



6 Years
10-20-2014, 11:38 AM
He knew not how much time had passed, but he much preferred to wander and learn before deciding on the path he was to take. The best way of doing so without too much of a problem was to be respectful to others. And he tried his best to be so. Not for the creatures that lived there, though that was a part of it, but to forever make his parents proud even if they weren't there. They had taught him well and he would follow the example they had given he and his true blood kinship. Still the lands were daunting and exhausting to traverse. He'd done so much running in order to explore far and wide the lands of Alacritia. He hadn't yet fully decided whether or not he enjoyed being a rogue instead of a pack member. Though he was of course drawn to groups.

But for the moment he didn't want to think about that. He just wished to be and at that time wished for a drink. The terrain around this part of Alactria weren't the best in his estimation. No, he preferred the green, green grasses of a lusher land where trees stood tall, touching the sky above. Nearly touching a shining star albeit that star was truly still too far away.

Finally his paw touched liquid. Water! Finally, he'd be able to quench his thirst after that last bout of running. Lowering himself to the ground, front paw tips touching the water. Still further he lowered his head until his muzzle brushed the surface. Swiping his tongue out he scooped in water, lapping several mouthfuls to moisten his dry ebon lips and pink tongue.



2 Years
10-20-2014, 11:59 AM

She would wonder away from Arcanum, feeling the need to look upon new lands, and to look upon new scenery once in a while. The beta was loyal to Cataleya, and would not stay away from her home long. After the death of her father it had only just hit the Adravendi now. She had been numb for the first few months, but now? She felt dark... empty. What was she to do? How was she to fulfill the darkness within her? How was she supposed to get over the death of her father? Where where her younger siblings? she had yet to find them. She hasn't had the chance to see their faces, to examine them all individually. But soon, Meinx knew her ambitions would grow, she knew she'd desire more power and what better way then to steal a pack one day to help the Adravendi line become powerful again? What if she could find her younger siblings to put them on the crown when the time was right? She would shake her thoughts away, knowing that it wouldn't happen anytime soon. Her large paws would carry her to the lake where another individual would lurk by.

As usual her expression would remain blank as a white canvas, showing nothing that'd give her intentions away. Who was he? A possible member of Arcanum? He looked to innocent, a sigh would roll of her tongue, before strolling towards the lake to sit. " I feel like eating you." She would muse gently, waiting to see his response, what was his nature like? Was he dominant, submissive? Meinx had only ever lost one fight, back when she was but a youth. But she had no intentions of starting one yet, though she can never be to careful. Her tail would tap against the dusty floors, waiting on the boy before her.

Image by Luisiana

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



6 Years
10-20-2014, 12:17 PM
Voice unknown to him spoke of eating him. His brows furrowed as he sat up after swallowing the last mouthful of refreshment he'd taken. "Why would you want to eat me? Are you a cannibal? I'm afraid that isn't something I can allow ma'am. Although were I older and you unattached there is a different type of eating that might be pleasurable to us both." Just because he wasn't yet an adult didn't mean that he hadn't heard his parents from time to time, or his older extended family members. It was true, little ones had big ears.

"I'm Noel Rose Kringle, son of Surge who gave me the name Noel and his mate Salian who chose to give me Rose. From the Christmas Pack far away I hail where their pack and sister packs are over a hundred strong in number." He wasn't submissive, but he wasn't all that dominant. He was a loner after all and not even an adult yet. He missed home, but there was none there he wasn't somehow related to. Back home he knew his place, but here he was unaware and really he didn't think that those not a part of a pack should be rude to those who were. Without a rank, one held no respectable position. But neither did he have to submit to pack wolves, but nor did he wish to antagonize them.

"But if you're truly hungry, I have no qualm with helping out someone else with a hunt." Her scent of pack seemed vaguely familiar. Like that he'd scented when he'd entered a scene where one wolf was laying claim to land in the Souless Forest of Southern Alactria. Which was one of the two places he was considering once his wanderlust had been sated.



2 Years
10-22-2014, 02:51 PM

Her gaze would remain keenly upon him, trying to assess him out thoroughly. She wasn't quite sure how to react either, should she be amused? intrigued? For she has never really had a true desire, even as he season had come. Perhaps it was because of her inexperience. " No, im not a cannibal, though im sure id give anything a shot. She would ignore the statement he had followed on, but instead listened to his name, which had a rather long explanation. She had never heard of the family name of course, though she doubted he heard of the Adravendi's either. Was he new to alacritis? "Im Meinx adravendi, Beta of Arcanum. Do you seek anything in particular near our home? He mentioned his pack being far away, was he looking for a new one? or simply going rouge. She had tried it for a while, and simply grew bored. " Rose seems like a feminine name" She'd give a weak chuckle, before sitting comfortable near the side of the lake.

OOC: Short post sorry:((

Image by Luisiana

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



6 Years
10-23-2014, 06:10 PM
His ears perked up as she spoke. Some relief shot through him. For he did not relish being on the menu of another wolf. "Well, I suppose it is something to think about if there is nothing else to eat but another wolf. Otherwise deer and bison meet is the best." It had been some time since he'd had something like that. The last was a day before leaving his birth-pack. A delicious going away feast for his parents youngest son, him. Their second litter had not resulted in any males, only two females. Tanakanaka he thought had to be happy with that since she'd been the only female in a litter of five.

"I'm not certain what I'm looking for. Not yet at least. I'm trying to learn about the lands and packs here so I can determine where I best fit in. Although living on my own is all well and good. For now." He wondered how close he actually was to where she hailed from. "Am I really that close? I do hope I'm no bother."

At the mention of his middle name, he shook his head, bemused. "It is, but my mother insisted as she only got one girl from her first litter. And I being the last born of that litter she refused anything else. My brothers were far more fortunate." Skylar, Shard and Kris. He missed them. As he did his sisters Tanakanaka, Meep and Squee. No matter what odd names they might have.



2 Years
10-28-2014, 01:18 PM

He seemed more like a sweetheart then one ready for battle. He seemed to gentle to ever lay a paw on another. Though, who was she to judge by the cover? " Imagine if the only thing we could eat was our own species. Only the strongest can survive... Do you think you would be able to last? Though i do agree that bison is the best thing to eat." She would chuckle faintly. Would he ever think of preying upon another? " You should probably think quick on what you wish to seek. Some won't be quite so civil and patient to just let you walk away. Many of us would claim loners who have no plans or ambition. OH, your no bother, yet. I pity you, did your mother love you? Must be embarrassing to have a girl name. Ill call you Rose from now on." She would raise a brow, though she was hardly the one to talk. Her mother had left soon after they where born, hating to socialise, family or not. She returned only when Syrinx took the Amenti crown, even then she left soon after.

Image by Luisiana

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



6 Years
10-31-2014, 09:42 PM
A soft snort and chuckle escaped the male. "My mother loved me. Sometimes too much I think. I may not be scarred, but my mother on the other hand would fight off a starving grizzly with a taste for wolf for me or any of my siblings. Of course she had help." He did miss her. She was sweet, but when it came to her family, she was fiercesome.

"I just think she had a terrible sense of name. My brothers Skylar, Shard and Kris. My sisters Tanakanaka, Meep and Squee. I don't think I've the oddest name in my family. Besides a name doesn't make a wolf. But you can call me Rose if you really feel you must." He still could not get over his youngest sisters names. Meep and Squee. Those to him were sounds, not names at all. But he put it down to everyone having their quirks. Not even giving it a thought that his mother was trying to trick people with his name.

He cocked his head to one side. "I may have plans, but it feels rather impertinent to reveal them now. Even if I did have ambitions who is to say someone wouldn't try to force my paw when I'm still sowing my wanderlust?"

Taking a step toward the she-wolf, only one and no more. "I may not be a warrior, but I've the blood of them coursing through me. Before my great-grandsire settled down with his mate in a new territory his ancestors were pillagers and pirates. The battle my grandfather fought against his own brother was a war that lasted until it ended between my sire and his cousin shortly before I and my siblings set foot out of the den. I may have been raised in times of peace, but anyone tries something funny with me, I do know my way around a battlefield even if the only thing I saw of it was training. In order to protect my birth-pack, even the sweetest and gentlest had to learn self defense."

He lifted his right paw and gave it a slow lick. "I just love all wolves a bit too much to want to attack unless I have to. My ambition was perhaps a silly one, but being related to everyone in my pack and its surrounding sister packs led me away in order to spread my gene-pool elsewhere. Just because I did not follow the path of warrior like my great-grandfather Savage Kringle and his ancestors, don't take me for too much of a push over. But it is also not my intent to cause trouble. However a lovely looking warrior like yourself might just be worthy in his old eyes."

Perhaps he was saying too much, but just because he was one of the sweeter of the Kringles' and not insane like his great-uncle and most of his decedents did not mean he was weak. "Only my mate was ever supposed to be allowed to call me Rose. In my birth-pack there was a saying that anyone who chose to call me Rose besides my mother when saying my entire name when I was being a naughty pup, would become my mate one day. And here, we only just met." It had been a joke started by the twins, Skylar and Shard. Skylar was going to inherit leadership of the Christmas Pack, the pack at the center of the neighboring allied sister packs. Placing his paw back down, he wagged his tail.