
Game Over [Spar]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-04-2014, 04:08 AM

Once again he found himself on the grounds of the battlefield. He could not begin to count how many times he had stepped foot here, but it always gave him pleasure to do so. The smell of blood was inhaled into his senses, causing his spine to shudder in sheer pleasure. Oh how he loved the scent and taste of blood...Amber eyes searched the terrain, puddles and stains of blood lied here and there, and a smile would lift a corner of his lips as he thought about his next victim that would join in the ranks of blood losing souls. He looked forward to it with a passion that seemed unsatiable, and blood lust was usually as such. Unable to become quenched.

He brought himself forth to a clearing that was surrounded by jagged rocks and boulders, encircling him like an arena. Here, he would choose to make the call for an opponent. And he hoped that his victim was well worth his time. Lifting crimson stained crown to the sky, his lips formed the perfect shape as he made the hauntingly disturbed call in the air. A call that cried for blood.



01-04-2014, 04:31 PM
This was a place of carnage, a spoiled wasteland that might have once housed plenty of life, though examples of what was done to the life that was scattered about before him like a display of a lovely meal. The stench of old and new crimson life was heavy in the air, almost as if a haze were about the feet, he was passing by the area, unsure on what would happen, what would be done. The speckled monster padded heavily near the outskirts of the battlefield, observing, as the fin down his spine bristled anxiously, the beast within also paced in its cage, roaring and twitching within him like a starved wild dog, yowling to be released, to feed.

It wasn't usually this bad. The monster within was usually patient, cool, collected, but recently he had been so restless, maybe it was something in the air. His newest addition to his party of one was a creature of wisdom, a funny little creature named Harrison, Harry for short. Harry was quite the fuzzy little guy, a lighter mammal that fit easily on his back, light as a feather to the male as he rested peacefully in the small of his spine, but even Harrison noticed that the male was on edge.

He heard a cry, a sound piercing his brain and releasing the monster inside to spring forth to the challenge, placing a large foot down in the battle lands he jogged quickly towards the noise, soon finding what he went to find. It was the crimson wolf from Glaciem, a pack member he had met once before, he nodded respectfully at him with a furrowed brow, turning his head to Harry and murmuring soft words into his black ears, the ring tailed thing hopped off and wandered off to find another place to rest. He turned back to Sin and stood in silence.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-06-2014, 05:00 AM

His call would not go unheard for long, as a creature of his pack came into view upon his arena. It was a brute he had met before, and a smile lifted briefly upon his lips before squaring off against his potential opponent. The peculiar spotted male said nothing, and yet the look in his eyes called for blood, a fight, blood. Sin was all too happy to respond, friend or foe alike. And though this Dexter was a packmate, he had been the one to respond to his battle cry. Which meant he wanted to fight Sin, and so the demon would not refuse the opponents attempt.

"We meet again, dear comrade. Do you bring yourself forth to answer my challenge? If so, you're in for a rare treat. For not many get to challenge me so freely. Consider it an honor." He'd offer a brief and teasing wink, knowing the males reputation for occasionally bursting off the handle. This would be an interesting match he was sure, the last one against Codeine was much too easy. And he was in great need of a worthy opponent, hopefully this one would not disappoint. As it was, Sin would discreetly begin to set in place his defenses. The one before him was capable of being unpredictable, but then again, anger blinded everything. Sin would be the unpredictable one, as was his usual manner.

Quickly in the matter of a few split seconds, Sin began his defensive set. Ears fell back against his head, eyes narrowed, limbs squared for balance, toes spread for balance as his sharpened claws dug deep trenches into the earth for traction. Untainted banner became aligned with his spine, his core a tightening of muscles. Head fell into place over his throat, chin tucked to protect his vitals, teeth bared in a grim smile of sorts as he seemed to cast a humorous grin towards his opponent, if only to taunt him. Shoulder blades rolled forward to protect the sides of his neck, and the motion brought forward his scruff to add protection. With weight distributed as evenly as possible, his knees would bend slightly; and thus he waited for his opponent should he decide to make the first move.

"The rules are simple; no maims, as I have great plans and I am sure you would not want to lose your eyes nor your precious manhood. Inflict what wounds you desire, just know you will pay tenfold for what you inflict. I am sure a warrior of Glaciem such as yourself could do with the practice, so show me that you are worthy of being a warrior and deserving of your title!" He barked forth, issuing the challenge.

Sin Vs. Dexter-Normal Spar

Round 0/3

Defenses: Stated in 3rd paragraph

Attacks: None

Injuries: First Round

OOC: Let's keep it a simple match, no maims nor anything drastic. However, I don't mind torn ears or scar marks and the like. I set it to 3 rounds, if you want more let me know.



01-08-2014, 09:20 PM


As they stared, Sin smirked, sending out playful words to the spotted man. Dexter listened with amusement, the smirk still on his face, Sin asked him if he had come forth to answer, and yes he had, he wanted to play. "If so, you're in for a rare treat. For not many get to challenge me so freely. Consider it an honor.", these words were highly amusing to him, and a witty remark shot back to the bloodied white wolf. Yes I did, I came to play... You just happened to be the one at the end of the sound... A being like myself isn't normally one for violence... Unless your at the other end of my darkness on a bad day... But I need to stretch my muscles, my body needs a work out... So a rare treat for the both of us... The devil smiled with a hint of something that hadn't been in those baby blues before.

He watched the male set his defenses in place and he smiled before he set his own. He watched as the bloodied male flattened his red tipped ears and narrowed yellow orbs, he rolled his shoulders forward and lowered his head to protect his neck, as he smirked fangs he himself set into place. Talons dug deep into the blood stained earth and he flattened his own ears, he himself rolled his own shoulders and set the scruff of his neck downwards, he bent his head, but not nearly as much as Sin, Dexter was more of the offensive, but not a stupid one. As his head was bent he snarled with a smirk, the demon had come to play, it was time, and if there ever was a time, it was now.

Sin explained the rules, ones which were more then fine with him. He liked keeping his beauty intact, the handsome features would stay safe for yet another day. I'm not so sure if those rules were made for me, I'm wondering if your worried about your own safety mate... Dexter shot back, he was a quick one, his brain worked well in all sorts of different situations, this one was no different. No maims... Though, I'm not sure if I'm too worried about my own title as much as I am about you loosing yours... He chuckled, winking back at the brute as he himself narrowed his eyes into a dangerous stare, it was time. He stayed rooted, smirking at Sin with intense pleasure with the battle that would ensue, and though he was not sure if he would actually win, he was positive that he would enjoy this far more then the last fight he had.

Fight Stats



Ears flattened, claws setting legs into dirt, Tail erect, shoulders rolled forward with scruff protecting neck, hackles raised.





Out Of Character Notes:

Sorry for the delay, my life is a roller coaster so I was a little delayed >.<

Simple is fine, i'm good with that, nothing huge in the injury department, if you want to do something you can pm me or whatever :)

And three sounds good, but we may want to extend depending on how much fun we're all having xD



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-20-2014, 04:21 AM
Sin Armada

The male would speak, and Sin only smirked and watched as defenses slid into place. Sin was not worried about his own safety in a least not this one. Until he claimed his crown then the stained beast would remain careful of his life. For now, the need for action and blood pulsed through him as he stared at his oddly marked foe. Although he was of the same pack lines, Sin cared not for it was no concern of his. He only sought to care for himself and the rare others he so chose to use his time and energy for. But all others? He cared little if at all. But now was not the time for insignificant thoughts. Now was the time to keep his head in the game against the other brute. Amber orbs narrowed as a chuckle rolled off his tongue, "Oh...It's not my safety I'm worried about..." he murmured in a single breath, and then he would launch himself forward.

Without warning, Sin rushed towards his opponent. Previous defenses set in place. Eyes narrowed, ears flattened, teeth bared in a vicious snarl, sharpened claws digging the ground for traction as he moved forth with rapid speed, tail aligned with his spine, slightly lowered body, knees bent, head lowered slightly over his throat to protect it from the onslaught. Shoulders rolled forward, the stained scruff upon the hind of his neck coiled for added protection, hackles rising along his body, enlarging the figure of the demon standing upon the blood stained ground. A loud bark intermixed with a snarl erupting from gaping jaws as he surged towards his opponent.

Sin would try to close the distance between them in an attempt to slam his left shoulder bone hard into the upper left chest portion of Dexter's body, hopefully in an attempt to knock the wind from his opponent as well as the attempt to knock him back or down. If successful, then Sin would make his attempt in further trying to wind the brute by aiming a side swiping head butt, ready to sacrifice his own senses if only for a moment to accomplish this maneuver. As he attempted this, his limbs squared for balance whilst his left forepaw aimed to hook around Dexter's left forepaw as well, an attempt to slightly ground him, and to try and keep his opponent from moving. Tactics Sin wouldn't normally use...except, this wasn't a match for his life. A battle like that, Sin would claim no mercy and dispatch his enemy within the blink of an eye. Balance became somewhat sacrificed as he made his move, hind legs squaring further to try and keep his balance whilst his right foreleg attempted the same.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/3

Sin VS. Dexter-Practice Spar

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears flattened, teeth bared, sharpened claws digging the ground for traction as he moved forth with rapid speed, tail aligned with his spine, slightly lowered body, knees bent, head lowered slightly over his throat. Shoulders rolled forward, the stained scruff upon the hind of his neck coiled for added protection, hackles rising along his body, during attack, legs square and balance as much as is possible.

Attacks: Attempts to slam left shoulder into upper left chest. Attempts to aim a side swiping headbutt to left side of opponents face, then attempts to hook left forepaw around opponents left forepaw.

Injuries: N/A; First Round

Out Of Character Notes: