
Unrelenting forces [Artemis]


12-15-2013, 08:51 PM

As their castles crumble slowly

I watch them fall

Their crown slips from heads unworthy

As I gain control

Elegance wrapped up in dedication was the woman that wandered the fog of no return. It swooned beneath her regal paws. Swaying to the rhythm of her heart as she wandered the soulless forest in the hunt of something far more thrilling then just a mere chance meeting. Violence pumped in her heart naturally. It was becoming another form of communication. The way her lips flicked backwards and her eyes were at the ready and her body would scream to come and play. She had tasted victory already. Her chances against another who was far older then she and she had left them limping and bloody.

Amethyst eyes watched the whispering fogs curl around the barks of broken trees. Their lives long lost to the cruelty of time. She was unsure what it was about the different forests that intrigued her but she felt herself always drawn to them. Written in the barks were the souls of those that had once been. Did they linger in the barks if she touched them? Did they imprint the trees with their memories if only she opened her heart? She wondered how the keepers of time could do it. How could they always know what had once been and what would be? She always wondered if the world held just a little bit of magic within it.

As curiosity struck her and the fog consumed her appearance, the princess was ever vigilant. It was becoming a second nature to her. Even if she was enjoying other things or watching others her senses were always at high alert. The world was not so carefree.



12-28-2013, 06:53 PM

Her mother's effeminate aroma thickly shrouded the woodland, making it an easy task to pinpoint the location of her recently-orphaned younger siblings. Despite the comfort the familiar perfume provided the pallid banshee with, a sensation of utmost dread and vacancy wormed its way through to her interior with each breath taken, horrid and vivid memories rushing back to haunt the wraith as the pristine visage of the ice queen flashed before her mismatched eyes, unwavering even as her pale lids fluttered to obscure her surroundings and view. The illusion was so real that it frightened the babe, and yet, no matter the countless attempts to rid herself of the memory of her mother's demise at the paws of her own flesh and blood, there was no escaping it or her past; it was a thought that would forever plague her and burn at the back of her mind, she was certain of it.

As she sauntered through the land encumbered in perpetual gloom in desperate search of the forgotten youth of her bloodline, wishing to claim them as her own, a foreign scent invaded her nostrils, causing her intentions to abruptly shift as she pushed onward with a newfound sense of fury. Triangular ears pressed tightly against the contours of her pallid crown and mismatched gaze narrowed to dangerous silver and violet slits, pupils ravaging her surroundings in pursuit of the intruder, anxiety leaking through her pores as she contemplated the exact whereabouts and safety of her half-siblings -- was this stranger an ally to her father and Devya? The very thought was enough to worry the phantom, a low growl vibrating her larynx as the concept of her siblings' endangerment consumed her, forcing her pace to quicken as well as the pulsations of her heart; the stranger would face her merciless wrath should she find any harm had come to her brothers.

After what felt like ages of eating away the distance between she and the invader, the masculine and undeveloped physique of the foreign canine breached her surroundings, causing the wraith's upper lip to twitch just barely before she launched herself mere meters in front of the adolescent, adopting an atypically aggressive stance as the fine strands of fur bristled along her spinal column. "If you wish to find my brothers, you will find naught but death in your path," the phantom warned, skull descending over her broad chest cavity as her limbs spread equidistant apart, each appendage bending slightly at the knee while her blackened nails grappled the earth beneath her for traction. Given recent events, it was only expected of the wraith to believe it was her against the world -- and this juvenile was no exception to that belief, especially not while she roamed the once-domain of her mother.