
What I've Done


12-27-2013, 07:50 PM
Seracia wolves?

Malia sat happily on her rump as she stared at the range that she now called home. Her mixed color coat wasn't trying to sneak around like some Ninja Wolf, but instead she was sitting happily and staring off into the distance like any new clergy with some sense might go off and do. She loved the scenery and just attempted to take it all in. Her sleek coat was bellowing slightly into the wind as she watched forward. She had met very few wolves of Seracia, and part of her wished that someone else might enjoy the scenery with her. After all, the winter sunrise was beautiful. They should all be up, she noted, since the early wolf caught the hares. Even if they weren't all hunters, lone wolf life starts early and she had only known lone wolf.

Malia licked her lips slightly as she sniffed around for some food to hunt. As much as she loved the sunset, she couldn't sit on her rump all day. Malia was calm as she caught the scent of more hares. There are a ton of hares now! She told herself as she stalked them slowly and carefully. She was up on her haunches to prevent much disruption on the earth. Every step could be felt by woodland creatures if you weren't careful. She ran after them, leaping and she landed on three of them. It was a lucky shot, but she seemed full of luck lately. She killed them all and watched as the rest escaped her right before she was to reach them. A small hiss was omitted from her. Her eyes narrowed, but she remained calm. She wasn't a happy go lucky wolf when she hunted, she was serious and cool mannered when she was in the brink of prey.



7 Years
12-31-2013, 10:47 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The children were off. Again. With their freedom successfully within their grasp, they were always ever eager to venture off on their own, Nako to point out all the fun spots, Anais to find or do something before her siblings, and Jakart to bask in the company of the other two. It was wonderful to her that the three of them got along so well and were so close - at least it meant they would never be alone, even within the pack - but in the same breath it left her feeling suddenly and inexplicably useless and alone. Tahlia had grown distant from her pack mates, lost the constant presence of her husband in her daily life, and her children were learning their place.

What was she to do?

The russet and black she-wolf stared with a sour expression at the lake, its still surface solid in places and not yet fit for the fishing that she so enjoyed. Soon it would thaw, she could feel it upon the air, but not yet. No, that would be far too convenient for me. Often times, she could entertain herself for hours here within the lake, standing perfectly still and letting the curious fish swim around her paws until the perfect one came along and close enough for her to strike. It was all a waiting game, skewed toward those with the utmost patience, but wading into these frigid waters was a test of fate she was not ready or willing to make. And laying about staring at it, wishing it would thaw was doing nothing but fueling her irritability. No, she could do nothing here. She needed to find some other way to contribute to the the pack, something else to occupy her mind.

Rising swiftly to her paws, the golden-eyed wolf turned and trotted off into the woods, searching out the location of the old den she used to keep. There was no telling whether it was still empty or if one of the unnamed newcomers had claimed it but there seemed little harm to her in visiting it. Her quick paws brought her full figure only halfway there though before her nose was suddenly full of the scent of hares, plenty more than she could catch, but also the scent of a wolf. With knowing so few of those who had recently joined there was no telling whether this was a trespasser or pack mate yet but Tahlia crept stealthily closer nonetheless, moving in near enough to spy the unsuspecting hares and watch her daring leap to catch three in one go. There was often not much that truly surprised the woman, but three hares! That was something, certainly.

Emerging from her hiding spot, Tahlia approached the still tensed figure cautiously, her tone neutrally polite with her posture respectful and at a distance. "That was quite impressive," she remarked, first eying the wolf's kills before setting her dark golden eyes upon her directly. "I must admit, in all my time here, I have never seen someone do anything like that." Having gotten as close as she wished to be, and yet still at a distance, Tahlia paused before continuing, "My apologies, I am Tahlia Carlier, Dame of Seracia. I assume you are newly arrived to the Range?"


01-19-2014, 09:13 PM
Malia looked up only to the compliment of another wolf. A small smile stretched across her muzzle and she gave the woman an appreciative gaze. "Many thanks; I learned it from my mother. It all has to do with position, strength, speed and timing." She said trying to make it sound as if it were easy to do. She hated being 'in the spotlight' so to speak. She enjoyed modesty and humility. She didn't like others to think she was special because she was not; she was just her. She was her own brand of special but nothing for another wolf to praise.

Malia gave a small scuff of her paws as she looked down as if almost in embarrassment. "Yes, Queen Loccian accepted me maybe a day or two ago. She's a really nice queen. Definitely disproved the rumors I heard about packs." She said in an embarrassed yet kind tone.



7 Years
01-20-2014, 11:27 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The wolf's answer was modest and polite, explaining her technique in simple yet ambiguous terms. From the look of it, she appeared to consider her methods as nothing out of the ordinary and quite easy to accomplish by all, though Tahlia was not so quick to agree. She might have been swift herself when it came to fishing, but that same talent was not shared with her land-based hunts. Fishing came much more easily, just as this sort of ambitious ambushing did for this she-wolf. "Sounds very much like fishing," Tahlia remarked, "though I suppose the specifics for each are still peculiarly different."

It looked as if she had embarrassed the poor girl with her nervous shifting of her paw even as she answered Tahlia's introduction. Loccian had been the one to welcome her to Seracia - Wasting no time, I see - and not very long ago either. That certainly explained why Tahlia could not place a name with this new face, confirming what she had supposed about the stranger. Her curious mention of rumors surrounding the pack immediately captured her interest, and, ears perking attentively, she asked in a restrained but coaxing tone, "Rumors? What do people have to say about Seracia?" Was it good? Bad? True or far from it? She wished to hear it all and confirm what she could, just as eager for a bit of gossip as she was to set facts straight. "By the way, I do believe I failed to catch your name," she added suddenly, realizing that she still had nothing to call this new wolf by and wondering whether it had been intentional.