
A Warm Hug is Still a Warm Hug


12-31-2013, 10:32 AM

His tiny paws would carry him from the place where his mother had only shown him days ago, her special place in the Kingdom. She hadn't been there though. He hadn't seen her all day and he had been determined to find her, but she had not been where he looked. He felt so downtrodden and because the evening was settling in he felt himself becoming scared. Elias had become slightly turned around, and now he wasn't even sure where the barn was. With a whimper he felt his haunches slide to the cold ground. It was hard to be warm when there was no one else there to keep the heat in. He was so sorry for not bringing one of his siblings with him, he had been selfish, wanting to find his mother all on his own. He should have been smart and just waited like he did every day, but he so wanted to show her how big he was getting. He would let himself fall into a laying position, his cries filling the air softly at first, but they would become rather distressed the longer he was alone. He was just so scared.


Silent I


11 Years
01-01-2014, 12:57 AM

Silent had been out and about Seracia, checking the borders that surrounded her family's den. Ever since the war, she had been paranoid about intruders coming at different angles. Her drive to monitor the status of her home and any potential signs of Bronze coming home had enough fire to keep her going. With any luck, something would change in her now usual routine to watch out for her pack's wellbeing.
Luck was, in fact, on her side that evening. Silent had reached the corner of where two border lines met when she heard a soft whimpering in the distance. One ear turned in its direction as the other searched the place she currently stood. Nothing was new there, so she turned and pursued the source of the whimpers. The closer she got, the louder they became, making her pace increase in speed.
The black female came sprinting out of the trees and saw the source. He was on his stomach, ears flat against his head and whimpers of being frightened escaped his little lips. His scent graced her nose and she realized he belonged to Loccian. However, she didn't voice it as she approached. Like a shadow with gleaming green eyes, she slipped her way towards him and stopped when she reached his small form. Mother instincts kicked in and she wrapped herself around the Prince's shivering body. "Shhh," she soothingly said, wrapping her thick, black tail around him. "There, there," Silent whispered, warmth seeping from her body and her voice. "What is the matter, little one?"



01-01-2014, 01:34 PM

For longer than he wanted he was quite alone, and sobbing uncontrollably on the ground. He did not know where he was, or where his mother was, and he was so lost, he thought he would never get back to home. He was going to starve out in the wilderness because he had not even learned how to hunt yet. With complete and utter sorrow he would cry, but like the most welcome of dark storm clouds he would suddenly not be alone any longer. Warmth would again begin to permeate his little round body as the woman would curl herself around him protectively. He didn't know if he should be more frightened of her, or being alone, but her voice was soothing and her fur was warm so he decided to take a chance.
"Shhh... There, there, What is the matter, little one?" His cries would become stifled as her voice calmly found its way to his dirt colored ears. Her voice was soft and kind, and it reminded him so much of his mother that he had no need to crying. He would sniffle a bit, but look up into her emerald gaze hopefully. "i'm.. I'm all alone, and I can't remember where the barn is!" He would wail as his utter defeat surrounded him. His momma said that his family would never leave him, but what happened when he left them and then got lost?


Silent I


11 Years
01-02-2014, 09:59 AM

She saw the way defeat just spoke from his eyes and the features that adorned his face. His physical attributes to how he felt and what was on his mind were obvious signs of his distress. Silent didn't need to see any of it to know that the pup was heartbroken. He was lost in the large pack lands and didn't know how to get home. Silent had been there before, even if it was eons ago. Being lost was not her cup of tea, and she intended to have him learn how to keep track of where he was.
The black female continued to soothe his emotional state by nuzzling his cranium and gently licked his forehead with a large, pink tongue. She softly smiled down at him and both eyes met his when she chose to speak. "You're not alone now, my sweet," she chided softly, words spoken with the truth wrapped around them. "I am here and I will make sure that you find your way back to the barn. We will go together and I promise to not leave your side until you are able to cling to your mother's." Silent made the assumption that he adored Loccian because her scent was sewn through his body fur like underhanded strokes of thread. She firmly squeezed her tail around Elias's small frame, increasing the amount of warmth and security that were brought with her own person. "Everything will be all right, little one...My name is Lady Silent, by the way. We don't need you walking in the presence of someone with no name." She gently chuckled and slowly pulled her front half up from the ground.


01-02-2014, 10:41 AM

He would feel the gentle grooming of the fae, at his age it was much more soothing than if he were older. He would take in a deep breath that was interrupted by his last bit of sniffles. It was going to be okay, this woman was not his momma but she was just as kind. He decided that he liked her then, and would even more visibly relax as the panic started to ebb away. "You're not alone now, my sweet, I am here and I will make sure that you find your way back to the barn. We will go together and I promise to not leave your side until you are able to cling to your mother's." She would speak of his momma, and he would wonder if she knew his mom. Loccian was the queen, but he still didn't quite understand that. "Everything will be all right, little one...My name is Lady Silent, by the way. We don't need you walking in the presence of someone with no name." She had a nice name, and she was so warm and... grandmother like. He could feel a smile wind its way up his face, he was becoming less afraid with each passing moment, and he had almost built up the confidence to stand up once again. He would nuzzle her affectionately, he couldn't pass up an opportunity to snuggle, no matter who it was. I'm Elias! Nice to meet you lady Silent, thanks for saving me. He'd look up at her adoringly, this woman had literally saved his life. He would mirror her and lift himself up from the ground, his tail would wiggle happily. Almost fully recovered he would smile at the woman, but deep down he was quite ready to see his momma.


Silent I


11 Years
01-12-2014, 11:42 PM

She saw that her reassurance held him feel better and pretty soon he was bright again. Her smile widened and showed more warmth when he spoke as they began to walk the medium distance to the barn. His company, despite being pup-sized, was welcomed and she didn't mind his thanks of gratitude. A gentle chuckle escaped her black kissers; it was something she couldn't help.
Silent looked down at him from the side of her eyes, ready to speak again. "It's nice to meet you, too, Elias. If I was the one who was lost and scared in this big terrain, I would be more than happy to get help from you if you offered it." His thanks was accepted and she took slower strides so his short ones could keep up. "Tell me about your family, Elias. I am curious to know about them." Conversation regarding the pup as the topic would be a nice way to make the time pass without any hitches.