
血が支配すると炎が燃える(Blood Will Reign And Fi



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-29-2013, 03:24 AM
OOC: I apologize for the rough translation, the Japanese in me calls for a title in my language. ;)
Sin Armada

The dull screech of claws on the smooth wood of a pine caved under his force. The marks of his sharpened claws digging deep into the pathetically weak mold of natures creation. But it would seem he was much more powerful, much more...dangerous then anything nature could send upon the Earth's inhabitants. He could just as easily pluck the life of another the same a hurricane or earthquake could do, or the same way a freak accident of nature could steal the life of an innocent. Fire was the greatest enemy of any wolf...and Sin? He was a close second. A smirk lifted the corner of his lips as his paws touched back on the cold ground, the trail of many underneath his own untainted stilts. Crimson marks a stark contrast against the blanket of white that covered the lands around him.

Rattlesnake gaze fell upon a single figure scurrying past his feet to take shelter among the roots of a nearby tree. With a single movement, his paw would strike out, trapping the tiny creature 'neath a slender paw. Grasping his prey, he'd lift it by the tail, gaze unfaltering as it fell upon the foolish mouse. "You poor, foolish creature...what would possess you to cross my path? Food? Shelter? The subconscious need to tempt fate? Well then, you've met your fate. Welcome to Hell." With a cruel grin and bout of laughter, teeth snaked forward to take a slow and brutal bite to the creatures head. Tiny bones crunching, the pitiful squeal of the mouse screaming in the air. He knew he was causing it slow pain, taking his time before allowing it to fully die. But alas, the temptation of blood was too much. And finally, he'd take it into his mouth with a single swallow. Blood stained lips were swiped once with his tongue, though traces of blood still remained.

Don't cross my path unless you want to get burned. He'd laugh silently within his head, sending invisible warnings to the departed soul of the pathetic creature.



6 Years
12-29-2013, 12:28 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2015, 09:11 PM by Kyung.)

The boy was growing and in so was growing more curious, more adventurous. Though the season of his birth was not yet over the boy was springing up some. He would not be too big, not nearly so much as his father anyways. Though it was becoming clear that he would be elegant much the way his father was, which was perhaps ironic considering he was the farthest one could get away from an albino. His mother had certainly been keeping a closer eye on him and his brother recently so when she had left to go on a brief hunt he had seen an opportunity and seized it.

The black pup had been growing more used to the melting pots of scents of his pack, they belonged to his brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles. Though certainly there were some that had no relation to him at all. Ebony orbs would traverse the scenes around him as he padded across the territory, tail held high and a smile across his young face. He was son of the king, this much he knew, and certainly his mother never let him forget it, though she kept him humble too. She would tell him he was a prince but that because he was her son he was not to think of himself as better, unless she became Isardis' queen they were not any better than his other children.

Still the boy could not bring himself to dislike his lot in life, he loved his mother, his brother. His younger half-sister, Irune, he adored. Midnight gaze would fall upon a form, ivory and ruby in color and certainly savage looking. Naivety and childlike curiosity drove him towards the formidable figure, when reason should dictate he turn tail. Still he was not without some reason, they were on pack grounds, he was a son of Isardis, if the strange male had any sense he would not dream of harming the pup. "Hi!" He barked happily as he approached, banner fluttering high above his rump as he began to wag it.

Talk like this

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]


12-29-2013, 07:51 PM

Hope you dont mind me jumping in!


The grounds were covered in the stench of the pack he had been accepted into. The snow beneath covered in the tracks of the many wolves that lived here, it hadnt been long since he had come to these lands, but he felt he needed to resume normal life, try to blend in once more. So far he must have been doing okay, nobody gave him a more then the second glance of being the 'new guy', Dexter tried to sift through all the scents to try and single one out, but it wouldnt do much good with the massive amount of scents criss-crossing across the grounds.

The monster sighed, laying heavy footsteps in the snow without a care to be quiet today, though it didn't seem he was alone in this. Along the tree's there were claw marks and the sounds of chipping wood echoed through the tall towering pines. Small splotches of blood lay about the ground and he followed the scent with the itching in his brain, that tangy smell making his brain buzz loudly, painfully, as he neared the sounds of laughter.

He watched as a small boy, young and tiny, stumbled upon the bloody mass that was the stranger in the woods. The maniacally laughing beast stood over the black boy, charcoal eyes smiling up with the warmth his voice held. Hi! the little one barked as the speckled, hyena maned ghost wolf stepped out near the group, standing silently for a moment with a nod and a small smile on his face at the two.


12-29-2013, 11:55 PM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2013, 11:56 PM by Eulari.)

The rusty brown lass was bored, her patrols much overdone, the borders having been walked by the petite princess four times to be exact. She came upon a male who had marking, like her half sister Roman, but much more, covering his entire frame. As well was the little ebony pup named Kyung, who she had met a moon or so ago. A smile lit up her pale cherubic features as she approached the duo, despite the bloodstains upon the terra and the maniacal grin of the strange male. She also realized there was another figure standing amongst them, the male she had helped gain acceptance into the pack, Dexter. ?Hi Kyung, what are you doing so far from your momma?? She asked, russet tail wagging as she greeted him. Then she would look to the familiar man and smile up at him, sweet alto lyrics falling from her dark lips once more. ?How's life here so far?? She asked, enjoying the amount of social interaction she was receiving amongst the group at that time. Then her orchid toned pools would fix upon the stranger, who bore a resemblance to her father as well as Roman. They must be related as well! She was cautious, however, unsure how to greet the man who was revelling in the bloodshed of another creature so intensely. ?I don't know you, but I get the feeling we're related.? She greeted him with a soft chuckle, once more forced to look up at someone. Thank goodness Kyung was here, she wasn't the smallest one here now. She looked about the group, slowly realizing she was the only girl. Hopefully that would change...



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-08-2014, 06:14 PM
Sin Armada

As fate would have it, a small group would fall into his paws. The first, a jet black pup with no other color on him. Sin turned to look upon the boy, amber staring into darkness. This child was an intriguing one, and Sin would do well to remember him. Perhaps train him in his ways so that he would become a great warrior the way his bloodline should be...but he had yet to witness it within the pack, asides from his sister Impra, and the other named Artemis...the others seemed weak. His sister especially, from what he witnessed that day...she couldn't even defend herself. Instead, she submitted in a weak display. She had weakness written all over her, and it was such the reason that he chose to only relate himself to those he found worthy. And Roman, he would not claim as his sister.

Soon after the child had arrived, Sin caught another approaching scent. This one, a male he had not met but knew to be of Glaciem...a relative, however? He wondered. He held no resemblance to he nor the albino princess, Impra. But he would soon find out. Amber gaze fell over the strangely patterned male, a look of scrutiny in his own eyes as he wondered what potential this particular male held as well. He seemed to hold some darkness within his heart, as Sin could plainly see it. For he himself hardly hid it within himself, and yet he did...if only until his own plans were put into motion.

Before he could respond to the presence of the young boy and the peculiar male, another presence would arrive to join them. This one a dainty and tiny female, portraying the qualities of a porcelain doll, and yet he hoped she was not as weak as others he knew of. Her high pitched voice resonating within his ears as she addressed the other pair, before addressing him. "It depends on who you are, my porcelain dear..." He replied in a low rumble to her question, choosing to be vague with his response for he would not associate any sort of relation to a weak minded individual with the Armada name. Hopefully, she was not as such. "My name is Sin...who do I have the pleasure of gracing my presence with, today?" Turning towards Kyung, a small grin on hid maw he addressed him directly. "How about you, little shadow? What is your name?"