
ブラッドを燃焼 (Burning Blood)



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-31-2013, 06:26 PM
Sin Armada

The spray of frozen water littered his stained pelt with droplets. However, the demon payed no mind to them. They were insignificant parts of nature that would only try to mar his already perfect pelt, however, in this case it seemed to illuminate him ever more in the cold light of the moon. The shadow of the moons rays shone upon the always moving surface of the pool that lied at the feet of the waterfall, and he himself would stop at the bank to take a drink of the icy temptation. Amber eyes were always watching, blood painted ears always listening. He was never one to be sneaked upon, and tonight would be no different.

He was the hunter, the wolf in sheep skin among the flock. He was the devil in disguise, he could be sweet if only to lure his victims into his clutches. It had not been long since his meeting with his father, and he had yet to meet the rest of his siblings as well. He had already met Unai, but he thought of him as weak. The pathetic excuse for an Armada was not as power hungry as Sin, if at all. No, he saw weakness in the soul of his half sibling. And Roman? Pathetic. Her innocence had been stripped from her, and Sin thought she deserved no less then that. She couldn't fight to save her own skin, and to lose against a stranger and pay the price she had was inexcusable. The rest? Well, he would have to wait and see.

Moving on he would find himself at the base of the falls, sharpened claws scraping on the mossy stones that encircled the shallow pool of water, the crags of the cliff were marred and broken, scarred by years and centuries of the water that fell upon its face. And yet, the water would continue to fall for centuries more in all it's beauty...How disgusting.


01-01-2014, 09:54 AM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2014, 09:55 AM by Nekane.)

The sun had set far earlier then expected, going down to soon for Nekane to treck any further in the foresaken lands; perhaps this once nature had grasped her by surprise. The soft drift of the breeze would toy against her russet curls, as they bounce gently upon her slender frame. An eerie hum ghosted in the wake of a Mystical siren, ever there ever not. She was but a ghost, a transcendental being that flickered in and out of existence upon her own whimsical desires. Each calculated step descended upon the dampening terrain was an act of levitation, an impossibility. Her paws would tap the cold floor in a continuous rhythm, meandering freely towards the clear waters. A mirrored reflection would become disconnected as her sweet tounge traces of the liquid rippling the images into a wavering blur, the droplets would tickly down her pipe to quench her parched throat. The carbon dioxide of her breath would appear in a clouded whisp, leaving the atmosphere as soon as it had been manifested.

Her fiery gaze would flick over towards a man who seemed alone, lost in thought for perhaps only a figment of a second, and yet- something about him was... of. " Why so alone?" Came her sultry call, but it looked as though the younger man where to take none of it. Her long, wisp of a tail would lick at her heals as the rosy gaze would watch his angular claws scrape at mossy stones, over and over again. The sound of the clinks far less appealing as it racked at her ears.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-07-2014, 06:34 PM
Sin Armada

Focused on the falls and the raging pools of water, the spray sprinkled his pelt with tiny orbs and spheres of flickering water. However, he failed not to detect the scent that came towards him upon the winds. Unrecognizable though it was, there held something about it all the same. Words of a maiden caught his ears, making the blood stained demon turn to face her. The scrape of his claws ceasing their high notes as he moved forward across moss carpeted stones. Amber gaze fell upon her, the strangely marked woman was intriguing upon his eyes and the markings she held all the more so.

"I could ask you the same thing, my dear. There's all manner of dangerous things about...especially in places of the unknown." he purred his response, moving slightly closer to the woman. He eyed her markings, and she was indeed pretty. And it was rare for the hellspawn to think of another in such a manner. However, it mattered not...this meeting would surely be interesting..."And what does thine beauty call herself?"


01-11-2014, 11:08 AM

NOTE: This thread was set before it was marked as the lands of Tortuga.

Nekane wasnt the sort to be tucked neatly into a darkened corner to be forgotten about like many women seem to assign therselves to, like a doll all crooked and dusty as the days go by. No, she preferred to be in the centre of attention- for little tell tales and Dilemas to fall freely upon triangular ears. And yet, even with her blooming personality she had to wonder; did the apple fall far from the tree, did the possess her ways and personality? Thats right, she still thought about her 2 daughters and her son. From the day they had been welcomed into the opening light and away from their cage in her womb She had peered upon them with hope and a future. They werent like most of Isardis's spawn; and the wretched woman hoped he knew all to well. Satis- the most unique structure and appearance has become the mistress of Tortuga. The little whispers where always heard and Nekane would never forget. Glaciem has taken the whole lands by surprise- and it seemed war was just around the corner. She hoped Impra was making a name for herself within the kingdom, She was always high spirited and fought for what she beleved in, oh and her son? Who knew if he reached these lands.

The onyx lips would twist, her Optics fixated upon the man in curiosity. Nekane, was never the type to admire for a long time; if at all. She seems to loose interest quicker then flipping the switch. And only very few men had taken up her interest, And most would be left with ought there prize; there flaming desire. " Danger always seemed to grasp my attention- especially in the unknown." The silken tail would be held high almost like a huskies, but withought the long loop. The Siren would near closer; observing the sinister man, his compliment falling upon blind ears. " Nekane Lumin, and does your precence have a title? a name to go by."



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-27-2014, 07:00 PM
Sin Armada

The male would stand and watch her, the peculiar female an interesting contrast to the drab scenery around them. She held a certain air about her that was most certainly respectable, even for the devilish brute. He would seat himself before her, unwavering gaze remaining clear as she spoke. A small nod and a smile would present themselves, watching as the femme drew closer. He would soon learn her name to be Nekane, different then most he had heard and yet it rained a hint of familiarity. But what it was he could not recall.

"It is nice to meet you, Nekane. I, am Sin Armada. A part of the family that reigns in the North." He would respond in kind, a rarity for the beast. However, today seemed to be an "off day" where he simplg felt like conversing as opposed to his usual antics...but of course, if it came down to it, he would not refuse such an opport.

Ooc: I apologize for the has not been well.