
Wrapped in gold



12-26-2013, 08:29 PM

alas, the wait for darkness would be on its arrival; and it would be several minutes later that Siarvon would come to the realisation that the familiar scent of the placid beauty was instead hovering the borders of ludicael- choosing to reside close to home instead of taking a midnight stroll around an exotic island where music sings close to the ears. The feminine stench would curl gently around his ebony nostrils as he'd watch in the distance at the sight of her silent approach in the borders. His lips would pull back into a smirk, his crown held high and a chuckle disrupting the silence of the night. " I can see you, what are you doing all the way over there?" Hiding, strolling, or simply wandering over to say hello?

A sigh would caress the air as his forest hues stay put onto the woman.

As a few moments would slip by- Siarvon would stand and shift towards the clear waters, dipping his cranium lower to the surface, for the liquid to kiss his lips and run down his throat. " do you think having a new rule feels strange?" Siarvon never did know what to think of it, he liked song and jupiter. But it seemed he spent more time to the current oracle.


12-26-2013, 10:16 PM

The borders to Ludicael were quiet, but that didn't mean something couldn't be lurking. Her mind would not let her sleep, there was too much going on for her brain to shut down enough to allow a few moments of peace. A familiar voice met her audits and urged a broad grin to play at her features before she could even turn around to lay eyes on her best friend. Spinning quickly, she bounded over to him. "Siarvon! Where have you been my friend?" She asked as she stopped just short of him, nuzzling just next to his jaw. It was wonderful to see him again, and it would give her someone to talk to. She could tell him the things running through her infinite mind, and he wouldn't freak out like everyone else would. His deep voice rumbled into her ears, an inquiry she had not pondered very much as of late. "I guess it is, but Song has been waiting for a long time to lead a pack, she won't let us down." She replied, her silky whispering vocals sure in that, Russian accent light as always. The ivory femme had a feeling Jupiter would return, she had fought too hard to keep this pack in her grasp to let it go for long.

Seating herself beside the man, she rested her delicate cranium on his shoulder and sighed. She had not seen the autumn pelted man since Song had claimed Ludicael in the sudden event of Jupiter's disappearance. "Siarvon, I have something to tell you." She murmured, raising her chin so she was looking up to his bright mossy orbs. His body heat felt nice on her sore muscles, she had been wandering since before the sun went down. Occasionally she had been running, long legs eating up three metres of terra in a single leaping stride. She had raced through the slalom of the mangrove where it overran the borders, but the six times she had gone around there had been nothing. Corvusi had gone home long ago, well before she had completed the second round. Now it was just her and Siarvon, the songbirds in a cavern of bats during the day.