
I'll be a Light for your Path


12-29-2013, 08:45 PM

The slightest of chills would run down his spine, it was just uncomfortable enough that he would find himself awake. Slowly his sapphire eyes would slide open as he would attempt to find out why he was so cold. What he found was his mother's back. Somehow he had would up on the outside of the cuddle circle. His ears would fall back, incredibly disappointed before he realized that he was not the only one who was left out. With only the slightest bit of moonlight to aide in his sight, he would behold the form of his sister. It seemed she too felt the chill, it looked like she was curled even tighter than normal from being so cold. Instead of trying to maneuver himself into the pile of sleeping wolves, he decided to snuggle with his sister.
He hoped he wouldn't wake her, but secretly hoped that she would wake up for some late night whispering. So bumping into her form slightly he would tuck his body around her own. They would be face to face and paw to paw, as close as they could be to Loccian's warm back.




12-29-2013, 08:59 PM

She was curled up real tight, cold almost like the first time they had left the den to see their home, even though she didn't see much. It was hard to sleep like this but the girl didn't want to wake her family, so she remained silent in her ball, hoping the den would grow warm. Had they moved away while she had dozed off? Her little head would shift, ears twitching as she tried listening to them, only able to catch their breathing. Why were they not close to her, keeping her warm too?

The pup would give out a small whine just as she felt something wrap around her, the scent of her sibling flowing into her little nose. "Niz..." She would whisper, pressing her nose lightly into his paw, taking in his scent to make sure she got her brother right. "It's cold." She would add, body moving, trying to press further into her brother and mother to soak up more warmth into her tiny body. She was grateful he was up, that way she could have somebody to talk to and try to stay warm with.

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Awesome table by WolfEyez <3


12-29-2013, 09:31 PM

His sister would let out the slightest of whines as he moved to snuggle up with her, he knew it would fade as soon as he wrapped himself around her cold paws. She would whisper a name, but was wrong about which brother was curling up with her. "It's Eli silly." He'd giggle back to her as his muzzle was snuggled into her neck. "It's cold." but it was getting warmer with every second he spent next to her. Now it was getting easier to withstand the rather cold wrong side of the bed. They would snuggles as close as they could to the warm wall beside them. "I'm getting warmer though." He'd habitually start to groom his sister's fur, where ever his tongue happened to stick out. "have you been having good dreams?" His whisper would flow from his lips as he got comfortable. He would fall asleep soon, but in the meantime he wanted to talk to his sister.




12-29-2013, 10:03 PM

Just moments after muttering about the cold, Enola would feel her body begin to heat up from her mother's back and her siblings body wrapped around her. Ears would lift when her brother corrected his name, it wasn't Nizhoni, it was Elias. Suddenly her ears would go back against her head, feeling bad for mistaking her sibling for another. It was hard though, her world was filled with darkness so she had to depend on scents which was difficult since the whole family was bundled up together.

Elias would tell her that he was getting warmer, which she could feel for sure now. Her body would loosen up a bit, not such a small ball now, allowing more heat to spread over both pups. A smile would even form as she felt Elias start to groom her fur, a soothing touch for the girl. But when he asked if she had been having good dreams she grew confused... what was a dream? "I..." The girl paused, her head turning to the side. "What is a dream Eli?" She would ask instead, turning her head back to the boy, clouded grey orbs looking to what she assumed was his face.

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Awesome table by WolfEyez <3


12-30-2013, 11:19 AM

The boy would hold no ill will towards his sister for picking teh wrong brother, it was quite dark and he knew that he had the slightest bit of trouble detecting if it were actually Enola who he found himself around. He and Niz were about the same size too, so quickly he would forget about the whole incident. He would continue his grooming as they talked, because it seemed quite comforting to both of them. Her next words would throw him off slightly, almost sure she had been there when he was told about dreams. He would lick in between her eyes and slowly tell her what he knew, which wasn't really a lot. "They're the stories your brain tell you when you're sleepin'!" Surely she knew about that? He had dreams all the time, some of them were amazing, but others liked to scare him. "Some are scary and some are nice.. I hope you hav' good ones." He'd snuggles into her again. He could feel the tug of sleep, but he wanted to talk to her more.




12-31-2013, 07:19 PM

Soothing, had Elias not been talking the pup surely would have dozed off as she was being groomed. Enola would stay up though, wanting to talk to her sibling, not wanting to leave him up all by himself. While he did this she would start to do the same, but rather than begin along the back and face, she would move up his leg, starting above his paw. She would get to his shoulder when he finally spoke, dreams were stories that your brain told you while you slept. Her head would tilt the slightest as she thought about it, was that one of momma's lessons? If so she didn't remember, she probably took a small nap during that time.

Elias would explain that some dreams were scary and some were nice, making the girl tremble thinking about it. A small smile would form when he said that he hoped she had good ones before snuggling her. Enola would snuggle back into her sibling, pressing her cheek against his. ?I hope you have good ones too Eli.? She whispered, shifting her body, small tail wrapping around her leg.

The girl would think about what her sibling said about dreams, good and bad, stories your brain told you while you slept.. Was that what the sounds were in the darkness? Some were soothing, like her mother and fathers' voice, and others were scary like a hiss, screeching and something moving through the wind. ?Eli... what kind of dreams do you have?? She would ask quietly. Before she told him about hers she wanted to hear one of his, that way she knew she was having a dream and not just something silly.

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Awesome table by WolfEyez <3


01-01-2014, 12:12 PM

As he told her his wished for her she would snuggle into him as well, her own tongue had taken up a job of grooming her brother. He would keep a smile on his face, he liked spending some one on one time with his sister. She would move from his paws up towards his shoulder while he had been cleaning her neck, her soft words easily reaching his ears, ?I hope you have good ones too Eli.? She would shift in the slightest, and he would readjust around her. He could feel that his eye lids were growing ever heavier, but he would continue his refusal of sleep.
?Eli... what kind of dreams do you have?? He would pause for a moment, thinking about her question. He had so many dreams, it was sometimes hard to remember all of them. Most of them he would forget as soon as he woke up. "Well, in the good ones I'm with momma, or you, or Niz, or De, and sometimes Silv." he would explain quietly, But in the bad ones I'm all alone. He was so terrified of being by himself, he couldn't handle there not being another wolf with him. That was why those dreams were so scary, because even if he was sleeping next to his family he couldn't escape the feeling of being alone. "What kinda dreams do you have, Enola?




01-04-2014, 01:03 AM

Enola would listen closely to her brother describe his dreams, eyelids fighting sleep, not wanting to go to bed just yet. He said that in good ones momma or one of their siblings were in it, and in bad ones he was all alone. The girl would give a small whine before nuzzling into her brother, she would try not to let him be alone, that way his bad dreams wouldn't scare him. Enola loved her family, and if one of them wasn't happy then she wouldn't be happy and would wanna fix it so they could smile.

Elias would ask what kind of dreams she had, but the girl would be hesitant to answer him. Grey orbs would look to her paws, thinking of how to tell Eli about what she heard when her eyes closed. ?I dream of sounds... momma and dadda's voices, your voice, Niz, De, and even Silve.? She began softly, lifting a paw to rub at her eye. ?I can hear things that make me smile, smell pretty things. But when bad things happen, I hear terrible sounds, the screech comes for me, makes me hurt in different places...? She would shiver at the thought, her body curling up further into her brother and mother. ?The screech follows me a lot in my dreams...

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Awesome table by WolfEyez <3


01-07-2014, 09:00 PM

As he divulged how scary his dreams were his sister would snuggle in closer to his side, he knew that she would always be there for him, just like he would always be there for her. It was like Nizhoni and momma and Silent all said, they would always be there even if you couldn't see them. Enola would hesitate then, it seemed like she was rather unsure how to answer his question, was she still unsure about what dreams really were? ?I dream of sounds... momma and dadda's voices, your voice, Niz, De, and even Silve.? she would reach up to rubs her eye, and Elias could feel himself losing the battle against sleep, ?I can hear things that make me smile, smell pretty things. But when bad things happen, I hear terrible sounds, the screech comes for me, makes me hurt in different places...? It seemed her dreams were a bit different than his, he saw stories and colors and pictures, he barely even remembered the sound. Though, it seemed that was all Enola had when she slept. ?The screech follows me a lot in my dreams... She would shiver and curl up tighter at the thought. Elias was still quite unaware of the incident with the eagle, but he was certainly worried about the screeching noise she heard.
He could feel his eye lids getting heaver as she spoke, and he was having more and more trouble keeping his blue eyes open. It was getting close to the time when they would have to say good night, there was plenty of time tomorrow to talk and play but then everyone else would have woken up. "That doesn't sound very nice, Nols. I'll make sure I sleep extra close tonight so that no one can hurt you." He cared deeply for her sister, and to hear about her pain made him hurt inside. Elias just wanted her to be safe and happy. A huge yawn would interrupt his thoughts as sleep once more became his first concern. He would pull himself close once again, and for the final time that night. "But I'm so sleepy, Good night Enola.. have sweet dreams okay?" He'd whisper in her ear as his eyes closed and his body relaxed. A slight sigh would be uttered from his lips before he fell fully asleep.

-Exit Elias via sleep-




01-08-2014, 02:58 AM

Blind eyes would look to her sibling as he said that her dreams didn't sound very nice, and that he would make sure to sleep extra close tonight so no one could hurt her. It would make the girl smile, feeling much better to hear her brother say he would protect her from the screech. He would yawn which would in turn cause his sibling to do the same, the two pups pulling close together. Elias would tell her good night, asking her to have sweet dreams. ?I will try Eli... goodnight.? She whispered back, allowing her eyes to fall together. Within seconds her body would relax, her breathing becoming steady, sleep taking over her small mind and body.

-exit enola through sleep, end thread--

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Awesome table by WolfEyez <3