
Gossamir Alkali



12-30-2013, 07:59 PM
***I'm a dork and spelt her name wrong on the account. Can someone fix that please? Thanks! <3***

OOC Name: Lunarcat7
How did you get here?: Was hunting for an old friend, Blossom, found the link here then saw Keno and was like? FRIENDS! I also briefly looked through the site when I was on The Forest (deer rp).
Age: 24

user posted image

Character's Name: Gossamir Alkali
Age: 1 year 6 months
Season of birth: Summer
Size: 28" / 83 lbs.
Appearance description:Gossy has a cool grey coat with ticked fur that flecks her pelt with white and black. Her undersides are white and her legs a velour black. The same black covers her ears and runs from the tip of her nose, down her back and over half of her tail. The toes on her front paws are white and her ears are lined with silver. Gossamir's eyes are a piercing sapphire blue.

Overall Gossy has a long and slender build with delicate paws, small toes and distinctly feminine features, except for her strong and sturdy shoulders. Her tail is long and bristly from her wiry topcoat. Her muzzle and face is fine featured contrasting with her large, furry ears and thick neck ruff.

Gossamir loves to challenge herself to do the impossible. She throws herself into what she decides with a concentrated energy and awesome willpower. She makes a formidable opponent, although quietly so. Gossamir keeps her cool and her focus on the surface even though what's below is probably another story entirely. She also is unlikely to let anyone in and keeps up her facade of composure as best she can. Gossy also has the potential to exploit others and will often do so for self-defense and for a need to feel somewhat in control of her situation. Deep down what she wants most of all is security.

It can be a bit difficult to understand what exactly makes Gossamir tick but she's just fine with that and enjoys surprising others. Gossamir is quite proud of her independence and isn't easily pushed around when it comes to issues important to her though generally she'll go with the flow otherwise and let her curiosity get the best of her. Gossy is patient and a good listener and while she'll throw herself toward her goal she's confident that slow and steady will win her her prize and she plans carefully to get what she wants using her resourcefulness and intelligence as best she's able.

Gossamir can also have a tendency to be Sarcastic and she does enjoy spinning tales both seriously and to goad at others. For lack of a better word she enjoys being a "bullshit artist". It offers her freedom and if she want's to change her past and be someone else she's able. Lying also helps her get out of tight spots with adults and she had no probably trying to milk pity out of a few bleeding hearts.

As said before Gossamir loves to test herself and often others. She'll make all kinds of rules and goals just for the personal satisfaction that comes from achieving them. Her survival instincts are strong and she understands that life simply isn't fair, but that won't stop her from getting what she wants out of life.


12-31-2013, 04:25 PM

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