
Honey Let's Play Hooky 'Cuz It Snowed Last Night


12-20-2013, 10:56 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

It was strange, this year her season had come and gone without anything particular happening, like it had the year before. But now, the woman's body was feeling the familiar sensation, of longing for another. Peculiar indeed. What else was strange, was the snow that was falling from the sky above, since that happened quite infrequently in the Eastern reaches. Inside the cavern, it was comfortable, but also a bit boring. Wandering about, she hoped her beloved would arrive and free her of this boredom. Broad paws struck the bare rock, liquid mercury optics scanning the caverns. She remembered the male she had met here, Drake. He had been so young, and yet he had felt affections for her, wanted to love her. She had done her best to turn him down kindly, yet she had not seen the sweet young man for a while. She would have liked to see him again soon, make sure he was doing okay. Songs began to fill her sensitive ivory audits, the voices of the long dead from her past filling her infinite mind and bouncing around, tormenting her. She left that cavern, moving to a different one within, revelling in the silence. Those haunting lyrics had reminded her of a dire situation that plagued her, refused to leave her be.
Should she tell her mate of her past, the kingdom she had inherited through the death of her family? Knowledge of power such as that, of being the ruler of such an empire in the distance, corrupted even the best. The woman remembered some of the Beta's could hardly handle the power they held, and they were trained their entire lives for the position. What would Magnus, her knight, do if he knew he was King of the Lunashkan dynasty, ruler to a pack that was once so vast none dared to challenge it, one so mighty every wolf from home to the horizon was either an ally or an enemy, the empire that made Glaciem look like a band of pups? Would he become lost in the fantasy of leaving Alacritis and taking back what was now his? Would he take it stride and continue living as if nothing had happened? The icy rose hoped so... She had stopped at the edge of a vast pool underground, the waters glowing as if they reflected the stars in the sky. But stars did not drop from the heavens and plop into the waters. No, these glimmering specs were droppings from subterranean glow worms. Seating herself at the edge, she stared at her reflection in the still aqua. Oh how she looked like her mother, but those eyes were not her mothers, they were from a wolf generations before her own, but her memory was fuzzy on exactly who.

Long banner would find it's way around her powerful paws, delicate cranium tilting to gaze upwards at the collection of luminescent feces. How strange, it reminded her of the glowing waters of Ludicael's own mangrove. Were there other things like this out there? The alabaster lass would have to find out herself, while she was out and about. A sigh escaped from her dark lips, whirling out from between her formidable canines. Who would be to give her company now? She was tired of being by herself, she wanted to spend time with someone, anyone.


Magnus 1


12-22-2013, 10:37 AM

He had been awoken by the light step of his love as she left the den. He had lain there, but he decided to follow, trailing far enough behind, that he wouldn't be seen or smelled. She walked for quite a while, but the distance didn't bother him. She entered a little cave system. He waited at the entrance, to see if she would come out anytime soon. He waited for about ten minutes, but then decided to go and see her. He followed her scent to a small cave, she was standing over a small pool. He crept up behind her, aiming to frighten her a little. He stopped behind her and yelled, "Boo!", he hopped back. A grin plastered over his face.

"Magnus Speech", "Aurora speech"


12-22-2013, 12:33 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

Her mate arrived surely enough, jumping up behind her and yelling 'Boo!'. The icy rose leapt to her feet in surprise, whipping around to fix her steel gaze upon the man. A sly grin played at her features, one of her broad paws lifting to bat at the air in front of the dual toned man. "Magnus!" She said in mock anger, lowering her eyebrows to fix a false glare upon him. Quickly it would fade into a smile, and the pale giantess padded over to her love and nuzzled him, her muzzle pressed into the fur under his jaw. Planting a kiss upon his muzzle, the she wolf stood rather close to him, revelling in the heat of his body. "I'm glad you're here, there are some things I think you should know..." She murmured, seating herself so she rested her delicate cranium upon his shoulder. Bright moonstone optics shut slowly as she let it flow through her mind that there was no going back now, she would have to tell him now, or she would regret it forever. Long tail would wrap around her body halfway, twin raven's feathers embedded in her tail flipping and twirling before lying flush with her silky pelt once more. Her ethereal tones echoed through the caverns, travelling back out an inaudible, incomprehensible mash of her vocal tones. She was anxious about telling Magnus her secret, fearful of what the knowledge of such power in a distant land could do to him.


Magnus 1


12-22-2013, 01:53 PM

He grinned as Aurora jumped, feigning anger. He smiled at her, she walked over to him and nuzzled him, then placed a kiss on his cheek. She sat, so he sat as well, his head now resting on her shoulder as she was taller than him. "I'm glad you're here, there are some things I think you should know..." she said quietly. He looked to her, his voice dropping to quiet tones. "Aurora love, you can tell me anything. It won't change how much I love you." He placed a kiss on her cheek, and gave her a reassuring nuzzle. He wondered what it was that he had to tell him. He hoped that it was not grievous news. He had been so happy the past few days and he could not bear to hear anything bad. His eyes danced as he studied her silver orbs. She did not seem to be in despair, he certainly hoped that she wasn't upset.

OOC : I have no idea where my magnus muse has gone...


12-22-2013, 03:46 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

His words were calm, his devotion true, or so he said now. Her heart was warm with hope that he would remain faithful and loving as always, so she threw caution to the wind and let her otherworldly vocals fall from her dark lips. "I was the princess back home, and now that my entire family have... passed away..." She began, her voice cracking with emotion as she remembered the trauma of her past, but she pushed through the pain and continued speaking. "I am Queen now, which makes you, my mate, the King. If we chose to leave here and go back to my home, we would be able to reclaim my home, though I see no point since now it is nothing but wasteland... Maybe one day we could return, when the forest has had a chance to revive." She murmured, lifting her delicate cranium from the shoulder of her mate and looking deep into his oceanic eyes. How would he take this news? Would he stay here with her, like it didn't matter? Or would the knowledge of faraway power force him to try and go to her old home? She hoped the former, because she loved it here in Alacritis, and home held nothing but broken memories. Wagging her long tail slowly, she gazed into her husbands bright cyan optics with her own liquid mercury pools, hope burning bright in the depthless, shining abyss.


Magnus 1


12-26-2013, 05:06 PM
OOC:Sorry for the lack of table. But im doing this with my phone, and I cabr be bother messing around with a table xD.

He shuffled around so that he could face her directly, news that he was king to a wasted land did come as a surprise, but he didn't want anything to change between them. Aurora dear, I'm by your side no matter what. I don't want anything to change. I love you, and that's all that matters. he murmured the last few words quietly. He nipped her right gently and placed a kiss on her pristine white muzzle. He looked into her silvery orbs, they were like the moon in a cloudless sky. He placed a kiss on her neck. Moving upwards to her muzzle, he looked to her eyes, asking for permission. He wanted her.


12-26-2013, 05:41 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

His voice met her tall audits, surprised deep down, but his words rang with truth. He nipped her gently, lovingly, kissed her muzzle, returned his dancing oceanic gaze to her own, kissed her neck. His gaze met her own, questioning, asking the obvious question. She smiled, her reply clear in those consuming moonstone orbs. She kissed his throat, nipping the tender flesh as she fought back the darkness she would always harbour in her heart. Her mentor had created a beast within her heart, one that revelled in bloodshed and killing, and here, in Alacritis, she had only slipped up once with it. She remembered the hunt for the caribou with Song when they first met, where she had devoured the animal like she was a monster herself. She shivered, remembering how she had acted. Quickly that memory disappeared, replaced by the here and now. She gently nipped at her mate's throat, nibbled the base of his jaw, beat her long banner upon the ground in anticipation as her blood coursed faster, hunger for something only her beloved could give her taking over. "Magnus.." She whispered in his ear, formidable razors nibbling at the tender flesh there. Powerful paws lifted her to stand, her body coiling around her mate as she waited for him to respond to her, eager for the feel of his body against her own, their fur intertwining in a way that only lover's knew.



Magnus 1


12-26-2013, 06:08 PM
Her eyes showed that she was willing, he was glad. The desire for her had been a fire within him. He let out a sigh as she kissed his throat and nibbled playfully at him. She nipped his throat, and moved up to his jaw. His name was muttered in his ear, Aurora he said softly. She nipped at his ear, and he shuddered as she coiled around him. The warmth of her body taking away the bitter chill in the air.

His mind flashed back to Sierra, his old mate. Was this unfaithful? But he loved Aurora. He couldn't live in the past. He was with Aurora now, and he loved her. More than he had loved Sierra. He pushed all thought of his past from his mind. He breathed in her scent as he embraced her. She was the woman of his dreams

OOC: Shitty post


12-26-2013, 06:51 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

Darkness. When moonstone orbs opened, it was exactly the same as when she had fallen asleep in her mate's embrace. Yet something was different now, but she couldn't decipher what it was. Untangling herself from Magnus' ebony limbs, she placed a kiss upon his still cheek before silently padding towards the entrance to the caves. Dawn had come, and was nearly over. Sitting against the wall at the entrance to the singing caverns, the orange light released the lights with which she shared a name from their place in her alabaster pelt. A soft smile played at her features. She had done it, she had told her beloved Magnus the secret she had been afraid to tell him, and he had been okay with it. Then... She shivered as she remembered what they had done that night, they had finalized their devotion to each other. A sigh escaped her dark lips, accompanied by a nearly invisible puff of mist. She let her infinite mind rest, laying down and letting her forepaws hang over the small ledge at the mouth of the cave. So now what? They would return to Ludicael, and life would go on as always. Yes, that was all. Something was not the same as before though, but the ivory giantess knew not what that was.

