


01-04-2014, 12:08 PM

Soft footsteps belied the presence of a giant upon the land, the melting snow slightly sturdier than the powdery drifts that she had learned to walk upon in years past. Silvery white fur rippled along her body as powerful muscles drove her at a casual stroll across the plains surrounding the strange wall built across it. Crown would pivot regally as the wintry goddess took in the land with soft ruby pools, every stride measured and long as she came upon the first signs of spring. At the base of the stone wall the snow had melted away and sprouts of flowers were visible amidst the mud. Farther along the wall a small hole, barely the size of her pad, echoed the squeaking of tiny mouse infants. No doubt they were frightened by her approach, because the adult that was watching them poked their head out and snapped their tiny teeth at one of her pale pink toes. She chuckled, rolling her raspberry optics before padding away again. Rosy flesh tinted her pale silver coat, making her more visible than she would have liked against the melting snow.
She could smell a group of ungulates in the distance, but hunger did not drive her to attack them, not just now. She was still eager to explore, to meet new wolves, and to get an idea of where she had followed her outcast half sibling to. So far she had discovered that the northern lands remained colder, that this place appeared to be an island, and that there were quite a few wolves here.

Standing still amid the melting snow and the growing grass, the giantess let a sigh shudder through her chest as she gazed around. Far off in the distance she could see forest, but here it was open plain, and a few hundred metres away and to the right, the herd of deer she had smelled earlier were coming into view, browsing upon the growing grass in the field. At least she wouldn't have to go far if her hunger began to grow.

image by Luisiana


01-19-2014, 02:37 PM

The regal gientess would slowly find her way out of the clutches of Glaciem and out into the lands of Alacritis. It was certainly not very often the champagne she wolf found herself outside of her father's domain. The weather was pleasant, the cool air still not withholding its clutches upon the earth. Which was better for her since the warm climates displeased her. She would follow the trail of a herd of deer, scouting for a future hunting mission. Once that she was not likely to join.
As she came around a soft hill she would catch sight of another creature. For just a moment she thought it could be a reflection, but as she took a closer look she ofund herself staring at another pale behemoth such as herself. Where Impra was thin and elegant this albino beauty seemed much thicker and studier. (Imp weighs 130 lbs and skadi is 195?) She was slightly confused at the appearance, as she had not seen her before. Was it possible this girl was another Armada? She didn't have quite the look of one but she was certainly regal. The she wolf would let loose a bark to let her presence be known, the deer she had been tracking would be far enough away to not become alarmed by her outburst.



01-19-2014, 03:10 PM

A sharp bark met the tall audits of the gladatrix, curiously enough. She had not been expecting another wolf to be within this land at the time, since dawn was a quiet point in the day. Crown would turn to focus crimson pools upon the stranger who crested the hill to her rear. Brow would raise in surprise as the figure revealed itself to be pallid and pink, as she was. The rest of the woman's well muscled frame pivoted to face the strange femme, long legs taking even longer strides, each measured and graceful, and soon she was but a few paces from the stranger. Well then, looks like I have found another tall albino. Skinny thing, isn't she? The lady thought to herself, regal cranium dipping slowly in greeting to the strange woman. "Good day, stranger." Wintry lyrics would murmur with a soft smile playing at her sharp features, garnet orbs taking in the woman.
Lengthy banner would sweep across her heels a few times, silken threads brushing against her legs as she showed she meant no harm. The divine she wolf was quite content in noticing she did not have to tilt her cranium as far down as usual to look this woman in the eyes. As her ruby pools flicked over the frame to assess the level of danger presented by the albino dame- a habit picked up as she grew- she noticed she had a build reminiscent of the canine she had once met in the warmer lands of the south far from here. He had called himself a dog, and more specifically, a greyhound. Was this fae distantly related? Or just graced with the slim build? More than likely the latter, since her features were purely lupine. In truth, the femme's champagne coat was quite extravagant, suiting her well. A soft smile remained playing at her features, curiosity glimmering in her soft raspberry optics as she swiftly returned her gaze to the features of the other wolfess.

image by Luisiana