


01-03-2014, 06:47 PM

So this was where the little whelp had gone, eh? Seemed quite nice, though the giantess would prefer for the place to have a bit more snow, or at least be warmer. Padding onto the shore, the rosy femme shook out her lustrous coat of silvery fur and felt the squelching of the wet sand in between her toes. A huff of disdain left her regal maw, but she did not make any other allusion to her vague dislike for the warm, wet dirt underfoot. Ruby orbs would scan the surroundings, curious to see where she had followed the outcast youngster to. So far, she was not happy. Where was the cold? The blizzards? She was built for the freezing temperatures, and while she had no problem with this spring weather, she hoped there would be somewhere snowy to go to.
Long banner swept across tall heels as she slowly moved over the long beach, the occasional gooey-geyser spraying warm water at her in warning as she threatened to trample the buried oysters with her graceful bulk. Tall audits would flick as she listened to the rustling brush far ahead. What could be hiding in this realm? Hopefully nothing that could harm her, even though she was one of the larger wolves out there in the world. Her pale coat glimmered in the moonlight that shone down from above the water. It was nearly full, and she could see almost as well as she could in the daylight. Shadows danced in the corners of her vision, but she did not fear the darkness, she feared not even death itself.

As she came closer to the surrounding treeline, the dame took a few steps, turning to face the ocean from which she had come. Somewhere in the distance, home waited for her to return. A soft whisper would escape her orchid lips, a farewell to all she had once known. "Goodbye mother." She murmured, not a muscle moving as she gazed out upon the ocean, silvered by the light of the moon, letting the soft breeze of the coast brush over her thick pelt.

image by Luisiana


01-04-2014, 03:28 PM

It was almost like a ticking clock, a heartbeat went as fast as time told it to. He could no longer hear that clock, ever since his sister stole it away. His clock of time had been thrown into the river, so as the man would continue to burden himself being a royal, he would never turn back to not remember. His tail flicked behind him, as orange orbs looked through the light of the moon piercing it as he went. The undead lay his body to a lower level, spotting the much larger woman who matched the color of the moon. White, and her nose and eyes a light pink in color, making him tilt his head with the curiosity to the angels color. His muscles rippled under the skin numbly, as he set his ears to pull back slightly. Who was she, this ghost? She was different from the other living ones, no, she still had a heart beat unlike he. The bastard rose to his feet, his face became illuminated in the light, however the rest of his body remained within the darkness of the tree line along the shore.
Ubivat did not speak, his orange eyes filled with no emotion looked over her. He examined the beast with no fear, but no judgment either. His tail brushed against a leaf, while he payed no mind to the noise it made. She was shining brilliantly. There wasn't much else to describe it as so. Though weather she were to attack him or not would be completely up to her. He wouldn't go down so easily, even if this body was a dead one.



01-04-2014, 04:09 PM

A rustling at her back caught her attention, and the rosy femme turned her crown to peer into the brush with cherry orbs. She caught sight of a man with quite an interesting pelt, and glowing embers for eyes. Soft were the lyrics that fell from her lips, her greeting calm and kind. "Hello there stranger." She murmured, turning the rest of her immense frame to gaze head on at the man who stood in the shadows of the forest. For the first wolf she met upon these lands, he seemed quite interesting. She wondered what might become of the meeting between them, as she did with everyone she met. Something in his firestone orbs told her this meeting would be memorable; there was something about him that was different from the wolves she usually met back home, those that cowered at her feet, or attempted to attack right off the bat, or even simply ignored her due to her strange genetic trait. A few short wags of her tail alluded to her meaning no harm to the strange man. Glimmering in her raspberry pools was intrigue, but she kept her face neutral, not wanting to frighten off the man.

image by Luisiana


01-04-2014, 10:22 PM

Ubivat let that same noise escaped his throat, something of a soft purr, and since he was a canine, it came out as a growl. A noise he often made to communicate as much as he could. Since he was not a big fan of using anything but his native language. Regardless he wasn't entirely evil, but neither was he good to the bone with the perfectly clean cuts within his chest where his heart is missing. His tail gave a short flick when he looked over her tail wagging. She was enthusiastic maybe? He wasn't sure, usually he wanted nothing to do with the living, but she seemed nice enough, interesting. He wanted to get to know her, and he hadn't felt like that since he saw his sister kill the royals husband. The odd colored man stood to his full height, still she dwarfed him as he exited the dark. Showing off the remainder of his odd hued and marked fur.
The purr came again as he gave a dip of his head as a greeting. She was interesting, living one, the numbness he had momentarily forgotten about. Though it took him a moment to realize that his stomach was screaming at him for food. Food he had no desire to eat, but his form gave off that he ate well. Maybe because he was able to take down bigger prey with the absence of pain. And sometimes catch a lot in a little amount of time. The growl continued for a few seconds before subsiding, and he gave a little stiffed snort in slight embarrassment.



01-04-2014, 11:00 PM

The man gave a slight purring sound, closer to a growl than the feline sound of joy. As he stepped out into the light, she noticed just how intricate and interesting his pelt was. Accompanying his exit from the shadows came a deep growling from his abdomen, which made him offer her a sheepish smile in apology. She chuckled, not in a way that she saw as offensive, but more simply in response to his shame for a natural occurrence. "Well, seems now would be the best time for a snack." She giggled, padding into the forest without another thought. It was quite dark, but she didn't need strong sight, she had her sense of smell and the occasional dappling of light where the full moon filtered through the canopy above.
The sound of a rustling bush caught her attention, and she padded towards it, broad paws nearly silent upon the terra. A rabbit kicked up dirt and squealed in fear, but she silenced it with a stomp of one of her forepaws upon it's spine. Plucking it up in her powerful jaws, she carried it over to the man and dropped it at his ivory socked paws. "Will that be enough for now?" She inquired, smiling kindly as she looked at him, then seated herself a few paces from him. Rosy flanks shone as the dappled moonlight struck her silvery white coat, crimson orbs flickering over his features.

image by Luisiana


01-05-2014, 02:08 PM

They all reacted that way really, but it wasn't meant to be a threatening noise. It was just something he did naturally, out of his throat. Though his orange eyes lit up slightly when she spoke, she was going to feed him? But what for, he was a complete stranger. Well yeah, she was huge, so maybe she was not so afraid of him. Even then, the bigger they were the harder they fell at times. Something about it, made him feel slightly more connected with this living one unlike the others. The dead creature turned his head, watching her, kill the prey and bring it over to him. Ubivat curiously ran his eyes over it, looking up at her. His stomach yelled at him again. His tail flicked behind him the white tips revealing fur to break away. Spring was coming meaning his thick winter coat was shedding, and being a northern wolf. He had a ton of fur to shed.
Ubivat made a soft growl at her, and barked happily with a nod of his head. As he pulled his head down, he pressed it against the rabbit whispering his thanks in english language so that even Skadi would be able to understand it. As he raised his head he ate it, but showed no happiness in it. Since he had no desire to eat, while his body did. Though as soon as his stomach stopped yelling at him, which was when most of the rabbit was gone. He picked it up, and placed it in front of Skadi. Shaking his head, a gift if anything, it was her kill so she should eat the rest of it.



01-06-2014, 12:32 PM

The man let out a purr like growl, and barked happily in response. When he pressed his face against the body of the rabbit, his voice escaped his dark lips to murmur thanks to the hare for lending him it's life. It was then that he ate, but his expression told her that he wasn't happy about it. When he was done, he offered her the remains, which she gladly accepted. After the long swim to get here, she was starting to get pretty hungry. Lowering her cranium to the remains, formidable pearl razors sheared the meat from the bones and skin. Occasionally ruby orbs would flick upwards to fix upon the strangely marked man with the equally strange demeanor. When the meat had been rend from the carcass, gladatrix frame would ascend to it's full height with a soft smile. Before speaking, the femme's long salmon tongue would poke out from between her cherry lips and swipe across her muzzle to remove the remains of her meal. "I get the feeling you're not a fan of speaking?" She asked, haunches falling to the moonlight dappled floor, pale light striking her silvery white, silken fur and making it shine.

image by Luisiana


01-10-2014, 05:10 PM

Trival matters really, speech, it wasn't that he didn't enjoy speaking it was the fact that the language he had spoken since birth was being pushed back and he refused to forget it. His tail gave a solemn flick as he looked at the living one, his eyes closing for a few moments before he opened them again to look at the girl. "I feel words are only needed in times of emergency. I know two languages and one I prefer over the other, however not many living ones speak it here." Ubivat explained, his voice monotoned, no emotion in it what so ever. That was how it always was, considering his state of deadness. This living one was more cuddly than the others, he found himself enjoying her company more than he would any others. The only one he had enjoyed company of was his sister, and she ripped his heart out of his chest.
So he sat on his haunches, curling his tail around his front paws. Looking at her full fronted, pulling a paw up to his thick fluffy chest. Where there was no heart beat to feel. It made him so disconnected to the world, and it would always be that way until this body was killed, or rotted away. Maybe he was simply happy he had been given a second chance. To take on the royal status, and protect the right of passage that was his. To avoid any pain, and to avoid seeing those he cared about go off and ruin someone else's life just for fun. Hopefully anyway.



01-10-2014, 05:28 PM

He finally spoke, his voice a monotone and he explained his disdain for words. How strange, that a wolf wouldn't like to speak using a vocal language like the one that she used so regularly. Hesitantly, she would let her own lyrics tumble from her rosy lips. "This might be a dumb question, but what language is that?" She asked, tilting her cranium to the side, ruby optics fixing upon his face. When he brought a paw up to his fluffy chest, she was curious, her crimson pools flicking down to follow his ivory paw. Was something wrong with his heart? She didn't want to ask, the gloomy expression on his face somehow told her that asking would bring on an explanation she wouldn't... what? Like? Understand? Her own vague assumptions bothered her, since she really did not know at all what the problem was. Still, her jaws would remain shut, not asking the question that rattled about in her brain.
Cherry gaze would return to the face of the man with the flaming eyes, flickering over his strange markings and yet she found them only interesting. What lineage would one have for them to be born with such a unique coat? She no doubt would inquire at some point, but not yet, she was still curious to find out why he didn't like to talk. Tall pink tinted audits were shoved forwards, eager to receive an explanation, however short or long it may be.

image by Luisiana


01-14-2014, 03:55 PM

The short audits of the man would proceed to look up at the living one. The orange glow flickering at her as his eyes showed a light expression of strange curiosity. His tail gave a flick at the bottom of the floor. As he stood up his paws on the ground his head tilted. He had to looked at her again, move around her in a circle to get the full view. Of course it would make him seem like a stalker, but he wasn't therefore wouldn't care for the remarks. "I believe it's called Russian." Ubivat answered his eyes changed directions to the moon as he sat down beside the large beast.
"My name is Ubivat, yours?" It took a lot to strike a conversation with the dead. Of course perhaps she was not aware that he was dead quiet yet. The empty shell of a body gave off an obvious living glow but it was only an illusion of course. Making him give a soft sigh. A living one who he actually was enjoying the company of. It was odd honestly, he hadn't felt like this in a long time since he died.



01-14-2014, 04:24 PM

The man stood, strange as anything. He looked to be leaving, which seemed quite strange to the wintry woman, but as her regal cranium would pivot to watch him with garnet orbs sparkling with intruige, she watched him sit down at her side. Brow would quirk for a moment, but resume her normal expression as he mentioned the name of his preferred language. Russian? She had heard of the language, but knew none of it. As his gaze moved to take in the beautiful lunar face hanging in the sky, she heard his voice. Ubivat, such a strange name. She smiled, letting silken vocals slide from her rosy lips. "Skadi." The woman would murmur, letting the name hang in the air for a few moments. A yawn would stretch wide her regal jaws, the long swim from the last place she had landed on had tuckered her out. "It's nice to meet you, Ubivat." She would add, waiting calmly for him to say anything, if he would.

image by Luisiana


01-15-2014, 10:01 PM

The night was kind, much kinder than most had been to him. At least they had granted him a chance to connect with the living again. In which it had been forever since he had done that. Ever since his sister ripped his heart out, nothing had ever been kind to him and he didn't expect to be kind back to it. His tail thumped slightly as the silence drawn on for a moment. "Can I stay with you for a while." He asked looking up at her.
Really it was an odd straightforward question. Can I stay with you for a while. Mainly looking for some company, he wasn't quiet sure honestly. He didn't have a heart to tell him. The cold emptiness of his body was simply attracted to this giantess. And that was the gist of it to no end.



01-15-2014, 10:46 PM

The man's inquiry struck her as odd, since she had never offered a statement to contradict the possibility that he could stay. She nodded her cranium slowly, quirking a brow as she regarded him. He was quite strange; though she was far from normal herself, being as tall as she was and named for the Nordic Goddess of Winter. She smiled, a soft chuckle leaving her throat. "I never said you couldn't, Ubivat." Frosty lyrics would murmur with a soft grin teasing the corners of her cherry lips, playing at her sharp features. "Though if you wanna stay with me for a long time, you'll have to deal with all the travelling. I'm here looking for my young half sister, to take care of her." She explained softly, keeping her soft raspberry gaze upon the uniquely marked features of her companion.
Speaking of which, the girls scent was not here, she must have gotten off course during the swim here. Where would the wintry Goddess pick it up again? She would have to do a bit of exploring and find it again, maybe having Ubivat to help her would be a good thing, though he wouldn't know the girl's scent... Racing thoughts would trail off as she surrendered from that impossible train of worrying, returning her focus to the strange man to watch his reaction.

image by Luisiana


01-16-2014, 02:55 PM

Sister. The word definitely brought him some problems. Well, he was sort of glad that at least Skadi's sister probably loved her. To take care of her, he had wanted to take care of Armillia, but what had she done, she had torn out his heart caused them to be exiled for something she had done not he. In the end it came down to the hurtful betrayal he had felt at those moments, and she had killed him. His tail gave a flick back and forth as he looked at the stars, then back over at Skadi. "I've always been traveling, I wouldn't mind spending it with you. You are the first living one for me to connect with." He stated, inching a bit closer to her and having his pelt brush against her shoulder where his sat, and she dwarfed him easily.
"you are lucky, with such family." Ubivat said, closing his eyes to relax for a moment. His empty shell of a body feeling comfortable on the inside. Armillia, why did she have to turn out the way she did. After all, now she was dead, because the brown heavenly creature had killed her. He watched it, and had to admit didn't feel sad about it.



01-20-2014, 06:38 PM

When the male spoke, a soft smile broke over the woman's face as a touch of crimson showed through her silvery cheek fur. Yet, truly hearing Ubivat's words, her brow would quirk inquiringly as she turned her gaze to the man. "Are you a necrophiliac or something?" Wintry lyrics would murmur, ruby gaze riveted upon the bold features of her companion. As his shoulder touched her upper foreleg, she looked down and attempted to swallow her shock. How strange, as soon as she arrived in a foreign place, someone thought she was pretty. Must be the twisted opinions of her homeland. As he continued to speak, his burning gaze turned to the heavens. She scoffed as his vocals met her tall rosen audits, shaking her large, powerful crown a few times. "I was born a bastard, and my sire rips open the bellies of pale pups of his. He carries the gene of albinism in his veins, and blames his children for taking to it. My mother tried to keep me from seeking him out, and look what happened when I ignored her..." She murmured, lifting a forelimb so the cherry flesh would just show the warped flesh of the many scars smattering her forelegs. Pallid ears would flatten against her skull as her formidable pearl razors ground together to bite back the snarl of anger threatening to spill from her pink lips.
Pallid banner would strike the ground a few times, bristling with anger. The silken threads upon her spine would rise as she fought her emotions, hating the raging temper her father had given her, yet another of his flawed genes. With a deep breath, she lowered her foreleg and flattened the fur upon her back and tail. "What about you, you must have had a shitty life, by the sound of things." The winter goddess would murmur, turning her garnet optics on the man at her side.

image by Luisiana


01-20-2014, 07:51 PM

The word Necrophiliac would strike a slight blow to his empty cavity that contained his soul. He flinched as she said it, eyes wandering down now that he felt slightly ashamed. Who would have thought that a living one would ever honestly understand him? Or perhaps unlike the others it was because he hadn't told them totally at first, even with the speech patterns that he did use. His head would tilt to the side slightly though as she started to speak, and show the scar on her leg. Well opposed to that Ubivat couldn't think that in the least that it was possible to destroy such a beautiful thing such as herself. "You're alive aren't you, and giving the effort to find your sister. Rather than leave her alone for your own selfish sakes." Ubivat turned his body around to face her in front. Sitting in front of the taller wolf looking up at her, he gave a short smile before placing his paw on her chest to feel her heartbeat. Tail twitching to the feeling of it, he just couldn't feel that in his own chest even if others could. "I'm dead, my heart is missing. Just an empty cavity that a soul remains to cling to." His orange eyes lowered to his chest and he pulled the same paw and rested it on his chest.
"I was a rather momma's boy to describe, my parents would dote over me every day. We were part of a royal family, and I was their only son and only pup. When I was only six months old a bear came into the territory and tore my parents to pieces. I was adopted in by my uncle and they had a daughter. While she was my cousin, and my adopted sister, I found myself falling in love with her. Even after I was supposed to marry the princess of another kingdom I couldn't get my mind off of her. She was a thief but then she started to kill the royals of another kingdom who was allied with ours. In the end, she struck down her own father my uncle, and my love got in the way. They banished the two of us, and after we reached the shores of the land she said that I was no longer needed and ripped my heart out. I fell into the water washed up near Alacritis, and somehow....I was alive again. But I feel nothing, no desire to eat, nor to sleep, or drink. I can't even feel pain, even if this body bleeds." Ubivat closed his eyes for a moment opening them up again and looked up at her. "It's been awhile since I could speak to someone so openly about it. I can't understand those who'd be mean to you, you are a beautiful creature in all its essence." He breathed in and gave a sigh.



01-24-2014, 10:04 PM

She watched the slight flinch the man gave, and regretted speaking the word she had. She hadn't known better, and she was sure as hell in for a surprise in a second. He mentioned that she was at least putting in the effort to search for the small, lost child of her blood, and not simply leaving her. He began to speak of being dead, bringing his paw to her chest and smiling softly at her. As he told her he was dead, her brow would quirk in response. Slowly, cautiously, she would lift her large paw and place it upon the chest of the boldly marked man, right next to his own. Sure enough, he held a heartbeat, steadily thumping about in his chest like any other heart did. The pale silvery giantess was tempted to point out the falsity of his statement, but instead she bit her tongue and shut up. Some things were better left unsaid, and anyone could believe what they wanted to.

Now he came to explain to her his past, the unique and sorrowful entirety of what had happened. It brought tears to prickle at the backs of her cherry optics, but she fought them down. Surely Ubivat would not want her pity, as she would not want his when she had told him her own sob story of a life. She watched him close his eyes, straining to go on and talk about his past. He admitted that he had not spoken to someone else about it in a while, which made the rosy tinged lady feel quite special indeed. The charcoal and ivory male told her he could not understand how anyone could harm her, and he called her a beautiful creature in all it's essence. Her? Beautiful? Sure, she had no doubts that others saw her as a pretty thing, since many men stared at her as she strode by. But she never saw anything about herself as anything but flawed to a certain degree, so she never thought she was a magnificent beauty queen. What did Ubivat see when he looked at her? She wondered, curiosity overriding her ability to take the compliment. "Well, you can blame my sire for that, he's a complete douche." She chuckled, wintry lyrics barely a murmur as she spoke. That wasn't a lie, her father had something against all his pale children, and that was unfair, since the albinism they were given was entirely his fault. Fixing her garnet orbs upon the bold features of her newfound friend, she watched his face, his expressions. She was intrigued to see what brought him to think she was beautiful, and was interested in seeing what was going on in his brain.

"This be Talking"


01-30-2014, 03:43 PM

Ubivat smiled, kindly to the girl tilting his head to the side. A douche, well he knew that feeling. Armillia definitely had been a douche. Though his parents were kind, and they hadn't deserved to be killed by that bear. Nor had his uncle deserved to be murdered by his own daughter. It made him sigh to think about it, but now. Someone knew, he was no longer alone as he thought he had been. Bringing himself to brush up against Skadi. He set his head upon her shoulder of the taller one. Tail wagging with the mild happiness that filled the pit of his stomach.
"Shall we rest, or go search for your sister first?" He asked. Orange orbs wondering about his new found feelings. Were these the feelings he expressed when he had been around Armillia. It definitely felt the same, just slightly scarred because of his past experience. Skadi was kind though, she would not kill him a second time. Would she? The doubt made him scold himself mentally.



02-03-2014, 03:10 PM
The man smiled up at her, taking a moment to rest his cranium upon her own shoulder. The company of the boldly marked man was something she was quite enjoying, he was quite nice. Hopefully more of the wolves in this land would be this kind, though it was undoubted by the rosen tinted she wolf that there would be a few wolves that would be unkind. His vocals floated upwards, meeting with her tall audits, inquiring as to their next plan of action. Banner would beat upon the terra as she looked up the star spattered skies in thought. "I'm tired from the long swim here, I think a rest would be nice. Afterwards, we can try to pick up her scent." She decided, wintry lyrics soft as she made the suggestion. Garnet orbs would fall to the features of the man at her side, watching him for confirmation.

OOC: Sorry for short post, not much muse today.

"This be Talking"


02-04-2014, 05:13 PM

Ubivat smiled at the woman, she was nice, it made him feel a bit better about himself if anything at all. As he tugged his jaw off of her, he curled up nearly into a nice neat and fluffy ball at her side. They were in enough cover under the tree's anyway. So it wasn't long before him to fall asleep. Even if he didn't feel tired, his body was. Sometimes it was hard to tell weather he needed sleep or not. His body would just shut down and he would fall asleep in the weirdest of places. So he was happy he was beside Skadi, beside Skadi and warm at that.
