
血液中のコード化された(Coded In Blood)



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-31-2013, 06:49 PM

The slopes on which he climbed were no match for his sharpened claws. The snow made it difficult to climb, but nothing would stop him. Since the little show at the taking of innocence of his sister, he was intrigued by the white male who had gone to lift her from her pathetic sprawl. One corner of his mouth lifted, it was strange that he was so enthralled by another. But there was a reason for that. Sin saw power, a thirst in the other male, but Sin's was unmatched. He had killed many times, and he was sure there was a bounty on his head. But he never cared. Ever since he was a pup, he had a thirst for such dark things. He was the true meaning of the Devil's Spawn. And at only two years of age, he had killed countless times those who stood in his way or disrespected him.

Arriving at his destination, the beast stood at the peak. Amber eyes cast their poisonous gaze over the lands, wolves of several packs in the North running about, chasing prey or fighting one another. They would appear as mere specks, but still amusing to watch. The winds blew in intervals of rough and gentle, and yet it would not cease his reasons for being here. Grinning his white smile, he threw his head back and let loose a call for the name of the unknown. And from here, he was sure that the other male would hear it.



12-31-2013, 08:35 PM

He hadn't ventured north in a long time, but by chance, his paws found him drawn towards the northern lands. The scent on the female he had recently encountered was different from ones he had previously experienced, yet familiar to a dame he knew well. Though he wouldn't bother himself in silly pack antics he was curious to see what had become of the northern packs. It was by chance that a call rang through the land, and it appeared someone was seeking a consult with satan himself. An annoyed growl left him, as he veered his path towards the sound, wondering what creature dared call him, dared disturb his wanderings. Since his arrival in Alacritis, many other creatures who dared align themselves with darkness had journeyed here, and he found most of them to be pathetic wanna-be's. No one stood to the might of Creedance Voltaire. None had as dark of a soul, as he.

He moved towards the Cathedral Point, his pace relaxed. He wouldn't hurry. No the first evil, never hurried. He came to a stop at the point, his eyes resting on the white figure of another. He would not move towards the creature, his expression bored as he spoke. "You should have good reason to invoke me." Tail flicked idly at his hocks, as he waited for this oddity to speak. He had things to do.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-02-2014, 01:53 PM
I'm insane, I am smart

All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions

Don't underestimate what you do not understand

The heathen he called approached in due time. Good. Sin would not be kept waiting, and to keep him waiting would result in unwanted consequences, no matter who it was. Facing the oncomer, a look of amusement crossed his features as he noted the attempt at uncare and boredom on the face of his adversary. However, it amused the male simply because if he did not care...then he would not have come. At the words of the male, Sin could do nothing but laugh in cold amusement. What a simple fool...for it was not Sin who sought the presence of others, he demanded it. And to ignore him would be a very dire mistake on ones part.

"Don't flatter yourself." A light scoff from slightly parted jaws further indicated his amusement. Elongated tail flickering behind slender hocks;sharpened claws leaving small fractures in the earth as they coiled over the terrain. Amber gaze fell over the heathen, and today would be the day he would discover who the fool was that had helped his pathetic excuse for a sister.

You should be flattered I'm wasting my time with your life...

I witnessed you're little act of kindness towards my pathetic sister recently...who is the one that claims to be the devil? And yet goes to aid a damsel in distress? I do not associate with the weak...what's your name, cretin?" his words spoken in an amused tone, and no more. He would eventually bring the subject forth of an alliance in the future, however, it was now upon the shoulders of the beast before him to decide in which direction his fate would go...

And do what I do best to your heart

Don't be fooled, I was raised by the wolves

[Sin Armada]


01-03-2014, 04:24 PM

He'd watched it happen, since his flight into the lands. The first evil here, the only true creature that was as evil as he claimed. He had killed here, raped, and had many a families and names that would wish him harm, and had watched with boredom and disgust as these children, much like the pup before him, seemed to think that they were the 'big bad'. It was insulting. His face would be completely expressionless, he wouldn't stay long to this conversation. No, the look of the stranger, and his words alone told Creedance all he needed to know about him. A poser. A fake. Worthless garbage. He wouldn't waste his time with such a creature. He was better than that.

The wolf before him mistook his action with the white wolf she had stumbled upon as kindness? Fool. He really was nothing more than a pup. "You must be an idiot to mistake a ploy for kindness. I have no time for the likes of you, pup. Scurry back to your pack where you belong." The words he would speak would be cold, monotone, and with a final look at the wolf and a snort, he'd turn away. Creedance Voltaire, was done here. He wouldn't waste his time with a creature that would do nothing for him. He wasn't one to waste his time with a fool that couldn't be evil if he tried.

-Exit Creedance-



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-03-2014, 06:36 PM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2014, 06:38 PM by Sin.)

The brute would answer, and to Sin's amusement the brute had made his choice. The blood stained demon expected no less from one that would aid the pathetic excuse for a wolf of his so called sister. This one was just the same. He knew the type, he could see it in the eyes of the naysayer, the one who thought himself better then the rest. Sin knew what he himself was capable of, and the one before him had nothing on him. Sin had terrorized, killed, murdered, raped friend and foe alike, and demanded respect through fear. And everyone knew his name. If the male before him was better like he claimed to think, then Sin would have heard his name whispered in the winds.

And yet. He was an invisible like the rest who pretended to be what they truly weren't. The beast would leave, and Sin would merely smile. He would smile because the beast had just made himself a target. He would learn never to lie and pretend to be what he was not. "What a are just as weak and as pathetic as I thought. Watch your back, plebian." With that, Satan himself would evaporate into the shadows. Planning the demise of his new target, and all he was close to...

-Exit Sin-
