
Just Shut Your Eyes


01-02-2014, 01:14 PM

Brilliant rays of light would shine behind horizon of trees, the sun was finding its end in the day as Impra's cherry red eyes would flutter open. She would find herself out and about during the night, when the light would not affect her eyes quite so harshly. It was easier for her to hunt, it was more comfortable, and she looked so much more spectacular in the moon light. The sun seemed to bleach her out too much, but the moon would always lend its soft caress upon her gentle curves. She would pull herself from the ground, her tiara making its way to her full height. She towered over most of her Armada siblings, even her father could not boast her height.
Shaking the last of the dirty snow from her coat she would begin to groom herself. Her naps would always result in a session of cleaning afterwards now that the spring was upon them. The earth was becoming saturated with the melting of the snow, it was infuriating to have to spend so much time getting it off. She preferred the purity that the cold and the snow brought. Shaking her head she would finish, her gaze finding its way into the now darkness. The slightest of growls would resonate in her stomach, it seemed it was about time to find one of her father's hunters to get her a meal.

Impra Armada

Royalty in the Flesh



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-03-2014, 03:29 AM
Sin Armada

At last he had accomplished but phase one of his potential goal. Now all he had to do was gain power, loyalty, and serve until his time came. His fathers pack seemed rather dull, quite different then what he had heard. In his time here, everything seemed to be at a standstill...what a shame. It seemed the reputation this northern pack had wasn't all that the whispering rogues made it appear to be. It was boring, quiet, dull, and he was questioning whether it was worth his time to remain in a pack that could possibly find itself under weak leadership. And if that happened...then he would have no choice but to eradicate the weak. There was no such room for impurities, no matter who they were.

As he strode through the terrain, a peculiar scent would catch his attention. Amber orbs flickered about to locate the prey, and soon would fall upon a familiar resemblance. And yet, this would be one that was a replica of the one proclaimed to be his Father. How amusing. At last he could meet one that would hopefully, be worth his time and breath. Upon approach, his gaze would slide over her form. She was pretty indeed, but he could not help but to raise a brow at a slight angle, stopping only feet away as he looked upon the girl that looked too much like the king. It was putting. "What's the matter princess? Got a smudge on that pretty pelt of yours?"


01-03-2014, 04:25 PM

She would be unable to step away from her place, another would approach her place of rest. Ruby gaze would behold the pale form of a man, who would resemble the family considerably. Combined with his Glaciem scent and the slight resemblance to the King Isardis she could only assume his relation to her. He would eye her as his brow found its way North, "What's the matter princess? Got a smudge on that pretty pelt of yours?" She would mirror his expression but the corners of her cherry lips would turn upwards, he seemed to be quite the charmer already. He would make her doubt his relation to the silver tongued albino.
Pulling herself completely free of where she had recently taken her rest she would allow him an answer to his foolish question, "I'm glad you can recognize the need to keep oneself spotless." Her retort was weak, but he was not being creative either, "This awful mud insists upon clinging to my coat." He was dabbled with streaks of bright red, she would be reminded of the likes of Roman. It was certainly a probability of closer relation. "An Armada I'm assuming?" the Sentinel would hope for an introduction, but she could hardly expect one. She was doubtful of the man having claim over such manners.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-06-2014, 06:32 AM
Sin Armada

The pale woman would rise from her place, facing him soon after he spoke with a reply of her own. A canine would show briefly in the amused curl of his lip, though it was simply that...amusement. He could tell what she must be thinking, perhaps a relation of sorts but Sin would never acknowledge Roman as his sister...she was pathetic, weak. She had no place to call herself his kin. It was an insult in life really, to be related to such a pathetic creature. Couldn't even fight for herself against another; and a stranger no less! But alas it mattered not, others would soon find out...

A weak chuckle emanated from slightly parted jaws, another sign of amusement...he seemed to be in a rather chipper mood today. An unusual mood for the blood stained boy, rare like the red moon or the comets in the sky. "Ah, it is best to keep ones coat spotless and free of filth...lest you look like a common peasant, and we wouldn't want that now would we?" he murmured upon approach, sharpened claws slitting into the ground as he moved closer to sit alongside her but at a slight distance. Amber gaze fell upon her flawless form, ah she was a treat for the eyes indeed. He was humored by her response, though her question would also come to no surprise. "Sin. And who do I have the pleasure of gracing my presence with, hm?


01-11-2014, 12:29 AM

He seemed quite amused by her presence, his own incisors glinting slightly at her words. More amused lyrics would fall from the man's jaws, "Ah, it is best to keep ones coat spotless and free of filth...lest you look like a common peasant, and we wouldn't want that now would we?" She could hardly hear them as he made his approach. Her right brow would raise at his question, of course she couldn't be lessened to look like a common wolf. She was an Armada, she was greater than any of them were. By right of birth and by training she was their superior. "Of course, a Princess must always look her best." ruby gaze would watch as he seated himself close to her more tones falling from stained lips, "Sin. And who do I have the pleasure of gracing my presence with, hm?" Of course it was his pleasure, it was a treat to be graced her attention.
She would pull herself into a more rigid form, her crown pulling itself to her full height. She was certainly no commoner, and she would not ever be mistaken as such. "Impra Armada." She would nod slightly in her greeting as her gaze would graze him gingerly. "What brings you this way, Sin?" Her gaze would sharpen in the slightest as she looked him over.
