
show no mercy

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
12-13-2013, 10:23 AM

Basilisk Saxe had begun to learn that pure, unadulterated hate was not enough to win s fight. His revenge could not be enacted by pure rage and passion alone. Cataleya had wanted him to practice, and so he would, paws carrying his now full-grown form toward the battlefield. He had been here once before, but oh how he had grown -- and not just physically. In his first fight here, he had been arrogant and naive, but now he knew. Knew that he was no a skilled fighter, but would have to train himself to become one. It was the only way.

So he would raise his muzzle to the sky, parting his lips ever so slightly as a fierce call was released from his chest for an opponent. A fair rival, as Cross had been -- someone hopefully with little experience. It would do no good to fight someone who was completely helpless, nor would it be useful to fight someone with much more experience than himself. He would recline to his haunches, waiting the arrival of anyone who might be a worthy opponent.


12-13-2013, 08:42 PM

The Armada woman, had been in Glaciem for a short time and it had became very clear that should she want to move up in ranks in her fathers pack, she'd have to prove her worth and fight for it. The problem was, her lack of experience in fighting. A few skirmishes here and there, didn't lead to a good fighter. What she needed was practice, that had brought her near the battlefield, and when the call rang out, another summoning a fighter she moved towards it. Her violet eyes would come to rest on a nearly violet hued male who was seated, and she stopped a small distance away from him.

"You called for a fight? Are you seeking a spar or to fufill a vendetta?" Words would leave her simply, bluntly as she asked her question, not bothering to coddle her words for this stranger. Already she would size him up, now that she was full grown she stood at thirty-five inches, though her build was slender. The man before her appeared to be larger than she, though at his sitting state, she couldn't accurately guess, it didn't really matter to her.


Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
12-15-2013, 09:30 AM

The yearling's eyes would dance across the horizon, eager and expectant. It was not long before his eager call was answered, and a slight smirk would curl the corners of his lips as the stranger approached. Behind his frame, his grey-flecked tail would stiffen as he sized up his opponent. Significantly smaller than himself, but that never meant much. She could easily out-perform him in speed or agility. His jaws would unhinge as he exhaled slowly. Considering. Waiting.

"A simple spar is all I request," he would explain firmly. "No maiming, and certainly no death." This woman before him did not seem at all like a seasoned warrior, and he deduced he had found the perfect match for a quick fight. To learn and to grow. "Ladies first," he would offer with a dip of his head, a cold chuckle escaping his throat, his smirk re-appearing only to face again a moment later. The boy would rise to all fours, coming to spread his weight evenly between each limb. His back would arch ever so slightly as he lowered his head, protecting his neck from any attack she might chose to throw upon him, and his tail would curl out to stand straight behind him for further balance.

BASILISK v. ROMAN for Practice

Round 0 / ?

Attacks: N/A

Defenses: Legs spread evenly for balance, tail straight behind him for balance, and his head lowered to protect his chest & throat.

Injuries: N/A


12-20-2013, 12:12 AM

The white woman watched her potential opponent, violet gaze never leaving his frame as she attempted to size him up. When he answered her, she nodded, in agreement, though she didn't speak. Her defenses would set as she stood there watching him and contemplating her moves. Her tail raised to become level with her spine, ears flattening slowly against her skull. Her head would lower, to protect her throat, and her stance would shift, widening for balance. As he offered her the first move, her act of silence and stillness continued, before she suddenly would charge towards him. Jaws opened, as she moved slightly to the right of him and aiming for the scruff of his neck. She hoped that because she was smaller than he, she could use her sudden momentum to carry him from his paws and take him to the ground. As she lunged towards him, she raised up on her back legs, her claws digging into the dirt, and would attempt to grab at the thick scruff of his neck, just above his right shoulder.

Fight Stats:

ROMAN vs Basilisk for practice

Round 1 of 3

Defenses: Tail level with spine, ears pinned, head tucked, and as she lunged her back claws dug into the ground for traction.

Attacks: Charges towards Bas, moving towards him slightly to the right, and attempts to grab his scruff, and hopes the momentum of her attack may surprise him to bring him to the ground.

Injuries: None yet.

OOC: Nervous, Roamer is Nervous.
