
blood red dreams [Nausica]


12-28-2013, 12:05 AM

She could feel the anger of her daughter. Her reasons were valid but she needed to know why. To know what had happened to her to make her presence in their life so minimal. She had been through hell and back to live for them, to provide for them. Her ears twitched as she took in a deep sigh as she looked at her beautiful daughter. She was so alone wasn?t she? Why did her children never stay together? Even when kaios had been around they had never stayed around each other.

?I am sorry your life has been so isolated.? She said finally, her eyes held sympathy but no regret. No, she had done what she could to provide a life for them. A safe one. ?I was dealing with a wolf trying to take my life. You and your siblings were the only reason I am alive. You were my reason for fighting for my life and making sure I was able to return to you.? She said simply. Medusa had been hell bent on killing her and Cerberus has granted her life once again. She had avoided death a second time. She was unsure how many times she could dodge the reaper.


12-28-2013, 12:15 AM
Nausica Saxe

Her mother had requested that she stay after their little meeting had dispersed. She hadn't really been listening to the nonsense that had been exchanged between her mother and the so called king. Paws pressed into the sand, toes flexing with mild agitation. Audits would twitch, reluctantly taking in the words of her mother. An apology would send a streak of emotions through her chest. Amethyst eyes looked up to see the sympathy that swirled in her mother expression. So another wolf had come for her mommas head.

For a moment she said nothing. She didn't know what to say. She had spent so much time alone that when it came time to share her thoughts and feelings she didn't know how. "So are you here to stay?" Uncertainty hid behind neutral words. The dark girl didn't want to get her hopes up, but at the same time she hoped that her mother had other plans for them, that they would go somewhere else. That they would do great things.


12-28-2013, 12:23 AM

The question was so innocent. Her heart almost broke at the soft words. She wanted to go to her daughter and hold her. Show her that she did in fact love her and her siblings. Her children were her world. Her tail curled around her paws as she looked at her daughter and sighed, ?I am unsure where I want to go but all I know is I want you and your siblings with me. Haji wants to take back Tortuga. He asked for my help to train him and get him ready to fight the new king. I am unsure if that is what I want to do or if I want to stay here. Frankly Taurig has disappointed me.? she said with a growl. She was so angry at what he had done. He had broken the stability she had worked so hard to achieve for her family.


12-30-2013, 03:34 PM
Nausica Saxe

She listened to her mother speak, hearing only uncertainty. Her world was made up on uncertainty and chaos. A growl rumbled her mothers last words. A smirk tugged at inky lips. So there were others that were disgruntled with the kings decision. Would her mother take back Tortuga? Hopes soared briefly. They could be rulers again, great and power Kings and Queens. "Take back Tortuga." Her gaze would lift to her mothers, desire sparking in amethyst eyes. Her future looked a bit brighter if her mother did this. Her and Neios could rule just as they had hoped. Things could get better. Tail twitched in the faint beginnings of a wag. Expectant eyes settled on her mother, waiting for a response.


12-30-2013, 04:27 PM
Her daughter?s hope was overwhelming. She wanted nothing more then to secure their home once more. To dig her paws into the soil and call it theirs but they were still so young. She wondered who was holding Amenti now. Tortuga had found its new home in the depths of her original home. The place where her first-born children had been born. She was angered that the new king had taken the forest again and she wanted nothing more then to knock him off his throne and claim their home once more.

?I am unsure how well Haji will rule. I will explain that should we succeed in claiming Tortuga back then I will expect to rule it beside him. After all, if I train him, and he is successful in beating the new king then he will be expected to pay his dues. He had no knowledge of ruling and Taurigs decision to give up Tortuga in exchange for one life was a mistake. Even when your father was challenged, I would have merely watched rather then have Jupitor send her dog to challenge me in return.? She said, the memory string her old feelings of vengeance. She shook the thoughts away. Medusa had fought for her love and she respected the fact that she had done what she could to protect her. All she cared about now was securing a home for her and her children.

?If I am to do this. Then I need to find your siblings and bring you all with me. I want us to be in this together. I know it?s a lot to ask, you?re so young, but if we stay together then I am sure we can create and overwhelming force.? She said with a smile. Yet the hint of fear still lingered in her mind. She didn?t want to achieve her goal only to have it ripped away from her once more. she was growing tired of the disappointments and losing home after home. she wanted stability for her children and if that meant setting one goal, achieving it, and releasing any other vendettas then so be it.


01-08-2014, 07:38 PM
Nausica Saxe

She listened to her mother, explaining the complications that were rising. This Haji man that her mother spoke of, did not sit well with the girl. His mother did not speak of his abilities, what kind of ruler would that make him? A frown tugged at her features. "Do not let such fool rule then, you challenge, and you win and you rule." She spoke with matter of fact tones, brows lifting slightly. Why did her mother not simply challenge? It was in their blood to rule.

A smile lit up her mothers face. She wanted to bring the entire family together. The girl had no idea how many siblings she even had. She only knew of Neios and Cascade, both of which were missing. "How many siblings do I have?" It was curious question. She had never met any of the rest of her family members. And here she thought she was alone in this world? But it turns out that her mother had a small army of children.