


01-03-2014, 07:54 PM

She could smell the youngster she had followed, the child was within the borders of this Kingdom. This little one was smart, seeking a home to protect her. She had no doubt been outcast for having a pale coat, maybe even suffering from albinism much like the wintry woman herself. What truly attracted the giantess was the amount of snow still littering the ground, even though spring had only just begun. Standing near the borders to this land, cranium would lift to let out a loud, resounding howl. A call to the alpha, and to the half sibling harboured in this land. Haunches would smoothly lower to rest her gargantuan frame upon the terra, despite the threat of mud seeping into her silvery white coat. At this time, she did not care what happened to her, but she wanted to reclaim the youngster of her blood and take her back home, or at least somewhere to care for her. She could speak to the alpha, explain what was happening and then hopefully be on her merry way. If worst came to worst, she could simply follow the lead of the youngster, she had no objections to such an event. As long as she could be there to protect the youngster, it was no big deal. Especially if she could be up here, where it was nice and cool, the preferable temperature for the woman.
Taking in the land, the pale femme was quite impressed. There weren't too many trees overtaking the land, and yet there were enough to satisfy a need for shade as the weather became warmer. The place was not barren, the scents of prey were comfortably noticed by the giantess. Songbirds chirped a quiet melody, and the morning sun caressed the world perfectly in a golden light. Altogether, it improved her opinion of the leader of this pack, whoever that may be. Anyone who chose to live in such a magnificent place must be quite the alpha, someone she would be content to have ruling her. Though preferably, she would rather remain under the rule of herself, free to roam wherever her heart might desire. With a sigh, she was calm, awaiting whatever fate might be wanting to throw at her.

image by Luisiana



2 Years
01-04-2014, 12:43 PM

the sun would cast its rays above us all, however weak it may be. And like any other day S'alkrie was up and about- seeking to make something her daily activity. Keeping her mind busy prevented her from worrying and over thinking, As she often does when she's alone during the night. Her long slender legs would tap against the snow beneath her. Still not used to seeing the cold environment, but for the time being she seemed to love it. For the early months of her life she resided in warm weather, which did no favors on her condition. It gnawed at her skin, irratating her by the day. And now? She didnt have to worry about it. Her triangular ears would raise towards a call, detecting the direction before gliding to the scene like a mystical ghost. She knew not of who it was, but it pulled her limbs like a puppet on strings. She wanted to investigate.

Her nose would intake the light scent of the stranger, and it didnt take much longer to set her twin pools upon the woman. The first thing that popped into her head was, shes huge. But for once S'alkrie wasnt exaggerating- she was even taller then the king. Her angular jaw would slacken ever so slightly in awe, before venturing towards. S'alkrie wasnt even half of her leg size yet. " Stranger, what are you doing at the borders?" In the early stages of life the placid babe had not yet perfected her manner of speaking, and if it may appear rude she detected none of it. But the soft murmuer would remain calm and inquisitive, its not every day you see another albino.

image by Emily, Permission to use


01-04-2014, 01:07 PM

A tiny figure approached, an albino like herself. She bore the scent of the one she had been tracking here from her homeland. A broad grin curved rosy lips upwards, thick banner beating the ground a few times. "Young one, I have followed you from the home you left behind. I am here to take care of you." She murmured, lowering her cranium towards the face of the child and looking deep into her rosy optics with a soft smile. "Are you not a Levader?" She inquired, tilting her cranium to the side slightly. She could not be mistaking this pup for anyone else, she bore far too much resemblance to the wintry goddess herself. Long front limbs would fold slightly to bring her closer to the level of the pup, the littered scars across the lower parts of her forelimbs flashing as they caught the morning sun's rays.
She would guard this youngster well, and care for her like any sister should. Soft ruby pools were calm as she looked upon the face of the small girl, taking in the features of the half sibling before her. It was quite a relief, to finally have found her after such a long time searching. What had this little one done to deserve being outcast by their scumbag father? Clearly the only fault of this child was carrying a genetic trait her father had laid upon her. If anything, it should have been the fool Ksiezc who was cast from the pack. Letting those violent thoughts trail off, she lowered herself onto the terra so that she would not have to crane her neck to look down at the little one.

image by Luisiana



01-04-2014, 09:13 PM

The little child had been perfection and no less, and the wintry ghoul had every intention of claiming the albino beauty as his own. However, he hadn?t yet had the chance to speak with the infant properly, and so as he yielded the unfamiliar cry of a woman, he was to be no less than surprised to find the tiny youth had beat him to his objectives. He would waltz in a manner that was no less than familiar, sloped hips swaying affront an extended tail of curled silvers, guided effortlessly by the precision of his coral forelimbs; wrapped by the jewellery of his splendour. He would saunter with a dominance and regality comparable to none, and perhaps if the presented stranger had not also been of rare genes, he would not have been so kind. He would walk until his chest towered over the slopes of S?alkyries backside, wanting to press her pelvis in between his two forelimbs. It was in a possessive manner, but one of care and dedication, for no banshee, even an albino, would take the rare beauty from his grasp, ?Such divine beauty could only be friend,? his voice was silken, seamless, ?Unless she has chosen a path of idiocy??


01-04-2014, 10:15 PM

Before the child could reply, up sauntered yet another albino. Strange, but also bade well for what would come. He closed his forelimbs around the hips of her half sister, smooth lyrics flowing from cherry lips, a compliment plain as day on his tongue. She stood up, large frame unfolding from the snowy ground as she kept her ruby gaze upon the face of the man. Regal cranium would tilt downwards so she looked down her nose at the smaller albino. "I appreciate the flattery." She murmured with a soft smile playing at her sharp features, pale silver banner wagging a few times to be polite. "I came to retrieve my half sister here, I come from her homeland." She told him, her demeanor calm, that of a diplomat. Slowly she would seat herself upon the melting snow, silken tail flush with one of her haunches as she looked at the male with calm ruby optics.
In truth this alpha was quite handsome, with golden bands around his front legs, where they met with his broad chest. She looked him over appraisingly, sizing him up unconsciously. Soon her cherry gaze flicked to the youngster that this male held between his forelimbs so possessively. How could the youngster stand to be treated like this? The wintry goddess watched the two with a calm, emotionless expression, interested to see their reactions.

image by Luisiana



2 Years
01-05-2014, 11:51 AM

Strange wasnt it? To have the news slurp out of her rosy lips as if it where to be normal. ' how do i know your not lying?' She'd exclaim bodly inside her head, not particually willing to listen. Just as she where about to turn to leave something had caught the babes attention, and it was from then on the rouge had grasped her mind, making S'alkrie sit and listen in genuine interest. But as the girl was about to Comment upon the family name a soft nudge against her rump caught her by surprise, shivers running up and down her little spine before realizing who the wolf really was. His scent would consume her like a web spinning around her delicate frame, and yet at the same time it brought the pup comfort. The small tiara would raise up to look at him, even if it where only for the slightest of moments, her silken tail waving side to side in a greeting towards the pale man. Her twin optics would soon pull towards the woman who stands on the other side of the invisible borderline, a satisfied smile spreading across her pale lips. " Im the best Levader around, and ill rise to the top and become a queen of my own empire like Isardis!" She'd chuckle before falling silent.

S'alkrie of course, had determination thriving in her veins, just like her entire family did. Even if it all led to different intentions in the end, they all had one thing in common. For the time being though, the pup was full of youth and had every intention of making the most of it with all of her newly found friends of Glaciem, pups like herself." You are very pretty though miss, whats your name? Are you here to join the kingdom? i already know a few hiding and playing spots that are fun to go to, but only members are allowed to see it" she'd murmur under her breathe, as if the king wansnt able to hear. S'alkrie would muse over the thought of having a half sister, and wondering for just a moment if she possessed the scar just like the pup did- across the middle of her lanky body. It'd soon roll of her shoulders as triangular ears would wait to drink in their responses.

image by Emily, Permission to use



01-20-2014, 06:37 PM

She would seat herself, calm in her endeavours, sugar-sweet in the feminine words that would spin from cherry lips in silken pleasure. He would sway with pleasure, his guard lowering as he would come to recognise a woman that did not pose a threat; even within her curious words he would find a brittle place beneath his ribs to place her faith, submitting to his weakness for those who wore skin so alike his own. He would lean to S?alkyrie as she spoke, childish and yet admirable within her optimistic words, placing yet another claim over her body with the brief brushing of his chin to her spine. He chuckled, gazing at the elder lady with interest, rrying the coral mortal partially within the dark cave, relocating the vixen, ?Ah, you share her beauty, m?belle,? cunning smirk staining coral features. rrying the coral mortal partially within the dark cave, relocating the vixen, ?But the babe is comfortable here, and I am more than comfortable having her; perhaps you could be convinced to stay, also?? plans would begin to work as he would cock his skull, softening his features and inviting her in. Of course, he could always force claim her, but that was not as pleasurable.


01-20-2014, 07:01 PM

Before the cherry tinted man could speak, her young sibling would let her vocals spill from her throat eagerly. She was indeed the best Levader around, despite being the only one. So far this little girl was the only kind hearted of her family, which infuriated the giantess more than it should. A soft smile would play at her sharp features, garnet orbs glittering with mirth as she watched the youngster. No sooner had she fallen silent than more words would tumble from her tiny maw, receiving a light chuckle from the immense femme, rosy flanks shuddering with her amusement. "Well dearest, my name is Skadi." Frigid lyrics would murmur kindly, cranium lowering slightly, chin tilting downwards to fix cherry pools upon the child. Her second question would not receive an answer, for showing that she would be partially willing to join would be the equivalent of offering a choice cut to a starving coyote, the coyote being the King here.
Crown would lift slightly as tall rosen audits would absorb the speech of the pallid male before her. Yet another compliment left his lips, silken vocals caressing her lobes. Emotionless ruby pools would follow the movements of the male intently, listening to him continue to speak. Just as she had thought, her half sister would not be leaving this place. A growl of annoyance was easily swallowed, rising hackles flattened as she held her fiery temper in check. Eyes would narrow skeptically, fixed upon the features of her opposition. Why are you so eager to have me within your ranks? The pallid lady would ponder to herself, beating her banner upon the snowy terra once, then twice, as she pondered a way to respond. Slowly rosy lips would part, salmon tongue brushing her formidable fangs as she spoke firmly. "Give me a reason to stay." She would speak, a devilish grin curving her lips as she shook out her thick silvery tresses and fixed Isardis with a challenging stare, knowing that he wouldn't be able to resist the dare.

image by Luisiana



01-27-2014, 11:00 PM

Her name would be offered, but to not the King; instead to the delicate jewel that wound herself so brilliantly beneath his paws. He regarded the young S?alkyrie with pride, almost as if she were his own, and yet his blood she did not share. It rose new promises for potential, perhaps she would be a future mate to one of his sons? If she proved to be of use in that department of course. The woman would seem to be cunning, and apparently as blissful as Isardis himself, both of them engaging their features with smirks of inviting wonder. As she would question, he would stalk forwards, leaving the small girl and working his way towards the young woman; effortless, elegant, ?Because you are splendid and beautiful, and the greatest empire does not fancy just anyone, cherry Siren.? Dangerously closer would he creep, almost taunted by her beauty, his interests aroused as he would dare to pushed his coral snout towards her jawline, ?You should feel honoured to have purpose here.?


01-27-2014, 11:35 PM
The man was daring, she could give him that. He spoke with confidence, conviction, like a proper King should. He moved closer to her, leaving the youngster unguarded, clearly sure in himself and confident that the divine lady would not be making a move towards the small girl of her blood. Crown would remain high as she kept her calm gaze upon the man while he came close, purring compliments. Was that the only trick he had up his proverbial sleeve? How... Disappointing. Sighing, she would tilt downwards her chin as his voice caressed her rose tinged audits. "And tell me, oh magnificent pale King, what purpose would that be?" Silken wintry lyrics would inquire, her vocals a mere whisper in his ear. She was playing a dangerous game now... But she was not going to let herself be claimed so easily, a pretty face was not what won her over, and neither was a myriad of compliments.

Garnet pools would flick to take in her half sister, remembering the reason she came to these lands in the first place. It would be cruel to turn her back on the little one, the rosen fleshed child who was now all she really had. Such a sweet little creature, and without the pale silvery giantess to look after her, she would be lost. However, something told her she would not be very content here, with this man. He was far too eager to have her, and the Goddess did not enjoy that. Standing, she rose to her full height and scrutinized the man, pallid banner sweeping across her tall heels while she waited for something to happen that would decide her fate. Tall audits would flicker as she stared down the snout of the man who opposed her, who stood fast in claiming the young girl who was rightfully hers to care for. Cherry optics were cold as ice as she kept her gaze locked with that of the King, sly grin playing at severe features while her brow quirked inquisitively as she awaited a reply she deemed worthy from the smaller lupine.

"This be Talking"



2 Years
01-28-2014, 12:21 PM

As S'alkrie would fall silent her doe like ears would listen carefully to the two, not quite understanding the reason as to why she was not willing to join. It was perfect here, there where always blankets of snow, the kingdom has a strong army and will not tolerate betrayal, there where children, lots and lots of them that where just perfect. Well, most of them. The ruby gaze would once again greedily look over the beastly woman, her height difference towards the king quite amusing to the eye. But as the conversation went on Skadi seemed to be drifting away. Away from S'alkrie. She was family, and at the end of the day the girl knew that was the most important thing above all and she was willing to grasp it all, how little it may be. " You should stay miss, Its fun here" With a slight pause S'alkrie would step forward. " I can show you around and you can teach me knew things, im sure you have many talents" Her tail would lick against her heels, hoping she'll step through the borders so they can go of to explore. " If you dont join, can i come and visit you?"

image by Emily, Permission to use