
Sound of the Waves


01-01-2014, 08:38 PM
It had been too long since Isabelle had been by the sea sea she loved so much and she knew if she did not visit the ocean, or another large body of water soon she would be in a foul mood. Not that she showed her mood to others but at least it would make her own heart feel better. With no home or no true friends to hold her back she was free to go to the Ocean whenever she pleased. Her small form was swift and a nomadic life had given her high enough stamina to move quickly to the sea and swim out to an ocean. The island had caught her eye form a distance, a emerald shining on the sappier that was the Ocean.

The swim wasn't hard, and with her coat dripping the fox colored she wolf came onto the beach. Shaking her coat she looked around. The island was relatively empty meaning it should have been safe. Moving more inland she walked confidently, her ears, tail and head up high. Her icy eyes held a light in them they only held when she was at the sea. The sight of it, the sound of the waves, the smell of the salt, here she was happy. And as it seemed that no one else was around she let herself smile and her tail started to wag.

Finding a place she liked, Isabella paused and turned looking to the waves. Lowering herself to the ground she sat, her tail still moving a little on the sands. Taking a deep, slow breath in and out she closed her eyes and sat to listen to the song of the sea. As alone and safe as she felt, her ears were ready to catch any sound that disrupted the rhythm.



6 Years
01-17-2014, 11:44 PM
Esperanza could sense the presence of the she-wolf that had came to the same part of land as she. She wanted to get away from it all and rest since she had walked a large distance.

Her large frame staggered slightly as she shook from the weakness came over her, and she had no choice but to lie down. Her emerald optics scanned the landscape for anything else suspicious. Without seeing anything else, she walked away quietly from the she-wolf and lied down underneath a shaded spot under a tree.

The heaviness in her eyes caused her orbs to close as she made soft, slow breaths as her stomach went up and down in rhythm as her warm breath escaped from her nostrils.


01-18-2014, 01:11 AM
An ear turn on her crown as she heard something, another rhythm that matched the waves. Isabella opened her eyes quickly, sure the breaths sounded soft and gentle but that did not mean whoever made them was not a threat. Springing to her paws she looked around to see a figure in the distance laying down. Wondering how long the other female had been there Isabella growled to herself. "I'm a fool, I should have never closed my eyes, not let this emotion come out. Then I would have noticed this other. Next time I might not be so lucky."

Even so she was angry with herself she kept her ears up, her tail was still wagging a bit as if she did not notice. After all, not using her tail for anything other than a show that she had her own rank made her tend to forget the joy it could express. The black furred stranger seemed to be resting, well that was good at least, perhaps they had come out to this island for the same reason. She did not want to wake a sleeping stranger, that could lead to aggression but perhaps if this one had common ground then a conversation would be somewhat enjoyable.

Moving in front of the female yet a few body lengths away she sat with a slightly tilted head. "Excuse me, are you awake?" She asked soft enough to be heard if the other wolf was wake but silent enough not to wake one form a deep sleep. Normally her voice would be cold, empty but with the sea all around her there was a lightness in it much like a soft sea breeze. Though she knew enough not to show her emotions right away it was almost as if she did not notice the change in her voice any more than the wag of her tail. With nothing else to do she waited for the stranger to reply.



6 Years
01-18-2014, 09:39 AM
She could hear the waves crashing on the shore. Though, one thing she did not expect, was to hear paws padding against the soft white sand. She had not been asleep, but she wished she were to remember some of the memories that had haunted her for quite some time. The water kept on rushing inward to the shore, as the water soon rushed back outward toward its regular containment. She heard someone speak, "Are you awake?" In a questionable, yet kind tone.

"Yes," she spoke kindly as her emerald eyes could be seen when she opened up her eyelids. Her deep ebony fur blew alongside the breeze as it moved to the right side of her form, the same side the wind was blowing. "May I ask what your name is?" She asked as she licked her paw slightly and then looked back up at the fox colored wolf. She licked the blueness of the wolf's eyes and gave a small smile, hoping she didn't intrude on the wolf's tranquility.

"Where are my manners," she called out to the she-wolf, "my name is Esperanza, but you may call me Esper." She gave another gentle smile and bowed her head in respect to the she-wolf, not knowing if she were a high ranking wolf than herself and kept her head there for a little while before slowly bringing it back upward.


01-18-2014, 04:17 PM
Isabella took a few steps back as the wolf opened her eyes and spoke, should the other wish to get up and still have a comfortable amount of space between them. Her eyes were like emeralds and stood out well against the black fur. The stranger spoke, she was awake but made no move to get up, she was relaxed and that meant Isabella would not have to be fully on guard. Of course she would never truly drop her guard but it was nice to have a relaxed conversation.

At the request for her name Isabella nodded. "My name is Isabella VentFlurrer, a loner in these lands, though not quite a stranger." She did not mind giving her name or the fact that she was a loner and the black wolf gave her name without her having to ask. "Esper, I shall remember that." She said simply with a ghost of a smile on her face. As Esper lowered her head and kept it down for a short time, Isabella did the same. She always saw it fit to greet a wolf in the way they had greeted her to not get in the wy of the traditions of others.

Lifting her head she met the other's eyes. "Well, it has been a while since I have met a wolf as well mannered as you. It is refreshing. And I must apologize if I have disturbed you in your solitude, I thought it would be nice to talk with one who seeks out rest when secluded and surrounded by the sea."



6 Years
01-18-2014, 04:34 PM
Esperanza lifted her head to meet the eyes of the wolf named Isabella. She gave the wolf a friendly smile and stood up slowly. The sound of the waves crashing caught her attention. The ocean crashed against the shore, foam coming from the water as it engulfed some of the powder colored sand, making it a deep brown from the wetness that possessed it's now soggy form.

"And I shall remember your name too, Isabella," She spoke gently to her acquaintance and continued to look out to the large body of water before her. She could see some aquatic wildlife underneath the clear waters and the thought of the fish made her hungry.

She stepped her paws inside the water and sighed at the cool water that surrounded her paws, taking the heat from them entirely. When she saw a nice sized fish approach her, she used quick reflexes. Her snout went underneath the fish, flinging it up into the air. When it was in the air, her form leapt and snapped down around the fishes body, breaking the ribs and causing it to go limp. She approached Isabella with her trophy and placed it down in front of the she-wolf before her.

"It would be rude of me to not let someone eat before I do," She spoke gently and smiled as she walked back into the water and redoing the same process. She began to eat her meal alongside her friend, but not before saying a small prayer to the fish and she spoke, "Requescat in pace," as she continued her meal.


01-19-2014, 04:12 PM
Isabella watched Esper with a smile on her lips, it had been a while since she had gotten along with another wolf or at lest felt this calm around one. As Esper looked to the waves Isabella did too, looking to those who swam under the waves, those that were lucky enough to live in the sea. She wondered what such a life would be like as Esper stood in the water and bought out a sizable fish. Making note of the other's hunting skills her tail wagged as little as the other placed the fish before her.

This time Isabella felt her tail moving though and after looking over her shoulder looked forward and stopped wagging. Wagging her tail, smiling, eating with another. It was odd, not like her but she did not feel too much anger to herself, so long as she was by the Ocean. It did bring out her true side anyway and though she did not want to show it right away to a stranger it was nice to relax if only a little. Before thanking Esper, Isabella lowered her head and closed her eyes thanking the fish for its life, and thanking the Ocean for sharing its bounty with them.

Lifting her head her eyes fell on Esper as she brought over a fish of her own. It warmed her heart to find another who respected the life of prey, life was life no matter if they were predator and prey, an called for respect. "Thank you, and thank the sea for this meal. If you would ever like me to repay you in some way just let me know. I can offer a meal back or advice in tracking." With that she bit into the rich fish flesh. It was somewhat salty but that was to be expected and it made the fish taste a bit better.



6 Years
01-19-2014, 11:56 PM
Esperanza shook her head to the fea before her and smiled, ?There is no need,? the ebony woman spoke to the fox colored canis lupus before her. Her deep emerald eyes shimmered in a way that showed the kindness in her heart. ?I only do this for others,? she replied, continuing to smile, soon, she snapped down into the salt flavored fish that she had just caught.

Despite providing for herself, she did like to help other wolves no matter what the cost. She would also put her own life on the line for anyone who has the heart and or needs a second chance like she.

When she was finished with her meal, she dug a hole and placed the fish bones into the sand and said a quick prayer, then soon placed her head on her forepaws, resting and watching the life before her.


01-20-2014, 12:02 PM
Isabella was more than a little surprised by the rejection of her offer though it seemed Esper had a kind heart and did not mind helping others. It reminded Isabella of the pack she joined that fell apart, they sought to teach other wolves in any way they could and needed no payment in return. It was a kindness that was still whiten her own heart but one she shared so little due to the pain it often lead to. This woman though did not seem to mind the risk, it was a bold move but one Isabella liked.

With her tail wagging just a little she focused on the fish leaving nothing but bones from the meal. It was quite curious how Esper dug a grave for the bones, but it was something Isabella would do for any wolf. The bones were rather small after all and it was a gift from the sea so it deserved proper respect. Digging a hole next to the fish in such a way to get as little sand on either of them as she could she gently placed the bones in them and covered them up.

[B'"It is a rather nice thing to do for the fish. And for me for that matter, kindness like yours is one I sorrily miss in this world. There are so many that lie, so many that cannot be trusted, but you remind me of what my life once was."[/B] Isabella let her voice soften and a small smile rest on her face. A much larger smile was in her eyes, they often gave her away even when she didn't want her emotions to be seen. She was not willing to share too many details with Esper, after all the other could still be hiding something, but she hoped against hope this wolf was truly kind and one she could even call a 'friend'.



6 Years
01-20-2014, 12:12 PM
Esperanza smiled at Isabella warmly and soon looked back at the ocean, watching some fish move around. It appeared that the aquatic fish were dancing elegantly, but she knew they were just moving like they always do. The woman sometimes wondered what it would be like to be a fish, a bird, or perhaps even a flea. Everything was connected like a web of life. She remembered her adopted father tell her a lot about the secrets that life sometimes told them, but everything, to her, was sometimes hard to remember.

"My adopted father told me that life is like a web a spider makes, everything is connected into a pattern, and, if the web breaks, then everything will go off balance. But, if everything is connected perfectly, then life will be like a harmony, and everything will have respect." Esperanza smiled again and closed her eyes as the sounds of seagulls echoed in her ear drums. Some dolphins can be seen leaping out of the water to get oxygen, then plunging back into the water below.


01-21-2014, 10:45 AM
Isabella listened to the way Esper thought of things, a web connected, how breaking that can lead to chaos and how things connected could lead to harmony and respect. Everything having respect, that is something she believed in. All life deserved respect form predator to prey, and when hunting it was best to end the life of prey painlessly as one could. Feeling happy, assured, and relaxed Isabella sat her tail fanning behind her a bit.

"I rather like that view, your adopted father sounds lie a great man. If only more saw that way, if those who sought power knew it is not found in death, and those who were strong respected those who were week. What a world that would make for. It is a shame there are not many others that think the same, but the fact there are few well...that gives me hope."

She smiled a little more while looking to the dolphins play. She had seen the creatures before, they always seemed so happy, so carefree to dance and play in the waves. Part of her wanted to play with them, or at least let them know they were there. "Oh...what the heck, I can apologize for my foolish behavior and besides, when is the next chance I'll be able to see the creatures again anyway?" She thought letting logic back up the rather wild action she was planning to do, or at least wild by her standards.

Getting up she ran to the water's edge letting the cool ocean water wash over her paws. Taking a play bow stance she wagged her tail, high and happy while barking a few times and following up with a howl, though a very short howl, with a note of happiness in it. She didn't know if she would get their attention or not but it would most likely get Esper's. Stepping back a bit she turned her head to the other. "I must apologize about my rather sudden actions and rash behavior. Silly barking, tail wagging, I am usually more reserved than this. It is just the Ocean that makes me act this way and those interesting dolphins in it." Her words made it clear she saw such actions as odd, wild and unbridled. A small dip of the head completed her apology as she turned back to the dolphins.



6 Years
01-21-2014, 02:01 PM
Esperanza smiled and shook her head in a way that said she had nothing to apologize for, even though she was sure Isabella did not see her head shake. The scent of the ocean breeze flared in her nostrils, sending somewhat chills down to her spine as the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end by the sudden sense of calmness and tranquility.

"There is nothing to apologize for," Esperanza exclaimed with a kind and generous voice. The words rolled off her tongue as she laid her form down onto sand that felt like powder against her paws. The sounds of the dolphins squeaked their tune as they clapped their fins together, almost as if they were like the two-legs themselves. Esper smiled at their playful ways and walked over to the water's edge, the waves washing against the pads of her feet as she barked and howled playfully to the fish in the still water. Foam lapped around her and soon she was moving into the water, a good distance away, but enough for her to stand. The dolphins squeaked in wonder and delight as they swam over to the wolf. One of the dolphins, who was smaller than the other, placed it's nose to Espers ebony colored nose. The other swam over a little closer for Isabella to look at it and playfully turned, splashing water onto her pelt and squeaking with happiness and playfulness in it's small tune.


01-21-2014, 08:02 PM
It was curious how the other said she had noting to apologize for, after all such behavior was unlike her. Then again the other did not know that, even if she did so few wolves understood keeping everything under control and how valuable it was. Isabella paused a moment feeling conflict within, to be free, to have fun, to relax all things she saw as weak yet all things she was doing this day and enjoying. To be empty, cold,and in control, all things she valued and saw as things that protected her.

Her head shook slowly thinking, perhaps it could be like her pack, perhaps there were those she could relax around, be 'weak' around. If so it would make it harder to be 'strong' around others, a good challenge indeed. The inner debate pulled at her, shouted at her to be one way or the other but she knew that would be foolish. "Those moments, when I am alone or when I am with friends, friends like the kind alpha then I can stop being strong. To run for so long then to stop suddenly makes it more of a challenge to run next time, and in the end brings strength. Friends, self, Ocean, and some day Pack. Those things I can relax around and even make it a part of training to better myself."

Isabella just could not admit to herself relaxing felt good, it was fun and it was such a relief. At least now she could not, maybe in the past, and maybe again in the future but not for the moment. Her thoughts and inner struggle were shattered by a splash, one of the dolphins had come over to her. Isabella was confused rather than angry but when the dolphin squeaked in that odd way it had she could tell it was having fun. So for now, she would to, after all the creatures seemed to have a smile on their muzzles all time time, and they seemed healthy. For now, with a friend, the Ocean and those that lived in it she could have fun. Moving out a little further Isabella pawed at the water, splashing forward as she walked before jumping and landing like a fox, sending a splash the dolphins's way.



6 Years
01-21-2014, 08:15 PM
The dolphin squeaked and clapped it's flippers, having fun and moving in a steady pace toward Isabella. It touched it's wet nose to hers, then squeaked again and leaped back into the deeper parts of the ocean. The other followed and they continued to leap in and out of the salty liquid till they were soon out of sight.

Esperanza chuckled and walked back onto the sand that felt like powder, shaking her pelt free from any access water, causing the sand to be packed together as she bathed in the sunlight. She licked her paw a couple times before placing her cranium on her forepaws and resting.

The sun beat down onto her coat, drying it with ease as the oceanic breeze blew, giving them a nice blow dry as well. Esperanza turned her head to look at the fox colored wolf, a smile plastered on face. "Do you ever wonder what it's like to be another animal?" She asked as her orbs shifted to the puffy clouds that stayed in the navy colored sky, "Like a bird, fish, or a flea?" she continued to focus on the clouds, waiting for a response from the femme that was near her.


01-22-2014, 10:24 AM
Isabella laughed watching the dolphin clap its fins together. What playful creatures they were, and it seemed they must have had some kind of kinship with wolves, or at least land dwellers since they did breath air and seemed so willing to interact with those on land. Reaching her nose forward she gladly touched that of the dolphin, it was so odd. The creature was soft, smooth and warmer than she would have thought for something that spent its life in the water. She worded what it thought of her leathery nose and fur as the dolphins departed to go deeper into the waves.

Following Esper to the shore she shook out her coat at a far enough distance not to get Esper wet again. Finding a place near her she steeled into a sitting position as the sun shone on her from above and the wind ran playful fingers though her hair. It was a plesant way to dry off and in good company too.

Isabella looked to the black female at the question, watching her look to the heavens. Looking to the sea she thought over her answer. "Yes honestly, I've always wondered what it was like to live in the Ocean and truly be a part of it. Sometimes I wonder how preythings live, but that is easy to find out just by following them for a day, and I doubt I would like such a life. The life of a bird seems to careless, always going this way and that, no real home but flying would be interesting. I have not thought of being a flea, but the thought is indeed interesting. To be so small, live on a scale unlike our own. What a great forest our coats must be to them." Though she spoke elegantly her relaxed mood and curiosity was alive in her voice.



6 Years
01-22-2014, 02:25 PM
Esperanza nodded as peaked out toward the distant ocean that was covered a deep purple and ruby color from the sunset that had formed. The waves crashed onto the shore, sending foam around the sand and gulping some of the small, crushed rocks into it's waters. The sand had become mush from the water, and easily packable. Her paw prints had been devoured by the water and some of the mush had covered the prints almost entirely.

"I see," Esper replied to the femme beside her, the emerald colored optics catching the fox colored fur that covered her body. Her head scanned around the ocean when something dark caught her attention, and there appeared to be hundreds!

The animals had used their flat fins or legs to get onto the sand and began to dig. It appeared that those animals had been female sea turtles, about ready to lay their eggs. The fae remembered hearing her adoptive father talking about them since he loved to learn about other animals besides packs and ranks.

"Sea turtles," Esperanza smiled in bewilderment as her ebony colored tail thumped against the sand, "They can lay around two-hundred eggs, but very rarely do most make it to the sea before they are devoured by coyotes, crows, anything that get to them." Esperanza replied as she smiled watching the turtles making their nest for their young. She could watch some birds, lying in wait for the perfect time to strike for the little morsels. Esperanza couldn't help herself and barked at the birds, causing them to fly. A smile crossed over her features and placed her cranium on her forepaws.


01-23-2014, 08:46 PM
The silence was nice as the sun set in the sky lighting the Ocean as it did so. The night was cooler than the day as to be expected but the sand still held some heat so it was not too cold. Relaxing a bit more she let herself lay down, but kept her head up, she wasn't so relaxed as to put her head down, it was the colder part of her she held on to, just enough for her not to feel 'weak'.

Her head turned as there was something in the sea, something large that came onto the beach. She had seen the creatures before but only from a vast distance in her home land. "Amazing to see them so close." She said with a grin, watching them dig into the sand with their flippers. She had seen other turtles, those in fresh water and even a tortoise in the sands once, it was funny to think one creature could have so many different legs.

Watching them lay their young and depart she couldn't help but laugh a little as Esper barked at birds. "It's a harsh world to enter into, full of struggle. Yet if you can fight your way though that struggle it is well worth it. I wonder when they will hatch? Those birds seem a bit early, but at least they will not feast on eggs tonight."

Her ears twitched a little as she thought. "A harsh world indeed, I do hope some of them find another meal, but for now sending them away seems to be the right thing." With a dip of her head she watched some of the turtles started to leave. "It is late, I think it is time we rest. I will probably head back to land in the morning and go my own way. I will do so knowing I have gained a friend, one I hope I will meet again." Looking to Esper she smiled a wide smile and wagged her tail as she spoke, gaining a friend was no small feat for her if the other female saw her as such. It would be nice to have at least one to call friend in this land.



6 Years
01-23-2014, 09:20 PM
She gave a smile and nodded to her friend, everything about this place sure was elegant. Her eyes scanned the area and continued to watch the eggs. She couldn't help but feel sympathetic for the young turtles who haven't even been born yet. The sand seemed to be gathering around her form as so if they left, other animals or wolves could see where they had been.

"You did make a friend, and so did I," Esper smiled and placed her head on her paws as the sound of waves seemed to be putting her to sleep. The ocean breeze whipped around her pelt, cooling her down and soon, she was out like a light as the night began to take over the sky.


01-24-2014, 06:07 PM
Isabella smiled as Esper spoke. The were words she wanted to hear, those that could warm her heart. Finally a friend, like those she had lost in the great pack she was in. Who knew what else fate had in store for her in this land, if she gained a friend maybe she would find a new pack at some point.

Listening to the waves she finally placed her head on her paws. By Esper's breathing it was clear when she was asleep. Isabella manged to stay awake a little while longer making sure there was noting else to be heard, no threat no foes nothing to sneak up on them in the night. But all seemed well, even the tide wasn't a danger as it was far from them. With a content sigh, she drifted to sleep.

The next morning, the warmth of the sun awake her. Before opening her eyes she let her ears move, and once she was sure there was no one else around them she opened her eyes. Standing, she moved a little distance away from Esper and shoo out her fur, getting out all he grains of sand she could. That done, she stretched to ready her body for the swim back. She wouldn't leave yet though, not without giving a proper farewell to her friend. So she sat, as she did when she first got on the island, and listened to the waves roll in and out.