
i lack much more than innocence


01-06-2014, 05:00 AM

Coming to the brink of the water the masked brute would stare across the tumult waters, as the waves crashed against the shore. The dank waters were a hue of a gray, toned with a dark blue, and a cold breeze would blow against his coat as he stood, his paws kneading into the sand. Taking in the salty air, he took a deep breath, releasing it, as he turned, patrolling and lurking at the waters edge, wondering what lurked beneath it's depths. He wasn't one for deep thought, but he did wonder what else was out there. Was his Amaranth out there? As soon as he found her, she seemed to have been stripped from him and in the aftermath of Morphine's death he was faced with the horrors of being the only one, aside from the daring little daughter of hers to look after the creatures he had spawned. An annoyed sigh escaped him, this was not how it was supposed to be. As he aged, his children would grow to wreak more havoc on this land than he ever had, more than any creature here could hope to bestow. He wondered what legacy he'd leave in these lands with his departure, after all no one here had succeeded his level of terror. He was the nightmares pups were warned of. Settling to his rump, he'd stare out over the water, lost in thought though all too aware of his surroundings.



5 Years
01-06-2014, 11:25 AM

Holy water cannot help you now

A Thousand armies couldn't keep me out

Raisa and Koros were examining the tidal pools that had worn into the expose stones of the beach. It had started out as the easiest fishing she had ever experienced, but after filling her stomach, the pools had become fascinating. Small spiny creatures lived in their depths, clams and mollusks clung to the rocks, and tiny water bugs scurries about. She had no names for these salt water creatures, but they looked similar to the crayfish she had seen in streams. Koros had caught a few of them, and said they had a sweeter taste. It made no difference to her. The hours wore away as they traveled from pool to pool, but something in the distance caught her eye. A light colored wolf sat on the shore, staring out over the ocean. It looked male from the distance, and seemed to be of a size with her, if she was any judge. Curiosity moved her paws, though she felt Koros hanging back. 'Lady Raisa, for once, please, can we see a strange wolf and turn the other way?' His exasperated tone made her chuckle. "And where's the fun in that?" She lowered her head and padded towards the male, her long legs and graceful stride carrying her ever closer.

"Talk" Think "You"
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


01-07-2014, 06:33 AM

He was no fool to the presence of others on the beach, as he was no fool not to notice the approach of the dame. Choosing to feign ignorance, he would not turn to face her, waiting until she would draw closer to him before he would speak. The white brute would sit there, muscles coiled as he stared out across the bay. The salty air met his nose with a tang, clouding the scent of the approaching stranger, though he could deduce that he had not met her. No the sweet scent that she left in the air was new to him. That would make the day far more entertaining. He listened carefully, though worked to keep it to seem his attention was focused on the water. When she drew close enough for his liking, he would speak, his voice leaving him softly, but cold, calculating.

"It's not wise to sneak up on a stranger, belle."
Belle. He always had to address others as such. God, please don't be ugly. He'd think before causally turning his head to inspect the new arrival.



5 Years
01-10-2014, 08:13 PM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

Raisa could not restrain the chuckle that bounced from her lips. The man's words held an undercurrent of the snide and knowledgeable. Raisa quirked a brow as he turned to face her, inspecting him as he was no doubt inspecting her. She was still several lengths away, and stopped just so. She had to laugh again, at the strange twist this day was taking. The male before her, seemed at a glance, to be so similar and yet never more different. His size and stature was nearly identical to her own. She too had bi-colored eyes, one orange and one teal. Where his light coat tapered to darkness at the tip of his tail, her's was coal gray tipped in white. They both bore odd markings of the face. She smiled at him, ignoring his compliment altogether. "It seems I've slipped through time and come to face my evil twin. Or perhaps I'm the evil one, but who could know. I've only just met you after all." Raisa sat where she stood, roughly ten lengths away from the male. She had only just met him, after all, and knew nothing of him. "I am Queen Raisa Xanilov, of the Ebony Throne. And you are?" A Queen need not worry about offending anyone, as her mother had eagerly taught her, but Raisa knew now she must try to keep her manners about herself. This was not Ebony, and this wolf was not one of her subjects.

"Speech" Think "Koros"
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


01-15-2014, 03:45 AM
ooc: on hiatus, just trying to get some replies done~

His eyes would rest on the oddity, and he was struck by the interesting look of her. It was as if he was staring into an inverse, a reflection of himself. The words she spoke confirmed that her thoughts were in the same place, drawing a smirk to his ivory jaws. He watched her as she sat down, his eyes following her movement, and his smirk would fade as she introduced herself, clearly the beauty intended to stay around, and she thought herself to be bad? "I promise you, poppet, you've never known someone as evil as I, my inverse adore." His eyes would trail appreciatively over her, and he would speak again, his baritone voice sultry. "A Queen? Should I bow, proclaim my fealty?" He would open with dry sarcasm, and spoke again, "I am Creedance Voltaire, love, the one and the only." His eyes strayed to the creature that was with her, and he licked his lips slowly, "Did you bring an offering to appease the dark god?"



5 Years
01-29-2014, 06:34 PM

Raisa listened to the man speak with a smirk. The darkness he claimed did not phase the woman, did not even cause her to blink. What did his inclinations matter to her? His own habits were of no consequence, and she was not easily frightened. In fact, as he scorned her rank, she chuckled. "Hardly. I expect little and less of the males I come across. You're quite safe in that respect. Perhaps when she had a pack of her own, however... Her smile held undertones now that she was sure he would not understand. Her afternoon with Fugue had set her mind ablaze. The possibilities were endless, she only needed followers, and she had her own certain charisma. It was so close she could practically taste it. She gave herself a small shake though. The present was now, and that was where she must be. Eyes flitting over the male's frame, she spoke again. "Such pretty words from a supposedly dark soul. A bit of a poet, aren't we? So charming, too. I suppose my company won't suffice as an offering. Shame, that's all I thought to bring." Her tone was light, mocking to only the slightest degree. This was not a wolf she would fear until he gave her cause. Words were wind, and actions were entirely different.

code by sam & image by lu
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


02-25-2014, 06:05 AM

A touch of laughter rumbled in his chest. He had no reason to harm a pretty lady, unless she was just unlucky. A woman who proclaimed herself a queen was an intriguing one, he wondered about her claims to royalty. Were they deserved? He's take in her words, faking a wounded expression, "Love, you wound me." He would say with mock hurt, his tone barely an audible rumble. His eyes strayed to the fox companion she had who seemed to be hanging back, "A snack?" He inquired, nodding his head in the direction of the creature. She called him a poet, and he laughed, "One should always be well with verse. It can suit such a purpose. As for an offering, if all you've brought is yourself, darling, I could think of many things that could suffice." His burning gaze would rake over her, unless she was a total fool, she couldn't doubt the intentions that were building in the back of his mind. The question remained, would she dare to play his game or would she say no and protect what purity remained?

ooc: I wasn't sure if Koros had approached with her, so I kinda just assume he held back, cause you weren't on to ask. If I need to change that let me know c: