
Lower The Moon


12-19-2013, 06:11 PM

It was early, very early morning as Allen's eyes flicked open. He should have still been tired -- the sun wasn't even up yet -- but instead the brute was wide awake. He got to his paws, stretching out his large body. Once satisfied with that Allen padded out of the den, dark forest green eyes looked into the still darkness of the night. The forest was so much quieter this time of morning. It would be a couple more hours until the white birds filled the area with their song.

Allen glanced in the direction of his nephew's den before starting to wander off. Hajime would be alright without him for a couple hours. It wasn't like his King should need him during this time of day. Allen's ears were perked up as he padded through the snow underneath the trees. It was cold, and the brute could hardly wait until the sun rose again. Before Allen realized it he had arrived at the beach.

The dark ocean water splashed against the shore, the sound almost soothing the brute. Allen walked out onto the sand, his paws sinking in as the sand shifted under his weight. After getting close to the water Allen came to a stop, his gaze off in the direction of Inu Island. His tail swished back and forth slowly as his mind settled into thinking about what would become of him and his king.

"Speech", 'Thought'


12-20-2013, 03:15 PM

He was Terribly Lost.

The smell of salt invading his lungs, crippling his veins as the blood filtered through. The memories stained with rust and time it was amazing he was standing here at all. Every single day was different from the last he was cycling endless across this stale earth. Molten shaded eyes blinking slowly, fearless of any tears that might fall. He would set his own direction today, leaving the empty spaces behind.

All night and all day he had been wide awake, wandering in and out of different realities. This place was still hushed, almost as if it was another place all-together. He was transparent as he wound through the brush, a pale ghost left with nothing to haunt. He could almost taste him again right now, a bittersweet linger on his tainted tongue. But that was only a fools dream. Something in the air was funny now the scent of warm bodies leaving him wary so he detoured, slipping right on by towards the shore.

It was nice here, nice enough to stay another few fleeting minutes. The sound of the waves on the sand, if only he could get lost at sea. But he was not alone out here. As he crept closer to the water the fuzzy outlines of another beast became clear. His heart stuttered in his fickle chest, a sudden jolt that left him speechless. But curiosity killed the wolf. Clearing his throat of dust, inky jaws parting wide to vomit up the alphabet. "helllo stranger"
Ears thrust forth he wiled his nerves to calm, wondering if it might just all be a dream.

"golden touch"

Table by Frizbee


12-21-2013, 04:46 PM

As the waves continued to crash on the shore Allen's mind wandered, turning down the path of the past. Days of his youth flashed in his mind, as well as images of his sister. Allen's heart seemed to deepen into a saddened state. He would never, ever, forget Riv. Her memory was important to him... and he wished with all his heart that he could have seen her just one last time before her death. But some things are not meant to be... and some hopes would never be able to come true.

Bi-colored ears of reddish brown and tan perked at an unfamiliar voice. The brute first turned his mostly tan head, then his body, towards the stranger. A brute colored as white as the snow that lay on the ground stood before him, but what truly struck out about the other brute was his eyes. A very attractive feature, though the other wolf seemed to be... tired perhaps? Lost?

"Hello indeed." A smile would cross onto Allen's face. "It's a lovely evening, isn't it?" The brute cast a quick look back to the ocean. "What brings you along this way, if I may ask?"

"Speech", 'Thought'