
I can't guess what


12-19-2013, 01:46 AM

The insane bitch enjoyed the cold, walking along the lines of the many rivers. Humming slightly with the sweet bliss of insanity, and giggling of a psychopathic girl. She twisted her large body around easily, even if she was large, she was agile. Agile as a canine could be at least, jumping from puddle to puddle the eternal smile carved into both sides of her face stood to their reason. Blue orbs watching her reflection in such a happy matter. Her tail flicked back and forth. There was no worry in the world, considering the major thoughts being blank instead of her head. Oh the bliss, it made her shiver with the delight, the thought of killing taking over again. The same insanity that mustered into her ever since the fact of becoming one with Raven. Though rage all the same could over take her easily, even if she wished not to care, it tore at her heart like a thorn.
She flopped down in snow and water, rolling in it. As such turning her blue orbs to the sky of falling flakes. Watching them fall to the ground, onto her coat all the same. As she licked her snout to get the snowflake off. She smiled though she was already eternally smiling due to the scar. The beast just let off a hue of darkness, of all that was the nightmares to fill in the deep holes of others. To best be careful in all its sense.
