
We've got obsessions


12-19-2013, 01:33 AM

The man could feel the cold against his bitter coat of light brown. The black masked man stood on the edge of the crater. Careful not to step inside, and keeping a fair distance to what could be considered the edge. Even so, he still could see over the edge, and see the corpses the bones all the like. His black tail flicked back and forth as he let the cloud that was his breath in the winter morning. Snow lightly tapped the ground of course, that was how it was mostly on all these islands. He could see Dove island, the smallest island, right next to him. In a small circle that was the Inu, Rekaru, and Dove islands. His old home was on that Inu island, but the king was not disturbing anything there anymore.
He gave a sigh, and looked to one side, to notice an oddly rainbow colored lizard run off. His paw stopped it by the tail, eating it within one bite. He couldn't say it was like the usual Rabbit meat. Yet it was something new that he actually enjoyed eating. Then again it was also a way for him to get rid of his anger. Bringing a short smile to his face, just thinking about how he could spend the day. Even in the chill, the muscled man was not about ready to be lazy. Now with his plans he was constantly moving.



12-20-2013, 06:36 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2013, 06:36 PM by Isabella.)
Isabella was feeling a little distant from the Ocean she loved so much recently and what better way to get closer than to go to an island? Not only would she have the Ocean on all sides of her but she would be able to learn more of the strange animals that lived on the island. Walking by some rocks on the shore of the island the fox colored female saw a lizard that interested her. It was larger than any she had seen with a very long tail and was as black as the stone. The lizard did not seem to mind her as she got closer at least not until she was right next to it. The lizard exhaled breathing out a salty cloud of sea water before sprinting to the water.

In the water it swam away. Breathing out the sea spray was something those lizards did every day but to Isabella it was something new, something she had never seen before. "Islands have strange creatures on them indeed." She thought turning and moving on. There was no need to go after the lizard, or any other creature as she had already fed on a bird that day. It was a strange bird of the island, a large fat green thing that could not fly. For a good long while she wondered why a bird that could not fly existed. Moving on along the each she paused as the scent of another came to her.

She was surprised that another was on the island but it did offer food and space. Curious she followed it and found herself approaching the wolf from the front. Pausing she gave a nod of greeting. "Greetings." She spoke pausing and holding herself as proud as always. "I did not expect to run into a another on this island." She said simply in her cold voice feeling no need to state anything more.