


12-31-2013, 04:02 PM

The tawny beast was in dire need of another break from the wolf infested lands she was forced to reside in due to the obscene lack of forests in this god forsaken land. So she came to this frozen lake, where each step of her massive paws brought to the surface of the ice strange lights. Long tail would flick behind her as she took in the maze of ice columns all over the place, interested that something like this was abandoned. Maybe she could find a feline in such a place, since only a cat would see the beauty in this place. Leaping into the air, she stretched forth her powerful front limbs to grab the top of the ice column and pull herself onto it. From up there, the demon could see everything, and it was wonderful. At this height, those annoying pesty lupines could not bother her and drive her to delighting in beating them within an inch of their lives. She had killed a canine the other day for trespassing, and would not hesitate to repeat that act.

The sun was setting, the bloodred horizon silhouetting her muscular frame as the sensual darkness began to fall upon and cloak her strong frame. Ghostly yellow pools inspected the land as shadows began their nightly reign; driving away the light like she wished to drive away the wolves. Dark tail tip would flick as the terror of the trees sighed in happiness, enjoying her time without the grating speech of mongrels invading her rounded audits.

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12-31-2013, 04:16 PM

His large golden paws would silently carry him over the ice of the winters hold. He could feel spring approaching, the dire cold was not so biting as it had been but weeks ago. He would stray from the likes of his Glaciem home, leaving the side of his beautiful wolf. She had been occupied with the likes of another canine, so he had spent some time alone. He wandered the reaches of the North once again, returning in his search of creating an Empire worth his father's name. Still he had met but one cat, Silverback. The silver leopardess who had so en captured him. He was sure she was dead by now though, it had been far too long since he had caught scent of her.
He would watch as the dazzling sun would bring itself to a close over the frozen lake. He would bring himself to a seated position, his long tail curling around him as he let the view over take him. There were not many creatures in this land that could bring him harm, so his demeanor was quite calm and relaxed. Thoughts were lost as he let himself dream of the Kingdom he would one day rule over.

?I speak?


12-31-2013, 04:33 PM

The scent of a feline met her nostrils, much to her surprise and joy. A deep purr of bliss left her dark lips, shadow cloaked form twisting her onto her immense paws, pale golden orbs searching for the alluring smell. She was not social by any means, but with the disgusting lack of felines in this place, any cat she could find would mean a long interaction. There. The cat was spotted in a most handsome manner, one she had never seen before. Leaping confidently to the ice covered ground, wicked talons would unsheathe for purchase as the ice cracked ominously underneath her bulk. Assured strides would bring her ever closer to her quarry, long whip swaying through the air behind her as her pale optics scrutinized the massive male hungrily. "Finally I am in the presence of another feline, and a quite handsome one at that." She purred, the sound strangely close to a growl. Thick accent would wrap around her mezzo soprano vocals as they caressed his lobes. She inhaled silently, taking in his musk and putting it to memory so she could find her again. She was quite happy to have found this beast, so her company would be one of her equals, not a filthy mutt that was far beneath her. "We seem to be rarities in this lupine infested land." She murmured, sighing sadly as the truth came out in words. She was beside him now, roughly a foot to his right as she looked over her powerfully muscled shoulder at him. Severe features would greet the male as she looked upon his magnificent masculine face, her heart racing as she fully realized that she was finally within reach of a cat, after so long. It was a wondrous feeling indeed. Strong haunches would kiss the icy terra as she wrapped her long tail about her large, broad paws. Her primrose optics did not leave those of the man, because she feared, deep inside, that if she looked away he would disappear and she would be alone again. Incredulous to her own reaction, she inwardly snarled in disgust and tore to shreds those weak emotions, in no way wanting to be pathetic, a disgrace to felines everywhere.

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12-31-2013, 05:02 PM

It seemed that fate would have a different say in what he was going to encounter that day. The faintest of aroma's would reach his inky nostrils, that of another felid. It certainly was not his sweet Silverback, she was long gone, and all hope of finding her had vanished from his mind. So it was with renewed vigor that he would swing his massive crown to look upon the approaching form. She was pale, much like one of his kind, though of a sand color and not gold. She held a distinct lack of spots, which was slightly odd to him. Never the less she was a beautiful sight to behold. "Finally I am in the presence of another feline, and a quite handsome one at that." She would purr to him, obviously as relieved to see another of her kind as he was. Living in a world of dogs was rather beneath him, though for some reason he still felt so drawn to the colorless she wolf. The way she spoke would make him think of home, her accent quite matching his own rough lyrics. ?I'm sorry to have taken so long.? He had only met but one other cat his whole time living in this place.
She would draw near, almost uncomfortably so, he tall lanky build a stark contrast to his highly bulked frame. He would let himself relax though, the hairs upon his tail and back would keep themselves at peace, "We seem to be rarities in this lupine infested land." Again his mammoth head would bow in agreement to her phrase, ?I have met but one other, and she is certainly long gone. I thought that surely I vas the only one left.? She would bring herself to a seat beside him, the relief of not being alone was so sweet. ?But I forget my manners,? he was a prince after all, he had to observe the niceties that went along with his title. ?I am Prince Vask Ivanov, song of the King Dmitri Ivanov, and brother to the Emperor of Siberia Yury Ivanov.? He would bring himself into a bow, allowing her to realize his lineage. Hopefully he would get a name in return.

?I speak?


12-31-2013, 10:14 PM

Soft was the chuckle with which she replied to his sarcasm, long tail flicking from it's place about her paws. He mentioned another feline, but apparently she was most likely dead by now. How disappointing, the wolves had destroyed her no doubt. Then came the mention of his title, quite an exquisite one indeed. A prince? Seemed to be only the finest could survive in these damned lands. She grinned as he bowed so formally, her own title not nearly as impressive as that of the royal creature before. "I am Zafira Concolour. I adopted the latin term for my species as a last name, since I was never graced with that of my family." She replied, her tone implying that she didn't care about the past traumas. A quick shrug was added as she looked to the sight before her as the last dregs of light were sucked from the land and darkness reigned once more. "So, where have you been hiding away my Prince?" She asked, her voice more of a purr than anything else. Primrose optics would float back to fix her gaze upon him, drinking him in as she waited.

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01-02-2014, 01:53 PM

He would be amused to know that his bow would procure a smile from her tawny face. It was odd to know that they had come from such a similar place and yet they had not come across each other at all yet. He had spent much of his time keeping an eye on the valhallan lands, he had not wanted to let his wolfess loose to their grasp, but she had taken care of herself. Now though, a she cat stood before him certainly as excited as to have found another. "I am Zafira Concolour. I adopted the latin term for my species as a last name, since I was never graced with that of my family." As her words left the woman's mouth it became completely dark, the moon had not even found its way into their line of sight. He paid no mind, he was made for the darkness. "So, where have you been hiding away my Prince?" She would purr, and he couldn't help but to start to feel drawn to her. It had been so long since he had felt the touch of a cat. He would silently mourn the thoughts of Silverback once again, and her perfect golden coat.. but this cat was certainly a beauty. Her eyes would call to him as well as her luxurious form.
Glorious emerald robs would scan her and he took in her lavish scent, he found himself closing the small distance that had been between them. ?Apparently in exactly the wrong places.? He would whisper gently into her rounded ear as he brought himself to touch her. Their thick fur would intermingle as he enjoyed the touch they would share. With his chest against her shoulder a purr of his own would rumble within his gargantuan chest. He felt a gripping pull, one that would not be quenched by touch alone. His salmon tongue would appear from inky lips as he motioned to groom behind the lioness' ear. He would deeply breathe in her essence, ?Because right here.. it's perfect.? Vask did not know what was coming over him, she was so intoxicating..

?I speak?


01-02-2014, 02:11 PM

He was quick to close the distance, murmuring sweet nothings into her rounded audit. She shuddered as his golden fur mingled with her own tawny coat, his touch like a drug she would never get enough of. His rumbling chest would reverberate the sensation of his thrumming purr through her shoulder and into her own chest, where her vocals mimicked the sound of intense pleasure. His raspy tongue caressed the soft fur behind her ear, and his lyrics whispered the perfection of the moment through the rapid vibrations of his throat. "It is, my prince." She purred in return, her own barbed tongue caressing his jaw as she purred loudly and unabashedly. Long tail shook as well as her close contact with the immense man brought to the surface feelings of affection. She would not at all mind spending a long time with this spotted feline, she would quite enjoy seeing his emerald optics every day. However, what worried her was the scents of wolves, which clung to his magnificent pelt far to much for her comfort. How had she missed this earlier? Maybe it was due to being stuck in the lands of a pack for no other reason than the situation that she faced, her natural habitat was scarce in these lands and now she was forced to put up with many wolves. Yes, that must be why. She continued to run her salmon tongue down his face, soon it would slowly caress his neck, his throat, and she rumbled even louder with joy as she groomed him.

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01-10-2014, 01:51 PM

She would begin to purr as well as he felt her precious tongue caress his strong jaw line. He was so used to being alone, to being the only one of his kind. But she was here, she was missing the luxury of stark black rosettes but she was beautiful and untainted. She would move from jaws to his chest, her simple grooming a welcome sign of affection. He would return her favor, his own tongue weaving it was down the back of her neck and to her powerful shoulders.
Thoughts of Impra and her pack would not stray into his mind as he sat there in the perfectness of their moment, only thoughts of Zafira and her wonderful presence were on his mind. He had been alone for far to long, and he was sure that she had been too. ?Vhat sveet fur you have, my princess." he would coo as he pushed himself into her warmth. His golden fur and her tawny mixing perfectly together.

?I speak?


01-10-2014, 02:09 PM

His rasped tongue would caress her muscular neck, slowly dragging itself down to her powerful shoulders. This was how life should be, the perfection of felines untainted by the vile touch of wolves. The golden man's rumbling vocals would caress her lobes, and she knew this was indeed how life should be. A grin would curve her dark lips ever so slightly, long tail shaking with happiness. "It is no contest to your own magnificent coat, my prince." She purred in reply, gently nipping him in the chest. It was an act of pure affection, meant not to cause pain. As he pressed against her, a playful growl would escape her lips as she attempted to wrap her powerful forelimbs around his shoulders. She would not halt in her grooming, her body would simply pivot so they were chest to chest, as she brought her salmon tongue back up to his neck.

When had moments like these become so few, so precious? Times like these should not become so rare, for they were magic in the making. So few males roamed these lands, and she should not be forced to seek them out simply to share a short time like this would no doubt be. She should not have to worry if she would ever see this beautiful cat again, or any other man. Kittens should not become such an impossibility as they were, because it was wrong. Those thoughts were shoved from the woman's head as she ran her barbed tongue over Vask's throat and felt the vibrating of his larynx. She had never felt a sensation such as this, but she felt like she should have many times. Neck would pull her skull upwards, dragging her tongue up to his jaw once more. She would caress his cheek a few times, pale golden orbs flicking to his own emerald optics. Bright green, a colour one would never find among her kind easily, which made them all the more enchanting. The tawny feline didn't want this to end.

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