
Rainbow Veins



12-19-2013, 02:19 PM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2013, 02:19 PM by Song.)

The one who held her heart and was so dear to her had been distant lately, she knew he had wanted to help during her sickness, but she was unsure if it had been his pelt she had taken in or that of their eldest son that cared for her so well. She had not exchanged words with him in much too long, at least not those words they held so close. Recently they would only speak of the pack and the matters associated with keeping it safe and upheld. What she had craved were words for her, only her and not the gods who so dictated her life. She missed him so desperately that she could not even focus enough to let the dreams pour over her.
That was why she would seek him out that night, she could not meditate and so to ease the incredible want that had placed itself upon her. Her pale pelt was easily seen underneath the moon's light glittering fantastically across her brilliant fur. There was a purpose in her step as she travelled gracefully through the Mangrove roots towards her den where she had left her children and Cherokee to sleep. Her delicate paws would slow as she saw the welcoming entrance, a smile not with held from her lips as she slipped her head in, looking for her mate's ear. Ro, wake up... come dance in the moonlight with me. She whispered to him as to not wake the others, but even in her hushed voice there was a great need for him to follow her.



12-20-2013, 02:40 PM

It had been some time since he had been able to spend real time with his wife. Things had just seemed to start piling ontop of one another, and Cherokee had been feeling distant from his wife. She had become sick and being a warrior had left him without the knowledge to help her, making him feel more helpless than anything. He had tried to stay away from Song during her sickness as much as he could, but it was hard to stay away from his little angel, especially when she was battling for her life. But thank the lucky stars she had been able to pull through, and now life had thrown them another curve ball; they were alphas of their own pack. Their once Sol Jupiter had disappeared to who knows where and no one had seen hide or hair of her in quite some time. Being the betas, the pair had stepped up to take over Ludicael and care for the pack in her absence. Would she ever come back or would this new change be permanent?

That night the ebony knight had stayed in their den, using his large mass as a physical barrier to keep his children inside the den, safe and sound. Lately Song had been wandering out and about at odd times of the day and the man, as much as he wanted to follow her every more, was starting to give her just a bit of space. Just a little. But it seemed she didn't want her space that night, her melodic voice drifting into his ears, tugging him from the land of sleep, calling for him to wake up. Silver and ivory jade eyes would blink open, jaws unhinging as a yawn parted them, gaze coming to rest on his wife's glowing ivory figure. She looked just like an angel. A still somewhat sleepy smile would curl his dark jaws as he rose up, glancing back at their sleeping children before emerging from the den, giving himself a quick stretch. My angel summoned me? He would murmur huskily, gazing down at Song with awe in his eyes.

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12-20-2013, 04:26 PM

He would stir as her lyrics would caress his bicolored ears, a yawn would escape his mouth as he rose from their den. Song's smile would brighten as she was able to lock her gaze with his, his face all that she could ever want. Ludicael, the Lover's Mangrove, even the gods would all be forsaken just as long as Cherokee was by her side. My angel summoned me? Her smile grew wider as she let her crown tip into a nod. She would keep herself from speaking just yet, wanting to let themselves get farther away from their children before she embraced him. With the hint of a whine she would motion for him to follow her, her paws swiftly moving her away from the den and towards the moon lit beach.
With a scene reminiscent of when they had first met Song would delicately step out onto the granulated expanse. The sea breeze would gently tousle her pure pelt as her tiara would swing around to take in the following form of her husband. As he would step onto the beach as well she would finally let their bodies touch, her muzzle would become buried in his thick black pelt as her chest came up to meet with his own. She let his musky scent take over her senses as she lost herself in him. He was hers and she never wanted to let him go, I've missed you so. She would let her head move to an angle where she could catch sight of his gaze, her mind lost in the depths of his eyes. They were made for each other, and no one could convince her otherwise. I love you... she would whisper to him quietly.



12-21-2013, 03:29 AM

She was his little angel. His perfect wife. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him and he would cherish her for the rest of his days. He would love her, protect her, care for her, do everything and anything that he could for her while he still had strength in his bones. She was his true love, his whole world, his entire universe, the reason that he had been put on this planet. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever had the pleasure of knowing and he was beyond lucky to be able to have her all to himself, especially given the fact that she felt exactly the same way about him. It was all just so perfect sometimes is still rather unbelievable.

She would nod to him in a silent yes, something close to a whine slipping from her ivory lips as she turned away from the den, asking him without words to follow her, which of course Cherokee did. He would follow Song to the ends of the earth and back for the rest of his days if that's what she wanted. The cool breeze of the night would run its fingers through his dark fur, sending shivers down his spine as it chased away the sleepiness, allowing the realization of where his wife was taking him to sink it. He wasn't quite sure if it was the same beach as the one they had met at, but it was a beach nonetheless. She was bringing him back to the a place where it had all started. A fond smile would twist his lips as the flashbacks of that day on the beach ran through his mind. She was even more beautiful now than she had been that day.

The familiar texture of the sand would wiggle its way through his toes as he followed after his snowy angel, a sigh of relief bursting from his lips at the contact between them. It had been so long, so long he couldn't remember the last time he had been alone with her like this. It felt so amazing to feel her touch him, to have her chest pressed up against his, her muzzle buried in his neck.I've missed you so. I love you... The sound of her voice made his knees go weak and it took all his willpower not to let himself crumble before her. Lids would fall closed over his eyes as his muzzle tipped forward, burying itself in the crook of her left ear. I've missed you and love you even more so my darling angel... He would murmur lovingly against her skin, immersing himself in her essence.

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12-27-2013, 09:32 PM

As she knew he would, as she knew he always would, her husband would follow her. She knew that she had him to count on should ever any occasion arise. He was her rock that she built herself up on, the one she could lean on when she felt weak. She could tell him anything about everything and he would still listen intently. She could not imagine living with out him by her side, and she knew that he felt the same about her. She would bring herself back one year, to a day that had changed her life forever. The day she had met her true love.
She would lean forward into their embrace, she would let him overwhelm her as her pulled his head over her neck. She would breathe in his scent and let herself forget everything but him. He was her center, her gravity, the one who tugged at her soul. The one who she'd given her heart. Her face would draw into a grin as her eyes slid shut. I didn't think it was possible to love you more than the day I married you. She could feel the chill upon her as she had that day. Their first embrace, while she had been soaking wet he had been the gentleman to keep her warm and away from the harsh wind. She had no intentions of repeating that part of their day.
With only the light of the moon the woman would start to sway, hoping that her coal black knight would indeed dance underneath the lunar rock's rays.
