
Returning a Lost Favor



01-01-2014, 04:56 PM

She had asked Canta to accompany her to the lands of Seracia, where the girl had been borne and where Song had been shown so much kindness in her time of need. She had not spoken much to the alpha, Maverick, but she knew that he had been kind enough to let them stay. This was also where her adopted mother, Silent took up residence. It had been a good amount of time since she had seen the woman, and hoped that they would be able to catch up upon her arrival. First though, she had to speak to Maverick, to let him know what was going on in Ludicael and to see if Jupiter may have made a stop here.
She had hoped Canta would not run off for too long, and that she would mind her manners while visiting the lands. She would make her way to the border, the familiar scents of Silent and the pack would intermingle in her nostrils. How she missed the woman, but she had to focus on business before pleasure. She would let her haunches fall upon the earth, her pure tail wrapping around her delicate paws. She would let her head fall back, letting loose a howl to summon the alphas to her.

"Speech" Think "You"



01-01-2014, 06:19 PM

She was patrolling the borders when a song was thrown into the air, sweet tones that were unfamiliar. Loccian would come to a stop, ears swiveling in the direction it had come from, trying to identify who it could belong to. By now she was aware of just about every single member in Seracia, or at least got to know them a bit to know that this howl did not come from any of them. A stranger, perhaps a rogue or somebody from a neighboring pack. No matter who it was the grey woman would begin walking towards where it came from, as Queen she had to make sure this wasn't a potential threat that would put the lives of her members in danger.

A few minutes of walking would bring the Queen to one of the borders, a snow white figure coming into view. A few more yards and she could make out the scent flowing from this woman's pelt, Ludicael, an ally of Seracia back when Gerhardt and Maverick were ruling. She planned on visiting them soon after having a small meeting with the Kingdom, but at least now she would have an idea of where they stood, saving a trip she would have to make. As the distance grew smaller between her and the white woman, Loccian couldn't help but feel like she knew this wolf, like they had met before.

It wasn't till she came to a stop that she realized who it was, a woman she had helped some time ago. The shewolf had been near the pack before being racked with contractions during a storm, going into labor just moments before Silent had. "Evening miss," she would give a small dip of her head with a smile. "It has been awhile since I last saw you, how are your children doing?" She would ask curiously, friendly tones. Her back limbs would fold beneath her body, bringing her into a sitting position before Song.


Awesome image by Canttina <3

Silent I


11 Years
01-02-2014, 09:33 AM

Silent had been patrolling the borders nearby, not realizing that anyone was going to be within the vicinity. She had left her children in the watchful care of Aeil, so her mind wasn't worried about their welfare. The Grand Duchess was more than happy to take care of her cousins, and their excitement for her attention made Silent smile as she walked around the familiar trees. Family was one of the building blocks of her foundation that she called life. To see her dear whelps embracing the same tradition made her heart swell.
As the topic of family swam around in her mind, a howl broke through the thoughts she currently obtained. Silent had to halt when the familiar tones rang a bell within her cerebellum. Her tail started to wag and she increased her pace to the area of the source. Surely, her adopted daughter was not at Seracia's borders?! It would be a miracle for sure, but she still hoped anyway.
Her black paws kissed the ground as she trotted across the snow covered earth beneath the trees. She kept an eye and ear out for the snow white being that would be nearby, pondering if she was actually there. It didn't take long for the dame to find out. Song's form, with Canta following behind at a brisk pace, was there in the flesh. She was apparently speaking with someone, a wolf with bluish-gray fur. Ah, Queen Loccian! Silent's face broke out into a wider smile as she pushed through the large trees to slowly break through the underbrush.
Her presence didn't have a large entrance, but a gentle sweep through the bare bushes that popped up in random spots of the woods. Emerald eyes beseeched the eyes of her Queen before she dipped her head in a gentle sign of respect. "Queen Loccian," she softly said, "I hope I am not interrupting." Her eyes then turned to Song's and they melted into warmth and love. "Song, my dear Song..." she said, tones gentle and full of nostalgia. "Surely it is not you in the flesh. After all this time..." Her tail flicked behind her in brimming excitement and she stepped forward to reach out and nuzzle the white female. "We must catch up soon, dear...if I was intruding, I apologize for doing so." She took a few steps back and reclined to her haunches, looking to Loccian for guidance on whether she should stay or leave.




01-02-2014, 12:44 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2014, 12:44 PM by Song.)

She would not sit alone for very long, the form of the kind healer who had so helped her would make her way to the border. Song was glad to be greeted by the same wolf twice, her smile would break through for Loccian. She would approach and offer greeting, obviously slightly remembering the pale woman and her children. They had come quite at the inconvenient time, but she was quite glad for the help that had been given her. She would bring herself into a seated position as well, "Good day! It's been too long, they are quite well, growing into beautiful members of the pack." They were nearing their first birthday, Song still couldn't believe how fast the time had gone. It seemed like just yesterday she was here pleading for help.
Before she could ask about Maverick or his mate a woman would approach them. Her familiar black form would bring Song to her feet, unable to contain the excitement of seeing the lovely woman. "Queen Loccian, I hope I am not interrupting." She would address the woman with a very high title, Song had not quite expected to hear that. It seemed she would need audience with the healer after all. "Song, my dear Song... Surely it is not you in the flesh. After all this time..." She would return the nuzzle to her dear friend, it certainly had been too much time since they had been by the other's side. "We must catch up soon, dear...if I was intruding, I apologize for doing so." "There is so much Silent, don't worry I think I have the same news to tell Queen Loccian as I do you." She would let herself become seated again before she took the mantle of announcements up. "I'm greeting you today as the new Alpha of Ludicael." She didn't want to focus on herself quite then so would ask about the lost Sol, "Jupiter has gone missing. We've not heard from her since the middle of winter. I've sent scouts and have looked all throughout the East. She's not to be found. Part of why I'm here is to see if she might have found her way to your door." She was certainly concerned, it was not like the she wolf to abandon them, if she had not been here Song was worried she might have been drug off. Jupiter was a strong lupine, but you never knew what you would meet in some of the forests they lived in.

"Speech" Think "You"



01-04-2014, 04:35 PM

Ears perked up at the woman spoke, greeting Loccian back then commenting on the time it had been since they last met, telling her that the children were growing into beautiful members of the pack. She would give a small nod of her head to this, it was a wonderful thing to hear, they were doing well, and she wouldn't hope for anything worse. In no time another form would approach, Miss Silent sweeping up to the two women, speaking to her Queen first then to Song. Upon mentioning interrupting she would only hake her head with a gentle smile, allowing her to speak to the white woman.

Loccian wouldn't interrupt the two, chuckling lightly at Silent apologizing for interrupting. ?No no, Miss Silent, your not interrupting.? She spoke in calm tones, not wanting the woman to feel bad or anything. Head would turn to Song then as she finally spoke, addressing Loccian with her new rank, and greeting her as the new alpha of Ludicael. This bit of news would cause her brow to raise in curiosity, Jupiter went missing and they haven't heard from her since the middle of Winter, they sent scouts in search of her throughout the East but she hasn't been found yet. It was a bit troubling to hear, the grey woman always thought of that exotic pelted as a powerful woman, why would she just vanish all of a sudden? And then Song would speak what was on her mind, was Jupiter here?

Loccian would clear her throat, straightening herself out, grey gaze focused on Song's bi-colored one. "As Silent spoke, I too am a new Queen of these lands. As for Jupiter... I'm sorry miss Song, but I have not heard from or about her for some time now." She would deliver sadly. Loccian wasn't sure when she had last spoken with Gerhardt or Maverick, the last time for sure was when they had that event as an alliance bond, but that was quite awhile ago. "If I do hear anything about her whereabouts I will be sure to inform you." She would say witha nod of her head.


Awesome image by Canttina <3

Silent I


11 Years
01-07-2014, 11:31 PM

A wave of disbelief and excitement washed over Silent's form. Surely her dear Song was joking? But no, it could not be a prank at all. Song would never jest about something that serious, let alone claim that the former Sol of Ludicael was missing without the proof. The couple pieces of news were enough to make Silent's body tremble, and so she tightened the grip of her tail around her haunches to settle her nerves. Her beloved Song, a Ruler...what a way to go!
"Congratulations, Song Destruction," she tenderly said, tones warm and gentle with the smile on her face. "I bet you are very proud to have such a title and a firm pack who follows you. We do need to visit one day in the future, but until then, I expect you are pretty busy." Her body began to regain its firm stature, and so she relaxed her tail as the conversation progressed. Loccian continued to say that Jupiter was not there and she would tell Song if she knew where she was. The ebony female listened with rapt attention as they continued to speak.




01-30-2014, 07:53 PM

Her journey would not bring her any closer to finding Jupiter's whereabouts as Loccian was saddened to inform the Oracle. It seemed she had not stopped here to tell of her whereabouts either. She was glad to hear that Loccian was willing to alert her to the woman's presence should she have ended up in the Seracian's territory. Her crown would swivel to look into Silent's vibrant green gaze as she spoke, her congratulations would coax a smile from Song's worried visage as she pushed thoughts of Jupiter away once again. ""I bet you are very proud to have such a title and a firm pack who follows you. We do need to visit one day in the future, but until then, I expect you are pretty busy." She would feel so humbled by Silent's words, she would nod in acknowledgment, "I'm just glad to be there for those who count on me." She would smile and nuzzle Silent once again, "How are those beautiful babies of yours anyway, Silent?" She would speak as her news was fully drained. "I can't tell yet, but hopefully next season I'll be bringing another set into the world." She would smile as her thoughts turned to the new life that was beginning inside of her.

"Speech" Think "You"