
Friends And Alibis



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-29-2013, 03:42 AM
I'm insane, I am smart

All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions

Once again he was out and traveling. Seldom did he ever hide, nor did he have reason to. If others feared his presence then so be it, he feared nothing. Not even death itself. He was assertive, proud, sure of himself in all his achievements both past and future. One day he would claim a pack as his own and his name would be one to scare children into being good. "Watch out...or Sin will take you away." He sneered. Yes, he would most definitely take away. If it meant striking the truth of fear into others, then he would not hesitate. Soldiers in his future pack were always welcome; willingly or not. He would have them all. Power was what he wanted, and he would go through almost any lengths to obtain it. Sin was no joker, he was not weak hearted, and his words were never wasted. He enjoyed gamed, however, he always won.

It was then that he decided to stop near the trunk of a fallen pine, one that seemed to have the misfortune of being struck by lightning not too long ago. The afternoon sun streaming weakly upon its length, the snow around it reflecting the light as if it were trying to hide its charred surface from view. How sad, not even mother nature could keep itself perfected...and yet, he himself was the core of perfection. His blood stained pelt, all the perfection he needed upon his white pelt.

And do what I do best to your heart

Don't be fooled, I was raised by the wolves

[Sin Armada]


12-30-2013, 09:13 PM
dying is your latest fashion = my favorite album ever, besides sempiternal ; o;

The vast expanse of Glaciem's domain had proven to be far from intriguing; however, the individuals that prowled within its boundaries, littered with the thick scent of her King, never failed to pique her interest. During her short reign as the pack's devoted and youthful Overseer, the banshee had managed to gather what she depicted as crucial information on how the pack functioned, observing that most -- if not all -- of Isardis' minions bore some relation to the angelic sovereign, either the product of his carnal lust or those that allowed him to fill their fruitful wombs with life. Despite how similar in purpose each of his inferiors were to one another, the wraith had also gathered that a broad spectrum of personalities belonged to Glaciem even though it was quite evident just how truly sadistic and brilliant its ringleader was; it was almost astonishing to believe that none within the ranks contested his callous mannerisms. Yet, at the same time, the babe understood wholeheartedly why none had attempted to interfere with Isardis' ways other than the former king of Tortuga -- and the prime example he firmly set with Taurig happened to be the exact reason she supposed no others had tried. They feared the albino king and his wrath, and perhaps the babe would have, too, had she not been programmed to house such an intrepid demeanor.

Not even he whose pallid fur acted as a canvas for intricate crimson markings would intimidate the phantom prodigy, the metallic aroma that mingled with the undeniable scent of Glaciem laden upon his fur proof enough that his coat was, indeed, embellished in blood. Mismatched gaze locked upon his behemoth physique, scrutinizing him briefly as he strode, unknowingly, nearer to her bedside, silence befalling the wraith rather than protest in response to his approach. Triangular ears would careen in the goliath's direction as speech began pouring from frayed lips, own facial features contorting curiously as she attempted to decipher the meaning obscured behind his words. Sin, huh? What a lovely asset to the universe -- but what did he mean that it would 'take' them all? Rather than interrogate the brute, she allowed herself to remain one with the shadows, silent only until he turned his back upon her, diverting his attention upon a detonated tree. "Sin? And which of the seven deadly are you?" the babe inquired, vocals monotonous despite the amusement dancing beneath her violet and mercury gaze as she revealed her pallid form to the sun's rays.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-02-2014, 04:18 AM
I too have a fascination for the band among many others, and its rival Escape The Fate. You will see many references towards those in thread names and so on. ;)
Sin Armada

Very few if any went unnoticed by his senses. And the one approaching was always within his range of hearing, his scent, and barely in the corner of his sights. The lowest of audible growls rumbled within the pits of his chest, struggling to keep the devil inside leashed. The one approaching smelled of Glaciem, so it was perhaps an ally...though rarely if ever did he call such people allies unless he made the alliance personally. Very few if any, were actually called "friends" or "allies."

But the scent today would pull him to pivot, to face the newcomer as her voice penetrated his ear fur. The question from her lips was met abruptly with an answer of his own. He was never one to keep another waiting anyhow, and this woman from his new pack certainly and against all odds intrigued him. And it was a rare occurrence if there ever was one involving Sin. "I am what you are most of afraid of. I can be all or one." He'd smirk then, rising to his full height as he moved forward without hesitation, moving to encircle her lithe ivory frame...her, unbroken.

He stopped midway, rolling his neck and shoulders. Tail flickering in a manner that resembled an angler fish trying to attract its prey. He was a bold one, unafraid and always went for what he wanted. And this stranger, she was quite intriguing at first glance. Though it was more the attraction of her unbroken and unmarred purity of her pelt that drew amber eyes slowly over her form. How he craved to see what it was like to penetrate such beauty. And so begins the thoughts of Lust... He flickered his gaze to her violet tinted own, a smile slowly rising upon blood stained lips. "I am all that you want me to be. Lust, Greed, Pride, Envy...Wrath. And you little angel? Who do I have the pleasure of meeting today? One worth my time, I hope."


01-25-2014, 12:55 PM

The faintest trace of a wicked grin would manifest upon her porcelain countenance as the beast unleashed a hushed growl from the confines of his broad chest in response to her approach, a singular brow quirking curiously upon her forehead before she gave pause in her stride mere feet away from where he stood. He seemed none too pleased with her abrupt appearance and yet the phantom would not cower before him, stance one of muted confidence as he pivoted to grant her the view of his frontal exterior. Mismatched amethyst and silver eyes would locate his glowering amber gaze with ease, intrigue striking the viper as she examined the crimson decor outlining each of his eyes, fueling her to the brim with an influx of curiosity as she wondered what -- or whose -- blood it was that stained his coat in the most intricate of ways. Alas, such questions would not yet surface, for it was then that his arrogant speech would writhe through perked ears, causing her train of thought to shift back to her original inquiry as her pupils consumed the wry smirk that had claimed his countenance.

Despite her amusement, her visage would retain its neutral expression, pupils tracking his masculine form as moved to encircle her as if she were some feeble prey animal, and he, the prowling and gluttonous predator that awaited the perfect opportunity. "And if I do not fear?" the viper questioned pointedly, toes flexing eagerly beneath her sculpted mass as she watched him from her peripherals, remaining stationary even as he strutted around her. It was not until he halted in his saunter and presented another question that the babe pointed her muzzle towards him, an unbefitting and demure smile crossing her features while her shoulders rose and fell in a careless manner. "And I? Perhaps a fiend eternally trapped within the skin of an angel," the babe responded in a similar fashion to the beast, unwilling to grant him an insight as to who she truly was.