
A Jewel of Blue


12-24-2013, 09:59 PM
With knowledge training on her side a small wolf moved though the desert sands just as the sun started to rise. The sand was cold from the night, though not too cold and the sun had not started to heat the sands yet. The paws of wolf moved carefully as they carried her fox colored frame over the sands. Each step was taken with due course, each was thought out and each was taken with toes spread wide to not sink into the sands. The icy blue eyes of the wolf was a great a contrast as the distant bit of blue was to the sands.

This distant blue, the oasis was the goal of Isabella. She had wanted to come back to the desert for a long time and was winter picked up now seemed like a grand time so long as she did not forget anything she learned. Before high noon Isabella arrived at the oasis with a brief wag of her tail. With her calm control she stopped the wag of her tail as she went to the water with a spark of joy in her eyes. Perhaps just a year ago she would have laughed in joy, of even howled out in joy but not anymore.

Calmly she walked to the edge to the water and took a drink. The water was not exactly cool but it was refreshing and crisp. "Even here there is water, and there is life." She thought as she looked around tot he plant life around her. Turing back to the water she took a drink with her ears up ready to catch the sound of anything. Even here, happy and alone she was on guard. And even as she drank she stood proudly, her ears and tail were a sign she felt dominant or at the very least like no one could order her. She was alone after all with no rank and no superiors. There was also none who held her friendship or heart, though she had spoken to wolves she had gotten to like she had not found one she had trusted yet.