
Getting to Know


12-20-2013, 10:09 PM
ooc: Map here; click! She is by the rock formations (at least I think thats what they are) towards the bottom of the map.

Eyes were closed, the yearling sitting atop a pile of boulders she had come across while exploring. Each day she was learning something new about this island, the types of animals that could be considered prey, easy and difficult. With a heavy sigh her eyes would open, going from the shore in the distance to the blue sky. This place was warm most of the time, different from the snow that would fall during this time inland. It would take some time to get used to it.

Legs would push her body up, paws carrying her over the boulders, three large ones then hopping onto a slightly smaller one about a big as her. Seraphine would walk around a few of the rocks, just looking over them. Today she was going to relax, try to clear her head.


Awesome image by Maka <3



12-30-2013, 12:47 AM
ooc: yes those are rocks :3

Seraphine had grown so much since she had first come to Valhalla. The tiny girl had grown into a strong young woman, and Chrysanthe wanted to know how she was doing. Demonio was around less, and she wasn't sure whether the dark female would be upset about that or not, as she was old enough to take care of herself - some young ladies liked that space between they and their parents. Others wanted to be closer than she could be with her father figure becoming a somewhat ghostly presence. There, but not available to often speak with.

It was in an effort to see how the other female was doing that she would approach her, and she would give a light hearted bark to signal her presence. "Seraphine, taking a break?" The woman's question was asked in earnest, gentle, but curious. "There's a lot to get to know around here." She hoped that the other hadn't had any problems with the move. Perhaps she got too warm at times with all of that dark fur?

The alpha would step forward, looking up at one of the larger rocks before lifting her front legs up on it and using it to stretch. All of this work had her feeling quite old. Wouldn't her siblings get a kick out of that. "Are you settling in alright? She was giving Seraphine a free pass to complain if she needed it - but hopefully her answer would be an honest yes.


12-31-2013, 09:19 PM

Off in her own little world, Seraphine didn't hear or see the Alphess approach till she gave a small bark. Head would lift and turn in the direction it came from, for a moment a shy look upon her face but would be replaced with a small smile and a slight dip of her head to the woman. She wasn't close with Chrsanthe really, just knew she was her fathers friend when they had first joined, but Seraphine had a lot of respect for her, especially with how she did in the war, even if she came back with a blinded eye.

Ears would perk up when she asked if she was taking a break, earning a nod from Seraphine would come walk over and take a seat just two or three feet from the woman. When she mentioned a lot to learn her, the yearling would look away with a smirk. ?Its very different from my previous homes, but it shouldn't be too hard to relearn things once again.? She would speak in gentle tones, turning back to smile at Chrysanthe. It shouldn't have been hard, each time she got a new home it didn't last more than a couple months, so she took to learning things quickly.

Then it came, she asked if she was settling in alright. Seraphine would be hesitant to answer this, after allowing her to join the pack, she didn't want to say anything ill about the place, whether it was about the events that had occurred or the people in it... But at the same time she didn't want to keep things locked up, fester and destroy her from the inside out like others. With a sigh she would look down at her paws, a sad tone to her voice. "I don't belong here Chrysanthe... it feels like something is pushing me away form this place, from my father..."




01-09-2014, 07:15 PM
Serephine was a gentle young woman from what Chrysanthe could tell. The alpha wondered though, what was on her mind - because it was clear from the get go that whatever it was was heavy. She would nod at the other's words, and she was glad that the dark fae felt that she would be able to readjust. Yet with her second question, the other would hesitate for a moment. It wasn't something that Chrysanthe expected, but she wouldn't push, wouldn't rush the other. The woman was glad that she had accepted her offer to talk, even if the matters weren't exactly chipper ones. Finally, with an exhale, Serephine would speak, giving a little taste of what had been plaguing her thoughts lately.

She didn't feel like she belonged.

Demonio had been scarce, and so much was going on, it was something that Chrysanthe herself was used to - nothing ever stayed the same for long. And yet for her members, surely it felt like too much, so much that they weren't involved in, that they just had to roll with and accept. "What do you think is pushing you away Seraphine? I don't want you feeling this way, believe me." If she truly felt that she didn't belong here, that she should move on and start fresh elsewhere, then Chrysanthe would, albeit reluctantly, let her go. Yet she hoped that this was something that could change - she just needed a better idea as to how she could change it. "Your father loves you, despite his distance. He's been through a lot." She was sure of that much - Demonio was a passionate man, but distant after losing the love of his life, and then his eye after the war. He had seen it all - it didn't surprise her that he was taking some time to himself. And yet - he shouldn't leave his daughter waiting like this... "We all have." Seraphine had seen nearly everything that her father had in terms of war - and she was so young. "Despite that - I want Valhalla to be your home." And she would do what she could for the other female to feel that way. "Is there anything that I can do?"