanthe would immediately start her trek toward the shore, wondering what the denmother needed of her. The smell of flowers gently wafted beneath her nose, mixing with the salty scent the air naturally held - the effect was an aroma that was almost calming. What was the eta planning? Stepping onto the soft sands of the shore, Chrysanthe would yip a greeting to Imena as soon as she saw her, nodding to at the woman. The other seemed to be a bit nervous, but excited about something judging by the way that she was gently pacing. The flowers in her fur were a lovely decoration, the pep to her step a welcome change in demeanor - and with that the alpha started to put the pieces together.

"White flowers - a wedding?" She would ask her when she was close enough to look her in the eye. At the word 'wedding' Chrysanthe would perk up a bit as well. The last wedding that Chrysanthe had attended had been her sister's. And although she had mixed feelings about her sister leaving for Seracia way back when, she felt nothing but joy in this situation. Imena was getting married! The woman's lips would pull back in a smile, and she would hum, pleased. "You picked a great day." She was sure those that attended would feel the same way.

"And You look lovely, I hope you aren't too nervous." The alpha would smile, hoping that she would settle down a bit - but honestly, the excitement was a good look on the eta. She enjoyed seeing her happy.



01-12-2014, 12:54 PM

It was not long before she was greeted with a yip and the presence of her dear alpha Chrysanthe. She wagged her tail in a happy greeting but remembered to lower her head in respect. She watched the white and russet women as she slowly put Imena's plan together. She had been worried the alpha would not be thrilled to just being told last minute. But the smile and excite from Chrysanthe soothed her worries.Yes, Cael and I have decided to get married. I think it will also show the pack that everyone can overcome dark times, that there is a light at the end. Also, Chrysanthe. I um..i was wondering if Cael and I could have your a family? At the end she would shift from paw to paw, eyes cast away.

She knew the pack was growing large but was it too large for the pack to have pups this spring and summer? She prayed not, she had always dreamed of having her own little whelps running around and it had never seemed possible till now. Blue eyes looked back up at Chrysanthe, so glad she could talk to her first now before anyone else came. She also needed to decide who would be the one to give her away, who would be the one to set the vows, and who would be her maid-of-honor. Ears perked up as an idea hit her.Chrsanthe, I would love to have you as my maid-of-honor. And im hoping Erani can set the vows for Cael and I. She said softly, shyly. Though she was nervous, shy, and rarely spoke to others, she felt more open to others, wanting to reach out, to be glowing with joy, and from this day on she silently vowed she would.



01-13-2014, 06:23 PM

It was still a bit odd, getting used to the idea that he could no longer see out of one eye, but the seasoned warrior was adjusting just fine. Life on the island was different, but it was a welcomed change. The pack was in relative peace and everyone was getting used to the fact that happiness could be achieved. A little blood had to be spilled, but in the end they'd gotten the peace that they had so striven to keep. As for Demonio in particular, the aging white knight had begun to keep more and more to himself. It was clear that he would be spending the rest of his days alone, so why not starting practicing now?

The man had been bathing in the island's river, washing away all the dirt and blood from his morning breakfast when a call rang out; Imena. Another of his adopted children. A warm smile came to his pale lips as he slowly made his way from the river, moving at a brisk pace towards the beach. There was a different note to her voice, one he hadn't noticed there before. With his curiosity brimming, Demonio would make his arrival on the beach, icy eye spotting the figures of his child and his best friend Chrysanthe. Ivory plume would wag gently behind him as he approached, ears perking with interest at Chrysanthe's words. A wedding a hear? Seems like I've missed quite alot. Good day Chrys. He would call merrily to his best friend, bumping her shoulder gently before letting his attention move to Imena, hoping she could provide him with an explanation.

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01-21-2014, 11:43 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2014, 11:43 PM by Chrysanthe.)
So she was right - and oh was she glad that she had been. A wedding would be a beautiful way to almost christen the island, and the alpha easily found herself agreeing with Imena's points. She would take in her words with care, only for her focused expression to blossom into something warmer. "You have my blessing Imena - you have only my best wishes for your family." She wasn't worried about the size of the pack. There was plenty of room on Nephilm for pups to be raised, and plenty of territory on and off of the island for the members of Valhalla to hunt on. And if that should ever change? Chrysanthe would claim more land and do her best to keep every part of it safe.

Erani had only recently returned to the island, but Chrysanthe knew that her mother would be happy to take up the honor. As for the alpha herself, she was surprised that Imena wanted for her to have such a part in her wedding - and she would graciously accept, some of her excitement leaking through. "I would be happy to - and I'm sure that Erani will as well." She only needed to be told of the honor.

At Demonio's entrance, Chrysanthe would grin at the male, moving toward him to meet him halfway as they bumped shoulders. He was one of the few friends that stuck from her time as a teenager - she was glad that he was attending the wedding. "Good day Demonio - and yes it is! Imena is getting married, Cael is a lucky man." She would say to him - and then it would seem that it was about time that others started wandering onto the shore. The alpha would issue a howl, asking for those around to come to her - but this wasn't a call for a meeting or anything that she would be running. No, this was Imena's day, and she wanted it to be special for the dark fae. She couldn't imagine why anyone would want to miss it.



10 Years
01-29-2014, 10:44 PM

There was a bit of happiness dancing in the wind that day. At first, it hadn't been noted by the Gargoyle mini-me, for she had been occupied with rolling lazily in the grass of a far away clearing. Sunlight had spread across her dark form and a nap seemed like a good idea, until Chrysanthe's howl rang through the air. Immediately, Odette rose from the ground and broke through the surrounding trees to start the quarter mile journey to the beach.
Her paws barely touched the ground as she travelled towards her mother's location. She silently wondered what the call was for. Their meeting had not been that long ago and there wasn't any urgency in her tones. What else could she possibly be summoning all of Valhalla for? The answer was clear when Odette appeared from the trees on the edge of the grassy knoll. Where the grass met the sand, Odette stood and saw the familiar wolf with white flowers laced around her ear. Her tail slowly started to wag before she began her descent to the small group. One of her family members was getting married!
Odette's form graced the sand as the sun hit it with the proper amount of light. She didn't seem to notice that her coat was more glossy than before, showing off the curves of a warrior-in-training. It was a secret to anyone that didn't know her, but she was brimming with a desire to prove her worth. Such thoughts were set aside as she finally reached the present wolves. Her nose found Chrysanthe's neck and she affectionately nuzzled the Alphess before turning her gaze upon Demonio and Imena. "Greetings, Mister Demonio," she politely said, smile appearing on her tan lips. "I hope you are doing well..."
Her attention then slowly turned to Imena and she took in the female's beauty. "Miss Imena..." she softly said, tones warm and filled with gentle awe. "You look beautiful. I hope that you and my cousin, Cael, will be very happy in the future." She spoke the truth and such a vibrant thing it was. Eagerness displayed itself upon the usual smooth exterior of Odette's face, showing that family was indeed the inner circle she would show her true emotions for without hesitation.

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