
Meet your Kingdom



12-24-2013, 11:33 PM

Today she would bring the children out of the den, let them go a few feet and explore a bit of their home within a home. Loccian was excited, probably more than that. She lay in the warmth of their den, gently nuzzling each pup with love. They were precious, all getting their colors from their father except for one, Nizhoni who had some of her greyness. She smiled as she watched them stir from their nap, her tail wrapping around them protectively. They were a big happy family now, the woman couldn't ask for more.

With a light sigh she would turn her head, planting a soft kiss upon her mate's cheek with a smile. "We will be outside when your ready." With that she would push herself up carefully, not wanting to roll the children over. She would watch her feet, making her way to the den entrance and squeezing out. Once outside she would wait at the entrance for the children, motioning them to follow. "Come loves, it's time to see the outside world." She cooed warmly, tail gently wagging behind her.

Awesome table by Lu <3


12-24-2013, 11:52 PM

[Image: tumblr_mxlyymVOUz1sh0juuo1_500.png]

Nizhoni wiggled with excitement. So much of his time had been spent in the den, all of it in fact! We was finally going outside, he'd be able to feel the sun and the wind and the cold. Well, he wasn't so sure he would like the last bit, but he was still excited. He had been growing strong and eating and everything, just like his mommy told him to. He had to watch after his brothers and sisters too, he had to make sure he kept them safe. He was the big brother, it was his job. As soon as Loccian beckoned him, he was at her heels. "Right behind you, Momma!" he said with a broad grin on his rounded features.

In a lifetime of moments of grand importance, this one was perhaps second only to his birth, and went about in much the same way. Nizhoni burst forth from the wamr, comfortable, musky den and into a bright new world. It was bitterly cold, and a light wind skittered some strange, white dust over the ground. He had seen it on Mommy and Daddy's coats before. "Snow!" he burst out, and raced towards the nearest pile. With a mighty leap he propelled himself into the air and came crashing down into the drift with a great 'whump.' It swallowed him hole, and while his first thought was towards a split second of panic, he ended up twisting and clawing until he fell out the nearest side with a graceless roll. The cold drove into his coat and his blue eyes were bright, and he decided he rather liked this strange new kingdom.


12-25-2013, 02:05 PM
The boy could feel his mother gently nuzzle him awake, her nose stirring him into wakefulness. A yawn of epic proportions would be let loose from his tiny maw, a squeak would complete his exhale. Bright blue eyes would become open as he looked up at his mother, he had been sleeping on his back and as his gaze travelled upward he would watch the grey female stand. Blinking back the sleep he would turn himself onto his feet, pushing himself awkwardly from the ground. Curiously his mother would squeeze herself from their den, leaving him for the outside. A whine of protest would escape his lips, but in retaliation he could hear the words Loccian sent to he and his siblings. Gingerly he would find his way to the entrance, but before he could squeeze himself from the barn Nizhoni would burst past him. With eagerness he would stick his head from behind the door to watch as his brother leapt into the white precipitation. Elias could not help but to giggle as his brother became encased in a snowy tomb. This would encourage him to fully leave their home, his tiny paws would carry him clumsily over to his mother. He wished to tackle the much more bold Nizhoni, but everything was so strange and new he couldn't do anything but snuggle into her warm fur. His paws were so cold, and his nose to match. A slight whine would replace the earlier giggle he had enjoyed, Momma it's so cold out here! he wasn't sure if he liked being outside or not yet.?


12-26-2013, 08:36 AM

beginning to the end

The snow was still falling across Seracia, even though it was evident spring was on the way. Silent was eager for the seasons to change, particularly because it meant more food would appear around the pack lands. Faolan was aware that animals of prey chose to leave when the climates became colder and less bearable, which made his light heart sadden at the idea. Food was something he enjoyed, but he was unable to learn how to perfect his hunting skills if most of it was gone. Oh, such large problems a young boy had!
As he was patrolling the outer limits of the area surrounding his family's den, he caught a glimpse of some figures leaving the barn. Faolan's ears perked as he noticed that there were two small bodies walking around a bigger one that lingered. He pondered who these beings were until he caught a glimpse of the dark gray pelt. Faolan's tail began to wag as realization waved over his silvery form. It was Loccian and her babies!
Excitement swept across the area around Faolan and he looked over his shoulder at the den before leaving his duties to greet the new Queen. He hadn't seen her since she had given birth, so being able to see her out in the fresh air with her children old enough to walk was indeed refreshing. "Queen Loccian!" he said, barking happily as he approached her. He slowed his silvery gait as he got closer so he wouldn't startle the pups new to the outside world. His light green gaze ran over the boys before he looked up at Loccian again. "Congratulations, if I didn't say so before, on the new family. I bet you and Mr. Gerhardt are excited!"

Puppy Talk

we are alive

Daedalus I


12-26-2013, 12:06 PM
The dreams Daedalus had were pleasant and comforting, much like his mother was. Since being born, Daedalus couldn't stop being adventurous and nearly getting into trouble all the time, but none the less he still enjoyed every moment of his life. Now, at the age he was, Daedalus could speak and his eyes were a complete violet color instead of the blue hue he had when he was born. Slowly, Daedalus began to stir in his sleep until finally the removal of the warmth of his mother was enough to wake him, so he let out a yawn. Shaking his tiny head as if shaking the sleep from his brain Daedalus looked around at his siblings also waking up. It was funny how they were still asleep and he wasn't. So in turn, he got up and pounced on one of his siblings that was still bundled up (he wasn't sure which one, or cared) and laughed.

"Come loves, it's time to see the outside world."

A voice he recognized was heard in his head and Daedalus looked around and saw his mother getting up and walking out to the entrance of the den. "Cummin' muhver." Daedalus couldn't totally speak yet, but as he practiced more, Daedalus knew he would be able to speak like the adults. Perhaps it was because he paid more attention to exploring than his mothers lessons. As he galloped to the entrance of the den on his tiny legs, the smell of the cold from outside hit his nose and face and it only made his adventurous hunger grow more. However before he got outside, Daedalus slid to a stop. White stuff blinded his eyesight some and Daedalus had to hide his violet eyes. The problem with wolves who had light colored eyes meant they took in more light than normal, as darker colored eyes were able to see darker shades better and took in less light. Plus he was a pup.. his eyes weren't adjusted to the outside light yet.

Once his eyes adjusted, Daedalus slowly began to look around and didn't realize his jaw was hanging open. There were so many things he didn't recognize! White stuff covered all of it and it made it more confusing. Nizhoni also walked out and looked at the white stuff before saying "Snow!" and Daedalus had to look at it again. "S..Snows?" Daedalus asked as he placed a paw into the white powder and listened to it crunch. At the sound, Daedalus took a paw back quickly at the feeling of the cold, but a moment later he put it back in and then his other front paw followed. The cold was surprising and pleasant at the same time. Walking and wobbling in it, with parts of the snow going deeper than others, Daedalus moved forward and tried to go into a run. Daedalus giggled loudly as he ran towards an embankment and tried to climb up it, only to be swallowed by the snow a moment later, with nothing left but a pup sized hole and some paw prints leading up to it.



12-27-2013, 12:37 AM

She would stir at her mothers touch, small ears twitching at her mothers sweet tones waking the family up. Enola would shift, limbs spreading out, jaws parting in a yawn. Unlike her siblings though the pup would be slow to head out after their mother, one by one she would feel warmth leave her, the forms of her brothers departing, leaving only one left, her father. Briefly the girl would give him a kiss on the nose before finally pulling away, small stubby legs pushing her body off the ground, head low, following the sound of her familys' voices.

Slowly the girl would finally make it to the den entrance, after some bumping around into walls. Body would tremble, the cold sending a chill down her spine, tail tucking in as she brushed against Elias's side. "It's cold momma." She would whisper, nuzzling into her brother's shoulder. This was different from the den, out here it was cold, the wind hurt her small ears and face, nothing like the warm and safe feeling of the den. Why couldn't they stay inside?

Something would make Enola lift her head, tilting to the side at an unfamiliar voice. The voice was kind of like her brothers, a boy, and he said something about a family and called her Queen. Paws would bring her body back so that she stood behind her mother's right foreleg, cheek pressing against her. "Momma, what is a family? And why did he call you Queen?" Her voice was very soft, just above a whisper but lower than how yuo normally spoke to somebody. Head would lift, cloudy grey eyes blindly looking up.


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3



12-27-2013, 12:57 AM

Loccian could not hold back a smile, especially if it was from the children finally coming out of the den to see the outside world. Nizhoni would yip right behind her, and within moments was racing out of the barn door yelling snow before jumping in. The grey woman chuckled at the boys antics, his small body vanishing in the pile for a few seconds before bursting out the side of it with a grin. Unlike the energetic boy, Elias would lag behind, standing beside his mother also watching his sibling play in the snow. She would look down at him as he giggled, leaning down and nuzzling the top of his head when he whined and commented on how it was cold. ?It's cold because it is Winter Elias, once it is over the sun will come out and warm the place up like the den when we are sleeping.? She would speak warmly to him, gently nudging him forward to join his brother.

Not long after speaking to Elias, Loccian would hear the sound of snow crunching from a distance, causing her head to raise, grey orbs falling upon a familiar figure, Faolan. The Queen would smile at the boy, dipping her head to him once he was a bit closer. Ears would swivel forward as he greeted her, in a happy mood from the looks of it. He congratulated her on the new additions, and saying how her and Gerhardt must be excited. ?Thank you Faolan, we are very excited.? She would respond with a wag of her tail, it was very clear that was incredibly happy over her new family.

An ear would turn to the side at a small voice behind her, head turning, gaze falling upon her last son, Daedalus making his way over, eyes bothered by the brightness of the snow and questioning it after hearing Nizhoni yell it out. She would watch him test the snow with a paw, removing it after feeling the cold of it but then making his way over but when he tried climbing a small pile he was eaten and vanished much like Nizhoni had. Loccian chuckled at this, about to go pull the boy out when she suddenly heard another small form come up beside her and Elias, Enola. The girl would whine about the cold, making the mother lean over and run her tongue over the pup's muzzle.

The girl would move closer when she heard Faolan's vice, asking what a family was and why the boy called her queen. With a smile she would sit back on her haunches, tail curling around Enola and Elias. "A family is what your siblings, me and your father are." She began, foreleg coming in and pulling the girl close to her body. "I will explain what a Queen is once you and your brothers are a little older hun." With that she would turn her attention back on the boy who had approached the small family, flashing him a smile. "This only girl is Enola, and right beside me is Elias." She would motion to both of them, then with a motion to Faolan she would look to the children. "This is Faolan." Her attention would then go past the silver boy and motion towards Nizhoni playing with the snow piles and a pile Daedalus had vanished into. "That is Nizhoni, and the one in the snow pile still is Daedalus. Boys, this is Faolan."

Awesome table by Lu <3


12-27-2013, 02:30 PM

[Image: tumblr_mxlyymVOUz1sh0juuo1_500.png]

A new voice broke in on their gathering, startling the already excited pup. He jumped and ran to his mother's side, and then coming to stand in the protection of the space between her legs. Enola and Elias were near by, but Daedalus had charged the new world with gusto, as Nizhoni had. His mother greeted the make as Faolan, and she seemed friendly enough a about it. Nizhoni decided there was not much to be afraid of, and smiled. He loped forward, his rotund body giving him a rolling, haphazard gait.

Behind him he heard his sister pose a question and his mother answer, but for all that he wanted to hear what passed between them, he was much more interested in the pale wolf before him. He had such light fur! "'Skuze me!" he said, polite, as his mother had tried to teach him. "But what's wrong with your fur, it looks weird!" The gods knew he'd made it hard on her, and the lessons had only gone so far. Offending the stranger was the farthest thing on his mind at the moment. What could possibly ruin such a grand day?


12-27-2013, 10:13 PM
Someone new would be coming into their lives today. A boy of silver would trot into their first adventure, his voice directed at the woman he knew as mother. He would address her as Queen Loccian. Elias would wonder silently about the title, but they would become interrupted as his other brother tumbled excitedly out of the barn and into a snow drift as well. They made it seem like lots of fun, and he was tempted to try but he was just much too cold. It was much better sitting by Enola and his mother. His little sister would voice the same concerns about the temperature, and he was quite glad he could have her so close. She would bring back his earlier thoughts and of the thought of family. Still his mother would answer his protest and beseech him to go play.
Tentatively he would pull himself from their warm embrace and pick his way over to where he thought his brothers were burried in the snow. Loccian would tell them the boys name, and Elias would follow the boisterous Nizhoni. He would tilt his head curiously as his brother asked the older boy a question. He didn't think his fur looked weird, he liked Faolan's fur. "His fur isn't... weird.. I think it looks nice!" He would squeak in answer to his brother's question.


12-28-2013, 11:15 AM

He had taken to fatherhood easily enough, and as she placed a kiss on his cheek and said that they were going outside, he didn't hesitate to continue laying there for a moment or two. He knew enough about kids to know that their first outing would be an extensive one, and any extra rest he could accumulate would be beneficial to his own cause. A smile filtered across his lips as he finally rolled to his chest and rose upward, bones and limbs creaking as he went. It had never occurred to him that one day he would begin to truly age, but it seemed that day was finally upon him. He would slither from the den to find Faolan and his family mingling in the cool winter air. The snow would depart from where his paws trod, leaving frozen bits of grass showing in his wake. Daedalus seemed to be floundering - quite happily - in a drift of snow. Gerhardt would lower his muzzle into the pup-sized hole and pose a question. "You alright, son?"




7 Years
12-28-2013, 11:36 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2013, 11:37 AM by Quintus.)

The sound of young children would arrest the young Adravendi-Mathias boy from his wandering mind. It was not just the sound of children, but family -- though the exact relation was lost to the careless child. Though not quite a newborn, he was still hardly more than half a year old, and seemed to be maturing quite a bit slower than any of his siblings. He was proving to be quite the burly thing already, already standing taller than his siblings and growing considerably wider than most children.

A gentle snort left his nose as he peered at the scene, watching the newborn children frolic in the snow. He couldn't remember being so small, nor so stupid, but the scene still made him chortle in slight amusement. The gears in his mind would turn as he drew closer, quite lazily; these were his grandfather's children. His father's brothers and sisters, though with a different mother. It was strange to consider and he found himself wrinkling his nose in distaste at the prospect of having aunts and uncles who were younger than him. It seemed awkward to have parents as old as his grandfather -- but the boy had begun to practice some small bit of self-control, and so his mouth would remained clamped firmly shut as he approached the group. It's better to say nothing at all than to say something mean, he'd been told, which also seemed quite silly to Quintus.

He would sound a loud bark in greeting, signifying them of his presence. Though his parents were no longer King and Queen, his grandfather was -- making him royalty in some off-handed sense. And he sure wanted to be noticed. "Hey Gramps," he would state somewhat boisterously to Gerhardt as he strode forth, leaning to eye Elias with curiosity.


12-29-2013, 03:06 PM

The last to come out of the den, the adopted daughter of Loccian jumped up quickly as Daedalus pounced on her and laughed. She raised her head and yawned, showing teeth much sharper than the siblings'. Coming outside slowly, Silveris stood beside her mother, as Gerhardt came. She glanced at Faolan as she realized that Loccian hadn't mentioned her. A little moment of hurt pierced through her, but she shook it away. It was her fault that Loccian hadn't introduced her. After all, she couldn't introduce a pup that wasn't even outside yet. I.....I'm Silveris....I'm.......Adopted... She muttered, shifting her paws. She loved being outside with her siblings, but she was always so quiet. Ears pricked up as she heard Gerhardt speaking to Daedalus, asking if he was okay. Bi colored eyes looked up at her mother, and asked her a question. Should I go introduce myself to Dad?

"She speaks"

Daedalus I


12-30-2013, 11:14 AM
It was so cold in here! As much as Daedalus didn't like that aspect of it, he was intrigued at how quiet it was in here! Moving around, Daedalus was able to make it a little more like a cave like igloo with a hole on top rather than the trap it had been before. Daedalus barked happily as he rolled in it and tried to figure out how to make it so he could come out of the front.

Suddenly the light was blocked out and looking up, Daedalus saw his father lower his face into the hole Daedalus made and he waggled his tail happily. "Snows.. cold.." he shivered. "It's fun!" Another bark from his lips and forward he trodded right into the wall of the snow bank in attempts to bulldoze his way through. Eventually, his paws broke through the side wall and Daedalus plopped back into the world of light and life and bounded toward the others, of course not without coming out in between his fathers legs. Daedalus would grow to be much like him easily, and unknown to him, Daedalus would connect with Gerhardt closely later on in life.

Four new wolves had arrived and Daedalus didn't recognize them. Daedalus looked at them with curiosity and saw one of his siblings asking why one of them was so weird. Daedalus wobbled over to his sibling and sat next to him also looking at the way the fur was, and Daedalus had to agree. It looked weird. Elias sitting next to Nizhoni also came to his defense saying it looked nice. Daedalus had to agree.

"Looks like snows."

Daedalus commented to the pair of them and smiled. Daedalus noticed a wolf with green eyes and a half painted face walk onto the scene next and the wolf was ever watchful. Daedalus found the colors to be most fascinating and he was watching him for a while before a dual eye colored wolf a little bigger than him stroll onto the scene. The youngling spoke to his mother and he wondered in his tiny mind what about. Daedalus remembered that she was the one he pounced on so he figured he would at least go apologize.

"'Scuuze me!" Daedalus tried to repeat what Nizhoni said earlier, but it was slightly slower. "I sowwy I pounced on youz. The snows is fun!" Daedalus smiled at her and recognized that she wasn't like him and his siblings immediately and was curious about it. "I'm Daedalus." he introduced himself. "Whos you?" Eventually his speech would improve drastically in a few weeks, but until then he was quite happy with it.


12-31-2013, 04:04 PM

When Daedalus was speaking, the adopted sister was keeping a close eye on him; her green eye, the one closest top him. Sure, she was watching him out of the corner of her eye, but did it matter? Finally, when he whimpered about the snow being cold, she bit back a remark that would probably teach the pup why the snow was cold. She found herself wagging her tail as Daedalus added some more words, that were correct. It's fun! He said, and Silveris watched him as he commented about the snow looking nice. Looks like snows. He said, and bounced over to her. The pup wagged her tail a little more.

Scuuze me! He said, and Silveris panted at him, only to have him continue. I sowwy I pounced on youz. The snows is fun! The pup said, and Silveris was about to say it was okay, when he added something else, his name and a question. I'm Daedalus. Whos you? The child watched him for a minute. She wagged her tail a little, then let it drop and moved the tip so some snow covered the pup.

I'm Silveris Latchme-Mathias She said, revealing to the pup that she was an adopted pup just by her old last name, Latchme. And as for the pounce, I think I might get some revenge..... The child said, as a teasing glint entered her eyes, and she snuck behind the pup.

Then, barely gently, she aimed to roll him to a snow pile. If she did, she would race away and wait.

Speech Thoughts You


12-31-2013, 10:21 PM

beginning to the end

His attention was primarily on Loccian as she greeted him in turn and introduced her babies. Faolan's eyes lit up sweetly as he looked at the pups that were within grabbing distance of the gray female. They were all so cute, but he wouldn't voice it at his age. The silvery gray male felt he was too old to be saying such things. Instead, he chose to nod his head and say, "I bet they will all make you proud, Queen Loccian."
It was then that two of the little boys approached him. Faolan considered them brave, but the one marked Nizhoni was even more bold when he gave his opinion of the older boy's 'weird' coat color. Faolan raised an eyebrow and he gently chuckled shortly before the second boy -- whom was named Elias -- defended him. The silver boy couldn't help but laugh boisterously at being told it looked nice. His tail swayed behind him as part of his reaction and he said, "Well, thank you to both of you. Now I know my coat has its own personality." He didn't know if such personification would make the boys confused, but he didn't mind explaining it if they were confused.
What caught his attention was a soft voice that seemed to escape from the Queen's side. At first, he had the dumb idea that her fur had spoken of its own accord, but upon closer inspection, he realized he was wrong. A pair of blind eyes peeked up and into the air, curiosity written on the girl's face. Faolan's tail stopped swaying as fast as it had and he curiously approached Loccian's opposite side. "Hello..." he softly greeted, light green eyes holding a gentle gaze. "Nice to meet you, Enola...I am Faolan Aradcor.."

Puppy Talk

we are alive



01-03-2014, 06:55 PM

She would look up to her mother as she explained what a family was, that's what her siblings and parents made up, all them were a family. She would also explain what a Queen was once they were older, which she didn't mind for. She would remain standing behind her mother's limb, head turning left and right to take in the sounds around her. Nizhoni would ask the new male what was wrong with his fur, an that it looked weird, Elias objecting.

Enola could hear father coming out of the den and go over to her sibling to see if he was okay, but another unfamiliar voice would speak up, the scent strange but still had a bit like each of her family members. Just moments later another sibling would come out, Silveris, muttering something about being adopted. The blind pup wasn't sure what this meant, but with people here she didn't know the girl would wait to ask her mother. Daedalus making his way over, apologizing for pouncing on someone, giving his name and asking who they were. But who was he talking to? Blind eyes would try to look around. Seconds later Silveris would speak up...

Too much was going on for the girl to keep up, and she was tempted to just turn and go back into the den where it was nice and quiet. Something would keep her from doing so though, or more like someone. She could feel the presence of somebody moving in close, a soft voice directed towards her. The boy who had approached them would greet her then tell his name even though mother already did, Faolan Aradcor. Enola would move a bit more behind her mother's foreleg shyly, her head low. "Fa... o... lan..." She said softly, just barely over a whisper.


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3



01-08-2014, 02:34 AM

Loccian couldn't help but chuckle at the children's reaction to see Faolan and his unusual silvery fur, they were so used to seeing coat colors of their family that he was an odd sight. The new mother would have cuffed Nizhoni gently for being a bit rude towards Faolan, but she would leave him be when Elias came over and said that Faolan had nice fur.

Grey gaze would then shift to her mate who would make an appearance, walking over to where Daedalus was in the snow, making sure he was alright. And to her surprise, one of Maverick's children would appear, Quintus would would address his grandfather. Loccian would give a nod of her head in greeting, speaking in gentle tones, ?hello Quintus.?

Last out of the den was Silveris, making her way to stand beside Loccian, introducing herself as Silveris, adopted. A light sigh would escape her lips at this, the girl should have just said she was her daughter, it didn't matter if she was adopted, so it didn't have to be addressed. (ignoring silveris asking to introduce herself to gerhardt, she would have met him in a previous thread) In seconds Daedalus would escape from the snow and make his way over, apologizing for pouncing on Silveris, and asking who she was.

When Faolan brought how she was proud of her children, Loccian would give a nod with a grin. She was very proud of each pup, Enola, Elias, Daedalus, Nizhoni, and Silveris.

With a deep breath she would remain sitting while the pups conversed, not wanting to get in their way. This was after all, their first time outside of the den.

Awesome table by Lu <3


01-10-2014, 04:04 AM

Faolan lightly chuckled as Enola sounded out his name. He enjoyed hearing it spoken in such a way, for no one else had ever done it before. First time for everything, he figured, and there was nothing wrong with it. His eyes danced in excitement at how she seemed to warm up to his voice and the tones they revealed. Slowly, he reclined to his haunches and blinked before gently saying, "Your eyes are very pretty, Miss Enola..."
He didn't know if it would offend her or make her tail wag, but either way, he felt she had to know. Slowly, he looked up to Loccian and his questioning gaze directed to her was asking if he was in the right to say it. Faolan was only used to being around his sisters, so any verbal contact with a girl was rare outside of the family. Silently, he lowered his front half to the ground and crossed his paws beneath his chin as he waited for Enola's reaction.


Daedalus I


01-10-2014, 12:45 PM
Daedalus smiled when Silveris used her tail to cover the pup with snow and he laughed. Daedalus heard her voice as she spoke again and he looked up to listen. "Silvurwis." Daedalus tried to repeat, but couldn't as well, but in his little mind he didn't think he was saying it wrong at all. When she said she wanted revenge, Daedalus was confused. "Wevenge?" But before he could get his question answered, Silveris was already on the attack and rolled his plump self into a snow pile.

When Daedalus stopped moving, his butt end was up in the air as he laid on top of his head and neck, with his tail dancing in his face. He tried to blow it out of his face a couple of times with his tongue sticking out but failed. Finally, his butt end got so top heavy that he toppled over to his right and plopped into the snow pile. "WEVENGE!" he bellowed out with a holler and began waddling and slipping over to where Silveris was and aimed to tackle her (even with his tiny size), laughing all the way over.

Within this day, and within understanding part of who he was (regardless of the speech being slow to catch up), he decided in his mind he would have all the courage in the world that he could handle, and wouldn't be afraid of anything. Even if the target was three times his size. Daedalus had such a big heart, that he felt like he could take on the world if he wanted to. Of course it would be another month before he could officially decide on this, but he was going in the right direction.