
Familial Ties

Rune I


5 Years
12-12-2013, 11:42 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The steam was so thick it was almost suffocating but after being surrounded by nothing but cold and ice and snow for weeks the sudden warmth was paradise. The grey wolf smiled as he stepped carefully around the edges of the Hot Springs closer toward the center of the collection, avoiding the water for the time being and simply letting himself enjoy the heat given off by them. It was a rate occasion that he came here - compared to many of the other territories, this one held little value to him - but for his purpose he had supposed it well enough placed. Close to his old home upon Mount Volkan, the land known as Tortuga, but also near to the north, the last place he had seen his sister.

She was his reason for being out this way. It had been far too long since he had seen her, and far too much had happened since. There had been a war, there had been a girl, and now there was coming a change to his future that even he had never anticipated. Seeing as how he was still clueless as to where his brother had gone, and somewhat estranged from his father, he hoped to at least find Maia and keep up the familial ties with her, to see how she was doing and let her know where she could find him from then on.

Finding a location amid the hot springs that he deemed more or less central, Rune stilled his steps and glanced about restlessly. As much as he trusted Maia to take the news well, he was surprisingly nervous. So much time had passed; might she be different than he remembered? Could she be unrecognizable from the sad but strong girl he had seen last? Would she be happy for him? Worrying would do no good, and he was far too practical to assume himself close enough to his sister to gauge how she might react to his news. Rather than allow his mind to continue to get away from him, he forcefully cleared his thoughts and lifted his muzzle skyward, releasing a howl that beckoned the black, green-eyed sibling of his to his side.


12-12-2013, 11:59 PM

She had been one of the last to leave Tortuga. Taurig had called and they had all left, making their way to their new home on the island. She had hung back, sweeping the territory one last time. It would be with heavy steps that she would cross the fading border. It was her mothers final resting place, the place of her birth and childhood. With a sigh, the ebony dame would turn, preparing to follow her pack to the island.

A familiar call lifted her skull, audits twitching fanatically to pinpoint the source. Rune. Relief and excitement shot through her. She had been worried about her brother since the war, she hadn't known where he had gone, if he was alright. But now he was close. Picking up an easy lope, the dame would race towards the call, snow sticking to her dark pelt.

She would slow when she reached the springs, emerald pools searching for the gray form of her brother. A smile would part her lips, the woman trotting up to her brother. "Rune!" She would spring forward, launching a playful attack on her brother. So much had changed since she last saw him.

There was no doubt that she was still haunted by the demons of her past, but she had made a home, found a purpose. Slowly she was beginning to patch things up. The war, and attack on her Re had knocked her down a bit, but she had picked herself back up, brushing herself off again. Dark plume wagged furiously, shaking her frame, she would bury her face in her brothers neck. Nostrils flared, taking in the scent of an unfamiliar woman, her scent clung to his pelt as though they spent much of their time together. She would pull back, glaring teasingly at her brother, "Who is she?"


Rune I


5 Years
12-20-2013, 02:40 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The thick air made it near impossible for the grey wolf to identify the scent of his sister - or any scent for that matter - and so he relied more heavily upon his sight and hearing, eyes and ears alert and scanning for the familiar shape of the girl and hoping to see her soon. He counted himself lucky that she had been so close when he called and heard her approaching on swift paws just before he spotted her through the misty air. He was smiling before she even came fully into sight, tail wagging already in greeting as she loped over to him.

He received her play attack much the same way he had done as a child, still rather serious and somewhat awkwardly, though not once did his smile falter. He was incredibly happy to note that she looked better than he had last seen her; she had put on weight and her fur had seemed to regained some of its natural shine. She looked less like the sickly, haggard thing he remembered and much more like her old self. He had detected it at their close contact, the scent of a pack and remnants of the forested mountain that they had once called home, but he tried not to let himself become distracted by it or by what it meant. Surely Maia would explain.

But only after he explained himself.

He drew back from returning her nuzzle when she did, unable to stop the telling grin from spreading across his face when she noted his altered scent and questioned him directly about it. Much like their mother, Maia was sharp; he had known she would be keen on recognizing the difference. "Alamea," Rune answered simply and with pride. "She's a Valhallan, one of their hunters. We're starting a family together." It surprised him even to say it, despite being well aware that it was true. And even more surprising to realize then and there that Maia would be an aunt. He gave a moment of pause, quietly and intently gauging her reaction before he made himself continue.

"I'm going to stay with her, in Valhalla. I wanted you to know so you'd know where to find me later." He did not know whether the news would be surprising to his sister; perhaps it would make complete sense to her. But he was glad of every word he said. He would have a home, he would have a family, and finally a stable place that his sibling could find him at rather than chancing finding him out in the unclaimed lands that the rogues frequented. He was unsure whether she had ever known about his old plans to reclaim Tortuga, or what it meant that she had smelled somewhat like that home, but his mind was made up. His future belonged to Alamea, and he was here to try and keep Maia in it as well.


12-27-2013, 11:49 PM

A grin split her brothers jaws, giving away any sort of secrets he may have wanted to keep. It was written all over his face that he was in love, completely smitten. She caught the woman's name, immediately wanting to meet the mysterious woman. We're starting a family. Jaw dropped in surprise, eyes widening slightly. Had she heard that correctly? They had only recently reached maturity, and her little brother was already starting a family. For a moment she felt a pang of jealousy. Desperately she wanted a place to belong.

Her brother continued his explanation, his plan to stay in Valhalla with this mysterious woman. Now she would know where to find her brother, at least one of them would have a stable home. "Thats wonderful!" Her tail wagged behind her, a smile pulling at ebony lips. She was so happy for her little brother. "You know I must meet her."

"I rejoined Tortuga after it was claimed by Taurig, but his father came and blinded and castrated him. Just recently Tortuga was moved to one of islands off the coast, Inu Island." She gave a brief explanation to her brother, she was certain he would want to know what she had been doing with her life. But now so much hung in the balance. Would she join the pack? Things had been in shambled since Taurig was attacked and she didn't want to see her home fall apart.

A sigh slipped from her lips, her gaze momentarily straying from her brother. "So where is this Valhalla so I can come visit since I'll be an aunt." Excitement bubbled in her chest. She would still have a family, her dear brother wouldn't die alone, he'd be happy and have a family, a family to carry on their legacy. But her? She wasn't so sure.


Rune I


5 Years
01-08-2014, 03:50 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Maia was very plainly surprised. Rune could not even attempt to mute or lessen the smile that had taken over his expression, fueled even more by the look his sibling gave him. But though their relationship had never been overly tight knit he could tell she was nothing but excited for him. They were not the type to begrudge each other their happiness, and he was grateful the black-clad girl confirmed this with her excitement. "You need to," he agreed when she spoke of meeting his mate. "I think you'd get along well." And he did believe it. Neither were entirely malicious nor wholly virtuous, and he suspected that their similar tolerances and demeanor might pave the way for them to possibly become friends and further unite his family more.

And very suddenly it was his turn to be surprised as his sister went into explaining what she had been doing after their last visit. He had known of the first taking of Tortuga but not of the second, and unbidden a small flame of his possessiveness regarding his childhood home flared red. Taurig. What sort of a leader could not even stand against his own father and allow himself to fall and be humiliated in such a cruel and imasculating manner? Not only was he upset again to learn more of the farce that his old home was becoming, or that the pack name he had always associated with the volcanic mountain, but he worried for Maia. How safe could she be with a ruler like this? Did her loyalty run so deep that she would be blinded to the dangers she could be in?

When she asked about Valhalla's location, Rune answered distractedly, still considering the stability of Tortuga. "In the west, along the coast. Keep away from the deserts and you'll find it." And because he still felt responsible for her, wanted to keep her safe and protected just as much as he did Alamea or his homeland, he added protectively, "If things get bad at that island you're staying on, come find me. I'll vouch for you. And I'm sure Alamea would too, if she met you. Don't stay there if it's not safe."


01-08-2014, 06:17 PM

Her brother listened, his happiness slowly ebbing from his features as she spoke of what had happened to Tortuga. It was a familiar look, one that said that he was concerned for her safety, and she couldn't help but let a small smile tug at her lips. While they had never been a close bunch, it was always nice to know that they still cared for each other and their wellbeing. Valhallas location was given and she would pack it away for safe keeping, she did not want to lose the only family member she had left.

It surprised her when he offered her to join him, to have a place to call home. For a moment she remained silent. "I might, Tortuga is not what it was, and Taurig can barely protect himself, I feel the pack falling apart." She looked to her brother, a touch a sadness darkening her eyes. She wanted a family again, she wanted a place to belong, she wanted someone to love and to be loved by. She was tired and constant change and heartache that world seemed determined to give her.

ooc- short post :(, rune should convince her to go to valhalla though


Rune I


5 Years
01-09-2014, 02:22 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her silence told him that she was at least considering what he said and giving it some thought. That was good. She had lost herself there for a while after the death of their mother; she had never mentioned it directly but it had been obvious enough just in her appearance and her manner. Now he could see the improvement, the fitness of her frame returning, the luster to her coat, the brightness in her green eyes. The last thing he wanted was to come across her again, alone and practically broken, barely surviving and with no one to lean on. He would have much rather had her attempt the same transition into a different pack with him than find her like that another time.

Even she admitted to there being soundness to his worry. Hearing it from her mouth, knowing she agreed and hearing that seed of doubt within her voice, he tried to gently push his offer, hoping she would not grow tired of his worrying or dismiss his claims. "Without a leader you can count on to defend you, I bet there's plenty of others thinking the same. You'll put yourself in danger staying with someone who can't protect you." Not that he knew too much about the leader of Valhalla, but she had managed to bring her pack safely through a war. That at least counted for something. "Promise me you'll come find us? At least to visit? You don't have to decide anything, but at least come see the place."


01-10-2014, 11:38 AM

She could tell that her brother was trying to convince to join him, to leave behind a life of uncertainty. She would lean forward, bumping her nose into his shoulder to end his speech of worry. He had always been the one to worry enough for the both of them. Promise me you'll come find us? He brothers please would not be ignored. "I promise." She spoke with a smile, appreciating her brothers concern for her well being. "How could I not come and visit? I apparently have nieces and nephews that I will have to meet."

For that she couldn't wait. Her family was growing once more, her brother thriving. They were not as lost as they once ere after they mothers death and fathers disappearance. Slowly the pieces were being picked up and put back together. "When are they due?" She would have to plan to the pack after there were born, and she wanted there to at least be a rough idea so no one was caught off guard by her appearance.
