
Legion of the Black


01-02-2014, 06:13 AM
I have decided to create an adoptable family thread for a new character Jinxx. Jinxx has been one of my main characters asides from Ryuk, and is a very valuable asset to my RP writing arsenal. He has changed throughout the years of playing him, but his personality otherwise has remained the same. This time, I wish to introduce the opportunity of other siblings and the possible chance of 1 parent Mother or Father(One parent must be dead, example if the Mother is chosen to play then the father will be dead and vice versa.)

Other family members are available upon request. Simply let me know, and I may add cousins, aunts, uncles, younger or older siblings, grandparents, etc. Perhaps even a few Close family friends.

About The Legion
The Black Family are close, though some have grown apart. This means that like your average teenager, they have grown to become rebellious, reluctant to listen to authority, may have emotional problems, but are otherwise strong and courageous when they least expect it. Often times they will strive to be there for their friends and others like them; as it is where they feel accepted. If not, then they are loners. They don't like much company except for very few exceptions. This being other rogues or packmates that they are able to trust and open up to. Bear in mind that there are certain siblings that are very close to each other. They can be hopeless romantics, but may also get hurt easily. They grow strong emotional attachments, even if they try to fight it. If their heart is broken(And it must happen among some if not most of them, so plot accordingly) then they may be reluctant to fall in love so quickly. They put their hearts on their sleeves, and wish to be loved the way they love upon others. Occasionally, these kids can act out with their emotions. When they feel hurt by another, they may cause harm to themselves, fall into depression, have angry outbursts, and so on. The older members and friends of the Black family are different, more mature and contain each their own personality. Although they may carry some of these characteristics, in the end, they are still family and will always aid their own when the call is made. No matter what, no matter where...if one from this family calls, another MUST answer. This also includes the major possibility that they all join lighter aligned packs,(Preferably the same pack) as there are usually no dark aligned wolves in this family. However there may be one or two, consult with me before hand as I would like to know plans should you decide to have dark sided character.

But do not let that deter you from creating your own personality. Those are just the main components, though not required within your character.

The Legions History
The Legion family come from the Western territories far from Alacritia. They were a very close knit pack, a family that never strayed nor turned away from one another. However, there was darkness brewing in the heart of a power hungry youth. Lunatik, he would call himself, was always a strange child from birth. Born to Deviant and Mystic, they would quickly find that he was a troubled and power hungry child. It did not take him long to become distant, cold, the estranged child of the family. He could be quite unpredictable, often picking on his own siblings or the litters of other members of the pack. Lunatik was the son of the first litter the pair ever had, and unsure at the time as to whether it was a blessing...or a curse. For Lunatik, would be the only one to survive the litter that day. Or so they thought....

One other child would survive, his still form carried away by the pack healer to be buried with the other stillborns. Another warrior was ordered to bury the dead children, though instead he had gotten lazy and left them in the forest. Moments later, a rogue happened by...nosing about the dead bodies before continuing, until one would catch her eye. One male pup thought to be dead, was alive. His name came to be Pulsus, for the pulse that would barely beat within his supposed dead body. He would grow with this rogue, learning fighting skills along with healing techniques. Years later, he would hear about a wolf ravaging a pack and slaughtering many, though he is not aware that it is his birth brother nor birth pack. Upon his 4th birthday, his "Mother" would be stricken with a deadly illness, and soon dies. Before she dies, however, she tells him about his past. How and where she found him, and that he was possibly related to the "Wolves of the Cross" as Rogues referred to the Legion wolves marked with that symbol. Determined to seek out his heritage, Pulsus left the region on his search to find his family.

Devastated though they were at the loss of the other children, they tried to raise him right and tried to be loving, caring, and devoted parents that they were. But it was all for nothing, because Lunatik...was simply an emotionless demon brewing with the 7 sins. For years he planned, plotting the demise of his pack, of his parents...he wanted to take over, and for that he would go through any lengths necessary.

Deviant and Mystic would have another litter at the age of 4. This containing the children Jinxx, Ashley, Christian, Paradox, and Paradoxus. At age 5, another litter would be born; this one being as large as the first, for the parents were gifted with being able to have large litters. It was at this time that Lunatik would choose to make his move. Now at the age of four, shortly before the 2nd litter would turn 2yrs of age, he'd strike. During the dead of night, Lunatik would begin a one man slaughter. Killing children and adults in their sleep, and once discovered his parents went into action. Lunatik fought against them, felling one of them. (Whomever you choose will decide who dies.) The other parent would take as many of the family as possible to flee into the lands, as far away from him as possible. During that time, they would become separated. Left to fend for themselves, left to find each other. A few months will pass, no more then a year until they arrive in Alacritis. Their paths lied before them, their stories waiting to be written out. Although Lunatik still poses a threat, the surviving Legion only hope that he will not come for them...however, that hope will soon crash. For Lunatik will soon be on their trail, on a quest to claim and enslave the Legion members who escaped his wrath. Will the Legion stand as one and fight back? Or will they fall and succumb to the darkness that threatens the land?

Now...on to the fun stuff eh?

About Jinxx
Jinxx is your average kid. He's quiet, thoughtful, caring about those he comes across. Prefers to be alone, though he is always open to conversation and the occasional "quiet company." Often he can be found lost in thought, and seldom will he be the first to speak or address someone unless necessary. Usually, he will wait to be addressed first unless there's good reason for him to approach first. He can be your awkward teen as well, when he crushes on another, he has been known to stumble over his words, become tongue tied, and is prone to embarrassing himself. The poor kid...However, he has other qualities about him as well. He has also been known to become brave, courageous, stands up for his friends and family, and will never break a promise if he can help it. He is very close to his sister, and his brother of the same litter. Jinxx one day wishes to have a pack of his own so that his family and everyone he considers family, has somewhere to go.

Family Characteristics
The color lines of the family are generally white/grey/black/silver with black/grey/silver/white markings. Eyes are normally light blues, dark purples, greens, and heterochromia is rare in them. Albinism does NOT run in their blood. however, it might be possible for them to attain it though I'd rather not. (too many Albinos as it is, they're overrated now in my opinion.) Melanism does run in the blood. Builds range from Small-Medium, whereas large-Extra large is slightly uncommon to see(Though Deviant was roughly 45" in height). Normally on the thinner sides as opposed to the thicker builds, so they are built for speed and the daredevil, hunter, tracker, navigator, runner, and fisher traits. ALL relatives of the Black family bear a marking of a Cross on their LEFT shoulders. If you really want one, then you have to pay for it and it will cost 300-400 gems. If you need assistance, let me know and I will try to help you with some gems. Everyone in this family also carry nicknames, Jinxx's nickname is "Coma." Nicknames are based on a representation of your wolfs character/personality. Choose wisely.

I can create designs for you, however, feel free to create your own. Keep in mind the colors chosen. Also as a note, brown fur does run in the lines as well, but very minimal as the black dominates along with the whites, silvers, and greys. Genders do NOT change. They remain as they are.

Available Adoptions:

Litter 1
Lunatik Black- Male, 4yrs old. Eldest Brother. Played by me.
Pulsus Black- Male, 4yrs old.played by, Wolfeyez

Litter 2
Ashley Black- Female, 2yrs old. Played by Kat
Christian Black- Male, 2yrs.
Jinxx Black- Male, 2yrs.Played by me.
Paradox Black- Female, 2yrs, played by, Lolaf.
Paradoxus Black- Male, 2yrs. Twin of Paradox. Played by, Serendipity.

Litter 3
Crucifix Male, 1yr, youngest litter. Played by, Sea.
Angel(AKA Madieke) Black Female, 1yr, youngest litter. played by, Ely.
Divinity Black Female, 1yr, youngest litter. Played by, Sasuke
Prophecy Black male, 1yr, youngest litter.
Khaos Black Male, 1yr, youngest litter.
Beau Black Male, 1yr, youngest litter.

Mystic- Mother, 6yrs old. Dead
Deviant- Father, 6yrs old. Played by, Azzy

Adopted Characters MUST be active, meaning posts every week and not once a month... and if this requirement is not met as I see fit then I will take the liberty of taking back the character and reimburse whatever you payed for him/her, and put it back for adoption. Simple yes?

I apologize for being so strict on this, but I have seen many characters become adopted only to become scarce/inactive and I do not wish that for these ones.

You may play more then one if you believe you can handle it.

Name: (If different then above names, specify.
Litter Group: Which sibling do you choose?
Appearance: Please meet site requirements for appearance.
Personality: Please meet site requirements for personality.
Brief History: What has this character been up to before arriving? You may contact me for details or an idea.

NOTE: This family is not prone to events such as rape, kidnap, and murder. I don't care what else you do, but please respect my wishes of things such as what was stated and similarities. If you need anything cleared up or have an issue, skype me or PM me at this account.


01-08-2014, 11:33 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2014, 11:38 PM by Song.)

Name: Ashley "Twig" Black

Appearance: A woman of small stature this she wolf stands at 29 inches tall and weighs 81 pounds. She's quite a thin creature with proportionately long legs and a tail to match. Her face boasts a cute muzzle with large royal purple doe eyes and charming triangular ears. Her coat is quite the oddity, though she fits in quite well with her family's markings. Her main body and torso are covered by an off white coat while down her spine rests a dorsal stripe that starts right above her eyes and ends at the base of her tail. The edges are not smooth, but rather begin to blend into the white of her sides. Her limbs which include her legs and ears are a solid jet grey. Above her eyes, in a spot connecting from the middle of her lips, and dappled on her tail is this same dark color. On her shoulder sits a cross of silver that extends down onto her foreleg and is bordered by the slate color of her legs.

Independant Twig is not one to ask for help, she is confident in her abilities and does not like when she has to depend on others. She knows how to carry her own weight and can be difficult to integrate into a team. She likes to figure things out on her own, but if shown how to complete a task she will pick it up almost immediately.

Quiet & Sarcastic Much like her brother the she wolf does not posses a giant urge to speak with others. When she is spoken to, or asked questions she will gladly answer, but knowledge is one she seeks for herself. Questions do not fall from her lips often, only as a last resort to acquire the intelligence. It's more often than not that the she wolf will talk with heavy amounts of sarcasm or satire. She's pretty serious and straightforward for the most part.

Loyal There are few that can breach this she wolf's wall, her family being nearly the only ones. She doesn't like to smile for the most part, but if put in the right situation with one of her brothers she'll get a sense of humor. She's stoic and emotionless with strangers, it takes her some time to let loose with those she doesn't know. Trust is hard to earn with Twig, but once it's there she's loyal to the very end.

Friend-Zoned She's going to be pretty tomboyish and will do her best to keep up with her brothers. She wants to be as strong as them, and wants to impress other like they can. She's kind of at a loss when it comes to love and finding her mate. She's more interested in the forest and her camouflage to think about making a family right now. Twig is much too free spirited to be tied down with such things.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Brief History: Ashley was always the serious one of the litter, she didn't much enjoy the play games that her brothers would initiate. She did however enjoy sneaking out of hiding to scare the boys. She enjoyed chewing on ears, and hiding from her parents and siblings. As she grew older she never outgrew this particular quirk. Soon she would take to covering herself in mud and moss to help disguise her body and her scent. As the seasons passed her disguises would change and gain more intricacies.

She does not remember the night of the attack, just a lone scream that will haunt her for the rest of her days. She had watched as her older brother murdered her parent, while she was frozen and unable to move. After that she was by herself, completely lost to the rest of her family. She travels in search of them while training along the way. She would never admit to it, but secretly she wants revenge on her twisted sibling.

Plans: I want her to follow her family around and do whatever they are doing, but she'll probably sneak off a lot to go practice. She's training to be invisible, untraceable, and deadly. She doesn't want to leave her family, but she wants to be able to know what its like to fend totally for herself.


01-14-2014, 11:43 PM
Congratulations, Ashley now belongs to Kat.

NOTE: There is the possibility that the Legion will eventually get the chance to try and take down Lunatik in the future. Keep that in mind should you want a revenge case, like Ashley. ;)



4 Years
01-15-2014, 12:42 AM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2014, 02:03 AM by Narsha.)

Just wanted to put this up as reminder XD
Name: Paradox "Discord" Black
Appearance: user posted image
(A direct inversion of her twin's colors)
Paradox is medium in size standing 32? and weighing 100 pounds, giving her a lithe slim look. Paradox is an odd one to look at, her coloration different from most of her family. The base color of her pelt is a dark grey, covered in light silver markings. Her ears are this color with it extending down towards her eyes at a point, as it curves down from her ears two curves reach out to her cheeks before coming together at a point just beyond her eye. Her chest and underbelly are silver as well, with a single curve extending up to curl around itself on either side of her belly. All four of her paws are this color as well, with the front extending half way up her leg at the front and the back being all silver and curving at the thigh. Under each eye is a darker grey irregular triangle. The thing that marks her as a Black is the dark greyish black cross stretched across her left shoulder. Her eyes also resemble her family?s being a brilliant violet color.
Personality: Much like her nickname suggest Paradox lives for disorder. This is often confused as malice but it isn?t, she simply does not like order. Following that trend she is not overly fond of authority either but will tolerate it when necessary. In general she may seem rather abrasive to those she does not know well, often coming across as cold and even somewhat condescending. It is not easy to earn this girl?s trust.
When around her family, or anyone that has earned her trust, however she adopts a relative ease, a joke never too far from her lips. The girl is very much a prankster often coming up with some rather outlandish schemes, sometimes for a laugh other times to get what she wants.
It is however around her twin brother than she is the most relaxed. Hardly ever seen without him as her shadow it is almost as though they exists in a world of their own. Paradox swears she can almost sense when her brother is in trouble and vice versa.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Brief History: More than likely wandering with her brother, maybe causing some mischief.

Plans: Shh it's a secret ;)

Goodness gracious, great balls of fire! Thank you Seren



5 Years
01-15-2014, 03:17 AM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2014, 03:21 PM by Song.)
Name: Angel -___- Black
Litter Group: female from 3rd litter

Tail has a black tip that fades mid-way up and at the top of her tail in the middle is a black spot. Her Ear tips are coated in dark grey and the dark grey lines the bottom of her eyes extended out in the inner corners. Three black dots under each eyes brings out the ice pale blue eyes on the young female. The rest of her coat is a pale silver, almost looking white till she stands in the right sunlight or bathed in moonlight
Cross on her shoulder- Link
Angel is soft spoken, silent and always sitting in the background. Some think she's dark, depressed, solitary. But she nothing of those. She is lively, warm, willing to help others. But her family has pushed her away. She doesn't like the conflicts, the fights, the depressions and dark emotions that swirl around her family. So she stand off alone, watching through her sad ice pale blue eyes. She learns to never fall in the same paths as them, to try and remain happy. But it is hard when you are only a year old.
Angel is a natural caretaker, a protector, and skilled at healing. Though these things will go unnoticed unless you manage to spend a great deal of time with her. She doesn't speak, not that she's mute or anything but doesn't see it really necessary after all she thinks her family does enough of it already.
Though if you asked her for help she will not think twice before getting to her paws. In a sense she is the silent angel blessed among the family. She does not have many issues besides feeling isolated. She is not much of a fighter and would rather flee unless her family is envolved. Even then she will try to hang back and just help the wounded. At the same time Angel desires to learn how to be a real warrior.

Neutral good

Brief History:
Just the family history. After she had born, all she knew was puphood. It wasn't till she neared a year old did she see the conflicts in her family she start "shutting down". She became silent and isolated but her eyes see everything and her mind is making its own opinion now.
Follow one of her brothers perhaps. Maybe even try to understand her must hated brother and "save" him.

edited image size



5 Years
Extra large
01-15-2014, 03:35 PM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2014, 08:21 PM by Taurig.)
user posted image

Name: Pulsus "Wraith" Black

Litter Group: Lunatik's litter

Appearance: Pulsus is one of the largest of the Black family(aside from the father he never met), with his litter mate Lunatik the only one being able to match him in size. He stands at 40 inches in height, weighing 190lbs. He's an intimidating man to say the least, but he's anything but a brute. Despite his massive size, his body isn't really built like a tank. That's not to say he can't take a good beating, but he isn't really built to deliver one. His body is shaped more to be a hunter than a fighter. Long, lean limbs hold up his formidable mass, wiry muscle strapped across his shoulders and thighs. A slightly longer than normal tail drapes behind his haunches, the tip brushing against the ground like a dark brush. This particular black man doesn't stay true to his surname, instead defying it with his ghostly-white coat. The solid color is only disrupted in three places. The first appears across his face on the left side in the color of sooty grey, brushed from the bottom of his jaw, spanning the length of his face though not passing the tear duct of his left eye, until it reaches his right ear, bathing the right ear in the same sooty color. The color continues down the right side of his neck, reaching back towards his right shoulder, curving downwards to engulf his right leg entirely in the sooty grey. The same color appears once again in his slightly longer tail, covering the appendage completely. Typical to the Black lineage, the man dons a black cross on his left shoulder, outlined in an inky ebony. His eyes, ghastly in their appearance are of ice and amethyst, the iciest of blues for his left and the deepest of amethyst for his right.

Personality: Please meet site requirements for personality.

Alignment: Neutral good

Brief History: Pulsus is the only other survivor of the first Black Litter from Mystic and Deviant, though no one is aware that he lived. He was left for dead alongside his other truly deceased siblings, and he probably would've died had the rogue who adopted him not come along and found him. The rogue she-wolf took in the abandoned pup, raising him as her own, teaching him vital skills for his adult life. As far as he was concerned, the rogue woman was his birth mother, for she had been there since day one for him and he didn't know any different. She raised him as if he were her own flesh and blood, and the bond that developed between them could've fooled anyone, despite their obvious differences in appearance. She raised the boy to be a good man, conscious of the difference between good and bad, to always do the right thing if he could help it. His life was just fine until his fourth birthday. His mother became stricken with an illness, and knowing she wouldn't be able to overcome it, she confessed everything to Pulsus. Told him of the clan of wolves with the crosses on their shoulders like his. He was shocked to find out that she wasn't his real mother, but before he could investigate further, she took her last breath and was gone. The now Black man would bury his deceased adopted mother and head out.

He had no idea what his family looked like or what kind of wolves they were, just that they bore the cross symbol like he did. He wandered far and wide, questioning every wolf he came in contact with, asking them if they had seen any traces of the Black clan anywhere. Finally, after months, he would get a lead. Alacritis. Rumors were that his brother, Lunatik was his name, had found his way to a place called Alacritis. With renewed determination Pulsus made his way to Alacritis, to hopefully reunite with his family and shed some light on his past.

Plans: Reunite with Lunatik, get to know him and then find the rest of his family. Figure out whether he wants to kill Lunatik like everyone else, or stay on his brother's side.

Better manip lolol

user posted image


01-15-2014, 06:59 PM



01-15-2014, 10:49 PM (This post was last modified: 01-31-2014, 02:32 AM by Aeron.)
Name: Paradoxus "----" Black

Litter Group: Middle litter


user posted image

Personality: A natural peace keeper when he's not with his twin, he doesn't like to fight or bring others down. He's very adamant about taking care of himself and not burdening his family, and although he's not the largest or most possessive he strives to protect them. When he meets other's he has a very laid back attitude and holds a winning smile. He'd rather talk his way out of trouble than fight, but on the off chance that he does need to partake in any sort of battle he's a defensive fighter. He'll rarely be the one to start a scuffle. When he's with Paradox, he's different. The two of them often finish each other's sentences and can guess each other's train of thought. They're not telepathic or anything odd, they just know each other - down to the very core. He's an open book with his twin whether he wants to be or not. Although they're two halves of the same, he often thinks of himself as a mirror to her opposed to the other way around. She's his better half whether she knows it or not.
He can be a bit bold at times, speaking when he shouldn't, and saying what's on his mind when it would be better to keep his mouth shut. He'll put his life on the line for a stranger without even thinking about it. When he owes someone a favor, he'll keep them in his good graces for a long time. Anyone that looks out for him - and even some that don't - he will look out for, easily.

Alignment:Neutral Good

Brief History: I have no idea...

Plans: he will wander the lands with his twin mostly - but stick close to his family~



3 Years
01-17-2014, 11:15 AM (This post was last modified: 01-17-2014, 06:55 PM by Kogyn.)
user posted image

Name: Divinity "Ouros" Black
Litter Group: litter 3 2nd female

Appearance: Divinity "Ouros" Black has a full pelt of black silky fur. Only a few locations the black is broken up by a pure white; from her nose, down the bridge of her nose, ending between her eyes in a point; her chest holding a white blaze; all four paws have white socks; and last the bottom of her tail to the tip. The last white on her pelt is her family's crest, the cross; but hers a little different, around that cross is the Ouroboros, the ancient sign of renewal, just as her family wishes when they reunite. Her eyes much like her pelt fallow her family gens, they are a lovely light green.

Personality: Shy and quite
This girl can be beyond shy, she will not talk or even look at you unless she knows you. She can on occasion overcome this phobia but it is not often. More often than not if you want to get to know this girl without being family it is akin to pulling teeth, you would have to pry, beg, and chase her. The only acceptance to this rule are those who bare the make of her family cross, if she sees one her shell opens and you see the girl that she was always meant to be.

Passersbyers have more than one occasion have said that Ouros has the voice of the gods. The only other comment is that it is too bad that it is wasted on one who barely speaks or howls. Not many have had the pleasure to listen to Ouros speak and even less have heard her howl, so if you have, count yourself one of the lucky ones, for you have stumbled upon a miracle, for she only sings to herself and only talks to family.

Alignment:Neutral good

Brief History: Ouros have been Surviving, nothing more, nothing less; for she hardly remembers the day that she got separated from her family.
Plans: stumble upon the family and reunite with them, learn to conquer her phobia.
[Image: kogyn_by_wolftaske-d9e5ucq.png]
[Image: Kogyn_zpsjhvfsec6.png~original]


01-17-2014, 09:52 PM
Pulsus now belongs to Wolfeyez. Have fun with him, I will send Lunatik's personality as soon as I find the drive it is in.

Angel now belongs to Ely. Play her well and have fun with her.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-20-2014, 04:12 AM
Divinity now belongs to Taske. Enjoy her ;)



3 Years
01-20-2014, 03:19 PM
sweet thanks =)
[Image: kogyn_by_wolftaske-d9e5ucq.png]
[Image: Kogyn_zpsjhvfsec6.png~original]


02-11-2014, 08:17 AM
Paradox & Paradoxus Twins Now Belong to Lolaf & Seren. :)


03-29-2014, 06:01 PM
Name: Khaos "Shadow" Black

Litter Group: Youngest litter, fifth male

Appearance: Unlike most of the other wolves, Shadow was given his nickname for his markings. But, he is quit small for a wolf in his family, only being at medium size, with long legs built more for hunting than fighting. But his paws are large, ans the claws are matched with the beautiful wolf's paws. If he showed his teeth, you would notice that they are normal. But even normal fangs are meant for ripping into the flesh of a rabbit or a small deer. Besides being the second youngest, Shadow is probably a stranger looking wolf. The dark and silver of the male, with the one white marking, is enough to make any wolf look strange. But, enough about going on about size, it isn't telling you everything about his appearance. So, I'll go on, and tell you about the beautiful boy.



Brief History: Shadow was only two months old when his mother died. He had hidden with the rest of his siblings, and watched the fight. He had to watch as his older brother lunged at his mother and ripped her throat out. His father escaped, and took everyone he could. They traveled for days, and Shadow turned into a handsome young wolf. At six months old, he got separated from the rest of his family. He continued traveling, until he found a faint scent. It was the scent of his father. He traveled for months.




04-03-2014, 02:04 PM
user posted image

Name: Crucifix (Nickname 'Shadow' ? for obvious reasons)

Litter Group: Litter 3, first male

Crucifix, well born into a large family with a litter of six is the shadow of one of his older sibling Twig. There similarities so similar even as they are different. To the black points of her ears Cru?s are instead shades of silver, to the dark stockings that snake up her paws, his are there in shades of lightness, and the white that shrouds most of her being his is a shadow of blacks. Marking the base colour of this brute as black with points of silver across his coat. Finally the cross against his shoulder is a grey so dark it?s almost black. This strangely opposite coated wolf does however boost the same alluring shade of amethyst within his orbs, a trademark shade within the Black family. In size he boosts a stature of '32' inches, marking him as taller than the older sister that both his body and mind idolizes.

Personality: Split from his family and forced to see the world was the making of his personality, the part that marked him as an individual and strengthened his resolve and showed him as the wolf he is now. He?s learned how to survive, a trait that flares in brief flashes of almost-cruel reality despite his softer nature. He was never really a fighter in his past but his future has proved to him its value. He grew in a vast family and well he adored them all there was one that grew on him the most was Ashley, he had idolised this fae and walked in her shadow, and it was perhaps for her that he found his way to Alacritis. It is by her that his kinder side comes out, he looks up to and trusts her, and always feels safe within her company, making it easier to forget the harsher realities of the world.

Alignment: Good

Brief History: After being separated from his family he learns to survive on his own but wanted nothing more than to reunite with his sister, and worried about her fate he eventually tracks her down

Plans: To plot with Kat's Twig! :D

Twig I


04-04-2014, 08:56 PM


04-06-2014, 06:09 PM
Name: Christian "Eden" Black ( I would like him to be female, though, so I will write as a her. )
Litter Group: Ashley "Twig" Black's Litter, please.
The lithe dame is streamlined and well-muscled from hunts in the lands far west of Alacritia. She is small, at just 30" inches of height, and a healthy 95 pounds. A sleek pelt of dark grey masks her bodice, a cream stripe down her back splitting the dark hues. On her left shoulder, at the top, is a cream toned cross outlined in pure black. Her tail is pure cream, where the stripe of her back widens to envelop her tail in pure tones. Her well chiseled head is bordered by a lace of fur about her neck, full and soft. On her forehead are two cream spots, fading to black and weaving around her eyes, stopping at her cheeks.

The lass is a sweet and caring individual, being selfless to protect those that are loved and close, at the cost of her life. However, she is able to reject many's requests for assistance, if it will not benefit her and the Blacks. She is truly loyal to the Black family, being very outlandish to those not of her heritage, or those she has not yet been introduced to, but with persistence, she will warm up and begin to trust what she calls Outsiders. When she eventually has young, she will learn to be kind, while being persistent to raise the best pups possible. The dame is also fierce and brave, whilst competitive, wishing only to be the best that she can be, always training via sparring with other wolves that she does not know, so that she can learn the differing tactics of multiple wolves, and this in turn, teaches her how to deal with multiple attack types, as well as how to avoid many attacks. She also is learning the herbal craft, and how to heal wounds.

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Brief History: Eden has been training in the craft of herbal healing and defense, and is trying to find the Blacks and bring them back together.
Plans: To have the Blacks reunite and have them start a pack together.


04-07-2014, 01:10 AM
Christian is to remain a male. However, if you would like a female to play then I can add into the family, cousins, aunts, etc.. The other exception, is I can add one more female to the last litter as well. But the first and second litter are set in gender, and all members names are set as well.


04-07-2014, 05:15 AM
If you would prefer it, I can rewrite Christian, I do not mind. His personality would change, but he will remain the same in looks.

EDIT: Disregard this post, I don't think I need yet another character from adoptions. Plus, it would take ages for me to save up 400 gems, and I don't feel like doing it for now.


04-07-2014, 03:53 PM
Crucifix now belongs to Sea. Have fun ;D