
The Face Of A Stranger Could Become A Friend


01-03-2014, 08:32 PM

Dark paws would lead the woman back to the Rio Grande, the place where Bane had made his home. The woman felt quite sorry for the elder, especially when she last talked to him. The topics hadn't started out all that light, and she was wondering if she should go back. The woman's crimson ringed eyes were full of thought as she walked along the now completely thawed river. No, the snow that had blanked the land near the river was all gone, eaten away by the warmth of the sun.

Destruction would come to the water, lowering her head so that the female could lap up the cool water. The water felt good as it slid down her throat and into her stomach, slacking the thirst that had come from her travels this morning. Des would raise her head again as she finished, scenting the air. She was still a ways from Bane's den... so perhaps she would find something fresh to cheer the brute up.

The dark woman would pause as she scented the air. A few foreign scents came to her on the breeze, causing the black furred beast to furrow her brow. She was just hoping that these wolves, whomever they were, would leave Bane well alone. He was in no state to be fighting anymore. Destruction would stand there a moment, considering what her options were. She could find out about the wolves that were lurking here. Partly to ease her own curiosity and to make sure that Bane wouldn't be in any danger here. With a bit of a frown the female would raise her head, giving a short howl. Maybe if she was lucky one of them would come to her.



01-07-2014, 11:15 AM

She had traveled far and long, never stopping to see where she had come. This land was strange, but quite familiar if only in scenery. Burning lenses scanned the river side, the flowing water tempting the wine she-wolf closer. Richly hued paws moved closer till the Russian beauty was standing in the chilly water. This place seemed to have just thawed for spring, Nakita knew this well. Blazed head dipped down to take a few licks from the river, satisfaction reached as dry throat was quenched.

However, her pleasant mood was dashed when a howl rose into the air. Now who could that be? Why we're they calling out to strangers; did they have something to protect? Tangerine eyes narrowed in curiosity, wondering if she should even bother to show herself. There was no real reason to show anyway! This unknown caller was just that, unknown. Still, the echoing vocals seemed polite enough. The curiosity started to burn within her, and with a reluctant sigh Nakita turned away from the flowing water to answer the call.

Lighter limbs moved smoothly over the defrosting ground, tail moving gracefully behind. The other's scent soon reached her nose, clearly female. Perhaps she had pups nearby? No, with another sniff the fiery canine caught a different territory on her. This one was part of a pack, interesting. Eventually the other came into view, onyx and red pelt a strange combination. Her form, however, was quite the sight to behold. Clear muscles rolled under the strangers fur, large powerful shoulders to match. She was quite impressive, in size at least. Nakita on the other hand was quite small, though she was not the smallest. Though the Russian she-wolf was still smaller than the one before her. Fiery lenses gazed at the other, "You called?" she said, accent invading her common tongue.


01-14-2014, 05:06 AM

Destruction's call would prove to be fruitful. A stranger would appear. She was of a smaller sort, a fiery female with bright, intelligent orbs. As she spoke there was a strange accent to her voice, though not at all unpleasant. Destruction would analyze this fae with curious eyes. She didn't seem to be all that bad of a wolf... although appearances could be deceiving. The dark female would dip her head in greeting, speaking in a calm tone. "Yes, I did. I was curious about the other wolves that lingered in this area."

As Destruction's crimson ringed gaze fell back upon the stranger it seemed to continue to speak for her. ...and you were the one to answer the call. She wouldn't tell this female about Bane and his den, just to be on the safe side, but rather try to get to know her as best she could. "I find it interesting to talk to the loners of the south. I live in a pack near here, Seracia it is called. It is always good to know one's neighbors." The female would lift her head slightly. "My name is Destruction... and you are?"

"Speech" Think


01-27-2014, 01:31 PM

Brow would rise skeptically. Surely there was more to this than mere curiosity of the nearby residents? It was doubtful that this was the only reason for calling out, and so her wine tinted head turned slightly, showing her doubt. "I'm sure there is more to it than that, moy dorogoy," she said a playful, yet knowing smirk twitching onto her features. However, what the ebon woman's true purpose was, Nakita did not know.

More words spilled forth from the dark one's lips, more excuses. Excuses that would further cause the red she-wolf to doubt the other's motives. Still, the russian phoenix would let the other play her games for now. It would be fun to see what the ruby lensed lupine was up to. "You never know who you will meet," she agreed, it always lead to something interesting. Unplanned enemies or even friends could come from seeking out others. Now Nakita wondered what this little meet up would bring, would they become friends or something else?

Her pack's name was given, but for the most part the lands and its members remained a mystery. Still, it was nearby which cause some sort of interest to build for the place. She wondered where exactly the territory was and how far it stretched. "My name is Nakita Sokolov," she answered as the question for her name was asked. "It's nice to meet you Destruction," she said, ears perking forward. Perhaps this meeting could be fun yet.



02-10-2014, 06:56 AM

Destruction, in her five years of life, was no stranger to reading body language, and it was clear, as she watched the wine-red female that she was skeptical of her words. Doubting that it was mere curiosity that she would make a summoning howl of sorts just to talk to some loners. Of course she would be right on that, but Des wasn't just going to give out the information so easily. Especially when she had yet to access if this woman could be a possible danger to Bane. Of course, she would realize as she thought this, that there was always the chance the other could run into Bane on her own. Perhaps it was better to be straight forward then? The words of the stranger, though playful, confirmed what she saw in her body language.

She would allow the other femme to finish speaking, finding her accent to be quite interesting. Nakita, she would introduce herself as. Des would offer a smile. "Likewise, Nakita." Yes, her original tactic she decided to change. A bit of a white lie to be added, but just as a sort of... cushion so to speak. She would pray, as she opened her mouth to speak to Nakita again, that the other female wasn't of a cruel or sadistic nature at heart, though she would not allow those worries to express themselves in her features or in her voice, which continued to pour forth as calm and collected.

"You are quite right that there is more to my curiosity than I have let on yet." The black and crimson stained female would flick her ears forward, crimson ringed white orbs meeting Nakita's own of glowing orange. "There is a wolf, a good friend of mine and an ally of Seracia who dens near here. I'm just, well, assuring that he won't be running into any trouble from those wandering in the area." There was no reason for Nakita to know the truth about Bane -- that he was really banished from Seracia. But as she mentioned that she wanted to assure he wouldn't be running into trouble there was a warning flash in her eyes. If anything happened to Bane that wasn't of natural causes there would certainly be hell to pay.

"Though, now that you know my real reason for calling, may I inquire as to what brings you here today?"



03-03-2014, 03:39 PM

Ah, and so the truth comes out. Eyes would brighten with interest, brows rising slightly as the dark she-wolf gave her reason for calling. Even if there was a small white lie within the truth, Nakita would leave it at that. There was no reason to dig further into it, she was not part of the female's pack anyway. "An ally of your pack?" she said, tangerine lenses glancing around as if she were trying to look for the wolf. The russian she-wolf would not, however, actually go searching for the canine. Burning orbs would return their gaze onto Destruction, not oblivious to her warning glare. "Ne volnuytes', I'm not out to 'start trouble' as you say," she smirked. She was no threat, not to the ebon she-wolf's ally anyway.

Soon she was faced with another question, but this time it seemed less suspicious. It was a question many asked strangers or rouges. To this Nakita simply shrugged, "Traveling," she said simply. The other had been vague before, and now Nakita felt like playing the same game. Eyes seemed to shine with curiosity of Destruction's reaction to her answer.



03-14-2014, 06:51 PM

If Nakita saw through her white lie she didn?t show it, no, instead she seemed to accept the explanation, and even say that she was not there to start trouble. At least to Bane, and to Destruction that was good enough. As long as the elder was protect, for as long as she could protect him anyway, that was good enough for her. Bane and his family meant more to Destruction than words could possibly describe. They were her family too.

So the she wolf was just a simple traveler then. A loner. That or she was simply being vague, which Destruction guessed was the case. Paying her back for her own vagueness earlier. Still, Destruction would pretend not to notice that, and simply smile. ?Well, I?m sure, Nakita, you will find that there are many beautiful sites here in Alacritia, and quite a few packs as well. As I said, Seracia, my home pack lies here in the south.? She would flick her tail in the pack?s direction. ?Should you ever choose to stop traveling, and find a home, I?m sure our alpha would welcome you.? A simple invitation, though she wouldn?t try and flaunt her pack as some might. The female would look to Nakita?s gaze, a question within them. ?Would you care to hunt with me, Nakita?? An odd question for a strange but, hey, she?d been in stranger situations.
